Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC January 2004 Daily Egyptian 2004 1-15-2004 The Daily Egyptian, January 15, 2004 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_January2004 Volume 89, Issue 81 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2004 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 2004 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DAIL v EcwmAN News CAl S;.N_M..B. .· · • · · ·Today·:­ .. Governor to deliver State s1uc Choirs Chorus auditions · of_State address today Sign·U? times available · ·: • Northwest Annex Room 13:S · .. -'. ur.nois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is scheduled to deliver hi. I Stlte of the Stile address at noon today to a joint session of the Illinois General Assenµ,fy in Springfield. Ame~\r£{!~~07 ... : : /-:\\'.-' · · · · lhe governor is ex;,ectcd to focus on education initia­ ' lives such as personal libraries, community service. reading I' ;izon Inn & Confo!~~c~ ~~~!er,•. specialists, the GRADS program and a free breakfast pro­ ~f.~~_i~.s\.·· ·, . gram aimed at more than 300 schools during his speech. ·. Friday:-. :-·:·> ·>~:·.:.:< · lhe ad~ress wiR be televised on WSllJ-lV. Deadline to· register or add classes ,_. · ·: • ' · without, d_ean's signature ·· · ~rbond.ale Fire Deparbnent . SIUC 'Choi~ '' ' ' receives gmnt : Chorus auditions. ·: 1 · G:!rbondale Township ~ Department received · a . No~.:ft~.:/;~! 13·3 · Sl30,500 Assistance to Firefighters grant. lhe grant was awarded 'through the US. Depar1ment of Homeland Japanese Table ·; .:. Sealrity. lhe fire department plans to use the grant to ·, 6p.m,, ' ,. purchase a finHighting vehicle. · : . Student Center next to McDonald's_ -./.. ·1EEE to sponsor lecture SIU Department ol Chemistry & Biochemistiy'.:.. ., ,·: ~ Sem,•,Jr with Richard Loomis of Washington University : 1he SIUC chapter ~f the Institute of Electrical and i:S:minar at 4 p.m., refreshments at 3:30 p.m. · · Electronics Engineers will sponsor a lecture by Arizona Van Lente Auditorium (Neders 240)~~.' :: .';'. State University's Corntatine Balanis on the subject of smart antennas for \Wele..s portable systems and net- Americ.in Red Cross . works.. lhe lecture will take place at 5:30 p.m. today in Blood Drive .. , . Room A111 of the Engineenng Building. 3 to a p.m. .. -· p, .,iJ:on Inn s Conference Cent~. 800 E. Main St. S~turday: · l:.O.J• .J.C.LR EPo BI s ... American Red Cross Blood Drive . · . University . An . 11 a.m.to4 p.m. · : · · incident involving aiminal damage to statHUpported ll.•,;:1ori Inn & Conference _Center, 800 E. Main St property by aiminal trespass ocanred between 10:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 a.m. Sunday ~t Greek Row. lhere are no sus;:.ects at this time. · f,lartin ~her ~~~r?salrth~; H~lid; •. '_ ·. Carbondale . Nodasses . • _:.. , · ·; ,, ' A residential buigl.1ry occurred ~ 5:30 and 9:15 p.m. Saturday in the 300 block of North Beadle Street. lhe victim ~ a _19-inch tclMion ~ DVD pl.1yer, remote oontrol. · c_ov...µ.q1-cms · ... -, · . <· .\,'. ·'. · Hunwer toy car and clothing valued at S700 were mming. 1he'. In the M-Jriday, Jan. 12 CStJe of the DA&.Y ~II~ the page one~• "Court hears apr-...al in Governors Sla!e newspaper :s~~~'=~~:o.~ displf.e, it should have said in June, Illinois Attorney Genefal estimated at $1,739. 1here are no suspeclS at this time. Lisa Maa,gan. not Jim Ryan, filed a petition for an I I .judge . panel to review the case and. ~ca~ the April decision., · NI armed robbery ocamed at 7:56 p.m. Tuesday at the 400 . block of East Oiestnut Street. The vidim reported riding his · In ~lo:lti.r(s edition of the Dia.~ ECffl1AN, the a,p~n acaiin- · bike home when ail unidentified suspect put a gun to the parr;ii~ th~ page ooe photo lncorreafy__ . stated Skyler Powell's . victim's head and told him to Jiet on the ground. lhe sus- · . age. ~~)icr is 4 years old. , · • _ . ·. _ :·, : i:~~~~ti!1~ ~~~::r~~~ The DAII.Y EC"t'PTWl regre:5 .these errors. peel is descnbed as a 17-year-okl black mzle who is 5-foot-8 . :- and 160 pounds with blade. h.lir. The suspc:ct was wearing a . Readers who spot an error should cimtad the DMY . ·. blade hooded sweabhirt. bla_dc puffy ooat and black jeans. · EGYPTWI accuracy desk at 536-3311 l!1.t. 253. · : .' ~ ~ .A mix of douds and Tlmes Of clouds Rather doudy , sun and sun . ,; ' Eamia Emmml National Cities NEws· · ~\-t~~tt i~~Eiiit"~picl~infdiFl 'i E }&B~ia~~ fu)If /~ t J.;Ji1Jfi~~:i~giOn :·\i~~~i{~:'s;i~~ f~s~ry~~ · ·: · for htgli-risk patients - Burke Wasson [email protected] PAGE 4 • THURSDAY JANUARY 15 2004 DAILY EaYPTIAN NEWS US Concepts, o notional event marketing ~gency, is hiring female_ spokes mo_dels for Brittingham fills 0 port lime opportunity to represent