^tm^^m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES : TOPOGRAPHY OP <!lreat MviUi% OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURATE AND COMPREHENSIVB TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS ntUSTRATEO WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. VOL. xvn. CONTAINING LEICESTERSHIRE AND LINCOLNSHIRE. Printedy hy Assignment from the Executors of the late V. Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATEftNOSTER-ROW ; AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSBLI. iRS. : j : A TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OP THE COUNTY OF liEICESTER Ctntaining an Account of itt Situation, Minerals, Agriculture, Extent, Fisheries, Curiosities, Tor/ns, Manufactures, Antiquities, Roads, Trade, Natural Rivers, Commerce, History, Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, &c. TO WHICH ABE PREFIXED, The Direct and Principal Cross Roads, Distances of Stages, Inns, a7id Noblemoi and Gentlemen's Seats, ALSO A LIST OF THE MARKETS AND FAIRS, Aiid an Index Table Exlibiting at one View, the Distances of all the Towns from London, and of Towns from each other : The v/hoUforming A COMPLETE COUNTY ITINERARY. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. Illustrated with a MAP OF THE COUNTY, AND FOUR INTERESTING VIEWS. SonDou Printed, by Anignment from the Executors of the late G. Cooke^ FOR. SHERWOOU, NEELY, AND JONES, PATER NOSTER-ROVr"* SOLD BY ALU, BOOKSELLERS. G. S^NEY, Printer, NvrtbnmJi>€rkaid Street, Strand. bSiS' A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER; Their distancefrom London^ Marktts, Number of Rousts and InhabitantSy -with the time of the arrival and departure of the Post. Towns. »'5^oOTHCiOooaico'-oco>CiOco'-iT-tcioc— (TiOroocococ s o I i| ;K§§^o . ^^M -y *j i: ^ 50 o ^ ^^= T* *-< .C :n CO o > — «g S^ :» 3^ ij 'to — »0 ^ -r^ a. =i 3n( >* Tl >-H to «J I i 1-3 3v) '-I *0 'O t» '-I : o ji2 t> rj' CO 'O CO -o ^ K s^ U 4J e — ot t^ vo iri •* ::::::::: ^ :: "o <y IS "i; = "rt .5 !f"3 o = ^ « o = H = .1 "^ ja IB a 5 9 ?= 2" u " 1-2 £ J3 5 * I I 1^ a M o M o - n 2" Si 2 = ^S cq a3 AN ITINERARY OF ALL THE DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS IN LEICESTERSHIRE. In which are included the Stages, Inns, and Gentlemen's Seats. N.B. The first Column contains the Names of Places passed through ; the Figures that folloiv shoiv the Distances from Place to Place, Toivn to Toivn, and Stages ; and in the last Column are the Names of Gentlemen's Seats and Inns. The right and left of the Roads are distinguished by the letters K and L. LONDON TO LEICESTER. Islington — — Hollo way — — l\mil€ beyond, ow L. thcNcxo Road to Kentish Toum, 07zR. over Finch- ley Cojnmon to Whetstone. Highgate — — 4i Entrance of Highgate on R. Major Ardtn. AtQth mile-stone on the R. see at Southgate Minchenden House. Between the 1th and >ith mile- stone — Scott^ Es(], On R. a T. E. to En fieldyOn L. to Ken tish Toivn, over — ROADS IN LBICESTERSIIIRK Finch lei/ Com- mon, recently en- closed, to Whet- stone-Green. 