Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford South Carolina Conference 1785 Journal Methodist Conference Journals 12-12-1872 South Carolina Conference Journal 1872 Methodist Episcopal Church, South. South Carolina Conference Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/sc1785 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the History of Christianity Commons Recommended Citation Methodist Episcopal Church, South. South Carolina Conference, "South Carolina Conference Journal 1872" (1872). South Carolina Conference 1785 Journal. 58. https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/sc1785/58 This Conference Proceeding is brought to you for free and open access by the Methodist Conference Journals at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in South Carolina Conference 1785 Journal by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .. L C c.,s C [I I~~ - _J Minutes C ~ of the South Carolina Annual Conference of ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South 1 0 Dec. 12-17, 187 2 D Sandor Teszler Librarv Wofford College •' 0 Spartanburg, South Carolina □ [I] ::J □ [ I cP 7~-n-~_r-11-f~ ■ - ■ ■ ■- MINUTES OF THE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL OHURCH, SOUTH, HELD AT ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA, ■Ir ... ._,,::•:·- .. ~:it ~·1 ,. ■ I - ■ • :.: ■ f.>_' DECEMBJMJll-17, 1872, ,.C • :!, ■ .,..! -· - ) ■ ,­ ,dlll ' = ■ ■ I. I •• ..._ • ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ::-<,: ,:{_~5· __ ■ ... ,_:·, -.. _~:_.' i. ~. ·,;;_}' -· ~ ■ ,_._,. ...-,.,-·· CHARLESTON, S. C.: WALKER, EV A.NS & COGSWELL, PRINTERS, Nos, s Broad and 109 East Bay Streets. '"';);l: .:~~ . 1/? 1873. .-~:_,. .,l. I CONFERENCE OFFICERS, BOARDS, &C. II. • JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. ~rt~hteut ot ~out trtutt. BrsuoP ROBERT PAINE, D. D. FIRST DAY. SBCRETARY, ASSISTANT SECRETARIES. Wll. C, POWER. Conference met at 9 o'clock, Thursday, December 12, 1872, in 0. A. DARBY, A. J. STAFFORD. the Baptist Church. In tho absenec ot the Bishop, H. P. Frnnkt., W. D. KIRKLAND and S. C. CLYDE P. E. of the District, en.lied tho C\mfon'1wo to order, nn<l moved that H. A. C. Walker take the Ch:lir. Tl11 ..' l'l'li~it)US scrYiccs Jtga! ~:OllftrtlUt. were conducted by the Chairman, pro tt1n. \Ym. <..'. P,)\\"er, was REv. W. SMITH, D. D. President. elected Secretary, pro tem. and cnlkd tlw n)l\. Ei!,!hty-thrce REv. A. M. SHIPP, D. D., 1st Vice-President. R!i.:V. S. B. JONES, 2d Vice-President. clerical, and seventeen lay mcmbL'l'S :\n:>.,n'r~',l t,, tlwi1· nanH'S. REv. H. A. C. W~LKER, 3d Vice-President, The Conference proceeded to tlll~ cl<-'L'tiDn L't' ,ltlil','l'S, which ltEv. W. P. MOUZON, 4th Vice-President resulted as follows: A . .i\L Chrietzber~, PrL•si,knt; Wm. C. Power, A. A. GILBERT, E;q., Secretary. • ROBERT Bl:l.YCE, Treasurer. Secretary and 0 . .A.. Darby, ..:\.. J. Statford, W. 1). Kirkbnd and W. C. McMILLAN, H. H. JENNINGS ' S. C. CLYDE, S • M. RIC"'"'' Managers. S. C. Clyde, Assistants. Upon motion, one member from each Presiding Eider's Dis­ ~o,inlt iot ~11itlsfous. trict, was elected to nominate the Committeet1. The hours of meeting and adjom·nnH.'nt, WL'l'l' fixt'd 9.30 A. M. A. M. Chrietzberg Proaidcnt. II .M l\I 0 1 18 . 