Automobile* 05 AiitoiiioItiUvs 05 Automobiles 05 Automobiles 95 Automobiles 95Automobltos 95 TORRANCE HERALD January 29, 194S 7T Automobiles !I5 FOR BETTER THE CARS YOU Come fo The CAN'T BEAT AT GOOD USED CARS T For Health and Comfort WILL FINANCE Largest Lot of Selected Equip your Car With a USED CAR THESE PRICES! '47 MERCURY SEDAN ................................ $1,850 TRU-VALU NEW 1947 Lots of extras; sec this oar before you buy. Used Cars 1942 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE V HaDees BARGAINS Radio, heater, spot. New WILL FINANCE paint and upholstery, good '46 BUICK SEDANETTE ..... ........... ............ $1,950 In The S< )uth Bay Hot Water rubber. See this beautiful Radio and heater; low miles; 1 car owner. Your Sain car for only . $1,450 Buy Fro m The CAR HEATER GO TO '42 FORD SEDAN ......................................... $I,I95 Model H-544 Complete with tubing 1942 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan Full price, R.idio mid hotter; runs good. Is Not and switch, only 505 SO. GAFFEY Three to choose from '42 WILLYS STATION WAGON ...... $ 245 Oldest Estab ished Dealer $31.95 Only ........... $1,395 Will handle. Reconditioned motor, new paint, new tires. In The S<Duth Bay Our Loss Model HD 264.8 Complete v/lth tub- SAN PEDRO 1942 PONTIAC WILL FINANCE inn and switch, only tErminal 3-0714 The family car you've been '41 FORD SEDAN ... ...... $ 850 Because you'll talk about $18.95 looking for. $525 down. A real clean car for tho money. Look It over. 25 YlEARS the bargain you get at the 1941 OLDSMOBILE '41 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE ............ $1,295 Of Authorized Experienced, Tru-Valu Corner LOMITA With radio. A very shaip f-ull price. Special deluxe, radio and heater, chrome beauty rims. Dependabl e Service. AUTO PARTS ATCHISON car. Full price $1,295 I94I WILL FINANCE CHEVROLET 2-Or Special Delllxn 1941 OLDSMOBILE SEDANE Town Sedan. Far above average. 2034 Pacific Coast Highway & PRICE 1941 FORD '41 CHEVROLET SEDANS $ 985 TTE .............. $1345 Special The car at the price you 1941 PONTIAC 6 SEDAN . .................... $1295 $II95 Phone Lomita 1098 Direct Factory have been waiting for. WILL FINANCE KAISER-FRAZER DEALER Two to choose from this '40 OLDSMOBILE SEDANS ................... $ 815 194! DODGE SEDAN .... ..................$1395 1 942 MOTOR REBUILDING week, Only $1,195 2 to choose from that cannot be beat In town; PLYMOUTH Special Delllxn Clull IMMEDIATE DELIVERY perfect shape. Stop before you buy. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN ........... $1195 Coupe. New paint and upholstery. REBORING 1940 BUICK CONVERTIBLE Ready to HO No Trade In Required 1941 DODGE COUPE .... ..i............. ..'.$1295 COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP Radio and heater, new '39 HUDSON SEDAN 112 .......................... $ 795 $1395 Main Office, 128 S. Pacific Full price. Radio nnd llfogunrd tube; lots of miles paint, top and upholstery. on n gallon of gas. 1942 MERCURY 2-DOOR S ED AN ............. $1395 San Pedro • TErm 3-3585 This week only $N95 1941 All c.la.H.slfk'd ads arc printed 1939 DODGE SEDAN .... ............ ..........$ 995 HUDSON 4. door Sedan. New paint, $ 395 radio, spotlights, toylii|htn, deep in both the Lomita News and 1940 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan '36 FORD SEDAN ................................................ Full price. Runs good. 1940 CHEVROLET COUPE ................. .. $1095 the Torrance Herald for the Nosed out front and rear. .same small cost. A 15 word ad The sharpest car in town. '34 FORD COUPE ......... .$ 295 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ................. ...$1095 costs only 60c. Full price ........ $1,195 Full price. In good shape, 1938 '37 WILLYS SEDAN $ 795 1941 PLYMOUTH CONVERT FIBLE COUPE ..... .. $1395 PAUL'S 1936 FORD ...... Only $495 ................................. »P A. 7 <J *J / VflL«bl*J tj L.L/^\I ^ O'lfllnal p.iint and upholstering. Auto H«|miring^97 Full price. Runs good. 1941 FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE ............ $1295 Exceptionally clean. 1937 P/2 TON TRUCK $795 OLDSMOBILE " CHEVROLET '46 motor, full price $650 LOOK! 2 MODEL 'A1 FORDS ... ...:.... $ 75 1936 WILLYS SEDAN ... ......................$ 175 And up. 2 to choose from. CADILLAC 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN ...................$ 395 1939 TRANSPORTATION PONTIAC 4- door Sedan. New paint. OWNERS Many Work Cars to Choose from 1935 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ...................$ 295 Radio. Heater. BARGAINS TORRANCE $945 1935 PONTIAC COUPE . ....................$ 395 It Pays to Set USED CARS We Are Badly In Need Of Late Model Cars GENUINE J93I CHEVROLET COUPE 1936 DODGE PANEL .... ....................$ 695 With Pick-up box. 2030 Torrance Blvd. TOWNE OLDSMOBILE Full price ........ $ 1 75 Phone 126 GARDENA USED CAR LOT 1938 DODGE SEDAN ..... ....................$ 795 CADILLAC 1940 DODGE l'/2 -TON CA NOPV ..... .........$1295 MOTORS 1935 DODGE COUPE Manager, Jack Freeman Don Basile, Proprietor SERVICE . :, Full price ........ $275 16430 S. Normandie MEnlo 4-4606 AT 1936' PONTIAC WALTER <&. LINCH T CECIL L THOMAS Full price ........ $325 Your Licensed an d Bonded Dealer AND SONS '47 CIVILIAN JEEP $1350 DODGE, PLYMOL TH AND DODGE (941 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Steel top, oversized V Cadillac Oldsmoblle JOB-RATE D TRUCKS QMC Trucks Radio and heater, new tires. Only 6800 miles. Tru-Valu Corner 4th and Pacific Dial TE 3-6291 : paint, seat covers COME WHERE THERE ARE 200 Feet South c >f Torrance Blvd. San Heuro Full price ...... $1,145 '42 DODGE COUPE $1175 19th and Pacific New paint, radio, good MANY CLEAN CARS TO SELECT FROM On Pacific Coast 1 Highway, Redondo SAN PEDRO 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR condition. Daily 8 to B Sundays 4 to 10 We Specialize in Phone FRc ntier 2122 Special deluxe, new paint Terminal 3-3378 Radio, full price . $1,275 '37 PONTIAC SEDAN $595 AUTO PAINTING Very Clean. CLEAN CAR LOT SPECIALS '35 CHEVROLET BIG CORNER AT COMPTON AND WESTERN BODY and FENDER PAUL'S SEDAN ... $350 1941 Chev. 4-door special deluxe........ ....... .$1 185 WORK 1941 Ford 4-door sedan. A- 1..... ........ ......... 1295 GOOD Also 2 good transportation 15155 So. Western Avenue Signs by Lehr CHEVROLET cars. Come in and 1941 Ford 2-door deluxe, lik make offer. FREE ESTIMATES l640Cabrillo Ave. 1941 DeSoto custom 4-door, radio, htr, overdr., A-l 1350 Used Cars '42 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN ................. $ 495 , Budget Terms Arranged Torrance 617 DOWN._ Radio and heater, spotlights, foallohts, like new. 1941 Willys Americar 4-dr., r BARRETT ew rblt. mtr., new paint 750 YOU ORRIS BROS. '42 CHEVROLET FLEETM ASTER $1,395 1940 Chev 4-door, new paint looks good. ......... 