1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 12231 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair appoints as [Mr. DauGHTON] to escort the gentleman from Texas [Mr. members of the committee on the part of the Senate to take RAYBURN] to the chair. order for superintending the funeral of the late Speaker .of The committee escorted Mr. RAYBURN into the Chamber, the House of Representatives the Senator from Alabama and he assumed the chair. [Mr. HILL] and the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. BARKLEY]. The oath of office was administered to the Speaker-elect by The PRESIDENT pro tempore subsequently, under the Mr. SABATH. third resolving clause of the Senate resolution, appointed the Mr. DOUGHTON. Ladies and gentlemen of the House, I following Senators as the committee of the Senate to join present the newly elected Speaker of the House of Repre­ with the committee on the part of the House to .attend the sentatives, a worthy successor to our late beloved Speaker funeral of the deceased Speaker of the House of Representa­ the Honorable William B. Bankhead, the gentleman from tives at Jasper, Ala.: Texas [Mr. RAYBURN]. Mr. BANKHEAD, Mr. HILL, Mr. PITTMAN, Mr. BARKLEY, Mr. The SPEAKER. The Chaplain will offer prayer. ASHURST, M:r. McKELLAR, Mr. FRAZIER, Mr. SHIPSTEAD, Mr. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., WHEELER, Mr. LA FoLLETTE, Mr. CONNALLY, Mr. DAVIS, offered the following prayer: Mr. BULOW, Mr. BYRNES, Mr. WmTE, Mr. AUSTIN, Mr. RUSSELL, Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires Mr. CLARK of Missouri, Mr. OVERTON, Mr. BILBO, Mr. BURKE, known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the Mr. GuFFEY, Mr. MINTON, Mr. TRUMAN, Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, PEPPER, Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. CLARK of Idaho, Mr. WILEY, and that we may perfectly love Thee ~. nd worthily magnify Thy Mr. CHANDLER. holy name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, in · accordance with the resolution just adopted, I move that the Senate proceed to THE JOURNAL the Hall of the House of Representatives. Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that The motion was unanimously agreed to; and the Senate, the reading of the Journal be dispensed with and that the preceded by the President pro tempore and Rev. William S. Journal stand approved. Abernethy, D. D., and escorted by the Secretary <Edwin A. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Halsey) and the Sergeant at Arms <Chesley W. Jurney), pro­ gentleman from Tennessee? ceeded to the Hall of the House of Representatives to attend There was no objection. the funera] services of the late Hon. WILLIAM B. BANKHEAD, SIGNING OF ENROLLED BILL Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to announce that, pur­ ADJOURNMENT suant to authority granted him on Friday last, he did, on The Senate returned to its Chamber at 1 o'clock and 8 min­ September 14, 1940, sign an enrolled bill of the Senate of the utes p. m., and, under the fifth resolving clause of Senate following title: Resolution 313, as a further mark of respect to the memory S. 4164. An act to provide for the common defense by in­ of the late Speaker of the House of Representatives, ad­ creasing the personnel of the armed forces of the United journed until Wednesday, September 18, at 12 o'clock meridan. States and providing Jor its training. ADJOURNMENT OVER Mr. DOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that when the House adjourns today it adjourn to meet on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1940 Thursday next. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock noon by Han. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the South Trimble, Clerk of the House. gentleman from North Carolina? The CLERK. Members of the House of Representatives, it There was no objection. becomes my sad and painful duty, as Clerk of the House of THE LATE SPEAKER WILLIAM B. BANKHEAD Representatives, to inform you officially that your beloved Mr. STEAGALL. Mr. Speaker- Speaker passed away yesterday morning at the Naval Hospital Another bark has put to sea, in this city. Another boat has left the shore, America has lost one of her greatest statesmen and patriots, As fair a soul on board has she · As ever left the land before, the House of Representatives a most able and eloquent And as her outward port she tends- · Speaker, and the State of Alabama a noble and courageous Sit closer, friends! · son. Our beloved Speaker, WILLIAM B. BANKHEAD, passed away In accordance with the rules and practice of the House of yesterday morning at 1:30. If I possessed the greatest learn­ Representatives, it now becomes the