Desert Fox Games

Desert Fox Games

DESERT FOX GAMES Many titles now available on the Decision Games online shop in the Desert Fox tab. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price 3M High-Bid 35 FFG Netrunner Core Set 40 GMT Twilight Struggle (7th print) 65 REV Longstreet Attacks: 2nd Day 3W Tide of Fortune 34 GAL ATC Moonshot 25 GMT Twilight Struggle: at Gettysburg 60 ADMW Exodus: Moses vs Pharoah 60 GMT Africanus (zip) 20 Turn Zero Expansion (ziplock) 20 REV Pacifi c Fury (ziplock) 27 ADMW Joshua 60 GMT Ancient Civilizations GMT Tyrant (ziplock) 10 REV Patton's Vanguard (ziplock) 33 ADMW 2nd Battle of Megiddo 60 of Inner Sea 85 GMT Welcome to Centerville 59 REV Poland Defi ant: German ADMW Three Caesars 60 GMT Andean Abyss (2012) 65 GMT Wing Leader: Supremacy 79 Invasion, 1939 (ziplock) 45 AEG Monkey Lab 25 GMT Ardennes 44 55 GMT Zero 45 REV Road to Cheren (ziplock) 27 AEG Straw 15 GMT Arquebus 65 HEX By Shot, Shock & Faith 56 REV Siege of Orgun (ziplock) 33 APL Digging (card) 15 GMT Barbarian HEX Great War Commander 82 REV Washington's Crossing 45 APL Res Publica (card) 15 SPQR Module (ziplock) 25 HEX Ligny: Last Eagles 65 RIO 20th Century 60 ARES #2 Invasive Species 30 GMT Battle for Normandy HEX Op Roundhammer (ziplock) 22 RIO 20th Century Limited 45 ATG Beer Money 20 Expan (ziplock) 35 HEX Sparatcus Imperator 51 RIO Adam & Eva 15 ATG Lunch Money 20 GMT Battles of Warrior HEX Tenkatoitsu 63 RIO Alan's Adventureland 50 ATG Lunch Money Sticks Exp 10 Queen (ziplock) 20 HEX Victory Roads 70 RIO Albion 40 ATG Recess 25 GMT Cataclysm 79 LWG B-29 Superfortress (2nd ed) 56 RIO Alexandros 33 AYG Co Heroes Russia 1941-42 80 GMT Conquest of Paradise Deluxe 57 LWG Ball's Bluff (ziplock) 20 RIO Arctic Scavenger: Recon Exp 30 BRO The Cossacks are Coming 60 GMT Cuba Libre 69 LWG Battle of the Little Bighorn 68 RIO Assyria 60 C3i #31 Wakefi eld 40 GMT Dark Valley 79 LWG Blenheim 56 RIO Augsburg 1520 40 CG EuroFront 35 GMT Dead of Winter 60 LWG Dien Bien Phu (2nd ed) 64 RIO Australia 40 CG Victory Pack (game & parts) 49 GMT Dominant Species 79 LWG Demyansk Shield 62 RIO Bean Trader 38 COA Baltic Arena (booklet) 35 GMT Dominant Species: Card Game 29 LWG Hell Over Korea 40 RIO Beta Colony 60 COA Baron's War 40 GMT Down in Flames: LWG Ici, c'est la France! (2nd ed) 60 RIO Big Manitou 25 COA Devil to Pay (zip) 18 Squadron Pack#1: Fighters 10 LWG Maori Wars 62 RIO Black Friday 45 COA Fires of Midway 65 GMT Down in Flames: LWG Nemesis: Burma 1944 64 COA Hell of Stalingrad 65 Squadron Pack#2: Bombers 10 LWG Picket Duty (2nd ed) 70 Bohnanza COA Painter's Guide WW2 GMT Enemy Coast Ahead: LWG Quatre Batailles en Espagne 98 RIO Bohnanza 20 Camo (bklt) 20 Doolittle Raid 60 LWG Saipan & Tinian 66 RIO Bohnanza: Bohnaparte & COA PanzerKampfe (module/booklet) 16 GMT Falling Sky 80 LWG Slouch Hats & Eggshells 48 High Bohn 25 COA Persian Incursion (Harpoon) 65 GMT Fading Glory 60 LWG Tanga 1914 64 RIO Bohnanza: My First 20 COA Prague 88 GMT Fields of Despair 99 LWG Target for Today 80 RIO Bohnanza: The Duel 20 COA Sea of Dragons (booklet) 25 GMT Fighting Formations: LWG Tonkin 60 Expansions COA Shattered Armada (booklet) 40 GD