University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 5-22-1935 Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1934-1935) No. 31, May 22, 1935 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1934-1935) No. 31, May 22, 1935" (1935). The Rollins Sandspur. 432. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/432 F\Ou COMMENT Florida's Oldest College OF THE Newspaper WEEKS NEWS ttoiunsii^3an{i0pur By Arthur Dear, Jr. (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, OCTOBER 2, 1935 (Complete Campus Coverage) Roosevelt Spending. The League Falters. U. S. War Policy. Florida Ship Canal. ROLLINS COLLEGE OPENS 51st YEAR TODAY Not only with the CWA but also with many of the other alphabeti­ cal agencies, Mr. Roosevelt haE been seemingly spending money ir wasteful style. But with the Re­ settlement Administration, a little $7,000 Spent On Improvements Of College Plant heard of section of the New Deal which is building homes in urbs and trying to rehouse the ROLLINS DEAN AND HEAD population, "penny wise and pound foolish" would seem to be the CHANGES ARE MADE COLLEGE COMMENCES swer. In Austria and Russia when governmental rehousing was insti­ AFTER SUCCESSFUL tuted, the homes built were tht DURING SUMMER IN best that could be afforded. Here however, they are far from that, COLLEGE BUILDINGS ORIENTATION WEEK The standard of living in the na­ tion can be greatly raised by good housing, or it can be lowered Air-conditioning in dining hall is major project head­ With the incoming class of 135 and the addition of maintained as it is by poor hous­ ing reconstruction of all college buildings; two new houses, Rollins settles down ing, becausing the house a ma: woman lives in sets the styl( $7000 spent on work for 1933-36 year which they live. Either f( houses, despite the great need for An inspection of the buildings at Rollins College shows With the registration of the old students today marking them, should be built or mor that officials have passed a busy summer getting ready for the end of Orientation Week, Rollins settles down into money should be spent on them. the opening of the college next week. routine for the 1935-36 year, the fifty-first of its existence. About $7,000 has been spent for Orientation Week began Thurs­ labor and materials in improving day with the first meeting of the cilities in the residences for stu­ the plant, it is reported. This home in Woodstock, Conn., dur­ faculty in the afternoon and an Italy seems intent on invad­ dents. Chase Hall and Rollins sum was expended under the di­ ing the opening of the fifty-first assembly at 7:30 in the Annie Rus­ ing Ethopia regardless of the Hall, both for men, have been re­ rection of Ervin T, Brown, busi­ sell Theatre. Since then the new League of Nations, Great Brit- decorated. Cloverleaf, a residence session of tho college. ness manager and treasurer, and students have registered, taken tain's home Fleet which turned for freshman girls, has been re­ He is recuperating from the work supervised by George C. physical examinations and lang­ up in the Mediterranean, or decorated throughout and four eration which he underwent Cartwright, Sr., superintendent of uage placement tests, attended the anybody else. Whatever will new shower bath-rooms, with tile early part of the summei grounds and buildings, and George annual mixer in Recreation Hall be the outcome of the war, vir­ floors have been added. In Lake­ Holt is expected to be in Winter C. Cartwright, Jr., electrical en­ and learned to "button". tual war—whether or not de­ side, another residence for women, Park during the first part of next gineer and assistant superintend- Today the registration and phy­ clared—seems certain in Ethi­ the heating facilities have been month. the general administration of the sical examinations for the old stu­ opia. It may lead to a gen­ improved by the installation of opening of Rollins College for its The college year 1935-36 nark; Among the important improve­ dents take place and tomorrow eral European conflict and it additional steam radiators and fifty-first season which begins to­ the tenth anniversary o ments has been the -installation classes start on the regular sched­ may not. All the countries many of the rooms redecorated. day with the completion of orien- of an air conditioning system, at Dr. Holt, the president of Rol­ Holt's administration as ule for the 1935-36 term. will be loath to let it spread. (Continued on page 2, col. 1) )n week and registration. but oil is an important factor a cost of about $1,000 in the col­ lins College, has remained at his president of Rollii The list of new students are as along with the other natural lege dining hall. This new sys­ yet still incomplete but it is esti­ resources, especially the min' tem, installed by George C. Cart­ mated that approximately 135 erals. And this, incidentally, wright, Jr., drops the tempera­ freshmen and transfers have reg­ has more than anything else ture of the dining hall twenty-five SUPPORT THE SANDSPUR istered. Of these about 40 are degrees within fifteen minutes and transfers. There are 8 students to do with Italy's attitude^ If On another page of this issue of the ROLLINS keeps the air constantly freshen- PRESIDENT HOLTS MESSAGE from foreign countries including you want the truth about the SANDSPUR we are printing an advertisement en­ Other improvements in the Baron Bernhard Dominik Hauser, situation, look not on the front couraging our readers to support our advertisers. dining hall include the installa­ a nephew of Dr. Michael Harnisch, page of the newspaper but on The SANDSPUR is issued ordinarially as a six-page tion of shower baths for the stu­ former federal president of Aus­ the financial page. Italy is paper. Through the aid of our advertising v/e are dent waiters and employes. In tria. He is a transfer from the practically bankrupt. able, this weelc, to publish an exceptionally large is­ rear of the Commons, a store University of Vienna and will spe­ sue. Hereafter the SANDSPUR will be composed of 1 built of concrete block and The editor of the Sandspur asks for a two hundred cialize in economic courses. From six pages except in the event of special issues, when with floor space measuring eigh­ word greeting to students, for publication in the first China is Wu-Kow-Liu, a sister of And speaking of the flnancial it will be increased. teen by thirty feet has been co.".- issue of the Sandspur. Wu-Fei-Liu, a student here in side of the fight, leads up to the structed for the storing of non- The SANDSPUR is owned by the student body of 1931-32. American policy and what may be Rollins College. It is supported tinancially through perishable foods. Germany will be represented by done. Congress, in its final hectic the contributions of the students. It is written en­ I think the old students of Rollins do not need to In the college infirmary exten- Miss Else Barasch, and the two days, passed very incomplete neu­ tirely by members of the student body. It is read be assured of my personal friendship and good will Rutz sisters, Mia and Anni, of trality legislation. But by passing fe alterations have been made to largely by members of that group. By giving the to the student body collectively or individually. My Overammagau. Both sisters are it it did put the United States the extent that twelve student SANDSPUR your support, not only in the form of great regret at not being present at the opening of members of the cast of the world definitely on the pacifist side, patients can be accommodated at business, but by working on it, writing letters to college this year is that I shall miss meeting the new- famous Passion Play. Returning where it should stay. However, time. A bed room has been it, criticising it, praising it, and blaming it, when foreign students include the Suck financing foreign wars is not what enlarged, and a lavatory and a blaming is what it needs, you will enable us to create students when they first come together. There have twins, Leo and Henry of Czecho­ one of the practices banned by kitchen have been installed while something better each week. The editorial and busi­ been no more exciting moments in my life at Rollins the infirmary has been redecorated slovakia and Patricia Guppy of Congress and this is one of the ness staffs solicit your support and participation. than when I get my first glimpse of the entering throughout. British, B. W. I. first things that should have been The ROLLINS SANDSPUR, Florida's oldest col­ Pinehurst Hall, which houses class assembled together. With the increased student body stopped. Remember that no na­ lege weekly, was established in 1894 with the fol­ the Conservatory of Music, has it was necessary that two new tion has ever declared war on the lowing editorial: been redecorated throughout and I not only like and approve of our RoUins students, houses be acquired by the college.
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