. ff ^ %- "■ M Y, SEPTEMBER 27, 195R SATURD^' A fsn g e D slljr Nat P rw s R tm K w W 1 ' V PAQl TWELVE Fsr th* Waak Eadsd ' Th9 W tR th tr ^ ^ i. ilIanri|CBt»r lEoraitis V^roUk Rapt. 37. 1983 Parasaat at U. R. Waathar BRM lr There was no home-viewing of the up what roust be a misunderstand­ Faculty, Parents 10,669 Clear lanighi, fair Taaadm'*' match at all. So whaf happened 7 ing. To this, be replied by shoving Oldening Office Here STATION WABONS jlIlalunPR lPr iw uF uillu JlF iaiU It turned out to be a pip. Into pur hand his source material Neosbar af th* AadK Mlnlmnm taniglit 55. About Town Baraaa at CIrenlaKaM Heard Along Main Street Too bad this one wasn't on TV. for the radio and television listings To Meet at MHS REHNISHED Manchester— A City of Village Charm '> ■ = SuiiMt Council, No. 45, De(re« We saw the Aims now being shown for a week back, along with cHp- ■'H And on Some of Manchetter*$ Side Streets, Too at the State theater and the flght pings of The Herald radio and of PocahontM, hsa postponed its Th* formation of some aort of DWYnnioDUCTs . was a pleaser from the opening television columns for the same West StreeL Bolton, Tel. 5530^, (CUsMfM Aivtottetag M Page U) csrd psrty, scheduled for Bept. 30 belt. "Old Man" Walcott started l>erlod, and said. In his rather group composed of parent* and VOL. LX X L NO. 307 MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE C B N m to k Ister date. Men>bers are re> Loss and flain f-comer would be able to tell If there right off as thdugh he was a I rlghten.lng, creaky voice, "Oo iVw- •‘j., - .. - teSebers of high school students minded to save artkles for the Every time we walk down Main la a bus waiting on Main street ahead, check 'em yourself.” will be discussed at a meeting to rummsce sale bjr the council on youngster, and he didn't really look street, we can't help but think how without scurrying around the wall hla age until he- crumpled into Well, we had no choice, so we be held in th* assembly hall at Ifonday, Oct. 6, from 4 to. 7 p. Manchester grow*. of shrubs. did. After going half blind checl*; Manchester High School at 5 p.m. m, in Tinker hall. Mr*. Flora that rather frightening heap In Used to be that we could say But our friend's real reason for the I3th round. Until that time, Ing the material against the list­ Tuesday. BALCH Is Your Warplanet Oracle of 05 Center street is hello to practically every person wanting the Job done Is that ha ob­ he really gave the tough Marciano ings In that faded, dancing light, This discussion Is a sequel to one Truman Links chairman. we met, and we'd know to whom jects to biding the monument In a rough battle and was. In fact, w* bad to acknowledge old Otto held last May, when teachers from we were speaking. Now Its mostly Center park from view of persons as still the champ when it come* each department met wrlth repre­ Mrs. Oeorge O. Bellows of way ahead of him. Output Is strange faces we see, and It's quits on Main street and on Center. If this flght had been televised to this sort of work—the listings, sentatives of th* existing parent- Eisenhower Disclose North Main street and Mrs. Lloyd a contrast. So we are publishing his It would have been good not only BO far as the material sent out by teachers Clubs. Since the six* of Never* of Bigelow street are ex­ NoTtoat ws begrudge Manches­ thoughts in what amounts to an for the owners of TV sets but also the radio and television stations th* high school popuUtlon present* pected home today after spending ter its.#rawth. We're hsppy to see open letter to another friend of for television Itself and for the was concerned, were correct. problems, th* grou'p decided that Ike to Lobbies Continued the summer at Edgartown, Mar­ the community advance In else and ours. Park Superintendent Horace boxing game, which right now is By the time we completed the more Information wra* needed b^ tha's Vineyard. wealth. But every once In a while F. Murphey, In the hopes that having tough pickings. So many tortuous 'job, Otto had become for* any decision could be reached. we can feel those twinges of nos­ oblivious of us, and was hard ,at A steering committee was Los Aiiffeles, Sept. 29— The Women's Society of Chris­ Murphey might have some of these highly touted flght* prove Aboard Truman Train, Sept. 29—(/P)—President, Truman talgia. especially on a Thursday thought* on the subject too. , to be flops. Just