Div-Kharkov 45 MB Battleship (1971) 15 RIO Bohnanza: Ladies & Gangsters 25 COA Speed of Heat 60 GMT Flagship: Coyote (cards) 15 MB Lost World Jurassic Park 90 RIO Bohnanza: Princes & Pirates 25 COA Supermarina I-Vol II 56 GMT Flagship: Prometheus (cards) 15 MFG SoC/Fisherman of Catan Exp 4 COA Supermarina II (booklet) 20 GMT Fort Sumter 42 MFG SoC/Great River Exp 3 RIO Bolide Tracks 1 25 CPA 1866 79 GMT Gallipoli 105 PHA Heart of Africa 35 RIO Broadhorns 60 CPA A Las Barricades 75 GMT Gathering Storm 105 PHA Maharaja 45 RIO Cafe International 35 CPA Brezhnevs War 39 GMT Guilford 45 PHA Sutter's Mill 45 RIO Canyon 25 CPA End of Empire 99 GMT Hitler's Reich 69 QNG Alhambra The Dice Game 40 RIO Cape Horn 33 CPA Fatal Alliances 134 GMT Holland 44 55 QNG Chicago Express 60 RIO Capt'n Clever 25 CPA La Bataille De France 1940 80 GMT Illusion of Glory 65 QNG Eketorp 60 RIO Caravan 50 CPA Montelimar: Anvil of Fate 139 GMT Ivanhoe 25 QNG Highland Clans 35 RIO Cartegna II 28 CPA Operation Skorpion 55 GMT Kutuzov 35 QNG Montego Bay 60 RIO Castle For All Seasons 55 CPA Prelude to Rebellion 109 GMT Last Hundred Yards 59 QNG Lucky Loop 35 RIO Cavemen: Quest for Fire 25 CPA Sovereign of the Seas 110 GMT Leaping Lemmings 35 QNG Turbo Taxi 25 RIO Caylus Magna Carta 30 CPA Spanish Eagles 65 GMT Liberty or Death 82 QNG Architekton 25 RIO Celtica 40 CPA The Fall of Third Reich 79 GMT MBT- 4CMBG (#3) 42 QNG Inka 30 RIO Coal Country 60 CPA Triumph of the Will 69 GMT Newtown 35 QNG Flandern 1302 25 RIO Coloretto 15 CPA Yalu 59 GMT Next War India-Pakistan 85 QNG Fresco: The Scrolls Expansion 25 RIO Concordia: Britania/Germania 25 CSL 1812 40 GMT Next War: QNG Samarkand 63 RIO Copy Cat 45 CSL 1864 40 Supplement #1 (ziplock) 20 QNG Fresco 63 RIO Corsairs 30 CSL 1870 40 GMT No Retreat: Poland & France 60 QNG Shogun: Tennos Court Expan 25 RIO Credit Mobilier 35 CSL 1916 40 GMT Normandy 44 (2010) 120 QNG Fresco: The Glaziers Expansion 40 RIO Darjeeling 50 CSL 1950 40 GMT Operation Dauntless 59 QNG Tombouctou 60 RIO Doge 40 CSL 1995 40 GMT Paths of Glory (1st ed) 40 QNG Robber Knights 30 RIO Doge Ship 50 CSL Army Group North 40 GMT Pendragon 95 RAV Marco Polo 25 CSL Army Group Center 40 GMT Pericles 85 REV Across the Narva (ziplock) 45 DOMINION CSL Army Group South 40 GMT Rebel Raiders on High Seas 69 REV Battles of the Bulge: RIO Dominion (2nd ed) 45 CST Algeria 20 GMT Rise of Roman Empire (ziplock) 100 Celles (ziplock) 30 RIO Dominion: Base cards 18 CST Marcher Lords 23 GMT Risorgimento 1859 75 REV Counter-Attack: Battle of RIO Dominion: Intrigue Expansion 40 CST War Plan Crimson 23 GMT Sekighara (4th printing) 69 Arras (ziplock) 30 RIO Dominion: Intrigue Update Pack 15 DOW Ticket to Ride Dice Expan 20 GMT Sekigahara (1st ed) 60 REV Gazala: The Cauldron (ziplock) 30 RIO Dominion: Nocturne Expansion 45 EGD Knights Brave & Bold 25 GMT Space Corp 82 REV Kernstown 65 RIO Dominion: Renaissance EGD Savanah Cafe 15 GMT Stalingrad 42 75 REV Konigsberg (ziplock) 45 Expansion 45 EXCAL Sovereign of Seas 30 GMT Gallipoli 105 REV Last Battle: Ie Shima, FBI Berserker 30 GMT The Supreme Commander 35 1945 (ziplock) 30 RIO Duell 20 FBI Nuclear War 50th Anniv 40 GMT Tank Duel 78 RIO Edison & Co 30 Desert Fox Games • PO Box 21598 • Bakersfi eld CA 93390 • 661/587-9633 • Fax- 661/587-5031 • DESERT FOX GAMES Many titles now available on the Decision Games online shop in the Desert Fox tab. