wamrn^^^^1^ IS f' // £8Ue AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY 57 Volume IS Number 1 Summer 1981 DETLEF w. DOERRBECKER is an Associate Lecturer in the history of art at Trier University. Currently he is trying hard to get together a study of Blake's principles of color composition. DAVID v. ERDMAN*s new edition of Blake's poetry £8Ue and prose is scheduled for publication in November. A facsimile of The Four Zoas (with commentary), AH ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY 57 co-edited with Cettina Magno, is in press. Volume 15 Number 1 ROBERT N. ESSICK is Professor of English at the University of California, Riverside. His catalogue Summer 1981 of Blake's separate plates is forthcoming from Princeton Univ. Press. NELSON HILTON'S "Blake in the Chains of Being" CONTENTS should be appearing in the current issue of The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation. New Information on Blake's Illuminated Books by Robert N. Essick, 4 MARTIN K. NURMI teaches at Kent State University. Blake and the Names Divine JUDITH PAGE is an Assistant Professor of English by H. Summerfield, 14 at Millsaps College. A Victorian Blake Facsimile MORTON D. PALEY is co-author, with Robert N. by Morton D. Pa ley, 24 Essick, of Robert Blair's The Grave with the Illustrations of William Blake: a Study with Facsimile (London: Scolar Press, 1981). REVIEWS HENRY SUMMERFIELD teaches English at the University of Victoria, B. C, and is the author of That Romantic Context: Poetry Myriad-minded Man: A Biography of George William Garland Facsimiles Selected and Arranged by Russell "A.E." and An Introductory Guide to The Donald H. Reiman Anathemata and the Sleeping Lord Sequence of David Jones. 1 The Garland Facsimiles of the Poetry of James Montgomery JOSEPH WITTREICH (Professor of English at the Reviewed by Judy Page, 28 University of Maryland, Colleae Park) is the author of Angel of Apocalypse and 2 The Garland Facsimiles of the Poetry of Visionary Poetics. Erasmus Darwin Reviewed by Nelson Hilton, 36 DAVID WORRALL teaches in Newcastle Upon Tyne. His article on Blake's imagery of the stars will 3 The Garland Facsimiles of the Poetry of be appearing in Bulletin of Research in the William Hayley Humanities. Reviewed by Joseph Wittreich, 48 Kathleen Raine, Blake and the New Age Reviewed by Martin K. Nurmi, 51 Fuseli, The Swiss, And The British: Some Recent Publications Reviev/ed by Detlef W. Doerrbecker, 53 The Marlborough College Production of The Ghost Right: Notes, The Economy of Vegetation. of Abel Reviewed by David Worrall, 56 Far right: The Economy of Vegetation, Canto I. DISCUSSION Cover: Milton, pi. 13. Separate imoression, previously unrecorded. White-line etching, 15.9 x Let the Dead Ardours Live! 11.1 cm., second state, printed in three colors. by David V. Erdman, 58 Philadelphia Museum of Art. NEWSLETTER CONTRIBUTORS ©Copyright 1981 by Morris Eaves & Morton D. Pa ley EDITORS Argument of the Firji Canto. EDITORS: Morris Eaves, Univ. of New Mexico, and Morton D. Paley, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1 HE Genius of the place invites the Goddefs of Bo• tany, i. She defcends, is received by Spring, and the Elements, 59. BIBLIOGRAPHER: Thomas L. Minnick, Ohio State Univ AddreiTes the Nymphs of Fire. Star-light Night feen in the Camera Obfcura, 81. I. Love created the Univerfe. Chaos explodes. All the Stars revolve. God. 97. II. Shooting Stars. Lightning. REVIEW EDITOR: Nelson Hilton, Univ. of Georgia, Rainbow. Colours of the Morning and Evening Skies. Exterior Athens. Atmofphere of inflammable Air. Twilight. Fire-balls. Aurora Borealis. Planets. Comets. Fixed Stars. Sun's Orb, 11c. HI. 1. Fires at the Earth's Centre. Animal Incubation, 137. 2. ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR GREAT BRITAIN: Frances A. Volcanic Mountains. Venus vifits the Cyclops, 149. IV. Heat confined on the Earth by the Air. Phofphoric lights in the Even• Carey, Assistant Curator, Department of Prints ing. Bolognian Stone. Calcined Shells. Memnon's Harp, 173. and Drawings, British Museum. Ignis fatuus. Luminous Flowers. Glow-worm. Fire-fly. Lu• minous Sea-infects. Electric Eel. Eagle armed with Lightning, 189. V. 1. Difcovery of Fire. Medufa, 209. 2. The chemical PRODUCTION OFFICE: Morris Eaves, Department of Properties of Fire. Phofphorus. Lady in Love, 223. 3. Gun• English, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, powder, 237. VI. Steam-engine applied to Pumps, Bellows, Water-engines, Corn-mills, Coining, Barges, Waggons, Flying- NM 87131, TELEPHONE 505/277-3103. chariots, 253. Labours of Hercules. Abyla and Calpe, 297. VII. Morton D. Paley, Department of English, University j. Electric Machine. Hcfpcrian Dragon. Elcclric kifs. Halo of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. round the heads of Saints. Electric Shock. Fairy-rings, 335. Thomas L. Minnick, University College, Ohio State 2. Death of ProfeiTor Richman, 371. 