List of Toponyms Mentioned

List of Toponyms Mentioned

List of Toponyms Mentioned The following identifications and information are based on the database of places in Anchtawi Anchtawi ꜥnḫ-tꜣ.wy (TM Geo 10723) 1st Lower Egyptian nome, Memphites (Memphis, Meidum) Status: necropolis area north of the Serapeum Egyptian name(s): ꜥnḫ-tꜣ.wy Variants: Anch-tawi (Ankhtawy, Anekh-taui, Onchtowe, Anchtu) (Life (of the) two lands) Apollonopolis (Qus) Apollonopolis (Qus) Gs (TM Geo 270) 5th Upper Egyptian nome, Koptites (Qift) Status: city (polis), village (kome, vicus), district (nomos) Greek name(s): Ἀπόλλωνος Πόλις Μικρά, Διοκλητιανόπολις, Διοκλητιανοῦ Πόλις Egyptian name(s): Gs (Gsꜣ, Gsy) Modern name(s): Qus Variants: Apollonopolis (Apollonos Polis, Apollinopolis) Mikra (Parva), Diokletianopolis (Diokletianou Polis, City of Diocletianus), Ges, Koos (Kos, Chus), Qus (Kous, Kus, Qos) Note: obsolete interpretation: Apollonopolites; the identi- fication with Rsn(.t) / Rsnf(.t) is no longer accepted (See Latopolis (Esna) (TM Geo 1227)) Aut(?) Aut(?) Ꜣwṱ.w (TM Geo 11263) 4th Upper Egyptian nome, Peri Thebas (Theban area) Status: village(?) Egyptian name(s): Ꜣwṱ.w, ꜣwt(?) Variants: Aout(?) Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access list of toponyms mentioned 747 Djeme—Memnoneia Djeme—Memnoneia (Thebes west) Ṯ-mꜣꜥ (TM Geo 1341) 4th Upper Egyptian nome, Peri Thebas (Theban area) Status: village, kome, quarter, district Greek name(s): τὰ Μεμνόνεια Egyptian name(s): Ḏmꜣ, T-ḏmꜣꜥ, Ḏmꜥ, Ḏmꜣ.t, Pr-ḏmꜣ, Pꜣ-ḏmꜣ Modern name(s): Thebes west Djeserset Djeserset Ḏsr-st Hartai (Hardai) Hardai (Hartai) Ḥr-ty (TM Geo 4989) 17th Upper Egyptian nome, Kynopolites (El-Qeis) Status: city, district Egyptian name(s): Ḥr-dy (Ḥr-ty); pꜣ tš n Ḥr-ty Note: locations uncertain; the identification with Kynopo- lis (1196) is no longer accepted Herakleopolis Magna Herakleopolis Magna Ḥ.t-nn-nsw (TM Geo 801) 20th Upper Egyptian nome, Herakleopolites Status: city (polis; urbs; civitas; oppidum; metropolis) Egyptian name(s): Ḥw.t-nn-nsw; Nn-nsw; Ḥw.t-nsw Variants: Herakleopolis (Herakleous Polis) Megale (Magna)—Hut-nen-nesu (Henen-Nesu) [House (of the) child (of the) king]—Hnes (Hanes)—Ihnasya el- Medina (Ahnas) Greek name(s): Ἡρακλέους Πόλις Μεγάλη Modern name(s): Ihnasya el-Medina Hut Hut Ḥ-wt Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access 748 list of toponyms mentioned Hutnesu Hutnesu [House of (the) king] Ḥ.t-nsw (TM Geo 2793) 17th Upper Egyptian nome, Kynopolites (El-Qeis) Status: city, district Egyptian name(s): Ḥ.t-nsw; pꜣ tš n Ḥw.t-nsw Modern name(s): Kom el-Ahmar Sawaris (ca. 5km south of Sharuna, on the eastern Nile bank) Kerkesoucha Orous Kerkesoucha Orous Pr-grg-sbk (TM Geo 1069) Arsinoites (Fayum), meris of Herakleides (located near Kerkesoucha) (TM Geo 1067), Philadelpheia (TM Geo 1760), and Ptolemais Hormou (TM Geo 2024) Status: village (kome, demi) Greek name(s): Κερκεσουχα Ὄρους Egyptian name(s): Pr-grg-n-sbk, Pꜣ-grg-sbk, Pꜣy-grg-sbk, Pr-grg-n-sbk Variants: Kerkesoucha Orous (The settlement of Souchos / Sobek of (the) desert) Note: obsolete reading: Pꜣ-nwgr-sbk / Nwlg-sbk Kochlax Kochlax Pꜣ-ẖll (TM Geo 3141) 4th Upper Egyptian nome, Pathyrites (Gebelein) Status: village? Greek name(s): Κόχλαξ Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-ẖll, Pꜣ-ẖrr Variants: Kochlax, P-cherer Koussai (El-Qusiya) Koussai (El-Qusiya) Kss (TM Geo 1176) 15th Upper Egyptian nome, Hermopolites (El-Ashmumein, El-Qusiya, Meir, El-Minya) Status: village (kome), city (polis) Greek name(s): Κουσσαι Egyptian name(s): Ḳys (Ḳsi҆ꜣ, Ḳs, Ks) Modern name(s): El-Qusiya Variants: Koussai (Kousai, Kos, Akouasa, Kousos, Chousai, Chousos, Kasos), El-Qusiya (Kusija, El-Koussieh) Note: obsolete reading: Qsỉs Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access list of toponyms mentioned 749 Latopolis (Esna) Latopolis (Esna) Rsnf (TM Geo 1227) Resnef (TM Geo 3633) ghost name; 3rd Upper Egyptian nome, Latopolites (Esna, Kom el- Ahmar) Status: city (polis) Greek name(s): Λάτων Πόλις Egyptian name(s): I҆ wny.t, Sn.t, Tꜣ-sn.t, Sni҆, Sn (obsolete readings: Rsnf (Rsn), Rsn(.t), Rsnf(.t)) Variants: Latopolis (Laton Polis), Iounit, Senet (Seni), Esna (Isna) (obsolete variants: Resnef, Resne, Resen, Shema) Modern name(s): Esna Note: new reading Sen / Esna (TM Geo 1227) in several papyri; the identification with Apollonopolis (Qus) (TM Geo 270) is no longer accepted Medamud Kerameia, Madu (Nagʾ el-Medamud) Mꜣtn (TM Geo 1281) 4th Upper Egyptian nome, Peri Thebas (Theban area) (located on the eastern Nile bank) Status: village Greek name(s): τὰ Κεραμεῖα Egyptian name(s): Mꜣdw, Mꜣd, Mꜣt, Mꜣtn, Mtn, Pr-mntw-nb- mꜣtn Modern name(s): Nagʾ el-Medamud Variants: ta Kerameia (Keramike), Madu, Per-Montu-neb- Maten (House / temple / domain (of) Montou lord (of) Maten), Nagʾ el-Medamud (Medamud) Note: obsolete readings instead of Mꜣtn: Tp-tn, Tꜣ-tn, Tꜣ-Ḏsr, dsr, Ḥpw; there is no reason to suppose the existence of an homonymous temple called Pr-mnt-nb-mꜣtn at Medinet Habu / Memnoneia (TM Geo 1341) on the western Nile bank, as so often (incorrectly) has been maintained Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access 750 list of toponyms mentioned Mendes Mendes Ybyt (TM Geo 1350) Arsinoites (Fayum), meris of Herakleides (located near Hiera Nesos (TM Geo 839)) Status: village (kome, demi) Greek name(s): Μενδης Egyptian name(s): Pr-bꜣ-nb-ḏd.t Variants: Mendes Note: obsolete readings: Pr-ḏd, Pr-bj.t, Ybyt Nabikuharpochrates(?) Nabikuharpochrates(?) Nꜣ-byk.w-ḥr-(pꜣ)-˹ẖrṱ˺ (TM Geo 10659) Arsinoites (Fayum) Status: village (demi) Egyptian name(s): Nꜣ-bi҆k.w-ḥr-pꜣ-ẖrd? Variants: N-bikou-Harpochrates? Naukratis (Kom Gajef) Naukratis (Kom Gajef) Krḏ (TM Geo 1424) 5th Lower Egyptian nome, Saites (Sa el-Hagar) Status: city (polis, civitas, demi) Greek name(s): Ναύκρατις Egyptian name(s): Nꜣy=w-Krḏ (Nꜣ-Krṯ, Nꜥ-Krḏ), Bꜣ-dd Modern name(s): Kom Gajef Variants: Naukratis, Baded, Kom Gajef (el-Giʾeif, Kom el- Geif) Note: obsolete readings: dmḏ Krḏ, Pꜣ-krḏ Ope Ope I҆ py (TM Geo 2629) 4th Upper Egyptian nome, Pathyrites (Gebelein) Status: city Egyptian name(s): I҆ py Variants: Ape Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access list of toponyms mentioned 751 Pabunim Pabunim Pꜣ-bw-n-ym (TM Geo 10664) Arsinoites (Fayum), meris of Herakleides (?) Status: village Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-bw-n-ym Variants: P-bou-n-im Note: reading uncertain Pachercher Pachercher Pꜣ-ḫrḫr (TM Geo 10913) 1st Lower Egyptian nome, Memphites (Memphis, Meidum) Status: village Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-ḫrḫr Variants: P-chercher (The ruin?) Pachir Pachir Pꜣ-h̭yr (TM Geo 10686) 13th Upper Egyptian nome, Lykopolites (Assiut) (located near Lykopolis (Assiut) (TM Geo 1271)) Status: village (demi) Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-h̭yr, Pꜣ-ḫyr, Pꜣ-ẖr Variants: P-chir, P-kher (The street) Paherenpaihy Paherenpaihy Pꜣ-ḥr-n-pꜣ-i҆hy Paihinpamehen Paihinpamehen Pꜣ-i҆hi҆-n-pꜣ-mhn (TM Geo 10666) 5th Upper Egyptian