June 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5971 Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent there is little public awareness of the impor- The resolution (S. Res. 596) was the bill be read three times, passed, the tance of soil protection; agreed to. motion to reconsider be laid on the Whereas the degradation of soil can be The preamble was agreed to. table with no intervening action or de- rapid, while the formation and regeneration The resolution, with its preamble, processes can be very slow; reads as follows: bate, and any statements relating to Whereas protection of United States soil S. RES. 596 this matter be printed in the RECORD. based on the principles of preservation and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without enhancement of soil functions, prevention of Whereas, on June 17, 2008, the Boston Celt- objection, it is so ordered. soil degradation, mitigation of detrimental ics won the 2008 National Basketball Asso- The bill (S. 3180) was ordered to be use, and restoration of degraded soils is es- ciation Championship (referred to in this engrossed for a third reading, was read sential to the long-term prosperity of the preamble as the ‘‘2008 Championship’’) in 6 games over the Los Angeles Lakers; the third time, and passed, as follows: United States; Whereas legislation in the areas of organic, Whereas the 2008 Championship was the S. 3180 industrial, chemical, biological, and medical 17th world championship won by the Celtics, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- waste pollution prevention and control the most in the history of the National Bas- resentatives of the United States of America in should consider soil protection provisions; ketball Association (referred to in this pre- Congress assembled, Whereas legislation on climate change, amble as the ‘‘NBA’’); SECTION 1. EXTENSION OF HIGHER EDUCATION water quality, agriculture, and rural devel- Whereas the 2008 Championship marked PROGRAMS. opment should offer a coherent and effective the culmination of the greatest single season (a) EXTENSION OF PROGRAMS.—Section 2(a) legislative framework for common principles turnaround in the history of the NBA, as the of the Higher Education Extension Act of and objectives that are aimed at protection Celtics improved from a record of 24–58 dur- 2005 (Public Law 109–81; 20 U.S.C. 1001 note) is and sustainable use of soils in the United ing the 2007–2008 season to a league-best 66– amended by striking ‘‘June 30, 2008’’ and in- States; 16 mark during the 2007–2008 campaign; serting ‘‘July 31, 2008’’. Whereas soil contamination coupled with Whereas the 2008 Celtics NBA Champion- (b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in poor or inappropriate soil management prac- ship team, like all great Celtics champions this section, or in the Higher Education Ex- tices continues to leave contaminated sites of the past, epitomized team work, selfless- tension Act of 2005 as amended by this Act, unremediated; and ness, character, effort, camaraderie, tough- shall be construed to limit or otherwise alter Whereas soil can be managed in a sustain- ness, and determination; the authorizations of appropriations for, or able manner, which preserves its capacity to Whereas the 2008 Celtics honored the rich the durations of, programs contained in the deliver ecological, economic, and social ben- legacy of their franchise, which was— amendments made by the Higher Education efits, while maintaining its value for future (1) established by a legion of all-time Reconciliation Act of 2005 (Public Law 109– generations: Now, therefore, be it greats, including Bill Russell, Larry Bird, 171), by the College Cost Reduction and Ac- Resolved, That the Senate— John Havlicek, Bob Cousy, Tom Heinsohn, cess Act (Public Law 110–84), or by the En- (1) recognizes it as necessary to improve K.C. Jones, Sam Jones, Jo Jo White, Dave suring Continued Access to Student Loans knowledge, exchange information, and de- Cowens, Kevin McHale, Robert Parish, Den- Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–227) to the provi- velop and implement best practices for soil nis Johnson, and Tom ‘‘Satch’’ Sanders; and sions of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and management, soil restoration, carbon se- (2) masterminded by one of the legendary the Taxpayer-Teacher Protection Act of 2004. questration, and long-term use of the Na- coaches of all sports, Arnold ‘‘Red’’ Auerbach; f tion’s soil resources; (2) recognizes the important role of soil Whereas Celtics managing partner Wyc RECOGNIZING SOIL AS AN scientists and soils professionals, who are Grousbeck and the entire Celtics ownership ESSENTIAL NATURAL RESOURCE well-equipped with the information and ex- group never wavered from paying the price to raise ‘‘Banner #17’’ to the Garden rafters; Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask perience needed to address the issues of today and those of tomorrow in managing Whereas the 2008 Celtics were brought to- unanimous consent the agriculture the Nation’s soil resources; gether by a former Celtics player, Danny committee be discharged from further (3) commends soil scientists and soils pro- Ainge, whose off-season acquisitions of NBA consideration of S. Res. 440 