42 Or, avoiding High gate, by the N R. as above, to Whetstone. Through Whetstone on R. BelmontGrove,J.Knight, Esq. ; 1 7nile beyond on R. Green Hill Grove, Nicholls, Esq. ; about 1 mile beyond, on the top of the Hill, Little Grove, T. IVilson, Esq. Barnet, Herts — 10| About 3 miles on R. of Barnet, Trent Park, — Cu7nmins, Esq. ; at East Barnet, Everly Lodge, G. Wilson, Esq.; and Bohun Lodge, H. David- son, Esq. OverHadley Green. On L. H.adley Green, Mount House, D. Birket, Esq, Barnet Pillar, M/rt?- [nns Green Man and Red dlesex — — Lion, On R. a T. B. to Hatfield 6f Hert- ford. Kitts End — •— 12^ New Lodge, Mrs, Barron- neau ; fVrotham Park, George Byng, Esq. R, ; Durham Park, J, Trot- ter, Esq. L. ; 1 viilc be- yond Kitts End on R. Dancer's Hill, Go Ellis, Esq. South Mims — U| On R. North Jlims, H. Bro-wne, Esq. Inii'^ White Hart, . — 8 niNEBARY OF IHE Ridge Mill, Herts m 16 Shenlei/ Parsonage^ Rev. P. Ncxocombe, H,; a lit- tle beyond Ridge Hill, on\j. Sal€:ibury^ — Sncll, Esq. Colney— — — U;i7 Titttn hanger, EarlofHard- wicke, R. ; from Colney Bridge see on L. Colney Chapel and Park Simp- son ; \ mile beyond Col- ney on L. See Porters, L. White, Esq.; near the Q.Oth 7nile stone on L. St. Cross the Colne Ri- Julian's, Hoxcard, ver. Esq. St. Albans — — Just before, on L. St. Ste- On R. a r. R. to vens, Mrs. Howard, at Hafjield andLu St. Albans; Holywell ton, on L. to Wat- House, Earl Spencer, 2 ford, cross the t/iiles from, on L. Gor- Colne River. hambury. Earl Verulaw, Inns Angel, White Hart, Woolpack, Kedburn — 4^25; tVithin 1 mile. Cross the Coin t-vice. Market Street — 291 Market Cell, J. Howell, Esq. R. ; 2 miles on L. Beachwoodf Sir J. Se- brior/if, Bt. hm—The Sun. Dunstable, Bed Hockliffe — 38 Hocklife Lodge, Col. Gil- On L. a T. R. to pin, [v.; a little further Fenny Stratford. Hockliffe Grange, R. — Gilpin, Esq. ; beyond Hockliffe on L. Battles- den House, Sir Gregort/ O. P, Turner, Bart. —— ROADS IN LEICESTERSHIRE. 9 Inns The Crown and Su- gar Loaf, Between Hockliffe and Wo- hurn on R. Melton Bry- anty Sir Hugh Ingiiss, Bart. Woburn — 4|42i Woburn Ahbei/, containing On R. a T. R to a fine collection ofPaint' Bedford, ings, Duke of Bedford, R. ; a miles beyond Wo. burn Crawley^ C. Orle- bar, Esq. 'nns George^ and Goat. Wavenden, Bucks. 3| 46| Wavenden House, H, H. Hoare, Esq. Broughton — — 2i 48| NewportPagnell 6li The Abbey, P. J. Ward, On R. a T. B. to Esq. ; through the Town Wellingborough on L. Col. Mansel; 2 miles beyond Newport Pagnell on L. see Gay- hurst, Hon. P. C. Pierre^ point. Inn The Serjeant and Swan. Lothbury Inn — 52] 2| miles beyond a T. R. to Bed- ford. Stoke Golding — 31 551 Between Stoke Golding and On R. a T. R. to Horton, on L. Salsey Fo- Olney. rest, Duke of Grafton. fJorton *— 41 591 Horton House, Sir G. W. Gunning, Bart. R. j 2 772iles on R. is Castle Ashby, the fine old seat of the Marquis of North- ampton. —— 10 ITINERAHY OF TUn Hackieton, North- ariipion — — 6 1 9 7nilcs beyond on L. is Courteen Hall, Sir W. fVake, Bart, Queen's Cross — Qo Delapre Abbey y Hon. Ed- On L. a T. R. to xcard Bouverie. S/onei/ Strafford. Northampton — W QQ\ Inns^-^The Angel, 5f George On R. a T. U. fo Wcliingboroiigh, on L. to Davtn- try and Lutler- •worth. Kingthorp — — 6Sl On L. Lady Cave ; beyond On L. a T. R. to v:hich see i!,.