Insider I' Sag writing seminar Iu shining on the college community for'more than 55 years I* DEC. 14,1992 • WILLIAM PATERSON COLLEGE :'M Bd. Trusteesneet to discuss biiget, f other concens By Walter EHit STAFFWRTTER President Arnold )eert's announcement of ttlatest bugetary shortfall andiscus- displ sion over a controveal Stu- Center] of dent Center display (sffelated Fnenc1 , story) highlighted the 3ard of on campus SJ^weqic Tjfuj dis- Trustees meeting lesday pkymc, located at )he bottom ^ht. of the stausin th* Studeot Cen- In his budgetarreport, ter contorted piuur&s of two Speert disclosed a 1)3 per- ,»long cent decrease ia tlfo SB's sup- . port in operating funcfor fis* cal year 1993. Thedreaseis the fifth straight undfunding and single largest by t state. "We are seeir, the *7A effects of the continued Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity printed an apology (white sheet of paper in the center) for showing a shortfalls"-Svert picture viewed as offensive. f ••/. "The College quested $35,574 million to thstate for Objections raised at frat's decision the 1993 fiscal yeabut will receive $30,406 mion after 'if,* the state made its mtear cor- to showcase questionable photo ( '/ picture on Wednesday.. the State Attorney General's of- rection," noted Speer By Waller Elliott t from what "In past years v used to STAFFWRTTER Petrozzino's office made a call fice. The action was approved by the Board with the sugges- opera* and wait until April 15 scie state's to a TEP representative. How- eterosoxual Office of Manageme & Bud- A photograph in last week's ever, the news also reached the tion of asking whether "gang get can get an indfcan of tax Tau Epsilon Phi (TEP) fraterni- Feminist Collective and Presi- bang" constitutes fighting revenues," said Spee explain- ty display in the Student Center dent Arnold Speert's office. words and thus grounds for re- ing the midyear contion pro- provoked debate. "I got a call from someone moval. cess. "Now OMB uts until A student assistant found who said, 'Come see this dis- the last possible inste." stickers and graffiti covering play,'" explained Feminist Col- "Fighting words" arc "words The president lar noted part of the TEP display at about lective officer Caroline Juan- which are clearly and likely to 1 that at least $2 milh can be 5 p.m. Tuesday, said Frank otrski, standing by the display provoke violent retaliation and found from budge:uts and Petrozzino, assistant director of case. "I'm not upset of the pic- are addressed directly to an av- drawing from resent in clos- the Student Center. The eight ture itself or who Barbara Dare erage person," according to the ing the $5,168 millicgap. "This Insults Women" stickers is but what a group of people handbook, School Discipline The Beacon extends the "We are seeing e effects and the "Stuff Your Sexist would find acceptable and not and Students'Rights. of the continued ortfalls, Shit" writing on the glass case understanding the implication Also at that time, Women's best of wishes to the however," noted Sert. "We focused on a picture auto- of the term 'gang bang.'" Center Director Meryle Ka- WPC community during see it in the lack (supplies graphed by adult film actress "I received two caHs object- plan suggested she, Director of this holiday season. \ and lack of growtln the li- Barbara Dare. "To the House, ing to the photograph in the Campus Events Mitch Fahrer, brary's holdings, e're also Let's Have a Gang Bang," read case," si$a& Sgeert during the and TEP meet the next morning The next issue of The Beacon making greater usef adjunct Dare's inscription. Board of Trustees meeting to discuss the issue. This action will be published on Monday, instructors." Word of the display and ob- Tuesday night was approved, along with SGA The 10 Trustees ted to ap- jection to it started a chain of Speert added that his office President Art Wooten's offer to Feb. 1,1993 prove the presidentteport but events which led to the fraterni- will discuss the legality of re- hold a forum between TEP and \ SEE BOARD, ty voluntarily removing the moving the display item with SEETEr,PAGE3 COPYRIGHT 1902, VOL. 59, NO.16 •I :,; CAMPUS EVENTS ACADEMIC ACTION Monday Sunday The answers to the ques- If the given criteria are met, all First, you must r tions appearing in this col- sophomores, juniors, and withdrawal from the umn are supplied by the staff seniors can obtain a leave of Second, contact the of the WPC Advisement Cen- absence from at the Counseling Office and have .