The third ICJ trial over the suspect, II Lawrence C. Chin The third International Court of Justice trial over the suspect: French/ Russian vs Homeland Security November 2015 to January 2016 Part II 22 December 2015 ± 21 January 2016 RESUME The Secret Society women as of January, 2016: KRN (J: Kiersten), ANG (G: Angelina le Beau Visage), SDW (M: Maura), and the German Lady (K: Karin/ Carine). Dr P (Petterson) is still occasionally involved in the Secret Society women©s operation. When Homeland Security started a new round of trial in the International Court of Justice over the suspect on 17 December, 2015, a new set of judges were brought in who knew nothing about the suspect. And so Homeland Security resubmits to the judges their false profile of the suspect with the argument that the suspect is attempting to conspire with Russia to harm the United States and the Secret Society women. Homeland Security must maintain that the false profile of the suspect which they have been circulating since summer 2015 is correct, in order to avoid being convicted of using a terrorist suspect (the suspect) as a patsy to entrap Russia and FN (to cause their agendas to become banned as ªterrorist plansº against the United States). (If it©s correct, then they are merely telling the truth; if it©s fabricated, then they have intentionally fabricated a ªthreatº to entrap the Russians and the French into ªconspiring with a terroristº.) Homeland Security has succeeded in suppressing the suspect©s new website as evidences and banning all his writings and speech from the evidentiary record. Meanwhile, they continue to remotely control the suspect to display the negative characteristics attributed to him in the false profile, and this, at just the right time, in order to enable the Secret Society women©s case against the suspect at law enforcement to proceed. (Since their false profile of the suspect derives entirely from the Secret Society women©s false portrayal of him, maintaining its truthfulness in the ICJ means helping the women advance their case at law enforcement. Thus the Secret Society women©s fraudulent scheme to exterminate the suspect and his website is facilitated by a government agency because of a certain international affair. Lucky bitches!) The TMU/ CIA team, on the one hand, and the Russians and FN, on the other, continue to battle against Homeland Security in the ICJ. To support their case in the ICJ ± that the suspect is neither a misogynist nor a terrorist nor a stalker nor a plagiarizer nor a computer-hacker nor anything like the Secret Society women©s portrayal of him ± the TMU continues to have informants 1 The third ICJ trial over the suspect, II Lawrence C. Chin inside the Secret Society and train the detectives who are currently working on the Secret Society women©s case as to how to properly profile the suspect and penetrate the lies and staged shows of the Secret Society women and their volunteers, ignoring the women©s ªvictim confidentialityº altogether. This, so that the results of the detectives© investigation can be taken by the CIA into the ICJ to debunk Homeland Security©s case and to verify TMU©s profile of the suspect which contradicts in every way Homeland Security©s. You can then imagine just how negatively the detectives© investigation would reveal about the Secret Society women: staging their own victimization, forging evidences to frame their ªsuspectº, pathologically lying to manipulate bystanders and recruit them to their cause, gang-stalking their victim, accusing him of doing onto them what they have done to him (propagande en miroir), projecting their own negative characteristics onto him, and systematically deceiving law enforcement officers under the cover of ªvictim confidentialityº. Namely, the Secret Society women would have revealed themselves to their international audience as systematically pretending to be ªvictimsº and framing an innocent person in order to fraudulently use law enforcement officers as their personal assassins to exterminate the person with knowledge of their criminal conducts. The result is that the Secret Society women©s case against the suspect ± their attempt to use law enforcement officers as their personal assassins ± will never go anywhere. As the Russians continue to gather evidences to prove that Homeland Security has used the suspect as a patsy to harm them and their allies (to entrap them), they naturally need to make use of the evidences which the Agency is bringing in. This has quickly evolved into an alliance between the Agency on the one hand and the Russians and their allies on the other. Meanwhile, the Russians© attempt to reverse the conviction of Iran has forced NULND to side with Homeland Security. The stage is thus set for the Russians to align themselves with an American party to convict, not simply Homeland Security, but also NULND. The Russians must have wanted this as revenge, since NULND was the mastermind behind the Ukrainian crisis.1 By this time, the false profile which the Secret Society women are trying to build up about the suspect at law enforcement and which Homeland Security is trying to establish in the ICJ has evolved further. The suspect is: 1 As soon as NULND was confirmed in her Assistant Secretary position in the State Department in September 2013, she set about implementing the regime-change plan in Ukraine against Yanukovych. See: ªA Family Business of Perpetual Warº, Consortium News, 20 March, 2015: https://consortiumnews.com/2015/03/20/a-family- business-of-perpetual-war/. Her (or neoconservative) goal was of course to reverse the benefit which Russia has obtained in the previous ICJ trial (commanding CIA©s resources in Ukraine to cause Tymoshenko to lose to Yanukovych in January 2010.) 