Colorado reopens 3 a cold case murder from back in 1973 Thursday, January 18, 2007 Saint Francis Herald By Casey McCormick viewed people in five cities A Colorado cold case has re- throughout the United States in opened memories of the 1973 mur- September. He could not discuss der for area evidence they found, saying only r e l a t i v e s . that “it was a lot of small pieces Agnes Burk of of information” that brought the Bird City said indictment forward. she has known Mrs. Frye is survived by six for over a year sisters, Mrs. Burk, Jean Brickell that authorities of Denver, Thelma Phifer of Ft. were investi- Collins, Delores Graff of gating her McCook, and Lucene Krueger sister’s murder and Janice Brown of California. again. Frye She was born, Elizabeth On June 9, Kathrine Orten, in Beardsley in 1973, 45-year-old Elizabeth 1928 and graduated from Girls “Betty” Frye was found blud- Catholic High School in Hays. Af- geoned to death in the garage of ter attending Hays State College her home in Littleton, Colo. she moved to Denver. Herbert Duane Frye, her husband, She married Mr. Frye on April was originally charged with mur- 8, 1949, in Denver. The couple der but charges were dropped due had four children, Janet, Marilyn, to the lack of evidence. Douglas and Gregory. She was KANSAS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT personnel Jim Williams, right, and David Wilson, third from the right, reviewed the However, the 81-year-old Mr. employed at Honeywell and her preliminary assessment of the storm damage in the county. In about a week, the actual applications will be submitted. During that Frye surrendered to Arapahoe husband was an engineer for Mar- time, city and county officials will have a chance to finalize all expenses. Others present (l to r) were Daryl Miller, Bird City city em- County authorities on Tuesday, tin Marietta. ployee; Dave Flemming, road and bridge supervisor; J.R. Landenberger, St. Francis city superintendent; and Gary Rogers, county Jan. 9. He was then freed on Mr. Frye remarried about a year emergency manager. Herald staff photo by Karen Krien $100,000 bail and returned to his after the murder. He and wife Bar- home in Summerfield, Fla. bara continue to live in Florida. He is scheduled to appear in Sheriff Robinson says his in- court at 1:30 p.m. on March 15. vestigators are confident in their Arapahoe County Sheriff case. Grayson Robinson discussed the “We certainly never want to case in a Jan. 10 Rocky Mountain forget the memory of those vic- News article by Ivan Moreno. tims. We are still here to serve the “This is an example of what a victims whether it’s three days, cold case investigation is about,” three weeks, three years, or in this said Sheriff Robinson. case 33 years,” said Sheriff He said investigators from the Robinson in the Rocky Mountain county’s Cold Case Squad inter- News story. A marriage, family conference to be held By Karen Krien hometown and, for the last 25 A marriage and family confer- years, at the Brookhaven Church ence has been set for Feb. 11 in Dallas. through the 14th in the auditorium “My number one priority in life at the St. Francis Community is my relationship with Jesus High School. The conference will Christ, but my number two prior- last for an hour, starting at 7 p.m. ity has always been my family,” each evening. There is no charge. Pastor Meredith said. The conference is a practical, Married for 23 years, he and his common sense approach aimed at wife Carol have two children. THE NATIONAL GUARD came in after the blizzard and dropped hay for the cattle at the Leibbrandt farm. Looks like strengthening even the strongest “I am excited to be with the the cattle at top of the picture appreciated it. marriages and families. people of northwest Kansas and It will be presented by Glenn talk about these two priorities and Meredith of Dallas, who was born passions in my life.” and raised on a farm in Louisiana. Those helping coordinate the Bird City awarded water and sewer funds He graduated with a bachelor of conference would appreciate The city of Bird City has re- other funds. munities to address their develop- portunities, principally for per- business administration degree people letting them know if they ceived a $400,000 grant from the With these grant awards, the ment and infrastructural needs. sons of low and moderate income. from the University of Louisiana, plan to attend. Calls can be made Kansas Department of Commerce Community Development Block The program has a 22-year history More than $106 million in Com- Monroe, then received a master’s to Pastor David Butler, 785-332- for the construction of a non-dis- Grant program will assist 18,440 of helping Kansas