GAMES and PARTS PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1991 ICHARGE I Ordering Information 2 ~ @~ Role-Playing Games 1w; 3 ~ Fantasy and Science Fiction Games I 3 Military Simulations 4 ~J ~ ~ Strategy /Wargames I 5 '® '\ , ~ ~ \ -~·" The General Magazine I 8 tiO Miscellaneous Merchandise lw; 8 XJ Sports Games I 9 w Microcomputer Games 10 ~ General Interest Games w; 11 A Classic Software 11 ~...._Leisure Time I Family Games I 11 JC. Jigsaw Puzzles 12 ~ Classic Games/Parts List I 12 A AVALON CON .. .Your Gaming Convention 15 \,../ August 23-25, Harrisburg , PA ~ How to Compute Shipping 16 Telephone Ordering/Customer Services 16 •For Credit Card Orders in U.S.A. & Canada call TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3222 24 Hours a Day . Numbered clrcle1 represent wergeme complexity rating on 1 scale of 1 to 10: 10 being the moat complex. ---ROLE PLAYING GAMES--- THIS IS a complete listing of all current and discon­ HOW TO COMPUTE SHIPPING: tinued games and their parts listed in group classifica­ See the last page of this booklet. *.&t&LO•lllLL tions. .a lhlded do not Come wl1fl the ~ (}ff" bUI are variants and/or accessories to I IN A RUSH? We can cut the red tape and handle your Discontinued games and parts are listed on the last credit card purchase on a SPECIAL basis, with minimal RUNEOUEST-A Game of Action . Imagination HUMAN/NON-HUMAN ADVENTURE EA . 10.00 ages of this booklet. delay. This IN HOUSE service will cost $3.00 extra and JAMES BOND 007 and Adventure VIKINGS . • . ........ 21 .00 e AVALON HtU: &VICTORY GAMES are av . guarantees that your order will be given priority. Sim­ Books Players , GM, Scenario ROLE-PlA YING ply ask for our "SPECIAL SERVICE". For an even .... 15.00 abll9 wherever gooU Qlmes are sold Plillae check Standard RUNEOUEST . Digest . .......... .. EA. 6.00 faster service, we can send by Priority. These addi­ EA. 6.00 favor store be!Ore orde{ fr Books: Rules, Spells . Adventure Sheets Book . 4.00 tional charges will be added to your charge slip. Ask .EA. 1.00 HOW TO ORDER: Using the enclosed postage-paid 4 multi-sided dice . Mapsheet . ... .. ... · 5.00 BASIC SET ............ ....... .. 14.95 for "SPECIAL SERVICE". (includes Thrilling Locations) Order Envelope, list the specific item(s) and price(s) in 18.00 the spaces provided. If you are ordering an entire ... 29 .95 GOOS OF GLORANTHA BOND ASSAULT GAME ........ ..... 14.95 THE AVALON HILL AND VICTORY GAMES FULL DELUXE RUNEOUEST Books· Cults , Prosopaedia, game, ignore the costs of the parts. If you do not have Books: Players. Magic. Creatures, SPECIAL!\ Buy the JB 007 BASIC SET COLOR CATALOG featuring Strategy Wargames, Science Priest Say . EA . 6.00 an Order Envelope, a blank piece of paper will suffice. Fiction and Fantasy Games , Sports Games, Leisure Time Gamemaster. Game Aids, ....... 4.00 and get any Adventure Module FREEi EA. 6.00 Calendar .... In each case, please add up your order for a total cost Games, and Microcomputer Games. $2.00 Players Notes GAMESMASTER SUPPLEMENTS 5.00 GRIFFIN ISLAND .. 16.DO figure. (Please: no questions should be written on Includes $2.00 coupon towards next game. Intro to Glorantha . VILLAINS .... ... ..... .......... 15.95 EA 1.00 Books . Players. GM , Scenario . .. EA. 6.00 orders to be processed.) All orders are subject to final 8· 20 sided dice . FOR YOUR INFORMATION . 9.95 . 10.00 Mapsheet .. 8.00 sale. No merchandise can be shipped on a C.0 .D. CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? Fantasy Europe Map GAMESMASTER PACK .. • . 8.95 If you are moving in the period for which you expect TROLL GOOS .. 20.00 THRILLING LOCATIONS . 9.95 basis, so you must pay in one of the following ways: RUNEOUEST PLAYERS BOX . 20.00 a) CREDIT CARD: give us your credit card number, delivery of this merchandise, please specify an Glorantha Primary Troll 0 MANUAL . 25.00 Includes Players . Magic & Notes Books, Dice 8.00 expiration date, and name of the cardholder, for alternate mailing address as we may have to delay ship­ Regions Mapsheet . ADVENTURE MODULES ments when items are temporarily out of stock. Troll Cults Book ..... 6.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD, or VISA. RUNEOUEST GAMEMASTERS BOX .. 25 .DO NEW\ SOLITAIRE ADVENTURE MODULE Jonstown Compendium Book 6.00 No other credit cards are accepted. The order Includes Creatures, Intro. to Glorantha Books, ON HER MAJESTY'S WE WILL PHOTOSTAT OUT OF PRINT MAGAZINE What's in this Box Sheet 1.00 envelope provides spaces for you to write in this ARTICLES: Specify issues and page numbers on Game Aids and Mapsheet SECRET SERVICE .... ...•. ... .... 17.95 ... 20.00 information.• separate sheet or order envelope, include $1.00 per TROLL PAK . NEW! ADVENTURE MODULE Mapsheets (2) . 