HANDBOOK OF PEDIATRICS. By Henry K. Silver, books received M.D., professor of pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver; C. Henry Kempe, M.D., professor of pediatrics and chairman, Department of The books received for review dwring the period from Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, March 1 to April 1 rare acknowledged below. Those of Denver; and Henry B. Bruyn, M.D., clinical professor greatest interest to readers will be reviewed as space of pediatrics and medicine, University of California permits. School of Medicine, San Francisco; director of student health, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Ed. 9. Paper. Pp. 713, with illustrations. Lange Medical Pub- lications, Drawer L, Los Altos, Calif. 94022, 1971. LAW, MEDICINE, AND FORENSIC SCIENCE. By William J. Curran, Frances Glessner Lee Professor of THE CRAFT OF SURGERY. Volumes I, II, and III. Legal Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Harvard Edited by Philip Cooper, M.D., professor of clinical School of Public Health; and E. Donald Shapiro, di- surgery, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York; rector of the Practicing Law Institute, adjunct pro- clinical professor of surgery, Albert Einstein College fessor of law, New York University. Ed. 2. Cloth. Pp. of Medicine, Bronx; chief of surgical services, Vet- 1,046, with illustrations. Price $15.00. Little, Brown erans Administration Hospital, Bronx. Ed. 2. Cloth. and Co., 34 Beacon St., Boston 02106, 1970. Pp. 2,276, with illustrations. Price $75.00. Little, Brown and Co., 34 Beacon St., Boston 02106, 1971. INFLAMMATION, IMMUNITY AND HYPERSENSI- PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SPINAL ANES- TIVITY. Edited by Henry Z. Movat, M.D., Ph.D., THESIA. By P. D. Lund, M.D., FACA, director, De- FRCP(C); professor and division head, Division of partment of Anesthesiology, Conemaugh Valley Me- Experimental Pathology, Department of Pathology, morial Hospital, Johnstown, Pa.; associate clinical University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, Toronto, professor of anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh Ontario, Canada. Cloth. Pp. 627, with illustrations. School of Medicine, Pittsburgh. Cloth. Pp. 875, with Price $27.50. Harper Row, Medical Department, 49 illustrations. Price $37.75. Charles C Thomas, Pub- E. 33rd St., New York 10016, 1971. lisher, 301-327 E. Lawrence Ave., Springfield, Ill. 62703, 1971. PATHWAYS TO CONCEPTION. The role of the cer- vix and the oviduct in reproduction. Edited by Alfred I. PATERSONS SICK CHILDREN. By Reginald Light- Sherman, M.D., chairman, Department of Obstetrics wood, M.D. (Lond), FRCP (Lond), DPH (Eng), con- and Gynecology, Sinai Hospital of Detroit, Detroit; sulting paediatrician, St. Marys Hospital, University professor of gynecology and obstetrics, Wayne State of London; formerly director of the paediatric unit, University School of Medicine, Detroit. Cloth. Pp. 299, St. Marys Hospital Medical School, University of with illustrations. Price $22.50. Charles C Thomas, London; professor of pediatrics, University of Beirut; Publisher, 301-327 E. Lawrence Ave., Springfield, Ill. professor of paediatrics, University College of Rho- 62703, 1971. desia; visiting professor of pediatrics, University of California at Los Angeles; Frederic Brimblecombe, M.D. (Lond), FRCP (Lond), DCH (Eng); consultant SKIN SIGNS OF SYSTEMIC DISEASE. By Irwin M. paediatrician, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospitals and Braverman, M.D., associate professor of dermatology, to the Exeter Clinical Area; examiner, Royal College Yale University School of Medicine. Cloth. Pp. 448, of Physicians, London; formerly professor of paedi- with illustrations. Price $29.50. W. B. Saunders Co., atrics and child health, University of Khartoum; and W. Washington Sq., Philadelphia 19105, 1970. Donald Barltrop, M.D. (Lond), BSc (Lond), MRCP (Lond), DCH (Eng); honorary consultant paediatri- THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL EDUCATION. UCLA cian, St. Marys Teaching Group of Hospitals, London; forum in medical sciences. Number 12. An Internation- honorary senior lecturer in child health, St. Marys al Symposium held February 5-9, 1968, sponsored by Hospital Medical School, University of London; Well- the UCLA Department of Medical History, School of come senior research fellow in clinical science. Ed. 9. Medicine. Supported by the Josiah Macy, Jr., Founda- Cloth. Pp. 795, with illustrations. Price $19.50. J. B. tion. Edited by C.D. OMalley. Cloth. Pp. 548, with Lippincott Company, East Washington Sq., Philadel- illustrations. Price $20.00. University of California phia 19105, 1971. Press, 2223 Fulton St., Berkeley, Calif. 