2 The third ICJ trial over the suspect, II Lawrence C. Chin Misogynist; white supremacist; racist toward Hispanics; anti-Semite; plagiarizer and charlattan (i.e. fond of pretending to be intellectual and educated and feigning artistic talent through persistent plagiarism and theft of other people©s intellectual properties); computer-hacker; stalker; cyberstalker; anti-American terrorist; vandalizer (i.e. a misogynist terrorist who is prone to become obsessed with women, stalk them, and then vandalize their properties in order to terrorize them); violent; delusional; paranoid schizophrenic believing in his delusion that the women he is obsessed with are always involved in some government conspiracy to go after him by gang-stalking him and falsely reporting him to law enforcement, and that the government conspiracy extends to a bizarre plan to implant electronic devices inside his brain to render him a remotely controlled robot; fond of violating women©s privacy by spilling out their private information and slandering them online; extremely malicious and pathologically deceitful; habitually impersonating others on the Internet; constantly projecting his own negative characteristics onto the women he©s obsessed with as if they were his scapegoats; a proud sympathizer of all illiberal political causes (all the right-wing, fascist and racist political figures and all the dictators around the world); an agent of multiple hostile foreign powers and terrorist organizations; and, last but not least, hosting a website that is full of (1) slanders and private information about the women he©s obsessed with and the delusions he has developed about them; (2) hacking malware; (3) hard core pornography, including naked pictures of the women he©s obsessed with; (4) writings he has plagiarized from others and artworks he has stolen from others and yet claimed to be his own; (5) racist and sexist rambling, often in support of illiberal political causes, parties, and figures; and (6) bizarre conspiracy theories indicative of the severe paranoia in which he dwells. This is basically the portrait of a bigot suffering paranoiac schizophrenia (brain- chips; people going after him; bizarre government conspiracies), antisocial personality disorder (lying, impersonating others, malice), and narcissistic personality disorder (projection, grandiosity thinking, feigning talent and intellect). Basically the projection onto the suspect of KRN©s sociopathic tendencies and charlatanism and SDW©s paranoia. The Secret Society women have also qualified the suspect©s bigotry as motivated by a certain powerlessness and jealousy toward the objects of his passions, e.g. he is sexually perverted and yet impotent and thus loving and hating white females at the same time (his misogyny) and is fascinated by Jewish people but is jealous of them and thus hating them at the same time (his antisemitism). Each day in the upcoming days, Homeland Security will control the suspect to do something to make himself conform to this profile in order to keep their ICJ case going. 3 The third ICJ trial over the suspect, II Lawrence C. Chin See the entry for 20 January, on which day the Secret Society women©s ex-parte meeting with the judge of the suspect©s vandalism case is another occasion for them to summarize their demonization of the suspect. Ever since the suspect has removed his website lawrencechin2011.com, the Secret Society women are faced with this dilemma. Merely two or three days after the suspect has moved his website to his new domain, enlightenment1998.com, the detectives seem to be expressing doubts as to whether the website which the Secret Society women are complaining about actually exists ± in order to not reveal their investigation of the Secret Society women, the detectives, instructed by their TMU trainers, would pretend to find inconsistencies in the women©s, and their volunteers©, testimonies as a way to dismiss the complaints on other grounds. As noted, the Secret Society women refuse to give up on lawrencechin2011.com because, if they want to make a case about the suspect©s cyber-harassment of them, their only real evidences lie with those old postings on Prison Planet, and yet the links on those postings are to lawrencechin2011.com.
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