S7434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 10, 2001 to the consideration of S. Res. 124 sub- The game of baseball is widely con- compiled a 63–24 record, the fourth best mitted earlier today by Senators Fein- sidered America’s pastime. Walt Whit- of all time after 87 games. Importantly stein and Boxer. man once said: ‘‘I see great things in though, the team’s success has resulted The PRESIDING OFFICER. The baseball. It’s our game—the American not only from the talents of All-Stars clerk will report the resolution by game. It will take our people out-of- Bret Boone, Mike Cameron, Freddy title. doors, fill them with oxygen, give them Garcia, Edgar Martinez, Jeff Nelson, The legislative clerk read as follows: a larger physical stoicism, tend to re- John Olerud, Kazuhiro Sasaki, and A resolution (S. Res. 124) congratulating lieve us from being a nervous, dys- Ichiro Suzuki, but the contributions the University of the Pacific, and its faculty, peptic set, repair these losses, and be a and teamwork of each player and staff, students and alumni on the Univer- blessing to us.’’ coach. sity’s 150th anniversary. Baseball also has been a reflection of The work of Mariners General Man- There being no objection, the Senate our nation’s struggles and triumphs. ager Pat Gillick must also be recog- proceeded to the resolution. During the Civil War, soldiers played nized. Mr. Gillick has shrewdly made Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I baseball during their free moments, trades and acquired free agents who am pleased that the Senate will pass whether in a fort or in a prison camp. have contributed to the improvement this resolution to honor the 150th anni- In 1942, President Franklin Delano of the Mariners both years he has been versary of the University of the Pa- Roosevelt requested that professional with the franchise. The result has been cific. Today, the University of the Pa- baseball continue during the war effort a team of remarkable consistency, dis- cific celebrates its founding in 1851. to help maintain our nation’s morale, cipline, and talent. Last year the Mari- The University of the Pacific has re- even as baseball stars such as Ted Wil- ners finished with a franchise-record 91 mained throughout its history, devoted liams and Bob Feller contributed to victories and this year they are on pace to the teaching and development of the war effort on the front lines as sol- to win over 110 games. students by a faculty of outstanding diers. During the civil rights move- Once again, I would like to com- scholars. It has prepared more than ment, Jackie Robinson epitomized the memorate the 72nd Major League Base- 60,000 students for lasting achievement struggle of African Americans as he ball All-Star game and the remarkable and responsible leadership in their ca- broke baseball’s color barrier and con- start by the Seattle Mariners. reers and communities. tinued to fight prejudice throughout Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- The University of the Pacific is also his career. Now today, as our world has imous consent that the resolution and a trailblazer in higher education. Pa- become smaller, the game has become preamble be agreed to en bloc, and the cific was the first university in the larger, uniting fans and attracting star motion to reconsider be laid upon the West to enroll women and to introduce players from around the world. table, and that any statements relating coeducation. It also established Cali- The All-Star game is a showcase of thereto be printed in the RECORD. fornia’s first medical school and music this special sport and of baseball’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without conservatory. most talented players, selected by objection, it is so ordered. I am pleased to sponsor this resolu- baseball fans around the world and by The resolution (S. Res. 125) was tion to congratulate the University of All-Star Managers Joe Torre and agreed to. the Pacific, and its faculty, staff, stu- Bobby Valentine. It is also a broader The preamble was agreed to. dents, and alumni on the university’s celebration of baseball as fans are (The text of S. Res. 125 is located in 150th anniversary. treated to not only the All-Star game today’s RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Res- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- between the National League and the imous consent that the resolution and olutions.’’) American League, but other events as f the preamble be agreed to en bloc, the well, including a FanFest featuring motion to reconsider be laid upon the interactive games and displays, a EXECUTIVE SESSION table, and that any statements relating homerun derby by baseball’s greatest thereto be printed in the RECORD. sluggers, a game between the top The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without NOMINATION OF EUGENE HICKOK, minor league baseball prospects of the objection, it is so ordered. OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE The resolution (S. Res. 124) was American League and National League, UNDER SECRETARY OF EDU- agreed to. and a softball game featuring All-Star CATION game legends and other celebrities. The preamble was agreed to. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- (The text of S. Res. 124 is located in It is an honor and pleasure for the City of Seattle to once again host this imous consent that the Senate proceed today’s RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Res- to executive session and the HELP olutions.’’) celebration. In 1979, Seattle hosted the 50th All-Star game in just the third Committee be discharged from the con- f season for the Seattle Mariners. After sideration of the following nomination: TRIBUTE TO MLB ALL-STAR GAME two years of planning, Seattle gave Eugene Hickok, to be Under Secretary AND THE SEATTLE MARINERS baseball fans what is still considered of Education, that the nomination be Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- one of the greatest All-Star celebra- considered and confirmed, the motion imous consent that the Senate proceed tions in the history of the event. to reconsider be laid upon the table, to the consideration of S. Res. 125 sub- That year, the Mariners were rep- that any statements thereon be printed ECORD mitted earlier today by Senators CANT- resented by only one All-Star, first in the R , the President be imme- WELL and MURRAY. baseman Bruce Bochte. A deserving diately notified of the Senate’s action, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The player on a struggling team, Bochte and the Senate return to legislative clerk will report the resolution by had a pinch-hit, run-scoring single that session. title. evening—the first hit and RBI for a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The legislative clerk read as follows: Mariners All-Star. objection, it is so ordered. A resolution (S. Res 125) commemorating This season, as Seattle hosts the 72nd The nomination considered and con- 72nd Major League Baseball All-Star game All-Star Game, the Mariners are rep- firmed is as follows: and to congratulate the Seattle Mariners on resented by eight players and Manager DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION hosting the All-Star game and on their ex- Lou Piniella. The eight Mariners play- Eugene Hickok, of Pennsylvania, to be traordinary start to the season. ers are the most to participate from Under Secretary of Education. There being no objection, the Senate one team since the 1960 Pittsburgh Pi- f proceeded to consider the resolution. rates also had eight players. This col- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, lection of talent—and the hard work, LEGISLATIVE SESSION today I rise to introduce a resolution discipline, and determination that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under to commemorate the 72nd Major these players have demonstrated to the previous order, the Senate will now League Baseball All-Star Game and to reach All-Star status—is at the core of return to legislative session. congratulate the Seattle Mariners on one of the best starts in Major League Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a their extraordinary start to the season. Baseball history. The Mariners have quorum. July 10, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7435 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The PROGRAM PACT, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, VICE JAMES B. LEWIS, RESIGNED. clerk will call the roll. Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, on DEPARTMENT OF STATE Wednesday, the Senate will convene at The legislative clerk proceeded to J. RICHARD BLANKENSHIP, OF FLORIDA, TO BE AMBAS- call the roll. 10 o’clock in the morning with a period SADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF for morning business until 10:30 a.m. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE COMMON- Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I ask WEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS. We expect to begin consideration of the THOMAS J. MILLER, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEMBER unanimous consent the order for the Interior appropriations bill on Wednes- OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MINISTER- quorum call be rescinded. COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND day. PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without TO GREECE. f LARRY C. NAPPER, OF TEXAS, A CAREER MEMBER OF objection, it is so ordered. THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MINISTER- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND TOMORROW PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA f TO THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Mr. DASCHLE. If there is no further THOMAS C. HUBBARD, OF TENNESSEE, A CAREER MEM- business to come before the Senate, I BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MIN- ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY ISTER-COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- now ask unanimous consent that the DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES 11, 2001 Senate stand in adjournment under the OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA.
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