premium drink brands by executing bar/ nightclub events in the Carbondale area. Applicants must be... · . ~~O ~D ~ counsel p·osition & hove a ~ ~ · SIU Law School in 1\1arch. · The general counsel is the head Must be of legal drinking age and have relioble transporiation. alumnus appointed legal officer for the University, and while serving as interim general To apply please e-mail photo & resume to [email protected] to interim general Brittingham will face a multitude of new tasks. COUnse 1: 1ast month His obligations will include fulfilling all responsibilities of the Kate Galbreath funner general counsel and over­ 101 W.Monroe SI. Aaou ltom Mary lou·i [email protected] seeing the labor and cmplo)ment Next lo the_ Old l1aln Depot _ departments. Jvlark Brittingham, an alum­ Though there• is no guarantee nus . of both SIUC and- tl:e SIU: he will t:1aintain the position after 351-5922 Law School, has worked for the March, Brittingham is relishing the Uni\'ersity for nc.·trly n\'O years. But current arrangement last week he stepped up to fill the But no matter the ultimate deci­ shoes of former General Counsel sion on the next general counsel, Peter Ruger, who filled the position Brittingham will assuredly continue for more than seven years. to ser\'e the legal department at the University President James E. University. ~1 understand a lot of ·\\7alker · announced applications and resu­ - Dec." 15 that " I am very happy mes have been submit­ 13rittingham, at SIU and won't be ted, but I am not sure who · is the former who the president and associate general upset at all if i board ·will choose," he counsel, would be have to return said. "] am very happy n!1ffied as temporary to associate at SIU and ,mn't be successor to the gen~ral ~ounsel.,, upset at all if ] have departing Ruger, to return to associate · who announced interim~= general counsel. l was his resignation in =~a~ flattered that ] would - _; Plasma is used to make medii:ines that save November. e\'en be asked." _; lives. Donating, you sit back in a lounge IFYOlJWANT Ruger took a positioii in the Brittingham, originally from · ; ; chair and read, study, talk or just meet people private sector with Tueth, Ki:eney, Georgetown, reccn•ed his bachclt'r's TO EARN EXTIU =- ·: in a place filled with friends. Find out how ;, ; thousands of students earn extra spending Cooper, Mohan and Jacksr..!1r; a degree from the University in_ 1978, law firm based in SL Louis, his and then · graduated magna cum MOATEY••• - ~ money while at SIU Carbondale. hometown. laude from the SIU School of Law DCI Biologicals Brittingham will serve as interim in 198~. general counsel until a permanent From the rime ofhls graduation 301 W Main St. 529-3241 replacement can· be found via a, until being named associate general :~r -- --- ..,... nationwide search. counsel, Brittingham practiced law YOU OA.i~ DO IT 5 The evaluation process is being at a pri\'ate firm in St Louis. : ; Special 10 Offer led by SIU Vice President Duane He had sen'Cd under Ruger since mum . i / _ . All Ne}v Do~ors . I Stucky, and it is o.-pecti;d to end 2002. - ·. iL\1) Do smm ~ ~ Bnng this ad and receive 55 extra on GOOD ~ : L the 2nd and 4th donation We guarantee.: \the lowestprices ~:r&J~eyeglasses \_ ii{the ·United ·:~)! IC' : ,, -:· __ . t/ 1~tates., rt'-, ,,i • ..} ~ , ' • ,Eyeglasses as low· as $45* ·· The highest quality designer Acuvue~ ...................................... $14 & brand name frames available contact lenses - six pack*tt LASIK............................ $31 ** Now offering Custom Vue- this· , Children's Glasm ......................... $65 · new generation of LASIK delivers polycarbonate lenses w/FREE scratch more safety and,greater precision. resistant coating · The Wa,·e:Print ~ystem gwes a . detailed map of each eye for in., "'!--------------'\.Marion Eye Centers • dividualized treatment. I• . Discount Coupon for I I - Seni1~i!n~P.~~~.etics• I i)5;Nf;marymcyccentelj:-comJ, ;I SS0.00 t>ff,·t>mplete pair- s':J90 or nwre . S:J5.00 tiff mmph•t,• pair - SJ 2 I - $!89 ) JJ~ price match any cvmpetitor on the same ) S15.00,?ffmmple1epair- Sl.?01)r11mler I lenses & frames with an tiddih'onal $5 o.ffi _______________Glasses & Sunglasses ., I, · ·Outside prescriptions welf.e.'l:.~,.,,,. I Marion Eye Centers & Optical 549-2282 565-1407 985-9983 Carbo)1d~le' .· ~urphysb_oro -Carte~ll_e_• .. : Wo RLD & NATIC)N JANUARY 15, 2004 DAll,Y EGYPTIAN PAGE 5 Study raises' concerns -about CT scans. on young children CT scan radiation could the _intdlcctual Cl~ty-r,f men who as babies l'CCC\'M low-dose r.ulianon tha:tpy for a ,,:no1!j impare child's i.ntellect :nalfo~tion on the suma:_ 0 ~the skin c:i1w a hemangtoma.
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