~ Woods of Lutterxiorth Althorp Pa) ;;, Earl Spen- cer. Brixworth — — 4|;72| Nicholls, Strickland^ Esq. fnn —Red Lion. Lamport 75 Inn ^'V/c Swan, Mai dwell rGfilnn— r/^c Goat. Kelmarsli 79 i^ ?nile on R. Arkinn'orthf Rev. L. Rokeby. Okendon 81 Cross the Wtlland River, Market H\rbo Ji'SS' 2 viiles on R. Dingley^ — ROUGHjLe^Crj/e/- Aldridge, Esq.\ S miles On U. a T. R. to from Market IIarbo- Kettering and ron L'k on R. Langton Rockinghaniy on Hall, Rev Mr, Ord ; on L, to Lutfer- L. Gum ley Hall, J. Cra- •icorth. Cross the dock, Esq. Union Canal Inns Angel, and Three twice, S-iVans, Kibv\orth —^1 891 Through on L. Wistow, Sir Henry Halford, Bart. ; on R Sir Geo. Robinson, Hart. ; a little further tt HOADS IN Lr.rCESTERSHIRK. 11 Stretton Parvay — Cross- landy Esq, ; about "i miles on R. Kibworth Carlton Carlieuy Rev. Mr. Pal- mer. Great Glen 921- Oadby— • 94| About 1 mile on R. Stough. ton Grange, G. A, Leigh Heck, Esq. \ni\— The White Cross. Leicester — — Si 98 2 miles on R. Humberstone, S. Allsop, Esq. Inns—The Blue Bell,Three Croxus, and White Hart. FROM CAVENDISH BRIDGE TO HUSBAND'S BOSWORTH, THROUGH LOUGHBOROUGH, MOUNT SORREL, AND LINCOLN. Cavendish Bridge Donnington Park, Marquis to oj" Hastings, R. A little let/o?id Ca xiendish Bridge on L. a T. R. to Nottingham, on R. to Ashby-dt- la- Zouch. Kegworth — S\ S| At Sutton Borrington,Lady Three miles beyond Parkyns, \\ mile beyond, Kegworth on R. at Lochington, Rev. P. a t. R. to Ash- Story, L. by-de-la-Zouch. Hathern — — Whatton House, Edward Dawson, Esq. R. Dishley —^ — R. Honeybone, Esq.h. Four miles to the h. Stanford Hall, C. V. Bashwood, Esq, an Obelisk in Garen- donPark.T.C.Philipps, Esq. — u ITINERAllY OF THE Loughborough If 9| Inns Anchor, BuWsHead. At the entrance of Barley Hall, G.Tate,Esq. R. Lough borough on 1 mile on R. thejine woods B.aT.R.toAs/i- of Beaumanor Park, W. hy-de-la-Zouch. Herrick, Esq. ; on L. J. Osbaldiston, Esq. on R. a White House, E. Fam- ham, Esq. ; another on L. Rev. Mr. Raworth. QuorndonoiQuarj] 2l\\2l About \\ mile from on R. Swithland Hall, Hon. A. B. Danvers, and beyond, MOUNTSORRF.L 1^31 Rowcliffe Manor, James Cross the II. Soar. Heygate, Esq. Belo;rave — — 5^ 19 At Wanlip, Sir Charles A little beyond Bel- Hudson Palmer, and at grave on L. fl Birsiall, J. Mansjield, T. R. to Blelton Esq. L. Jt Rotiley, T. Mowbray. Babbington, Esq. R. Leicester — 2Q^lm\^—Blue Bell, Crane, At Leicester^ on L. Three Crowns. a T. R. to North- ampton. On R. to Ashby-de-la- Zouch.
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