„ TEP apologizes for photo ter, located in Wayne Hall, Catholic Campus Ministry Center in Matelson 109, 595- transcript sent to the, Room 138. Any student with FROM BRAT, PAGE 1 torney General's office." Club—12:30 Join us for the Cele- 2257. Freshman may go to the school you are applying ft planned fourm. "If both sides Catholic Campus Ministry an academic question is invited Freshman Life Office, Matel- those offended by the photo- McCort added that TEP is "This picture has been re- velopments around the matter bration of Mass Monday in SC 325 4. It's the end of the moved by the choice of the would go through a sensitivity at 12:30. It's our last Monday Mass Club—Join us for Mass at 6:30 at to stop by and use the Center's son 161, 595-2219. A leave of graph. sending a letter of apology to may continue. and I have not completely brothers of Tau Epsilon Phi. If process, real growth and under- before Christmas. For more info NJDC. Immediately following resources. Operating hours: absence must be applied for at "We called the Attorney The Beacon and the Adminis- call Father Lour or Sister Mary at Mass, we will decorate for the the course requirements for General's office (Wednesday tration. the wording on the picture of- standing can come from this." « Mon through Thur: 9:00 am- least 30 days prior to the last "What I want to see is not to 595-6184. Christmas Eve Mass. one of my courses. I do not morning)," said Raj Singh, vice fended anyone, then the broth- 7:00 pm; Fri 9:00 am-5:00 pm. day of classes of the semester TEP removed the picture by censor TEP, but to have them president of Contract Adminis- ers of Tau Epsilon Phi would "No witnesses have come for which it is applicable. A wish to fail . Is there anythingg 12:30 p.m. Wednesday and confront those who are offend- foward who saw the person or '? m I can do? tration. "Based on that discus- posted the following letter in its like to apologize." 1.1 am considering a leave of leave for one academic year ed by the picture," explained persons who applied the stick- sion, we fowarded the matter to place Thursday: absence. How do I know if I (two semesters) can be granted. Yes. You can request an In- The picture is down but de- Wooten in reference to the ers and wrote on the display," Tuesday am eligible and where do I complete from tfic piofessor. If those meeting with the fraterni- apply? 2. Can I be refused if I desire an incomplete is granted, you ty." a withdrawal from the col- Future In order for a leave of ab- will have a 30-day period im- "We held the meeting with sence to be granted, your Grade lege? mediately following the begin- the frat's chancellor and vice J.S.A.—Bagels 'n' More open Point Average must meet the No. A withdrawal is for an ning of the Spring semester, to president and explained the indefinite amount of time and Public reacts to display house and discussion, at 9:30 a,m. following criteria: (a good complete the work. In order to problem," said Kaplan - 12 p.m. Open house and discus- is in force until the student Events Services—De- standing of a 2.00 or better ap- have your Incomplete chang^ Wednesday afternoon. "We FROM STUDENT, RAGE 1 that she doesn't feel her daugh- sion. Call JS A at x 2S24 cember 16-23 in Student Center plies for all) chooses to apply for readmis- to a letter grade, ii must^f were not asking for the removal publicly express their sexuality ter should have to be subjected sion. An official withdrawal I Ballroom. The Student Center Credits Attempted-23 credits or done so upon the recommendf on the grounds of censorship just as heterosexuals do," said to this." (for stipulations, see the catalog Ballroom will be available as a less, automatic probation-not tion of your professor^. If the ^ but of what kind of image they Rob Rosen, English professor. A club or organization is al- study hall beginning 12:00 noon p. 35) must be officially pro- want to display before the col- 9 applicable. complete is not changed u, "I think many of the negative lowed to show a display for a •;t< cessed through the Counseling on Dec. 16 thru Dec. 23rd. during Credits Attempted-24-30 cred- letter grade in this fashions lege community. TEP agreed." reactions to the display were week, from Monday to Mon- normal building hours. For more Center, Matelson 109, 595- its, automatic probation 1.99- will automatically be changes "We were getting calls homophobic." day, said Petrozzino. It is up to u Wednesday info call Campus Events Office at 2257.
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