94720, 1970. Journal AOA/vol. 70. Juno 1971 1145/205 Books received DRUG ABUSE EDUCATION. By Russell N. Cassel, professor and head, Department of Ophthalmology, Ed.D. Cloth. Pp. 379, with illustrations. Price $5.95. The University of Iowa, College of Medicine, Iowa The Christopher Publishing House, 53 Billings Rd., City. Ed. 2. Cloth. Pp. 175, with illustrations. Price North Quincy, Mass. 02129, 1971. $15.00. Lea Febiger, Washington Sq., Philadelphia 19106, 1970. THE ANATOMY OF AGING IN MAN AND ANI- MALS. By Warren Andrew, Ph.D., M.D., chairman, AMERICAN DRUG INDEX 1971. By Charles 0. Wil- Department of Anatomy, Indiana University Medical son, Ph.D., dean and professor of pharmaceutical Center. Cloth. Pp. 259, with illustrations. Price $15.00. chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Oregon State Univer- Grune Stratton, Inc., 757 Third Ave., New York sity; and Tony E. Jones, Ph.D., professor of pharma- 10017, 1971. ceutical chemistry, School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado; director of pharmaceutical research, Car- BASIC BIOCHEMISTRY. By Max E. Rafelson, Jr., bisulphoil Company. Cloth. Pp. 652. Price $8.50. J. B. Ph.D., associate dean, Biological and Behavioral Sci- Lippincott Co., E. Washington Sq., Philadelphia 19105, ences and Services, and professor of biochemistry, 1971. Rush Medical College, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, Chicago; Stephen B. Binkley, Ph.D., MEDICAL RESIDENTS MANUAL. By William J. dean, graduate college, and professor of biological Grace, M.D., FACP, director, Department of Medicine, chemistry, University of Illinois Medical Center, Chi- St. Vincents Hospital and Medical Center of New cago; and James A. Hayashi, Ph.D., professor of bio- York, professor of clinical medicine, New York Uni- chemistry, Rush Medical College, Rush-Presbyterian- versity School of Medicine; Richard J. Kennedy, M.D., St. Lukes Medical Center, Chicago. Ed. 3. Cloth. Pp. FACP, associate director of medicine, St. Vincents 406, with illustrations. Price $11.00. The Macmillan Hospital and Medical Center of New York; clinical Co., 866 Third Ave., New York 10022, 1971. professor of medicine, New York University School of Medicine; and Frank B. Flood, M.D., FACP, chief car- BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY. As seen in the fetus. By diologist, St. Josephs Hospital, Yonkers, New York; Hans Elias, professor of anatomy, Chicago Medical attending physician, Yonkers General Hospital. Ed. 3. School, Chicago. Cloth. Pp. 159, with illustrations. Cloth. Pp. 439, with illustrations. Price $6.75. Appleton- Price $16.50. Warren H. Green, Inc., 10 S. Brentwood Century-Crofts, Inc., 440 Park Ave. South, New York Blvd., St. Louis 63105, 1971. 10016, 1971. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. By Jon R. Waltz, CURRENT TOPICS IN CLINICAL AND COMMU- LL.B., professor of law, Northwestern University NITY PSYCHOLOGY. Volume I. Edited by Charles D. School of Law, lecturer in medical jurisprudence, Spielberger. Department of Psychology, Florida State Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago; and University, Tallahassee, Fla. Cloth. Pp. 264. Price Fred E. Inbau, LL.B., LL.M., professor of law, North- $12.00. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New western University School of Law, Chicago. Cloth. Pp. York 10003, 1969. 398, with illustrations. Price $10.95. The Macmillan Co., 866 Third Ave., New York 10022, 1971. CURRENT TOPICS IN CLINICAL AND COMMU- NITY PSYCHOLOGY. Volume II. Edited by Charles MENISCUS LESIONS. Practical problems of clinical D. Spielberger. Department of Psychology, Florida diagnosis, arthrography, and therapy. By Peter Ricklin, State University, Tallahassee, Fla. Cloth. Pp. 217. Price professor dr., head of the Surgical and Gynecologic $10.00. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New Department of the Kreisspital Mannedorf, Zurich; York 10003, 1970. Alois Ruttimann, privatdozent dr., Roentgen Diagnos- tic Central Institute, Stadtspial Triemli, Zurich; and ACID-BASE AND BLOOD GAS REGULATION. For M. S. Del Buono, privatdozent dr. Translated from medical students before and after graduation. By the German edition by Karl H. Mueller, M.D., Mil- Giles F. Filley, M.D., professor of medicine, Univer- waukee. Cloth. Pp. 142, with illustrations. Price $16.75. sity of Colorado School of Medicine; pulmonary physi- Grune and Stratton, Inc., 757 Third Ave., New York ologist, The Webb-Waring Institute for Medical Re- 10017, 1971. search, Denver. Cloth. Pp. 213, with illustrations. Price $10.50. Lea Febiger, Washington Sq., Philadelphia THE OCULAR FUNDUS. Methods of examination and 19106, 1971. typical findings. By Professor Arno Nover, M.D., di- rector of the University Eye Clinic In Mainz. Trans- REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INFECTIOUS lated from the German by Frederick C. Blodi, M.D., DISEASES, 1970. Edited by Franklin H. Top, Sr., 1146/206 M.D. Ed. 16. Paper. Pp. 242, with illustrations. Price MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. A disease acquired in child- $3.00. American Academy of Pediatrics, P.O. Box hood. By J. H. D. Millar, M.D., FRCP, neurologist, 1034, Evanston,
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