1095 FULL PRICE. 4. door sedan. A clean car. BODY and FENDER SHOP OWN YOUR HOME 1940 Ford 4-door deluxe, pe '41 CHEVROLFT CLUB COUPE .......... $ 375 feet ................ 1125 2U604 Narbonne Ave., Lomita $1595 $1695 CHATEAU BROS. WILL. HANDLE. Sec to appreciate. ' Can Afford 1940 Dodge 4-door custom ..................... 950 TELL US VOUR TERMS New Jeeps Crosleys '40 CHEVROLET COUPE ..................... Only $1 ,095 FULL PRICE. Clean 1939 Chev 2-door deluxe, nev/ paint .............. 975 At RUMLEY'S : '39 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE COUPE Only $ 895 1937 Olds 2-door sedan, rad o, heater .......>.... 695 A-l TRAILER Used Cars FULL PRICE. New top, beautiful finish. MACHINE SHOP 208 N. Pacific, Redondo Beach 1940 Stude Commander, 55,000 miles, like new. .... 1250 AND GARAGE FRontior 3626 FRontler J-2816 '38 FORD DELUXE 4-DOOR ................... $275 KENDALL'S MARKET WILL HANDLE. Nice family car. 1710 LOMITA BLVD. " 1939 Buick club coupe, new p aint, 1946 motor, looks City-Lomita 1270 W. Pacific Coast Hiway $ 445 Harbor '37 PONTIAC 6 .... and runs like new. Qui ck sale. .............. 975 Vour Choice, 1 2 Months to Pay HARBC 1 CITY FULL PRICE. 2-door sedan. | Complete Motor 1934 Ford deluxe 4-door, cle an ..... ............... 395 Phone Lomita 1792 or 1922 '35 FORD 5 WINDOW COUPE ......... $375 Down Rebuilding " " ' Rebuilt motor. A real sharp car. MONTH-END 1933 Ford 4-door sedan, rebi It motor ............ 395 1 94 1 PLYMOUTH General Auto Repairing 1IMO CIUfiVKOMOT club cnup,.. H|ir- 4-door sedan, radio and L'lnl .li-lux... Ha.li., mill hi'atrr. ' *- WE WILL TREAT VOU RIGHT 1936 Ford 4-door deluxe seda n, new paint, good mtr. 550 Acetylene and Electric wlli'iit i-iiiiiillliin. K,,r mil» or trade. SALE heater . $990 207.'i Ti..Tmi,',. hlvil., Apt. M. Ph. 1936 Ford 2-door deluxe .... 495 Welding TorniMr,. 2IN2-M. I939 CHEVROLET Make Your Own Deal Phone Lomita 342 1836 UOUi;K. Full ]iri(v~$25a jTmi 24-ft. ideal house trailer, 3 rooms, like new. Terms. Eastern 4-door sedan $940 brrn listed VMI-V littli- for lust .w\-- KAZAN MOTORS built. IMI yr : »rn. Ni'cits motor uvnrliaul. If We Can Make a Dollar I939 CHEVROLET Phone I'Himtlrr 4-2SOK. 8617 Our- BIG CORNER AT COMPTON AND WESTERN ni-t at.. ToiTHliuc:. We'll Take It 10 more cheap cars from $50 up. 2-door sedan, radio $970 A&A GARAGE}; l-ilunr HiHian, radio und heater. 1933 FORD 2-DOOR 1 5 1 55 So. Western Ave. ' Gardena 1 939 CHEVROLET . Clean IIH a pin. $12(15. Cull Walt Bank terms and liberal trades 248th and Narbonne, Lomita Si:liiii.-fi!|- at Torranco 983 or In- Coupe, extra clean $850 iinliv at 2IKI1 Torriinci- lilvd. 1935 FORD 2-DOOR' Phone Lomita 83 . ," I939 OLDSMOBILE 6 11117 2f, -KT. TUAII.Klt, OHHtiTii built C.ll.l Model 70, 4-door sedan, Motor Repair Our Specialty KflUllU. Sleeps fi. Hot Ulllt 1933 Plymouth Coupe WESTERN MOTOR CO. watiT, 3 Humi-iitc roonm. Prlcn rea­ .'. $850 sonable, inas a. Civiinlmw. Ton-mice AT THE radio General Auto Repair ' "';" 1!«7 .86 J>'OHI> 4-dimr. New paint |ol>. MODEL A PICK-UP 15930 SO. WESTERN AVE. 20 OTHERS Body and Fender Work A-1 condition, ciooil tlrc.i radio. IVIvale parly. Call between |i , ) TO CHOOSE FROM Auto Painting 4. MSI7 Ward Ht.. Walteria. TOM KING FORD USED CAR CENTER GARDENA, CALIFORNIA Free Estimates KI-KOOT li.. use Trailer.
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