3. Franklin draws Lightning University, 1050 Carmack Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Nelson Hilton, Department of English, University EDITORIAL ASSISTANT IN CHARGE: Susan Corban, of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Univ. of New Mexico, EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Frances A. Carey, Department of Prints and Drawinas Pam Blair, Wayne Erickson, Wendy Jones, Kris British Museum, Great Russell Street, London Lackey, James Warwick, Univ. of New Mexico. WC1B 3DG, England. BLAKE/AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY is published under the sponsorship of the Department of English, University of New Mexico. SUBSCRIPTIONS are $15.00 for 1 year, 1 volume, 4 issues. Special rates for individuals, $12.00, CONTENTS surface mail. Air mail subscriptions are $10.00 more than surface mail subscriptions. U.S. currency or international money order if possible. Make checks payable to Blake/An Illustrated THE NOTES. Quarterly. Address all subscription orders & related communications to the Circulation Mgr., Susan Corban, Blake, Dept. of English, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque New Mexico 87131 USA. CANTO I. •O OSICRUS1AN machinery. Gunpowder defcribed by Bacon. Its •^ All bodies are irrunertcd in the matter of po»er. Should be lighted in the centre. A Some BACK ISSUES are available. Address Susan heat- Particles of bodies do not touch each new kind of it. Levels the weak and ftrong Steam-engine invented by Savery. Im- Corban for a list of issues and prices. Gradual progrefs of the formation of the pioved by Newcomen. Perfected by Watt earth, and of plants and animals. MonAxoua anJ Boulton Divine benevolence. The parts of nature Fined flare approach towards each other, not of equal excellence MANUSCRIPTS are welcome. Send two copies, typed they were projected from chaos by exptofion, Mr. Boulton's fleam-engine foi the pur- and the planets projected from them : pofe of coining would Lave many lives from and documented according to the forms suggested An atmofphere of inflammable air above the the executioner common arjrtofpherc principally about the polei i Labours of Hercules of carat antiquity. in the MLA Style Sheet, 2nd. ed., to either of the Twilight fifty miles high. Wants further Pillars of Hercules. Surface of the MeJ.t'- editors: Morris Eaves, Dept. of English, Univ. ranean lower than the Atlantic. Abvla aod Ioiroedijte caufe of volcanos from fleam CaJpc. Flood of Deucalion of New Mexico, Albuquerque N.M. 87131; Morton D. and other vapours. They prcrent greater Accumulation of electricity not fiom fnc. earthquakes I Paley, Dept. of English, Univ. of California Conductors of heat. Cold on the tops of Mr. Benntt's fenGblc clecirometer mountains Halo of faints is piclorial language Berkeley, California 94720. Phofpborcicent light in the evening fiom We have a fenfc adapted lo peiteiie heat all bodies but not electricity Phofphoric light from calcined (hells. IS.. Paialytic limbs move by elcclric influence logniln ilone. Experiments of Bcccair and Death of ProfefTot Kichman by eleflncity INTERNATIONAL SERIAL NUMBER IS 0006-453X. Blake/ Wilfon Lightning drawn fioin the clondi. How Ignis latum doubtful to be fafe in thundir flonns An Illustrated Quarterly is INDEXED in the Electric Eel. Its electric organs. Com• Animal heat fiom air in rcfpiration. Per• pared to the eleflr ic Leyden phial petual neccfTny of lefpiralion. Spirit of ani- Modern Language Association's International Difcovery of fire. Tools of ftetl. Forrfls main.ii pGrpeiuaUy rsaswrcd fubducd. Quantity of food increased by Cupid nfci fiom the eCZ of night. Mn. Bibliography, the Modern Humanities Research Cofivay's painting uf this iuhjict Meduiaoriginally an hieroglyphic cf divine Wellern-wiiius. Tlieirongin. Warmei Association's Annual Bibliography of English than foutli-win.U. ProJuct a thaw Caufe of nplofions from combined heat. Water expands in fieeim;. Dellrov s fuc- Language and Literature, English Language Notes' Heat given out from air in rcfpiration. Oxy- culent plants, not rcfinous ones. Tiers in annual Romantic bibliography, ARTbibliographies gene loofes Itfs heal when converted into val!c\ s more liable to injury. Fig-ucei b.nt nitious acid than in any other of its cornbina- to tlie ground in winter MODERN , American Humanities Index, (Whitson Pub.), Buds and bulbs are tlie winter cradle of Sparks ftom the culhliun of fl.nls are the plant. Drriml.d fiom f.oll and hum and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. tleftrrc. From the collilion of flint uj fUel indcU. Tulip pioduccs one flower-bull) and arc fiom the combullion of the lie. I ftvcral |caf-bulbst and pennies. NEW INFORMATION ON BLAKE'S ILLUMINATED BOOKS ROBERT N. ESSICK ne of the special pleasures of studying stamp in the lower margin of the general title, and William Blake's prints is the way new who inserted his bookplate." Wild's library passed O treasures keep turning up. The following is to his cousin and the book remained in the cousin's a brief report on several of his illuminated books family until its sale from "The Property of a Lady" and single leaves therefrom that have come to light on 1 May. The volume fetched L-16,000 from Andrew in recent months, supplemented by a discussion of Edmunds, the London printdealer, who sold it shortly some previously recorded impressions with unusual after the auction to the Oxfordshire bookdealer Colin characteristics deserving more attention than they Franklin.
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