communities munity Development Block Grant degree in Biblical studies from 8905 (home) or 785-332-3150 charging wastewater lagoon facil- Kansas residents – 10,170 of enhance their overall quality of funding from 2002-06, resulting Criswell College in Dallas. (church); Pastor Dan Carson, 785- ity. The Kansas Department of whom have low and moderate in- life by providing decent housing in $236 million in matching “I surrendered to preach at the 734-2697 (home) or 785-734- Health and Environment will con- comes. and a suitable living environment funds. age of 18 and have been preach- 2727 (church); or Pastor John tribute $418,925. “We are pleased to award fund- and by expanding economic op- ing for 32 years,” he said. Coumerilh, 785-890-7043 The Kansas Department of ing to these very deserving Kan- He has pastored two churches, (home) or 785-899-5250 Commerce announced that 17 sas communities,” said Ray a small country church in his (church). Kansas communities will share a Hammarlund, the department’s total of $5,652,973 in federally director of Community Develop- I found a quick and painless cure. funded water and sewer grants ment. “These grants allow Com- When I developed hemorrhoids, my doctor recommended Hemcure...the Card through the Small Cities Commu- merce to assist the rural commu- painless, non-surgical treatment method performed by M.D.s. It took only a nity Development Block Grant nities that are so important to the few short visits to the doctor’s office. And since no recuperation was needed, I program. These Kansas commu- livelihood of our state.” could resume my normal activities right away. shower nities will match the Community The Community Development With Hemcure, curing my hemorrhoid problem was simple. Any cost, my Development Block Grant’s con- Block Grant program provides insurance covered it. requested tribution with $14,183,762 in federal funding to Kansas com- Hemorrhoids aren’t the easiest thing to talk about. But listen, if you’ve got hemorrhoids, why suffer? Do as I did and call to find out more. Lea and family, and daughter The Family of Bruce D. Bierig would like to express our appreciation Shelly and family wish to hold a and thanks to Dr. Miller, Nadja Button, Patrick Delano, Dr. Warren of NEXT VISIT card shower to honor Elry Hunt on Colo. Springs, and the Cheyenne Co. Hospital & Clinic Staff for the Saturday, Feb. 3 his 75th birthday on Jan. 20. many hours they have cared for Bruce in his time of needs. & Address good wishes to him at The fast actions of the EMTs is amazing and appreciated. The way Dr. John D. Ferris, M.D. P.O. Box 412, St. Francis, KS this team works together, I cannot praise them enough. Tuesday, Feb. 6 Burlington, Colorado 67756-0412. Thanks to those who telephoned, stopped by the hospital and house 1-800-593-0009 to express their sympathy. Those that brought food, flowers and Hunt memorials ... a big thanks to you also. Group to Morita — you passed the tests with the Oklahoma relatives - they thought the service was special, very fitting for Bruce. The Ladies of the Methodist Church — A very nice lunch, thank you. perform John Knodel — what would our community do without you and Natalie, thanks to you both for your — Announcing — caring words and help. Sunday Take & Bake Fridays You’ll Like Our Rose Mary Bierig; Jeff & Ginny Bierig; Karrie & Selection & Love at Hilltop General Store Our Prices! Western Plains Arts Association Mark Johnston, Emily & Haley and Geoffrey Peter will host Bach, Beatles and Blue- Every Friday we will feature the following specials grass, a performance by the Nash- to make the start of your weekend a little easier. ville Mandolin Ensemble, at 3 p.m. It’ll be Fast & Easy! You just Bake it! Antiques & Household Sunday at the Atwood High School James E. Reeves, DPM $8.00 Special $ 00 auditorium. Admission will be by AUCTION 9. Special Podiatrist/Foot Specialist Banquet Crispy Original Fried Western Plains Arts Association Reconstructive Surgery (2) 14” Mama Rosa’s Pizza season ticket, or at the door. Sat., Jan. 20 • 10:00 a.m. CT Chicken, 8 pc. variety box (pepperoni, combo or deluxe) Foot & Ankle Injuries Sale Site: Bird City Legion Hall - Bird City, Kansas (1) 16 oz. bag Dole Ameri- With an array of mandolins, (1) 16 oz. bag Dole American For appointments call: can Blend Salad or (1) 28 oz. mandola, mandocello, violin, gui- Blend Salad tar and bass, this group offers a Rawlins County Seller: Faye Cooper can Bush’s Original Baked Beans (1) 2 liter bottle Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, unique string ensemble sound. Health Center •Furniture - Collectibles & Antiques •Collectible Mtn.
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