HELPING YOU GROW Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 OUR VISION We create results for our customers by being a sustainable and innovative world-class supplier of a broad range of quality crop protectionCorporate products. Value creation Social shall match the best among peer companies to the benefit of all stakeholders. Responsibility Report 2012 Contents Introduction 3 More plant protection, less chemistry, fewer resources 23 About the report 4 CSR activities in India 24 Fulfilling CSR targets for 2012 5 Successful launch of a new banana CSR targets for 2013 and beyond 7 project in Brazil 27 Cheminova’s business activities 8 Production 29 Plant protection 9 Human Resources 32 Product stewardship 10 Strategy and action plan 35 New requirements for registration of CSR strategy 36 plant protection products in EU 12 Action plan 38 Anti-counterfeit initiatives in Russia and CIS countries 14 More information 40 Portrait of Headland’s production unit 16 Management statement 41 Global formulation development and support 18 Assurance statement 42 Supplier management – Strengthening the UN Global Compact 43 technical competence globally 20 GRI reporting 2012 45 Openness and dialogue 21 Special references 49 Chemistry with Care 22 Glossary 50 Date of issue: March 15, 2013. The report is a translation of the Danish original edition Contact: Lars-Erik Kruse Pedersen ([email protected]) 2 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 Introduction ”Social responsibility is integrated into the daily operations and supports the suc- cessful development of the company. We believe improvements can be achieved if we set ambitious goals and measure the results. Therefore, we have now formu- lated a CSR strategy and defined new targets to ensure that Cheminova’s mis- sion on an ongoing basis is translated into increased food production through more plant protection, less chemistry and fewer resources.” Kurt Pedersen Kaalund The starting point for the CSR activities is Under the headline ’Helping you Grow - implementation of the principles of UN’s our mission to contribute to the world’s Chemistry with Care’ we have now estab- Global Compact, and thereby also Chemi- food supply, and many important goals lished new goals for our efforts and de- nova’s contribution to UN’s objective on have been achieved. As the first company veloped indices for measurement of the eradication of hunger and poverty, which in our business we have completed a results we have achieved. Through our is a chief aim in the UN millennium goals. phase-out of the most toxic products, product portfolio we will help to increase We report according to GRI level B and the so-called WHO class I products, in de- food supply, reduce exposure to chemical the rules laid down in the Danish finan- veloping countries. Product stewardship products and use fewer resources to ma- cial statements act. activities and village projects in India and nufacture the products. In short: More Brazil have subsequently been in focus. plant protection, less chemistry, fewer Also in 2012, our many stakeholders have Energy optimization, improvements with resources. shown great interest in our work with respect to environment, safety and qual- CSR and the dilemmas and challenges as- ity at our production plants, supplier man- The indices we have developed and which sociated with it. The dialogue has given agement and approval of products have are described in the report allow us to us valuable input and inspiration for the been other important focus areas. measure the results we have achieved, work also with these activities. and in the CSR Report for 2013 and on- The good results have been achieved wards we will be able to visualize the pro- It is a wish from my colleagues and myself through the efforts of my many col- gress made. We believe that ambitious that the report will be well received, and leagues in their everyday business and goals and measuring of the results will that it will form the basis of a continued through a good understanding of the result in increased awareness through- positive dialogue about CSR. company mission and values. We are out the organization and further improve- constantly working to ensure this intern- ment of the results. Kurt Pedersen Kaalund al understanding and support, so the President & CEO values are practiced. With many mile- The CSR Report for 2012 in full consti- Cheminova A/S stones reached and good results achiev- tutes the annual reporting, which is re- ed the time has come to challenge each quired for members of Global Compact. other with new ambitious goals. The report describes our progress on Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 3 About the report Biomass at the factory in India. See page 30. This report provides a status on Chemi- nova’s work within the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the calendar year 2012 and thereby fulfils the report- ing requirements set out in Section 99a of the Danish Financial Statements Act (Års- regnskabsloven) in accordance with the