278 FOREST HILL. KENT. (KELLY'S Girls' Industrial Home, the foundation stone of which was Primitive Methodi:>t, Stanstead road, Rev. W. Wray, mmi30oti laid June 17th, I8go, by H.R.IJ. Princess Louise, is now ter; u a. m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; tburs. 7.30 p.m (1890) in course of constructio11, at an estimated cost of St. James' Bible Christians, Stanstead road, Rev. J. 0. Keen, £4,00Q ; the building is intended to bold 40 inmates. There D.D. minister; n a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m are also baths here, opened in I885. The area is 837 acres; Wesleyan Methodists, Brockley road, Rev. W. Taylor B.A.... the population in I88I of Christ Church district was 4.367; minister ; n a. m. & 6. 30 p. m. ; tues. 7. 30 p.m St. Saviour's, 5,074 ; St. Augustine's. 1,369. Wesleyan Methodist Mission Hall, HaYelock st. ; 6.30 p.m Verger (Christ church), .Alfred Benn,ett. Wesleyan Mission Hall, Beadnell road; n a.m. &6.3op.~ DISTRICT PosT~ M. 0. & T. 0.,. S. H. & Annuity & Insurance Mission Hall, Ewart road; ro.3o a. m. & 6 30 p.m Office, Dartmouth road.-James C. Chester, receiver. Presbyterian Mission Hall, Ewart road; n a. m. & 6.30 p.~ Letters delivered at 7 & II.30 a.m, & I.45, 4-45, 6.30 & 9 p.m. ; dispatched at 6.2o, 9, 10.5 & 11.25 a.m. & I, ScHOOLS:- 3.10, S·IS, 9 & II.4o p.m.; on sundays one dispatch only, St. Dunstan's College, Catford bridge, was founded in r88~ from funds belonging to the parish authorities of St. Dun­ ~9p.m . PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, stan's-in-the-East, in the city of London, as a school for 103 Dartmouth road.-Roberts Brothers, receivers. Dis­ the education of boys entering upon commercial, technical & professional pursuits : the buildings, designed by Mr. patches at 6.55 & 8.50 a. m. & 12.55t 3, 5· xs, 9 & 11.35 p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m - E. N. Clifton, architect, of Lon,don, in the Domestic Gothic­ style, are large & well·arranged, & comprise schuolrooms PosT. M. 0, & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 1 J47 .Stanstead rpad.-James Price, receiver. Dispatches at dormitories for 6o boarders, masters' residences & --, 6.40, 8.20, 9·45 & u a.m. & 12.40 :;:.45• 9 & I;r.2o chapel; there are also laboratories & workshops fitted with 1 s, the latest appliances, & about I2 acres of land ha\·e bee111 p.m~; sundays1 8 p.m laid out for school games ; the school is intended to holi:l PosT & M. 0. 0.~ S. B. & Annuity & lns!lrance Office, 315 Stanstead road.-Emanuel Millard, receiver. Letters dis­ about 400 boys, over 300 being day scholars, & is con­ patched at 6.30, 8, 9.25 & Io.4o a.m. & 12.20, 2.20 4.45 trolled by a body of governors acting under a smeme­ 1 1 & 8.45 & 11. 10 p.m. ; suudays, 9 p.m approved by the Charity Commissioners; comprising­ PuBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-· · the following gentlemen connected with the parish of St. Forest Hill Provident Dispensary, Perry vale, A. Grayling Dunstan :-Alderman E. J. Gray (Tower wad), Mr. A. · & G. 0. Parnell M.D. medical officers; R. Dodds, hon. sec J. Capel; the Rev. J. L. Ross M.A. rector of St. Dun­ Stamp Office, Post office, J. C. Chester, distributor stan's; Alderman Sir Reginald Hanson bart. (Billingsgate­ West Kent Volunteer Fire Brigade, London road. S. M. ward); Sir Owen Roberts kt.; the Hon. & Rev.Augustug;­ Eddington, superintendent, & 10 men Legge M. A. vicar of Lewisham; the Rev. R. Rhodes Bris~ Forest Hill Public Baths, Dartmouth road, William Henry tow M. A. vicar of St. Stephen's, Lewisham ; & Messrs. R" B. Portal, W. Marten Smith, W. J. Thompson, F. H. Johns, superintendent 1 • PL4CES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:- , Mitchell, G. C. Edwards, H. Spicer & W. R. Portal~ F.S.A. Christ Churcb., Chu.rch.road, Rev. Gustavus J. Jones M •.&. Charles M. Stuart M.A., head master . vicar; 11 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m.; fri. n a.m Board School (of London), Brockley road, erected in 187§1 for 250 boys; average attendance, 165; Robert Jackson, St. Augustine'.s1 Honor Oak~ Rev. Percy White Collard M.A. vwar• . master~ for 250 girls; average attendance, 157; Miss Mart St. Saviour's Church, Brockley park, Rev, Alfred Oliver Simpson, mistress: for 300 infants ; average attendance,. Russell, vicar; II tt.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m 197; Miss Isabella Leighton, mistre..<Js St. Paul's Church, Waldenshaw road, Rev. Frank Jones B. D. Christ Church National, erected in 1859, for 140 boYl!;. incumbent; II a.m. & 7 p.m. ; thurs. I2 noon average attendance, 139; William Fincham, master: for Mission Hall,Mayow road, in connection With Parish Church; I4o girls ; average attendance, no; Miss E. Blackgrove,. :n a.m.. & 6.3'!1 p.m.; tue». 