8.00 b) TOLL FREE PHONE: Normal Operating Hours: page - $5 .00 minimum per photostatic order. Postage RUNEOUEST SUPPLEMENTS & MODULES FOR YOUR EYES ONLY ............. 6.95 Books #1,2,3 EA. 6.00 M-F 8:30 AM·S:OO PM; Sat. 10:00 AM·2:00 PM rates apply. "The Avalon Hill General and Company In­ .. EA . 2.00 DR. NO .. .. ................. · · 8.95 ... 13.95 Menu Card/SM Log . (EST). The Avalon Hill Game Company will accept dex " will assist you in finding out what has been avail­ l\~~UGHTERS OF DARKNESS . EA. 3.00 GOLDFINGER .... .... .... ... ... · 7.95 t0.00 Troll Character Pad .. charges against the above three credit cards on able in the past. Please see page 8. Rules . GOLDFINGER II: THE MAN 8.00 ELDER SECRETS .... ........... 20.00 a phone-in order. This call is FREE. In U.S.A. & Mapsheet ... WITH THE MIDAS TOUCH .......... 7.95 POSTAGE COUPONS: Subscribers to The General One 18 x 20 Mapsheet .. .. 6.00 Canada call: 1·800·999-3222, Operator #1 . This LIVE AND LET DIE ... 8.95 receive FREE in each issue a postage coupon good One 52 -page Secrets Book .. 6.00 TOLL FREE number is provided for your credit GLORANTHA . 24.00 THE MAN WITH THE One 124-page Elder Races Book . 10.00 card purchases only.• We are sorry, but our oper­ for $1 .00 toward the postage required with every mail Books: Genertela . Players, GOLDEN GUN .. 7.95 ators cannot supply you with other information. For order for game purchases only. Glorantha . ... EA . 6.00 HAUNTED RUINS . .. .. 10.00 OCTOPUSSY .•........ 7.95 8.00 your convenience an answering machine is avail­ THE ELITE CLUB: Members earn 10% discount FOR Mapsheet ELOARAD: THE LOST CITY ..... 16.95 A VIEW TO A KILL .. .... ... 7.95 . 10.00 7.95 able to take your orders before and after working LIFE on mail order purchases of any of The Avalon Hill TROLL REALMS . Books (Adventure, City, Map) . EA . 6.00 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE ... ......... RUNEOUEST CITIES 11 .00 hours. There is a $7.50 minimum for phone orders. Game Company's, Victory Games or Microcomputer Mapsheet ... 8.00 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE II/ GLDRANTHAN BESTIARY 9.00 7.95 c) PAYMENT and SHIPPING INFORMATION: Pay­ Aid Card . 1.00 BACK OF BEYOND . .. Games products. Includes games, play-by-mail equip­ APPLE LANE . 10.00 ment must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Overwrap . 3.00 007 ACTION EPISODES ment, magazines, parts ... you get a 10% discount SNAKEPIPE HOLLOW ... 11 .00 Please send us a check, money order or credit card on everything we sell! (Complete game \or children) authorization plus the applicable postage and . 16.00 Coming Soon: NEW AND OUTRAGEOUS ROLE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN .. 7.95 YOU BECOME A MEMBER BY making a one-time MONSTER COLISEUM ... PLAYING GAME: handling as indicated on the enclosed order form Books· Monster. Coliseum EA . 6.00 $120 minimum purchase by mail. (Store purchases do TALES FROM THE FLOATING VAGABOND and the last page of this booklet. Player Aid Set (Game Sheets Bk., HEROES magazine Back Issues ..... EA . 3.00 for dt11M1I FILL OUT ORDER ENVELOPE: Be sure to include not qualify.) Be sure to enclose a check or money-order Tracks, Rangestlck , Map) 6 00 C.11 your name and shipping address, including apartment plus postage (see Page 16) (or postage coupons you number and zip code in all appropriate places. Use an get as a subscriber to THE GENERAL). We are not indelible ball-point pen. responsible for cash lost in transit. - FANTASY and SCIENCE FICTION GAMES- EA. 4.00 Counters A,B.C,D . ...... EA. 4.00 HOW WE SHIP: We normally ship within 4-7 days of Counters A&B .. .. WHAT YOU GET: when you receive your $120 order, 5.00 Rules 5.00 receipt of your order, however this will vary depending you will receive an ELITE CLUB Coupon Ticket which *AVALON BILL Rules . .. Chit/Table Card 1.00 upon the time and season of the year. United Parcel allows you , for life, to make an annual one-time pur­ MAGIC REALM (g) . 25.00 Service (UPS) will be used whenever possible, so be ALPHA OMEGA © 25.00 chase of as many products as desired by mail. This 10.00 Boards: Specify EJr.'F1bulou1 , Mapboard .. Myrild, WHch . .. EA. 4.00 sure someone is home to sign for your package, other­ Coupon Ticket gives you 10% off on the cost of the 5.00 wise request your order by Parcel Post (PP). Third Class Rules 2nd Edition Major Counters .. 4.00 entire purchase. (Elite Club discount purchases are Counters· Mail is used on all packages less than one pound. APO, Minor Counters 4.00 good only on mall order purchases.) Identification . ..... 4.00 2.00 FPO, and P.O. Box Addresses will be sent by Parcel 4.00 Treasure Spell Cards .
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