SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION FORM 13F-HR Initial quarterly Form 13F holdings report filed by institutional managers Filing Date: 2021-08-16 | Period of Report: 2021-06-30 SEC Accession No. 0001623632-21-000931 (HTML Version on secdatabase.com) FILER FEDERATED HERMES, INC. Mailing Address Business Address 1001 LIBERTY AVENUE 1001 LIBERTY AVENUE CIK:1056288| IRS No.: 251111467 | State of Incorp.:PA | Fiscal Year End: 1231 PITTSBURGH PA 15222 PITTSBURGH PA 15222 Type: 13F-HR | Act: 34 | File No.: 028-04375 | Film No.: 211174955 4122881900 SIC: 6282 Investment advice Copyright © 2021 www.secdatabase.com. All Rights Reserved. Please Consider the Environment Before Printing This Document OMB APPROVAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE OMB Number: 3235-0006 COMMISSION Expires: July 31, 2015 Washington, D.C. 20549 Estimated average burden hours per response: 23.8 FORM 13F FORM 13F COVER PAGE Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 06-30-2021 Check here if Amendment: ☐ Amendment Number: This Amendment (Check only one.): ☐ is a restatement. ☐ adds new holdings entries. Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report: Name: FEDERATED HERMES, INC. Address: 1001 LIBERTY AVENUE Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Form 13F File Number: 028-04375 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager: Name: Megan Dolan Title: Senior Investment Management Compliance Officer Phone: 412-288-6518 Signature, Place, and Date of Signing: /s/Megan Dolan Pittsburgh, PENNSYLVANIA 08-16-2021 [Signature] [City, State] [Date] Report Type (Check only one.): ☒ 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) ☐ 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) ☐ 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) Form 13F Summary Page Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: 7 Form 13F Information table Entry Total: 3859 Form 13F Information table Value Total: 53671212 (thousands) Confidential information has been omitted from the public Form 13F report and filed separately with the Commission. List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. [If there are no entries in this list, state "NONE" and omit the column headings and list entries.] No. Form 13F File Number Name CIK 01 028-01454 FEDERATED INVESTMENT COUNSELING 0000819684 02 028-04377 FEDERATED INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO 0001086433 Copyright © 2021 www.secdatabase.com. All Rights Reserved. Please Consider the Environment Before Printing This Document No. Form 13F File Number Name CIK 08 028-10899 FEDERATED ADVISORY SERVICES CO 0001279010 09 028-10900 FEDERATED EQUITY MANAGEMENT CO OF PENNSYLVANIA 0001279012 21 028-04379 FEDERATED GLOBAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CORP 0001086431 22 028-06902 FEDERATED MDTA LLC 0001056508 23 028-10437 HERMES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LTD 0001013143 Copyright © 2021 www.secdatabase.com. All Rights Reserved. Please Consider the Environment Before Printing This Document OMB APPROVAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OMB Number: 3235-0006 Washington, D.C. 20549 Expires: July 31, 2015 Estimated average burden FORM 13F hours per response: 23.8 FORM 13F INFORMATION TABLE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 VALUE SHRS OR SH/ PUT/ INVESTMENT OTHER VOTING AUTHORITY NAME OF ISSUER TITLE OF CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DISCRETION MANAGER SOLE SHARED NONE AAR CORP COM 000361105 4 92 SH DFND 22 92 0 0 ABCAM PLC ADS 000380204 6,992 367,223 SH DFND 21 367,223 0 0 ACCO BRANDS CORP COM 00081T108 1,377 159,504 SH DFND 22 51,482 0 108,022 ABM INDS INC COM 000957100 112 2,516 SH DFND 01 2,516 0 0 ABM INDS INC COM 000957100 794 17,908 SH DFND 09 17,908 0 0 ABM INDS INC COM 000957100 6 127 SH DFND 21 127 0 0 AFLAC INC COM 001055102 433 8,073 SH DFND 09 8,073 0 0 AFLAC INC COM 001055102 46 850 SH DFND 22 850 0 0 AGCO CORP COM 001084102 1,818 13,944 SH DFND 09 13,944 0 0 AGCO CORP COM 001084102 24,781 190,065 SH DFND 22 188,559 0 1,506 AGCO CORP COM 001084102 2,074 15,905 SH DFND 23 15,905 0 0 AFC GAMMA INC COM 00109K105 14,455 700,000 SH DFND 21 700,000 0 0 AGNC INVT CORP COM 00123Q104 404 23,934 SH DFND 09 23,934 0 0 AES CORP COM 00130H105 737 28,274 SH DFND 09 28,274 0 0 AES CORP UNIT 99/99/9999 00130H204 4,877 45,336 SH DFND 09 45,336 0 0 AMC NETWORKS INC CL A 00164V103 16,127 241,425 SH DFND 22 188,027 0 53,398 AMN HEALTHCARE SVCS INC COM 001744101 7 75 SH DFND 01 75 0 0 AMN HEALTHCARE SVCS INC COM 001744101 132 1,357 SH DFND 21 1,357 0 0 AMN HEALTHCARE SVCS INC COM 001744101 19 201 SH DFND 22 7 0 194 AMN HEALTHCARE SVCS INC COM 001744101 119,784 1,235,143 SH DFND 23 1,235,143 0 0 A-MARK PRECIOUS METALS INC COM 00181T107 