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price RIO El Caballero 35 RIO Race the Wind 60 TLC Zombies! 6.66 Fill in _______ 10 50-55, 57-59, 62 10 RIO El Grande +El Caballero 180 RIO Ranking 40 VaeV From Overlord to Berlin (ziplock) 25 61, 63-77, 79-88 6 RIO Elfenroads 30 RIO Rattlebones 60 VNG Leningrad 41 (KS version) 80 91-98, 101-108 7 RIO Epoch: Early Inventors 58 RIO Renaissance Man 35 VNG Moscow 1941 (KS version) 100 RIO Evergreen 20 RIO Rio de la Plata (Dings & Dents) 50 VPG Vanished Planet 25 MAGAZINES WITH GAMES RIO Famiglia 12 RIO Rob 'n Run 50 WDG 1944 War in the West 57 Against the Odds RIO Fast Flowing Forest Fellers 40 RIO Roll for the Galaxy 60 WDG A Spoiled Victory: Dunkirk 46 4 Napoleon at Ibe Berezina 35 RIO Fifth Avenue 38 RIO Roll for the Galaxy: Ambition 40 WDG Albuerra 1811 65 5 North Wind Rain 35 RIO Fiji 30 RIO Roll for the Galaxy: Rivalry 80 WDG Anzio 49 8 Fortress Berlin 35 RIO For Crown & Kingdom 40 RIO Roll to the South Pole 35 WDG At Neuve Chapelle 44 12 Chennault’s First Fight 35 RIO Forgotten Planet 60 RIO Samuari Card Game 30 WDG Caribbean Storm: 15 Cactus Throne 35 RIO Formidable Foes 40 RIO Siesta 40 Honduras 2009 42 30 Lash of the Turk 35 RIO Fossil 30 RIO Space Alert: WDG Duel of Eagles 1870 62 34 Right Fierce & Terrible 35 RIO Friedrich, Anniversary Edition 75 Next Frontier Expansion 30 WDG Gorbachev (solitaire) 57 42 Thunder Upon the Land 40 RIO Funny Friends 35 RIO Space Dealer 60 WDG Jeff Davis Confederacy at War 45 44 Vercingetorix 40 RIO Furstenfeld 60 RIO Strozzi 35 WDG Master & Commander 62 ANN #5 Four Roads Moscow 45 RIO Galaxy Trucker Expansion 55 RIO Surf's Up Dude 45 WDG Nubia: Egypt's Heirs (solitaire) 57 RIO Gambit Royale 25 RIO Taj Mahal 40 WDG Pavia 1525 62 Ares (SPI) RIO Genoa 60 RIO Tally Ho 25 WDG Pickett's Charge: 1 World Killer (Punched) 30 RIO Gloria Mundi 45 RIO Techno Witches 30 Gettysburg (solitaire) 45 7 Rescue from the Hive 25 RIO Gnummies 12 RIO Temporum 50 WDG Placenoit 1815 54 Special Editions 1 & 2 20 ea RIO Gracias 20 RIO Temporum Alternate Realities 30 WDG Sept Storm: RIO Guatamala Cafe 50 RIO Those Pesky Garden Gnomes 30 Invasion Poland, 1939 51 Command RIO Hare & Tortoise 28 RIO Thurn & Taxis: Roads to Rome 30 WDG Solitaire Caesar 54 1 Blitzkrieg ’41 P85 RIO Havana 45 RIO Tichu 15 WDG Storm in the East: 2 Sunrise of Victory 100 RIO Heavens of Olympus 45 RIO Tiffi n 40 Op Barbarossa 70 5 Hamburger Hill P75 RIO Hermagor 40 RIO Time Pirates 40 WDG Last Stand: Little Big Horn 52 6 Krim P30 RIO IDO 44 RIO Tin Goose 60 WDG They Fell Like Stones: 9 Inchon P40 RIO If Wishes Were Fishes 35 RIO Toppo 15 Isandlwana 56 11 Hougoumont 25 RIO In the Shadow of the Emperor 28 RIO Torres 45 WDG Vietnam Solitaire 50 15 I Am Sparatcus P50 RIO Indus 35 RIO Toscana 30 WDG Von Moltke's Triumph 54 16 Storm in West 1918 P60 RIO Key Harvest 50 RIO Traders of Genoa 40 WDG War in the Pacifi

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