nome, Koptites (Qift) Status: area Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-i҆hi҆-n-pꜣ-mhn, Pꜣ-i҆hy-n-pꜣ-mhn-n-i҆mn, Tꜣ-sby Variants: P-ihi-n-p-mehen-n-Amon (‘The stable of the milk can (of Amun)’), T-sebi (The pond(?)) Note: the identification with Pois (TM Geo 2654) is no longer accepted Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access 752 list of toponyms mentioned Pakeis Pakeis Pꜣ-ḳs (TM Geo 6196) 4th Upper Egyptian nome, Peri Thebas (Theban area) Status: village? Greek name(s): Πακεις Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-ḳs Variants: Pakeis Papa Papa Pꜥpꜥ (TM Geo 3175) 5th Upper Egyptian nome, Koptites (Qift) Status: village (kome) Greek name(s): Παπα Egyptian name(s): Pꜥpꜥ (Ppꜥ) Variants: Papa Pasehhoriirau Pasehhoriirau Pꜣ-sḥ-ḥr-i҆.i҆r-ꜥw (TM Geo 10661) Arsinoites (Fayum), meris of Herakleides Status: village (demi) Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-sḥ-ḥr-i҆.i҆r-ꜥw Variants: P-seh-Hor-iir-au (The hall (of) Horos-who-has- become-great) Pasehhoriirties Pasehhoriirties Pꜣ-sḥ-ḥr-i҆.i҆r-ty-s Patadjeser Patadjeser Pꜣ-tꜣ-dšr (TM Geo 10676) 13th Upper Egyptian nome, Lykopolites (Assiut) Status: necropolis area Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-tꜣ-ḏsr, Pꜣ-ḏsr Variants: P-ta-djeser, P-to-djoser (The sacred land) Note: uncertain identification of Pꜣ-tꜣ-dšr as Pꜣ-tꜣ-ḏsr Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access list of toponyms mentioned 753 Pateshresi Pateshresi Pꜣ-tš-rs (TM Geo 13472) 1st Upper Egyptian nome (Elephantine, Kom Ombo) Status: district Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-tš-rs Variants: P-tesh-resi (‘The southern district’) Pathyris Pathyris Pꜣ-ḥ.t-ḥr (TM Geo 2849) 4th Upper Egyptian nome, Pathyrites (Gebelein) Status: city: polis; oppidum; village: kome; demi Greek name(s): Παθυρις—Ἀφροδίτης πόλις—Ἐνταιγις Egyptian name(s): Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr—Ỉnr.ty (Ỉn.ty) Variants: Pathyris, Aphroditopolis (Aphrodites Polis), Per-Hathor (‘House (of) Hathor’), Inerty / Inti (Inty) / Entaigis / Entaiis (Entaiye) (in the expression Hath- ernebentaigis) (‘The two rock formations’), Gebelein (Gebelen), sites including Debbabiyeh (Dabbabiyeh) Patushenara Patushenara Pꜣ-tw-šn-ꜥrꜣ (TM Geo 10657) Arsinoites (Fayum), meris of Herakleides Status: village (demi) Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-tw-šn-ꜥrꜣ Variants: P-tou-shen-ara (The mountain with the ara tree) Pawawa Pawawa Pꜣ-wwꜣ (TM Geo 2092) Arsinoites (Fayum) (located near Mendes (TM Geo 1350)) Status: village (demi) Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-wwꜣ Variants: P-ououa Maria Cannata - 9789004406803 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 10:17:57PM via free access 754 list of toponyms mentioned Pei Pei Pꜣ-ꜥ.wy (TM Geo 6566) 5th Upper Egyptian nome, Koptites (Qift) Status: village Greek name(s): Πηι Egyptian name(s): Pꜣ-ꜥ.wy Variants: Pei, P-awi (The place / village) Note: obsolete reading: Pꜣ-ꜥy Peralk Peralk Pr-ꜣlk Perbit Perbit Pr-bj.t Peribt[…] Peribt[…] Pr-i҆bt[…] Permentinebmaten Permentinebmaten Pr-mnṱ-nb-mꜣtn shrine of Montu lord of Medamud Pernebetwety Pernebetwety Pr-nb-wṱ (TM Geo 13668) 10th Upper Egyptian nome, Antaiopolites (Qaw el-Kebir) (located north of Antaiopolis (Qaw el-Kebir) (TM Geo 188)) Status: city Egyptian name(s): Pr-nb-wṱ, Pr-nb.t-wt, Pr-wḏy Variants: Per-nebet-oudji (Pernebut, Pinobuot: House (of the) mistress (of the red) udj-fish (scil.

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