think back to work, perched Imperiously on his elected to gather information about opened hig big whistle stop campaign today with a slashing Production of railiUry tian Service of the North Meth' night when Main street U teeming high stool at his postage-stamp such groups In other schools. Tue^ BEHER DEftL planes reeumed slowly today odist Church has set Wednesday, some of the excuse* for boxers— day's meeting I* called to hear the attack on the “unholy crew” of Republican lobbyists for Entire Financial Situation wl*h shopper*. flstic bums who would look more siM work table, busily preparing at the huge Lockhe^ a'nd Dec. 3, for its annual fair, in We imagine everyone has had '‘Backward, Turn Backward" new radio and television listings report and recommendations of POMTiaC DEaiER whom he said General Dwight D. Eiaenhower is “a front which all groups of the society Since bedtime tonight la the at home on the undercard In a that committee and to listen to Douglas El Segundo plants the same experience. In one way nr time when we will be turning our tank town who have been palmed for The Herald, Not wanting to awn.” He said he w** glad the oil,-..... .................. and other organisations wilt have another. Maybe It was that old off on nation-wide TV audience*. disturb him, and wanting even less Mra John Morley, sUte consultant china, real ’eetste and other lob- following a strike recess re­ a part. It is proposed to hold it black coal stove that he used to clocks back to make our work day to hear an "I-told->ou-so” deliver for parent Uachers asaocUtlon* btes "ste In the Republican party” quested by President Tru­ Accepts Keys to New Bank in the vestry both afternoon and coincide better with the time the The demand for fights has got have. JTI'* earth exposes our little section of the manager* scrambling around ed In Otto's unnerving voice, w* for high schools. and *1 am going to tear 'em apart man. British Speed Ace Will Report evening. Plan* have not fully polished BO often so that It would beat a silent retreat back up to Those who attended the May before I get through." NixonPIans Worker* flowed back Into th* been ^ Id e d as to the program, itself to the sun, this is the right to nil these two-night-a-week meeting *r* expected to be present stay neat and gleaming. It was time land take comfort in the spot* on TV. Trouble la there the comparatively normal atmos­ Truman told cheering thousands plants on the graveyard shift and or whether or not a supper will old-fashioned, he knew, and had phere of the editorial room. and the meeting U open to any at Fargo, -N. D„ th* OOP presl- more were on hand for the day be served in connection with the thought because there may be aren't enough good fighters to All parenU of high school pupil* who served him long and faithfully, but some conhtslon about It for the the bill. The Walcott-Marclano When we finally made our way Dr. Nkhoias A. Marslalo dsntlal nomine* ‘‘seems to to lis­ State Tour shift at both plant*. Lockheed esti­ On Receipts he still hated to part with It. It wish to see the formation of an tening to some Strang* advice on mated 70 per cent of its produc­ Killed in Jet Boat affair would have been a good back, we concluded that the fault was so familiar, so comfortable, next few days) to tall the tale of organisation and are willing to foreign policy” and they’d totter tion workers reportsd to their day Mrs. FVank Laing and Mrs. the watch with the bullt-ln set- boost for everyone concerned-* with the listings. If there was a Dr. Nicholas A. Maralalo, a for­ assume some of the responsibili­ healtat* before voting Republican so friendly. the-hand-back-one-hour feature. TV. fighters, managers, boxing ad fault, was not Otto's, but belonged mer resident physician at the shift jobs. lA)ch NeBfl, Scotland, Sept. From Book John Stevens are In charge of the Manchester Memorial Hospital, ties attendant. if they "want to avoid a third Next Week After President Truman's re­ newly formed Missions group of Or maybe It was at college. Custom tailored for an attorney vertlsers and poor John Q. Pub­ to the stations themselves. Their world war.” 29—p (/P) —The jet->propelled When he was a student, the entire friend of ours by a Jeweler friend lic. publicity people apparently has returned from service with quest Saturday to end th* work St.
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