Publishing Association Nampa, Idaho | Oshawa, Ontario, Canada www.pacicpress.com charismatic untried young President— and a bald- headed, shoe- pounding dictator: the two most powerful men in the world were playing a nuclear game of chicken. Which one of them A would push the nuclear button first? American school children everywhere were being led by their teachers in terrifying bomb drills. The world teetered on the edge of nuclear catastrophe. Was this the end of the world as we knew it? The showdown had to do with an island called Cuba, about ninety miles off the Florida coast. How well I remember Kennedy’s ragged voice as he announced to the American people that the United States was quarantining Cuba and warning Russia that it must leave. Little did Jerome Hines, the Metropolitan Opera basso acclaimed as one of the operatic immortals of the twentieth century, know that his greatest performance was only hours way. But he was prepared— because he’d already faced a life- changing showdown between his pride and his God. Had his pride won, chances are he wouldn’t have been in Moscow that fateful evening. 12 A VOICE FOR GOD Jerome Hines t was 3:00 a.m., Moscow time, October against Americans? The ambassador, however, 23, 1962, when President Kennedy had reassuring words, “The Russian people I went on the air to announce the Amer- have not been told about the crisis.” ican quarantine of Cuba. My wife, Lucia, and The rest of the day was tension-filled. Back I were asleep in Moscow’s Metropole Hotel. at the hotel, we packed, made a few phone Two blocks away lights were ablaze in the calls, and then tried to rest. About 3 p.m., I Kremlin. left the hotel for the half hour’s walk I take For me it was the last day of a five-week before each performance. singing tour of the Soviet Union. A final per- As I walked past the Kremlin, past St. Ba- formance of Boris Godunov was booked for sil’s Cathedral, I was thinking about the many that evening at the Bolshoi Theater. occasions in my life when I had needed At breakfast, Bill Jones, a friend and trav- God— but, how the steady flow of His guid- eling companion, told us that he had heard a ance had always been dependent on my obe- rumor about a new crisis between Russia and dience. America. Four hours later we had lunch with Ten years before, in 1952, I had first Foy Kohler, the American ambassador. He learned to listen for His Help. At that time confirmed to us officially that the United there was a great conflict going on in my life. States had established a quarantine of Cuba. On one hand, I did not want God interfering Immediately, we wondered what effect all in my life, upsetting my plans and my desires. this would have on our evening performance On the other, I found myself pulled strongly of Boris. Would there be demonstrations toward Him. 13 My Favorite Life-Changing Stories Meanwhile, it was in this year of 1952 that myself completely from Him. a performance of Boris Godunov was sched- “All right,” I said. “I’ll do what You tell uled by the Metropolitan Opera. More than me. I want You before all else in my life.” anything else I wanted to play the role of Bo- Then came the inner instruction: open the ris. I felt that I was ready for it. The opera Bible and there will be your answer. manager did not agree. We argued, and I When I had checked into the room I no- threatened to quit. ticed a Gideon Bible on top of the dresser. But in the end, I received the role. When Obeying the order, I got out of bed, opened self- doubt took over, however, it became a the Bible, and my eyes fell upon these words: hollow victory. For now that I had won this “Who shall ascend into the hill of the great responsibility, I was obsessed by the fear Lord? . He that hath clean hands, and a of failure. And a failure in this assignment pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul could ruin my career. In desperation I con- unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully” (Psalm ceived an idea for a publicity stunt. Near the 24:3, 4, KJV). end of the opera Boris, dying, plunges down Give up your silly, egocentric publicity scheme the stairs. With this fall I would feign a back and get on with your work. How much clearer injury. can guidance be! “Opera star injured in fall.” I could see the The next morning I began to concentrate headlines. What a boost all this publicity on the score. So absorbed did I become with would be to my career. the character of Boris that I wrote a psycho- That night in a hotel room in New York, I analysis of him which was later published. The wrestled with the still small voice of God in total result was that when I did sing Boris Go- my heart. dunov at the Met [Mr. Hines was the first Is it honest to fake an injury? American- born basso to perform the role of “Honesty hasn’t anything to do with it,” I Boris], newspaper reviews could not have countered. “What would You have me do?” been more generous. Would you be willing to give up the publicity This experience of obedience to God revo- stunt? lutionized not only my career but also my en- “No!” was my instant reaction. tire life. And yet spiritual growth was so often For long agonizing moments I argued blocked by my ego. Time after time I would with myself. Finally, I realized that either I charge ahead on my own steam, only to fall on had to surrender myself to God or separate my face. On each occasion, I would tell myself 14 Prologue once and for all to get out of my own way and On this night I received instructions so let God run my life. clear that I hardly could believe them: Then came the challenge of a lifetime! An The important thing for you to do is obey Me. opportunity to sing Boris Godunov in Russian For the next two months there will be such a cir- with the Bolshoi Opera Company in Mos- cle of protection around you that Satan cannot cow. touch you. Do your task joyfully. Believe always The trip was planned to begin with an Au- and have faith, for I am with you every step of gust, 1962, tour of Argentina and then a flight the way. from Buenos Aires to Moscow. A week before Six days later Lucia and I were on our way Lucia and I were to leave, a revolution threat- to Argentina. By the time we arrived, the situ- ened in Argentina. My agent insisted that we ation had quieted down and all performances cancel the South American part of the tour, went smoothly. Our stay was delightful. but I hesitated to do this. On September 19, we flew out of Buenos We were vacationing at the time near Sea- Aires for Moscow. On the twentieth riots side Park, New Jersey. One moonlit night sev- broke out in Argentina, jets were bombing eral days later I felt impelled to go out for a Buenos Aires, and the airport was closed down walk. It was almost as if God wanted to tell immediately. We had gotten out on one of me something about the trip and could do so the last planes. The timing of all this was so best out under His skies. remarkable that it further strengthened my Now I realize that guidance comes to dif- conviction that I must obey . obey . obey. ferent people in different ways. Some people Lucia and I felt that our trip to Russia in- obtain it through meditation and Bible read- volved much more than the fulfillment of my ing. To others it arrives at odd moments in longtime dream of being the first American- the form of quiet mental nudges. born basso to do Boris in Russian at the Bol- There are times, to be sure, when I want shoi. Here was an opportunity to take a stand direction, but all I can hear are my own for Christ in various ways before the Russian thoughts clamoring for control. Yet I know it people. is not real guidance when I keep asking over How can you do this in an atheistic coun- and over, “Now, God, is this what I am sup- try? We had some definite ideas. But our wit- posed to do?” For if God is trying to tell me ness would not amount to anything unless my something, I feel it so strongly that there is no performance of Boris was effective. doubt. That is why we both were so upset by what 15 My Favorite Life-Changing Stories happened to me when we arrived in Moscow. Later, Lucia and our associates told me I came down with a throat infection three that this was the finest act of Boris I had ever days before my opening performance of Boris performed. at the Bolshoi on Sunday, September 23. The In the weeks that followed, the inflow of Russian doctor said that I could not sing. I energy and help continued. Facing an im- took the pills he gave me and went to bed. possible schedule of twelve performances But the big question was not what the and twelve rehearsals in a thirty-day tour of Russian doctor ordered but what God wanted.
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