7.30 p.m mistress : for rso infants; average attendance, 97; Mist. St. John's Presbytel'ian, Devonshire ro~td, Rev. William Emily Ma.tilda Turner, mistress Martin M. f.. ministeq :u a.·m. & 3· 30 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. Boys' Industrial, Perry rise, erected in r 844, for 40 inmates;. 6.30 p.m r Viscqunt Lewisham M.P, president; A. C. H. Chaplin" hon. treasurer; T. G. Litchfield, hon. sec. ; William. German Church, Dacre road1 Rev. Max Meister, pastor ; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m Hyde, superintendent ; Mrs. E. Hyde, matron ; Miss Eliza. Baptist, Dartmouth road', Rev. J .. C. Foster, minister; u Scanlon, assistant matron a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7·45 p.m Girls' Industrial, Rojack road ; Viscount Lewisham M.P. Bible Christian, Wastdale road j I~ a.m. & 7 p.m president; A. C. H. Chaplin, hon. treasurer; 'f. G. Liteh­ ~ougregational, Stanstead road, Rev. S. Tomatsa Williams, field, hon. sec. ; Mrs. Webb, matron minister; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 6.45 p.m Congregational, Queen's road, Rev. Craig J.J{elly, minis­ RAILWAY STATIONS:- Henry William Smith, station master ter; li a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m Honor Oak park, James Townley Dunmore, station mastet Methodist New Connexion \Trinity), Perry vale, Rev. Thomas Scowley, minister; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. CARRIERS TO j.ONDON.-Carter, Paterson & Co. & Pickford 7.30 p.m & Co. daily :PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Allen William Henry, 2 The Hermit~ A\·ory William, 51 Hurstbourne road [Names marked thus~ receive their letters age, Westwood park Axford Mrs. 24 Garlies road through Catford.] Allison Mrs. 45 Devonshire road AyersJas.Parker,31Kemble rd.Perry ¥1~ Abbott Adolpbus, ~ Wylen street AllpressRt.Harry M.A.34 Ravensbrne.rd Bacon Robert, 73 Houston road Abbott Jn. Venables, I21 Devonshire rd Allwork Edward, Mayfield, Perry vale Badger William, 10 Montem road Abbott Mrs. 4 Dacres road Anderson Sir William George K.C.B. Badham George, I Lowther hill Ahbott Mrs. 63 Honor Oak road Anglesea house, Church square Haelz Robert, The Mount, Queen's roa<l Acott James, 20 Malham :road Anderson Patrick R. 4 Tyson road Baker :\frs. 180 Devonshire road Adam Geo. 3 Drockley ter. Brockley rd Andrews Henry, 10 Honor Oak road Bale Mrs. 278 Devonshire l'Oad Adams Francis, 119 Devonshire road Andrews Jas. Hy. ~6 Ravensbourne rd Balfour Buchanan, 4 Garlies rood Adams John, II~ Devonshire road Anson Mrs. 42 Devonshire road Balk will Francis, 6 Garlies road Adams John, 165 Stanstead road Anstie Paul, I6 Rockbourne road Ball Mrs. IO Dacres road Adams Mrs. II7 .Devonshire road Appletou Jas. W,l<'airhill, l\'Iayow road Ball Wm. Alfred, Lynton, Brockley rd Adams Rt. Audley ho, Hrockley Hill pk; Appletou Waiter P. 51. Honor Oak road Ballanty~ Geo. D. 59 St•. Germains rd Adams William Edward, 13 Kemble Arendt Charles, 291 Stsnstead road Ballard Charles, 24 Wylen street road, Stanstea.d road Arkcoll Herbert, IS Horstbourne road Banks Jn. Waters,Cornereot. l\Iayow rd A.dlam Harry, Bures, Brockley park Arliss Waiter, Llandebie, Perry rise Banks Joseph, 2 Wylen street Ahlfeldt Frederick Carl, Kinsgates, Armistead Henry, Ashville, Perry rise Barham Harry, 13 Rockbourne road _Dacres . road Arnold Ernest Charles, 3I Park road Darker William, 170 Devonshire road Aitken Alex. Roseneath, Dacres road Arnold Joseph G. 25 Honor Oak road Barnaby William, 52 Rockbourue road Akhurst Mrs. 25 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd Arnold William, :151 Stanstead road Barnard Miss, 8 Elsinore road Albery Frank, 10 Ravensbourne road Arnott Archibald, 27 Rockbonrne road Barnet Philip, 5 Lessing street Aldersey Thomas, 19 Garlies road Arthur Edward, Yulee, Perry vale Barns Alfred, The Limes, Perry rise * Alderton Mrs. 352 Stanstead road Arthur Geo. Fredk. 58 Rockbourne road Barrow Saml. Fontainebleau, Dacres rd Aldridge Joseph Frederick, Tenterfield Ascher Isidore Gordon, 4 W oodsome Barry William, I79 Stanstead road J. lodge, Perry vale . villas, W estbourne road Bar ton John Chas.TheLimes.Queen'sl'(l Aldwinckle Thomas William, Saratoga, Ash by William, I3 London road Bashford Henry, 1 Bovill ter. llovill rd Dacres road Atkinson George H. Vineyard haven, Batchelor William, I5 Allenby road Allam Mrs. 73 Sunderland road Mayow road Bate Frederic Geo. 21 St. Germains rd Allan Charles H, 3 Tyson road - Atkiuson Mrs. 5 Wynell road Bateman George H. 19 Hurstbaume rd. Alla..rd Cllarles, 41 Malham road • Austin Edward, 205 Stanstead road Bate.'5 Chas. Anthony, 53 Sunderland rd • • .
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