exception in paragraph 7. The CSR report provides information about Cheminova A/S, all subsidiaries and joint venture companies with an ownership of more than 50%. The target audience of this re- port is employees, the authorities, share- holders, customers and suppliers as well as any individuals and organisations who may have an interest in Cheminova. The inspiration for selecting the specific the world’s food supply. Efficient agricul- It is our intention that the report with issues addressed in the present report ture is one of the prerequisites for achiev- its detailed articles on specific activities is based on input and feedback from ing the UN goal ‘End poverty 2015 – The from 2012 will provide the reader with the stakeholders which have shown an Millennium Development Goals’, which insight and understanding of the scope interest in Cheminova’s CSR activities among other things are about reducing of our CSR work, and how these activities throughout the year. hunger, poverty, child mortality and im- are an integrated part of the day to day proving public health. Nevertheless, Che- business of the company. Content of the report minova faces a number of dilemmas as The report includes facts and short sec- a supplier of products to societies and Global Compact and Global Reporting tions on fulfilment of set targets. Further- countries where the conditions are sig- Initiative (GRI) more, the report contains detailed art- nificantly different from those in Den- The report provides an update on our icles on progress in selected focus areas mark, in particular when it comes to progress under each of the ten principles from 2012 and special initiatives with safety and correct use of the products. As of UN’s Global Compact as well as report- importance to our business area. The a company we have a shared responsibil- ing on GRI indicators at level B. CSR targets and focus areas for 2013 and ity to improve environmental and work- onwards are presented as an overview ing conditions, especially in connection Organisation of the CSR work table and as a detailed action plan for the with our own production in developing Organisationally, the CSR work is rooted individual focus areas. countries, but also through supplier con- in Cheminova’s day-to-day top manage- trol and product stewardship. The CSR ment, the Global Executive Committee Additional information on Cheminova’s report describes how we address such (GEC), with whom the CSR work has been CSR activities including progress on the issues. agreed and who has approved this re- 2012 focus areas and the targets for 2013 port. The focus areas are selected by the is available on our home page www.che- CSR Strategy CSR steering group with the objective of minova.com. Cheminova’s new strategy for future providing an enlightening and systematic work on CSR ’Helping you Grow – Chem- reporting on our CSR activities within a Dilemmas and shared responsibility istry with Care’ is presented in full along number of important areas. It is Cheminova’s mission to contribute to side with the specific action plan for 2013 and onwards. 4 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 Fulfilling CSR targets for 2012 Overview of targets and fulfilment. Fulfilment of the specific areas is described in the paragraphs ”Follow up on targets” in the individual sections of the report. Target Fulfilment Village projects India: Extention of the ’Aakash Ganga’ water conservation project Project expanded with 25 acres (ca 10 hectares) India: Continuation of the project ’Saheli’ on women empowerment Project expanded with further 5 villages on safety, health and livelihood India: Project on specific improvements, which has been accom- Project expanded with the villages Ekalduna and plished in the two villages Pabdara and Ksheersagar, to be expanded Narukheri in further two villages Brazil: Project among small-scale banana farmers in the state of Continued as planned. The possibilities of con- Goias to be continued tinued cooperation with the Ministry of Agricul- ture is examined Brazil: A project on community development and safe and environ- The project which is focused on low environmen- mentally friendly control of plant diseases to be launched among tal impact has been launched small-scale banana farmers in an environmentally sensitive area in the state of São Paulo Helping you Grow – Chemistry with Care With selected years from the period 2000-2010 as baseline, an index An index based on plant protection products pro- will be prepared illustrating the area of farm land where the crops duced by Cheminova has been prepared and thus the food production is protected by Cheminova’s products. The index will be made on the basis of valid data from a relevant basic year With selected years from the period 2000-2010 as baseline, an index An index based on the use of xenobiotic chem- will be prepared illustrating the quantity of Cheminova plant protec- icals in Cheminova’s plant protection products tion products used per area unit.
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