2d Vice-President. Wm 'c p · \~ ~, i Vi?e-President; C.H. Pritchard, 1 1 and 1.30 P. M. Thomas Raysor Treasu;er · Il~wer, '' \~ >res I-lent; S. A. Weber, Secretary; H. Ziwmerman 'w H La ~t a.nagers-, m. P. Mrnzon, D. J. Simmons, J. The bar of the Conference wns fixed. A CLHnmunieation from Dr. A. E. Willi~ms· D~ N' FonI,J,1,knl dyd'\\JooFrl, 'cV. A. Clark, Dr. E. T. Rembert, Dr. A.G. Haygood, was presented and n·mi by F. )I. .Kennedy. • h ' · · · · ur an , • • arraw&J' Jam St k H T W r1f t, and e.-c oj)icio the Presiding Elders. ' es o es, , . Upon motion, it ·was decided that all money settlements should be dispensed with during Confr'rL'nec hourt1. Jhmttll11 $.dtnni ~,t1ard. The preachers of the first year Wl'l'l' eontinth'd on tri:\I. G. H. Wells, President: G. F. R,JUnd 1st Vice p . The following Committees wen' nppoinkd. Vice-President• s ·J ll'll 'Jd v·' n . - resident: J. H. Zimmerman, 2d dent; A J Staffor.d ·~ ' 't' ic; 1 reBtdcnt; A. W. Witlker, 4th Vice-Presi- Public Worship-R. I'. 1-'rauks. IL L. H:np,'r nn,l r:. ·w. ~impson, Esq. Iimd, F. ·A~ld, M. J: I{:i1~~ a;/.B 1ana~rsHJJ T. ~rightman, Dr. N. F. Kirk­ I I Books and l'eriodicals-L. -\\'ood. H. C. Ulinr. P. ,T. ~lc~[illan, Dr. N. Gilbert, Wm. c. Power ,J · rown, · · · ennrngs, S. A. Weber, A. A. F. Kirkland and ..W. P. Smith, E;;q. Iloyd, D. J. McMillan 'J 'p8 .MC?nknlor, T. J. Clyde, T. A. Carlisle, L. Wood, M. , • • 1c er. Bible Cause-W. T. Cflpl'rs, T. K Waunnrnak,'r. ,J. )brion Boyd, J.P. Mickler, Esq. and J. H. Kinsler. E,q. Temperance-I'.. F. Kistler, J. W. )Ldfo;:, ""· IL Smith and J. B. litht lctittM iot Ute j. <lt. i!tinrfrt'tUtt. Humbert, Esq. H. ~~n~?o: rrtde1t ;SJ. W. Kelly, 1st Vice-President_: S. Bobo, 2d Vice-Presi- Memoirs--'l'hos. Mitchell, C. H. Pritl'h:ml :11\,l S. B. ,fones. ' • • 00 ' ecretary, Robert Bryce, Treasurer. Orphan Home-S. B. Jones. S. J. Hill nllli ,T. l'. )[kklL'r, E .. q. F. M. Kennedy presented the r<-'port t~f J. \Y. Burke & Co., g}chtt ~:o.nrd 10t iammct. publishers of tho Southern Christilrn Adrot'<!t<·. Ht,ti.,rrcd to Com­ . JOHN T. WIGHTMAN, Chairman. mittee on Books, &c. Vncaneics in the Snndny School Board Dr. A. E. W1lhams, D. J Simmons M J K I John A. Porter, W. L. DePags' ,Jo· C Se '!f' J·1A. Darby, R. H. J~nning8, were filled. R.H. Yeargin, W. T. Capers J M s.L i· to 'n .J M. B::.eden, 0. H. ~r1tchard, The preachers of the third year calJt,d. nn,l tlH'). hnsing passed , • • a 11ner, . cm1llan, J. P. Mickler. an approved examination, their ehar:H'tl'l'S ,n'l'l' p:\sscd. Jtimdtng (1tcmmiUtt. The preachers of the second and !i.rnrth )"t'n1·s p:,sscd. Exam­ ination of the character of Eltkr::- tak1.'n up. and the preachers H A C w lk • COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION. of