Historic Preservation Commission Thursday, February 11, 2021 7:00 PM Village Boardroom 24401 W. Lockport Street Plainfield, IL 60544 Agenda CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Approval of the Minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission held on December 10, 2020. 12-10-2020 HPC Minutes.pdf CHAIR'S COMMENTS COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minutes per topic) Please email public comments to [email protected], please note PUBLIC COMMENTS - HPC in the email subject line. Comments must be received by Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. • Village Meetings are livestreamed on the Village’s Website - https://plainfield-il.org/pages/agendasmeetings, click “in progress” when available. • Live meetings are broadcast on Comcast Channel 6 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS CASE NUMBER: 1896-092520.HPC 1 Historic Preservation Commission Page - 2 REQUEST: Landmark Nomination (Public Hearing) LOCATION: 15124 S. Route 59 APPLICANT: John Argoudelis Please email public comments to [email protected], please note PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS - HPC in the email subject line. Comments must be received by Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. 15124 S. Rt 59 Nomination Staff Report and Graphics Packet.pdf Nomination - 15124 S. Route 59.pdf CASE NUMBER: 1911-020421.COA REQUEST: Certificate of Appropriateness LOCATION: 14907 S. Bartlett Ave. APPLICANT: Michelle Kelly 14907 S Bartlett Ave Staff Report and Graphics.pdf DISCUSSION ADJOURN REMINDERS - February 15th - Village Offices Closed February 16th - Plan Commission at 7:00 p.m. March 1st - Village Board at 7:00 p.m. March 11th - Next Historic Preservation Commission at 7:00 p.m. 2 Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: December 10, 2020 Location: Village Hall (Zoom Meeting) CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken: Commissioners Lucas, Barvian, Schmidt, Derrick, Hendricksen, Hagen, Rapp, Olsen (7:10 p.m.) and Chairman Bortel were present. Also, in attendance: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning. Chairman Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Hendricksen made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Rapp. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 8-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Derrick made a motion approve the to the Historic Preservation Commission minutes dated August 13, 2020 as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Rapp. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 8-0. CHAIR’S COMMENTS Chairman Bortel stated the mayor will not be seeking re-election. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS No Comments. PUBLIC COMMENT No Public Comments received via email. OLD BUSINESS No Old Business. NEW BUSINESS 1930-111320.COA.VAR 15326 S. Joliet Rd. Laura Zaidi Mr. Proulx stated the applicant is requesting consideration of a supplemental Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to attain compliance with limited sections of fencing that were installed that deviated from the previously approved COA. Specifically, the sections of the fence along the side lot lines from the front of the house to the front lot line were installed as taller, cedar privacy fence in lieu of the open-style white aluminum fence. The subject property was approved as a local landmark in 2009 and, therefore, the exterior modifications require a COA review. Mr. Proulx reviewed the staff report dated December 8, 2020. Mr. Proulx concluded subject to discussion by the Historic Preservation Commission, staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request. Chairman Bortel swore in Laura Zaidi, applicant. Ms, Zaidi stated they did not intentional violate the COA but they were unaware that the COA was written with the transition from one height to another. Ms. Zaidi indicated that she was not aware that the fence would also be in violation of the Village Zoning Code. Ms. Zaidi stated that bringing the fence into compliance will cost an excess of $7,000.00. 3 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 10, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Commissioner Derrick stated she recalls that the applicant was present at the meeting when the fence design was discussed and added that the commission accommodated the applicant’s need for a fence in the front yard while trying to maintain the visible profile of the property with something that was historically appropriate. Commissioner Derrick asked the applicant if she reviewed the COA before or after she signed. Ms. Zaidi stated she did not but again did not realize that the suggestions from the HPC were included in the COA. Ms. Zaidi indicated that she nor the fencing company were not provided the zoning requirements. Mr. Zaidi stated the additional aluminum fence was not budgeted for and would have been an additional cost for them. Commissioner Olsen asked if the COA had specifics regarding HPC’s recommendations