and the fessionals for their efforts to promote edu- All-Stars Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen Senate proceed to it now. cation, outreach, and awareness necessary earned him the 2008 NBA Executive of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for generating more public interest in and Year Award; Whereas the Celtics were led by Doc Riv- objection, it is so ordered. The clerk appreciation for soils; and (4) acknowledges the promise of soil sci- ers, who— will report the resolution by title. (1) oversaw the smooth integration of new entists and soils professionals to continue to The assistant legislative clerk read superstars and untested young players into enrich the lives of all Americans by improv- as follows: the Celtics lineup; and ing stewardship of the soil, combating soil (2) assembled, and ensured the execution A resolution (S. Res. 440) recognizing soil degradation, and ensuring the future protec- of, a masterful NBA Finals game plan; as an essential natural resource, and soils tion and sustainable use of our air, soil, and Whereas the Celtics featured a 21st century professionals as playing a critical role in water resources. ‘‘Big Three’’ comprised of Paul Pierce, Kevin managing our Nation’s soil resources. f Garnett, and Ray Allen, 3 veteran players There being no objection, the Senate CONGRATULATING THE BOSTON who worked together and never allowed their proceeded to consider the resolution. personal ambition or pursuit of individual Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent CELTICS statistics to interfere with the goal of the the resolution be agreed to, the pre- Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask team to win a championship; amble be agreed to, the motions to re- unanimous consent the Judiciary Com- Whereas a group of talented young players consider be laid on the table, with no mittee be discharged from further con- contributed pivotal roles in the march of the Celtics to the 2008 Championship, including intervening action or debate, and any sideration of S. Res. 596. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without point guard Rajon Rondo, center Kendrick statements be printed in the RECORD. Perkins, forward Leon Powe, guard Tony The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The clerk will report the resolution Allen, and forward Glen ‘‘Big Baby’’ Davis; objection, it is so ordered. Whereas the valuable bench of the Celtics The resolution (S. Res. 440) was by title. was stocked with veteran role players who The assistant legislative clerk read agreed to. made significant contributions during the as follows: The preamble was agreed to. season, including forward James Posey, A resolution (S. Res. 596) congratulating guard Eddie House, guard Sam Cassell, for- The resolution, with its preamble, the Boston Celtics on winning the 2008 NBA reads as follows: ward P.J. Brown, forward Brian Scalabrine, Championship. and center Scott Pollard; S. RES. 440 There being no objection, the Senate Whereas the 2008 Celtics team dem- Whereas soil, plant, animal, and human proceeded to consider the resolution. onstrated remarkable poise and gained in- health are intricately linked and the sus- Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent valuable playoff experience in defeating the tainable use of soil affects climate, water the resolution be agreed to, the pre- Atlanta Hawks, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and and air quality, human health, biodiversity, amble be agreed to, the motions to re- the Detroit Pistons in hard-fought series food safety, and agricultural production; consider be laid upon the table, with no during which every possession counted at Whereas soil is a dynamic system which both the offensive and defensive ends of the performs many functions and services vital intervening action or debate, and any floor; to human activities and ecosystems; statements related to the resolution be Whereas, after 26 playoff games, the Celtics Whereas, despite soil’s importance to printed in the RECORD. ultimately secured the 17th NBA Champion- human health, the environment, nutrition The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ship of the franchise in one of the most and food, feed, fiber, and fuel production, objection, it is so ordered. dominating performances in NBA history, a VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:37 Jun 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G23JN6.016 S23JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with SENATE S5972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 23, 2008 39-point rout of the Lakers in front of a rau- ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, JUNE 24, RECESS UNTIL 10 A.M. TOMORROW cous Garden crowd; and 2008 Whereas the Celtics fans in the State of Mr. REID. If there is no further busi- Massachusetts, in New England, and Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent ness to come before the Senate, I ask throughout the world never gave up hope that when the Senate completes its unanimous consent that it stand in re- that the franchise would someday return to business today, it stand in recess until cess under the previous order.
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