Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity: Strengthening network of protected areas through advanced governance and management Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10113 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity: Strengthening network of protected areas through advanced governance and management Countries Azerbaijan Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s) Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Biodiversity Taxonomy Focal Areas, Biodiversity, Tourism, Mainstreaming, Forestry - Including HCVF and REDD+, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Productive Landscapes, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Terrestrial Protected Areas, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Influencing models, Demonstrate innovative approache, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Private Sector, Stakeholders, Partnership, Type of Engagement, Strategic Communications, Communications, Local Communities, Beneficiaries, Community Based Organization, Civil Society, Academia, Gender-sensitive indicators, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Equality, Women groups, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Access and control over natural resources, Gender results areas, Capacity Development, Participation and leadership, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Field Visit, Knowledge Exchange, South-South, Peer-to-Peer Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Submission Date 10/5/2018 Expected Implementation Start 9/1/2021 Expected Completion Date 8/31/2026 Duration 60In Months Agency Fee($) 250,774.00 A. FOCAL/NON-FOCAL AREA ELEMENTS Objectives/Programs Focal Area Outcomes Trust GEF Co-Fin Fund Amount($) Amount($) BD-2-7 Address direct drivers to GET 1,000,000.00 3,500,000.00 protect habitats and species and improvie financial sustainability, effective management and ecosystem coverage of the global protected area estate. BD-1-1 Mainstream biodiversity GET 1,639,726.00 5,000,000.00 across sectors as well as landscapes and seascapes theough biodiversity mainstreaming in priority sectors. Total Project Cost($) 2,639,726.00 8,500,000.00 B. Project description summary Project Objective To strengthen the effectiveness of Azerbaijan?s protected area system to deliver Global Environmental Benefits using a landscape approach to governance and management. Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Compone g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Compone g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) 1. Technical 1.1 Policy, 1.1.1 National GET 533,675.00 850,000.00 Strengthenin Assistance regulatory and Integrated g the decision- Landscape national and making Management local frameworks Strategy & enabling strengthened to Action Plan environment support (ILMSAP) that to support a application of a addresses landscape landscape identified gaps approach to approach to in policy, conserving managing PAs, regulatory and biodiversity buffer (sanitary) decision- zones and making adjacent frameworks systems under developed. sustainable production. Indicators: - Legal and 1.1.2 regulatory Ecosystem recommendatio Services ns for integrated Valuation at landscape landscape level management in that informs and around PAs policy reforms mainstreamed through into key communicatio national n, landscape, policies in financing and water, forestry PA and agricultural management sectors (one for strategies each sector. undertaken. - Number of government agencies and municipalities 1.1.3 engaging in Integrated joint planning Landscape and decision- Management making Communicatio (ministries of n Strategy and agriculture, Action Plan environment, (ILM-CSAP) forestry and prepared and water + 75% of delivered to municipalities target sectors at pilot sites at national, involved in district, decision- municipal and making community forums). levels. - Number of regions/districts that mainstream BD protection into their planning processes. Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Compone g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) 2. Technical 2.1. Improved 2.1.1 GET 613,550.00 4,350,000.0 Deploying Assistance institutional Sustainable 0 innovative capacity and Financing strategies financial Strategy and and tools to sustainability to Action Plan for improve manage and PAs system, management monitor the PAs based on a 10- and viability system. year vision, of PAs developed and system operational. Indicators 2.1.2 Participatory, Percent increase user-friendly in score of monitoring and elements of information METT dealing management with capacity platform for (institutional PAs system and financial) to (PAMIMS) manage and designed and monitor. operational. 2.1.3 Participatory Management Plans (PMP) for two pilot PAs and their buffer zones, including financing and monitoring plans, prepared and endorsed by MENR. Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Compone g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) 3. Restoring, Investmen 3.1. Threats to 3.1.1 GET 940,425.00 2,400,000.0 maintaining t biodiversity Participatory 0 and reduced, (community- enhancing degraded lands based) biodiversity restored and integrated and ecosystem landscape ecosystem functions and management functions services demonstrated and services enhanced in in two pilot in target target PAs, adjacent landscapes landscapes. production systems and buffer zones. Indicators: -Area of 3.1.2 terrestrial PAs Alternative under improved livelihood management for opportunities conservation and markets and sustainable identified in use, with a PA target of 94,733 Management hectares [Core Plans and Indicator 1]. associated Community / -Area of Municipality municipal lands Enclave Plans better suited developed. against degradation, with a target of 200 hectares [Core Indicator 3]. Area of landscapes (excluding PAs) within the buffer zones under improved practices, with a target of 700 hectares [Core Indicator 4]. Shirvan NP - Improved water management in Flamingo lake. - Gazelle population number stabilized. Hirkan NP - Leopard population remains stable (data provided by WWF). - Percent decrease in area of degraded lands within Hirkan NP (as indicator of the integrity of Hirkanian forest and other natural habitats). Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Compone g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) 4 Building. Investmen 4.1 Capacity to 4.1.1 Web- GET 423,350.00 400,000.00 capacity, t effectively based PA managing manage and Monitoring knowledge, monitor PAs and monitoring system and Information and adjacent/ Management evaluation enclosed buffers System improved (PAMIMS) through training designed, and knowledge populated, of their operational ecological and and accessible management for monitoring status. and information Indicators: purposes. -Gender balanced 4.1.2 number of Landscapes direct and PAs beneficiaries Management (attending Training capacity Programme building plus Handbook activities) with designed, a target of 1000 delivered and beneficiaries institutionalise -Lessons d, with learned, best international practice collaboration guidelines and and exchanges training as appropriate. modules generated, 4.1.3 Gender- accessible, and sensitive M&E and Plan in place disseminated to inform via PAMIMS project platform. implementatio . 4.1.1 Web- n, decision- based PA making and Monitoring and adaptive Information management. Management System (PAMIMS) designed, populated, operational and accessible for monitoring and information purposes. Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Compone g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) Sub Total ($) 2,511,000.0 8,000,000.0 0 0 Project Management Cost (PMC) GET 128,726.00 500,000.00 Sub Total($) 128,726.00 500,000.00 Total Project Cost($) 2,639,726.00 8,500,000.00 C. Sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type Sources of Co- Name of Co- Type of Co- Investment Amount($) financing financier financing Mobilized GEF Agency FAO Grant Investment 1,000,000.00 mobilized Recipient Ministry of Ecology In-kind Recurrent 5,500,000.00 Country and Natural Resources expenditures Government Recipient Ministry of Ecology Grant Investment 2,000,000.00 Country and Natural Resources mobilized Government Total Co-Financing($) 8,500,000.00 Describe how any "Investment Mobilized" was identified Investment mobilized from FAO comes from the FAO-Azerbaijan Partnership program and other technical cooperation programs (e.g. FAO-Turkey Partnership Program) that seek to improve natural resources management, improve land use planning and improve agricultural production efficiency. Government of Azerbaijan will mobilize investment (1.250.000 USD) for co-financing from other ongoing projects funded by other donors aiming to improve existing policy and strategies for better management and conservation of biodiversity, for developing and improvement of ecosystem services valuation capacity in country, as well as for improvement of overall protected areas management system, including monitoring and capacity development of the relevant government institutions. In addition to this, the Government will mobilize the investments (750.000 USD) from already approved state programs
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