17,717 381,000 SH DFND 21 381,000 0 0 A-MARK PRECIOUS METALS INC COM 00181T107 4 89 SH DFND 22 89 0 0 ANI PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 00182C103 9,204 262,585 SH DFND 22 255,019 0 7,566 ASGN INC COM 00191U102 932 9,614 SH DFND 09 9,614 0 0 AT&T INC COM 00206R102 75,275 2,615,539 SH DFND 01 2,122,474 0 493,065 AT&T INC COM 00206R102 175,273 6,090,106 SH DFND 09 6,090,106 0 0 AT&T INC COM 00206R102 16,500 573,330 SH DFND 22 569,526 0 3,804 ATYR PHARMA INC COM NEW 002120202 7,881 1,615,000 SH DFND 21 1,615,000 0 0 A10 NETWORKS INC COM 002121101 76 6,766 SH DFND 21 6,766 0 0 A10 NETWORKS INC COM 002121101 8 722 SH DFND 22 722 0 0 ASE TECHNOLOGY HLDG CO LTD SPONSORED ADS 00215W100 164 20,381 SH DFND 23 20,381 0 0 AZZ INC COM 002474104 16 302 SH DFND 21 302 0 0 THE AARONS COMPANY INC COM 00258W108 40 1,253 SH DFND 21 1,253 0 0 THE AARONS COMPANY INC COM 00258W108 278 8,698 SH DFND 22 8,698 0 0 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 76 656 SH DFND 01 610 0 46 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 6,914 59,640 SH DFND 09 59,640 0 0 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 47,362 408,541 SH DFND 21 408,541 0 0 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 1,210 10,441 SH DFND 22 10,400 0 41 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 108,613 936,884 SH DFND 23 936,884 0 0 ABBVIE INC COM 00287Y109 185,344 1,645,453 SH DFND 01 1,323,436 0 322,017 ABBVIE INC COM 00287Y109 352,950 3,133,434 SH DFND 09 3,133,434 0 0 ABBVIE INC COM 00287Y109 649 5,761 SH DFND 21 5,693 0 68 ABBVIE INC COM 00287Y109 29,993 266,269 SH DFND 22 193,784 0 72,485 ABCELLERA BIOLOGICS INC COM 00288U106 8,712 396,000 SH DFND 23 396,000 0 0 ABERCROMBIE & FITCH CO CL A 002896207 11,755 253,177 SH DFND 22 216,553 0 36,624 ABIOMED INC COM 003654100 4 14 SH DFND 01 14 0 0 ABIOMED INC COM 003654100 19,508 62,505 SH DFND 23 62,505 0 0 ACADEMY SPORTS & OUTDOORS IN COM 00402L107 52,283 1,267,776 SH DFND 21 1,267,776 0 0 ACADEMY SPORTS & OUTDOORS IN COM 00402L107 11,620 281,761 SH DFND 22 260,980 0 20,781 ACADIA HEALTHCARE COMPANY IN COM 00404A109 1,283 20,441 SH DFND 09 20,441 0 0 ACADIA RLTY TR COM SH BEN INT 004239109 492 22,400 SH DFND 22 22,400 0 0 Copyright © 2021 www.secdatabase.com. All Rights Reserved. Please Consider the Environment Before Printing This Document ACCURAY INC COM 004397105 3 589 SH DFND 22 589 0 0 ACI WORLDWIDE INC COM 004498101 1,040 28,007 SH DFND 09 28,007 0 0 ACI WORLDWIDE INC COM 004498101 96 2,585 SH DFND 21 2,585 0 0 ACME UTD CORP COM 004816104 2 38 SH DFND 22 38 0 0 ACORDA THERAPEUTICS INC COM NEW 00484M601 500 104,816 SH DFND 22 104,816 0 0 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC COM 00507V109 28 295 SH DFND 01 276 0 19 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC COM 00507V109 581 6,087 SH DFND 09 6,087 0 0 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC COM 00507V109 43,042 450,983 SH DFND 21 450,983 0 0 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC COM 00507V109 26,945 282,328 SH DFND 22 209,235 0 73,093 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC COM 00507V109 78,954 827,265 SH DFND 23 827,265 0 0 ACUITY BRANDS INC COM 00508Y102 1,218 6,512 SH DFND 09 6,512 0 0 ACUITY BRANDS INC COM 00508Y102 2,030 10,852 SH DFND 22 690 0 10,162 ADAPTHEALTH CORP COM CL A 00653Q102 301 10,981 SH DFND 01 10,981 0 0 ADAPTHEALTH CORP COM CL A 00653Q102 2,215 80,814 SH DFND 09 80,814 0 0 ADAPTHEALTH CORP COM CL A 00653Q102 71 2,597 SH DFND 21 2,597 0 0 ADDUS HOMECARE CORP COM 006739106 45 513 SH DFND 21 513 0 0 ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED COM 00724F101 104 178 SH DFND 01 169 0 9 ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED COM 00724F101 2,371 4,049 SH DFND 09 4,049 0 0 ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED COM 00724F101 40,626 69,371 SH DFND 21 69,371 0 0 ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED COM 00724F101 16,028 27,369 SH DFND 22 17,183 0 10,186 ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED COM 00724F101 2,908 4,965 SH DFND 23 4,965 0 0 ADTALEM GLOBAL ED INC COM 00737L103 375 10,519 SH DFND 09 10,519 0 0 ADTALEM GLOBAL ED INC COM 00737L103 32 884 SH DFND 21 884 0 0 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC COM 00751Y106 94 456 SH DFND 09 456 0 0 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC COM 00751Y106 14,160 69,028 SH DFND 22 69,023 0 5 AECOM COM 00766T100 1,891 29,860 SH DFND 09 29,860 0 0 ADVANSIX INC COM 00773T101 25 844 SH DFND 21 844 0 0 ADVERUM BIOTECHNOLOGIES INC COM 00773U108 2 442 SH DFND 22 442 0 0 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC COM 007903107 74 792 SH DFND 01 737 0 55 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC COM
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