duty of this House to ing and the widest command of words, I should still be bank­ elect a Speaker. What is the pleasure of the House? rupt in language with which to express what is in my heart Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Clerk, in view of the unfortunate and what is in the hearts of the Members of the House of circumstances in which the House finds itself, and with a Representatives. His loss is not ours alone, but his passing feeling of very profound respect for the memory of our is a loss to the Nation and a loss to mankind. beloved Speaker who has left us, it becomes necessary, in I speak out of a friendship and affection that runs back order that the House may continue to function and the to the days of boyhood, but what I have to say of him rests machinery of Government may go on, that the House proceed upon his record of great public service. Early in life the to the election of a Speaker. people of his native State began to honor him, and so, step by I therefore offer the following resolution, and move its step and year by year he advanced from one honor to an­ adoption: other, each always having been conferred because of demon­ The Clerk read as follows: strated capability and fitness. So it was that when he came House Resolution 602 to the Speakership of the House of Representatives the pro­ Resolved, That Hon. SAM. RAYBURN, a Representative from the motion followed a career in the House characterized by un­ Stat e of Texas, be, and he is hereby, elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. excelled brilliance. This great office has been filled always Resolved, That the President and the Senate be notified by the by great men, statesmen, patriots, great Americans, regard­ Cler k of the election of Han. SAM RAYBURN as Speaker of the House less of party affiliations, but no one of these surpassed him in of Representatives. the qualities of leadership, courage, loyalty to party, fidelity The resolution was agreed to. to friends, devotion to convictions, understanding of parlia­ The CLERK. The Clerk appoints the gentleman from Mas­ mentary procedure, knowledge of national affairs and the sachusetts EMr. McCoRMACK], the gentleman from Massachu­ problems of government. None .who follow in that great setts EMr. MARTIN], and the gentleman from North Carolina office will soon excel him in all the essential qualities that 12232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE SEPTEMBER 16 • make the ideal American statesman. He was free from envy, DREWRY, of Virginia; Han. MILTON A. ROMJUE, of Missouri; he was too big for jealousy, he had a heart as broad as Hon. JOHN E. RANKIN, of Mississippi; Han. SOL BLOOM, of New humanity, and the love that he gave his fellows was re­ York; Hon. CLARENCE CANNON, of Missouri; Hon. CLIFTON A. turned by those who knew him and loved him. He embodied WOODRUM, of Virginia; Hon. JOHN TABER, of New York; Hon. all the refinements of a brilliant mind and chivalrous soul­ B. CARROLL REECE, of Tennessee; Han. JOHN M. ROBSION, of a Christian gentleman who walked with God. Greater honor Kentucky; Hon. JAMES McANDREWS, of Illinois; Hon. JOHN J. would have been his before his passing but for the impair­ CocHRAN, of Missouri; Hon. E. E. Cox, of Georgia; Han. ment of his health. He so loved his duties here, he was so CHARLES A. EATON, of New Jersey; Hon. MARY T. NORTON, of devoted to his responsibilities at this juncture in our national New Jersey; Han. LINDSAY C. WARREN, of North Carolina; life that he felt he should forget physical infirmity and Hon. U. S. GUYER, of Kansas; Hon. JED JOHNSON, of Okla­ physical welfare, and so he turned not aside for a moment homa; Hon. JOHN W. McCoRMACK, of Massachusetts; Hon. from the duties that confronted him. Duty to his party was JERE COOPER, of Tennessee; Hon. JoEL. SMITH, of West Vir­ his last undertaking. He was a partisan, but his partisan­ ginia; Han. WILLIAM P. COLE, Jr., of Maryland; Hon. PATRICK ship was grounded in the deepest principles of patriotism and J. BoLAND, of Pennsylvania; Hon. ANDREW J. MAY, of Ken­ love of country. It was a partisanship based upon considera­ tucky; Hon. BRENT SPENCE, of Kentucky; Han. JESSE P. WoL­ tions of what he believed to be the welfare of the Nation. COTT, of Michigan; Hon. MILLARD F. CALDWELL, Of Florida; I have no language to do justice to his splendid record and Hon. JOHN D. DINGELL, of Michigan; Hon. J. WILL RoBINSON, his illustrious public service. His life will be an inspiration to of Utah; Hon. JAMEs G. ScRUGHAM, of Nevada; Hon. MARTIN those who come after him in his native State and throughout F. SMITH, of Washington; Hon. DAVID D. TERRY, of Arkan­ the Nation.
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