the Charleston and Orangeburg Districts passed. • T. S. Moo:~a~~airma.n, A. M. Shipp, H. M. Mood, S. Bobo, G, W. Williams, Conference adjourned with the benediction by the President • • 4 5 SECOND DAY. A proposition was introduced to end~w Wofford College, by the sale of 100 bonds, of $100 each, which were taken by the • FRIDAY, December 13 1872 mem'bcrs of Conference. The Statistics were read by the Secre- Relig~ous services conducted by J. Finger. Bisho ~aine. in tary as follows : the Chan·.. The roll was called. On Motion the callfnO' of tho White members 3G,041, increase 1,30-i; colored GG8, decrease 6i0; white roll, was dispensed with after To-day, . Tho mmu· t cs o fb vester preachers 122, decrease 1:3; colored 2, decrease 4. Baptisms-white infants d ay rea d and approved. J - 1,838, incrcase:!00; colore,l,12, dccrea~e20; white :1dults 1,240, decrease Dr. Hay_g;ood ~-as_intro_duccd, and addressed the Conference 3D4; colored 2G, tleercase i2. :N"umber of schools -Hl, increase 14; officers f; ~eport ot Pu~lisbing House, with Circular, ,ms read, and re: and teachers 2,Srn, increase (J:l; white pupil~ li.205. decrea:;e 4Gl; colored pupils 44, decrease 7:.l; volumes in library 2D,211, incrcnse fi02. Churches cried to Comm1t.tee 011 Ruokc.; &c Rc1)oi·t 0 f Ge l B d 0 f 111· · ·, · · • - ncra oar G3G, increase 2i; parsorrngcs 54, increase 1; value of church property $597,- ll 1ss10ns wns presented and referred ' 505, increase S(i4,330. Paid pastor nrnl ussi,;tants Si\l.762.fiD, increase Examinati_on of the cbaracter of ·Elders resumed and tl $4,U\14.46; paid Presiding Elder $8,f!Gl;.25, increase ;:;ti71;.:'i8. Conference preachers of t!w _Columbia, Sumter, l\larion, Landaster ad~ Collection S4,717 .:W, incrPase ~i!iG.32. Fur ?l[i,:'inns $4, 17:2.0:2, increase Sparta_nburg D1:-;trwts were called ::ind passed. $1,501.32, For N1ucntion ;:;:,,0,H.10, drcrcase SlGG.45. For Biohops :3861.70, increase $23.55. Ji'or educating candidates fot· ministry SlGl, decrease Session of the ~Legal Conference was held. The newl elected $295.85. For Sunday-schools $4,861.03, increase $680.:21. :For building, Deacons of the Ecclesiastical were elected mcmuers of the I l repairing churches, parsonages, &c., $25,180.0::5, deurease $15,773.97. For Conference. Tre_asurer's report submitted and Office I ,~g~ other benevolent purposes $7,835.52, inureasc $3,134.28. Conference adJourned with the benedicti~n by the Jfs~oel~- e · Adjourned. TH I RD DAY. FIFTH DAY. SATURDAY, December 14, 1872 . TUESDAY, December 17, 1872. .Conference opened with religious services by B G J Bishop Paine in the Chair. R. C. Oliver led in the devotionR. Rev, Ef • A. Bolles Agent American Bible Socie.ty · aJ~:=~sed Sumter, S. C., was chosen as the place for the next session. th e 01on erence. ' S. B. Jones, appointed to preach the sermon before the under- Jeport of the Board of Trustees of Cokesburv School read 0 nd graduates. re1erred. J ..
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