Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-20-1990 The BG News April 20, 1990 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 20, 1990" (1990). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5076. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5076 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ARTS IN APRIL BG NETTERS VICTORIOUS International and ethnic Falcons prevail 6-3 artworks presented Friday Mag ^ over tough Wooster club Sports The Nation *s Best College Newspaper Friday Weather Vol.72 Issue 116 April 20,1990 Bowling Green, Ohio High 67* The BG News Low 49° BRIEFLY Hostage release postponed Erosion In Damascus. Syrian Foreign Minis- by Rodeina Kenaan "The United States ter Farouk al-Sharaa said his govern- Associated Press writer ment has "been exerting a great deal of of ozone CAMPUS does not knuckle under influence" to secure the hostage BEIRUT, Lebanon — Pro-Iranian to demands." release by Sunday. He would not elab- Beta rescheduled: The 27th kidnappers said Thursday they post- -George Bush, orate. layers annual Beta 500 race has been poned indefinitely the release of an President Bush said the United rescheduled for this Sunday at noon. American hostage because the United CJ.S. President States has "been disappointed before" The race, sponsored by the Beta States refused to send a senior State by dashed hopes for the release of Theta Pi fraternity, was cancelled Department official to Syria. American hostages and repeated that furthers last weekend due to rain. Jeff Miller, The Islamic Jihad for the Liberation thousands of Soviet Jewish emigrants he will not meet the demands of kid- Beta 500 chairman, said the rain of Palestine in a lengthy statement re- to Israel. Much of the 500-word com- nappers. SOCORRO, N.M. — A new study caused the track to be unsafe and peated its demand that John Kelly, munique was devoted to the rise in Je- "The United States does not knuckle suggests a steaming Antarctic volcano dangerous to ride on and there was U.S. assistant secretary of state for wish emigrants, who Arab leaders say under to demands," said Bush when — not just man-made chemicals — too much of a risk of an injury. Near Eastern affairs, fly to Damascus. could strengthen Israel and displace asked why he did not dispatch Kelly to may play a role in opening an ominous All proceeds from the event will be It also renewed threats to attack jet- Palestinians from the occupied terri- Damascus. hole in the earth's protective ozone donated to the Ohio Cancer Research liners and airports used to transport tories. layer. Associates. Philip Kyle, a New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology geologist, found Mount Erebus is pumping sky- BG basin ward large amounts of chlorine and STATE fluorine, natural elements found in man-made chlorofluorocarbons. Base waste: No one knows how filters out These chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) much radioactive material is buried deplete the ozone, which protects the on U.S. military bases, Ohio Sen. John earth against the sun's deadly ultra- Glenn said Thursday as he released violet radiation. an investigative report that raised particles more questions than it answered. "None of the three services has a by Wynne Everett complete grip on what type and how city writer much low-level radioactive waste it has generated," said Glenn, who Bowling Green's water problems made public a report prepared at his may be almost over. request by the General Accounting After three months of operation, Office. the city's new reservoir is more Glenn said he wanted the auditors successful than anticipated at fil- to decide how much it will cost the tering dangerous particles from military to clean up its waste but they water, according to the city utili- didn't have enough information to ties director. even attempt an estimate. All they "We're very pleased with the way it's working so far," Daryll could say with certainty was that the Stockburgersaid. "All I'm saying is we have an impor- cost of disposing of the waste is going tant natural source of chlorine and flu- to skyrocket. Nitrates and suspended matter have been reduced in Bowling orine, and we know these chemicals Green water since the pre- destroy ozone," he said. "We don't Chemical decrease: Toxic treatment reservoir was put into know how much of the (volcano's) chemical releases declined in Ohio action in January, he said. emissions make it into the atmosphere, after companies were required to The reservoir serves as a holding but they certainly could be a potential reveal what they put into the air, basin for water from the Maumee contributor to the ozone hole." water and soil, the U.S. River. Water taken directly from The hole is a seasonal depletion of Environmental Protection Agency the river with high turbidity and ni- about 50 percent of ozone high over said Thursday. trate levels can now be "blended" Antarctica across an area as big as the The pollution disclosures were first with low-level water stored in the United States. Its opening and closing required in 1987. At the time, many reservoir to reduce levels of dan- is related to polar weather conditions. companies said they were unaware of gerous matter, Stockburger ex- Most atmospheric scientists think their totals before the government plained. CFCs cause the ozone hole, but the forced them to take a pollution The new reservoir at the water causes of its annual fluctuations still inventory. treatment plant north of Bowling mystify them. Nationwide, the pollution emitted Green near Waterville has kept the Chuck Stearns, a University of Wis- from 19,762 industrial plants was 9 amount of nitrates and turbidity consin meteorologist who studies Ant- percent less than a year earlier, but even lower than expected, he said. arctica's weather, is convinced there is the EPA said the decline may be a Turbidity refers to the amount of a connection between the hole and the result of better record keeping. suspended matter in the water. 12,500-foot volcano. When turbidity is high, coagulants "I think it's the sole contributor" to such as iron salt must be added to the ozone hole, he said. "The CFCs ob- WORLD the water to precipitate the matter served at the South Pole are in very and remove ft. small quantities when compared with "Coagulants make the little par- the chlorine put out by that volcano." Gas cutoff: The Kremlin ticles stick togther and settle out," The volcanic link is flatly dismissed tightened its economic squeeze Stockburger said. "But the reser- by Mario Molina, an atmospheric Thursday on Lithuania by shutting off voir has decreased our chemical chemist at the Massachusetts Institute more than 80 percent of the Baltic demand. We can use less chemi- of Technology who was among the republic's gas supply following a cals to remove the particles." scientists discovering the link between complete cutoff of oil the previous High nitrate levels are danger- I CFCs and ozone destruction. night. ous for infants and elderly people He said massive volcanic eruptions The independence-minded republic because they have low acidity in can puncture the layer, which hap- Bromptly ordered that the first to lose their digestive tracts. Nitrates can pened during the 1982 eruption of El leir energy supplies will be Soviet inhibit the flow of oxygen through Chichon in Mexico. Researchers re- military bases and factories run by their systems. ported last year that ozone fell to re- Moscow, according to the Shoeless Spike BG News/Greg Horvalb cord lows in the tropics after the erup- parliament's press office. "The reservoir is working even tion. better than we anticipated," Molina believes the slowly rising Subway scents: Like Tim Shonk. right, defends against an attempted spike by shoeless Tom Shaefer, Stockburger told City Council gases from Erebus disperse quickly in wayward husbands wooing angry left. The two students took advantage of Thursday's warm weather to participate in Monday. "The levels of nitrates Antarctica's winds and have almost no wives, London transport officials a friendly game of volleyball In front of Conklin Hall. and other matter have been signif- chance of reaching the stratospheric Thursday offered perfume to icantly lowered." ozone. passengers fed up with the historic stench of the London Underground. The pilot project will scent subway cars on the busy East London line that New BG News editor named carries 6 million people each year Vt. ecology Barbara A. Weadock was named between Whitechapel and New Cross porter and copy editor. editor of The BG News Thursday She is also a journalism assistant Gate, under the Thames River and by the Board of Student Pub- in the concert office of the College through 6.1 miles of dank tunnels lications. of Musical Arts. nearly 150 years old. ranked best A junior news-editorial journal- A 1967 graduate of Memorial Like potpourri sachets buried in a ism major, Weadock was the High School in St. Marys, O., she is lingerie drawer, small paper packets (USA Today-CIN) — New England - led by summer editor for the campus the daughter of Gene and Carol of fragrance have been hidden behind Vermont — has the nation's healthiest environ- newspaper last summer.
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