for the fence. Commissioner Derrick stated there is a written description and visual in the Letter of Agreement of what the HPC approved. Commissioner Lucas added the Letter of Agreement reference the marked plat of survey. Chairman Bortel stated the Letter of Agreement was signed by the applicant and they would have received a copy of the signed Letter of Agreement. Commissioner Hendricksen stated the HPC is trying to set a precedent and he cannot understand why the fence company was not aware of the zoning code. Commissioner Olsen asked if the front yard privacy fence is in violation of the zoning code. Commissioner Derrick stated it is and the applicant will need a variance, too. Mr. Proulx stated the section of fencing that is in violation is from the front corner of the house to the sidewalk. Commissioner Barvian recalls that at the HPC meeting it was discussed how the fence would look with different heights in the front of the house. Commissioner Hendricksen stated that this property is a very significant property to Plainfield, the county, and state. Ms. Zaidi explained that the fence was built for the safety of their children. Ms. Zaidi indicated that they did not intentional violate the COA but the change to the existing fence will be significate. Commissioner Olsen indicated that the fencing company should have been aware of the height requirements for the Village. Ms. Zaidi stated that owning a historical home is new to her and her husband and if they knew they were in violation they would have stopped the fencing company from completing the fence. Commissioner Hendricksen asked that they consider giving the owner more time, like 4 years, to bring the fence into compliance. Commissioner Schmidt asked if a permit was issued by the Village for the fence. Mr. Proulx stated the Letter of Agreement is attached to the permit and becomes part of the permit. Commissioner Schmidt asked if during the permit review process if we noticed that the fence was not in compliance. Mr. Proulx stated that the Letter of Agreement is attached to the building permit and stated that he is not aware if the permit has had a final inspection. Commissioner Hendricksen would like to vote on the matter before them. Chairman Bortel asked staff what they feel the Zoning Board of Appeal thoughts will be on the variance. Mr. Proulx indicated that the applicant was givrn a deadline to bring the fence into compliance by a specific date or move forward with another COA and variance. Mr. Proulx stated if the Village Board does not approve both the COA and variance the Village will continue to proceed with Code Enforcement. Mr. Proulx explained what the HPC needs to be taking into consideration this evening. Commissioner Derrick feels that the HPC was very clear during the first COA meeting and she agrees with Commissioner Hendricksen’s comment with letting the applicant have a couple of years to bring the fence into compliance. Commissioner Lucas agrees with allowing a couple of years to bring the fence into compliance. Commissioner Olsen feels that the applicant should be able to work with the fence company to bring the fence into compliance, since the burden should not solely be on the applicant. Ms. Zaidi stated there are several fences in the area that do not meet the zoning requirements. Ms. Zaidi stated they have neighbors who have a messy yard and feels they should be able to have privacy from that. Commissioner Derrick suggested for them to contact Code Enforcement regarding the messy neighbor. 4 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 10, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Commissioner Schmidt stated he is struggling with this because the HPC thoughtfully considered the original COA however he does personal like the current fence as it is. Commissioner Schmidt suggested painting the cedar fence white to help it blend in better. Commissioner Schmidt suggested learning from this and having an HPC member go along with the inspector when there is a COA. Commissioner Hagen added he feels that the existing fence does not look bad as is and it looks better walking down the street then in the photos. Commissioner Olsen asked where the HPC input is required. Commissioner Derrick state it is from the public right-of-way. Commissioner Derrick stated that the applicant is adding something that was not historically there and the HPC discussed their best options for a historic design while taking into consideration that the owner wanted to match the existing fence. Commissioner Derrick indicated the conditions of the COA was discussed at the meeting with the applicant. Commissioner Schmidt explained why he is having a hard time with deciding on his vote. Commission Hendricksen stated he does not want to redesign the fence. Ms. Zaidi asked if there is a way to have this home not be a landmark anymore because they don’t want to have to go through this process when they want to complete work on the home.
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