re!) Is Ice t UxS jl 0 Ofj'yrll- - Outlaw 7edJisg : ' In' a .candelight ceremony;' June lege. 'The groom is graduate of B. Candslisht 29 at the Bethel Methodist Cb.trch, F. Grady School and at present is Miss Rosamond Outlaw daughter of employed in Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Outlaw of Mt. After the ceremony the wedding Ceremony, Unites ;: Olive, became the bride of Delano party received in the vestibule of Tyndall son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. the church. Tyndall aiso cf Mt. Olive. Miss Home And The Rev. W. H. Willis of Kinston CAKE CUTTING officiated at the double ring cere- After the rehearsal on Friday mony. night, Mrs. Annie Alphin, grand- . Mr. Sanderson A prelude of wedding was mother of the bride elect and , music Mrs. presented by Mrs. W. T. Byrd, pian- Garland Alphin entertained the In a lovely candelight ceremony, ist. Miss Mary Gold Wallace of wedding party at a cake cutting in 'it i. July 6 at 8:30 pjn. In the Warsaw soloist, sang 'Sweetest the recreation room of the church. Church, Miss Ruby Grey Go-es- Methodist Story Ever Told Whither Thou t,' After the bride and groom elect Horne of Kenansyille and Warsaw and Wedding Prayer .' cut the first slice of the three-tiere- d The " became the bride of Hugh Frank- The bride, given in marriage by cake, Mrs. Annie Alphin serv- ' ' .in" t " . v - i .,;: lin Sanderson. '0- her father, wore a waltz length ed the cake and Mrs. Jeff Outlaw, Simple and beautiful decorations gown hand blocked bridal lace mother of tha bride - elect poured ANNETE BOYETTE v W. ef area r vw of burning tapers In candelabra and Mrs. P. West directed th. wa over a " low a" i. ovnjuv taffeta with portrait neck- the punah. Nuts and mints were Annette Boyette, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Larry ding. , . Lynn Howard is baskets of white gladioli' and green line and matching mits. Her finger served from the table covered with and Mrs. Jehn Wright Boyette the FollO win th .. of former Miss Emogene Williams, ery were used on either side of the nrnnnnV-- J tk.."I, WU tip veil was attached to a crown of a linen cut-wo- cloth centered Johnson Chapel community near " pie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. altar, v:. received in the vestibule nt th orange blossoms and she carried a with an arrangement of white glads, Warsaw, has made Dean's List church. the Willian of route 2 Pink Hill. Her i The Rev. Lloyd Vernon officiat- white prayer book with a cascade feverfew aad fern with candles on at the Woman's College of the Uni- Miss Lewelyn marriage to Mr. Howard, sea of ed, assisted by Rev. Jim Maxfield in Lancston nreiHH bouquet Of white orchid glamelias each side. versity of North Carolina at Greens- . over bride's Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, took the doable ring ceremony-- Prior the book. with matching ribbons. boro. Miss Boyette, a rising senior The bride traveling place June 29 in the Methodist to the ceremony, Mrs. McDonald chose for Miss Carolyn OuHaw sister of the SHOWERS at the Woman's College, will grad- beige linen Parsonage in Pink Hill. Brock) organist and Miss Annie Lou sheath dress, compli- bride was maid of honor: She wore On Tuesday night, prior to the uate with the degree of Batehelor program mented with a brown silk hnrii Carter soloist, presented a a deep rose waltz length dress of wedding, Mrs. Turman Alphin and of Science in Secretarial Adminis- prise birthday supper. a de- and matching Jacket After of wedding music. with matching net over taffeta with a matching Mrs. Willie Outlaw entertained at tration in June of 1958. She grad- licious meal was enjoyed by about The bride given in marriage by accessories. head band and carried an arm bou- a miscellaneous shower at the home uated from Warsaw High in May, 20 friends ana relatives, a beauti- an law, D. F. Jones, The bride graduated from R v her brother Jr. quet of Mrs. Alphin. 1954. two-tiere- Grady ful d birthday cake was of Morehead City wore a ballerina and is employed with Ca Bridesmaids were Miss Josephine The living roam was decorated rolina Telegraph cut and enjoyed. length gown of chantilly lace over and Telephone Waters, College room-ma- te of the with summer flowers. The dining Company. taffeta. The bodice, which was at- bride, and Miss Phyllis Outlaw, sis- table was covered with a white lin- The groom Friendship News tached to a full gathered skirt, fea- graduated from Mas. ter of the bride. They wore dresses en cloth and centered with an ar- nolia High tured a scooped neckline, was out- School and at the pres- of nile green fashioned like that of rangement of white flowers. Mrs. BY MRS. J. C. PRIDGEN, JR. ent time, is stationed - lined with seedpearls. Her should- at Fort Chaf- the honor attendant and Outlaw, of bride-ele- ct Mrs. ne, carried Jeff mother the Sudie Langston is confined er length veil of Illusion was attach- Arkansas. matching bouquets. poured the punch. Bridal to her home because of illness. car- On Wednesday evening, ed to tiera of seed pearls. She following Little Miss Sharon Alphin, cousin mints and cakes and nuts were serv- Visitors in the J. C. Pridgen home ried a prayer book, topped with the wedding rehearsal. Misses Al- of She ciadace: the bride .was flower girl. ed to about fifty guests. on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry berta Rogers. Griselda Whalev and Ease PAINS OF HEADACHE, NEURAL- white carnations. wore yellow net over taffeta with Miss Josephine Waters entertain- Pridgen and children of Fayette-vill- e Photo by Lanier's Studio. Miss Alberta Ray Rogers who was Linda Kay Benson entertained a head. GIA. NEURITIS with STANBACK matching band. ed at her home on Thursday night and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prid- POWDERS. wore members of the wedding party at a TABLETS Of STANBACK maid of honor a ballerina Kenneth Ray Tyndall of Kinston prior to the wedding at a glass gen and children of Greenville. combines several medically proven pain cake cutting in the Fireside Room Miss Lanier Becomes strapless gown which featured a of was his brothers best man. shower. Mrs. Henry Jones has returned relievers ... Trie added effectiveness Bride the church. lace; bodice attached to a full skirt Ushers were Garland Alphin, un- The table was centered with an home after being a in a of these MULTIPLE ingredients brings The color patient of tiny net ruffles, with matching motif of red and white cle Of the bride and William Earl arrangement of summer flowers, Goldsboro hospital. (aster, mare complete relief, easing was carried anxiety and tension usually accom- mitts and headdress. She carried a in arrangements of gla- Tyndall, brother of the groom. mints, punch, and bridal cake was Mrs. Nelson Outlaw was Ul James Rufus Creech dioli. honored panying pain. hand bouquet of red carnations. The bride is a graduate of B. F. served to about twenty school mates by her husband at a surprise birth- g.w - - Kay The serving table was 6 ST r In a candelight ceremony, Miss lyn Penny, cousin of the bridegroom The bridesmaids. Miss Linda covered Grady School and Campbell Col-- of the couple. day dinner at her home on Sun- M'MWVPWOT with a white lace cloth Betty Jean Lanier, daughter of Mr. and Miss Dee Clark. Their pink Benson, sister of the bride and and was day. A delicious barbecue dinner Whaley centered with an arrangement of preparation and Mrs. Raleigh Lanier of Beula- - gowns were identical to the maiden Miss Griselda wore dresses was enjoyed by 30 friends and rela- vflSMjj attend- white gladioli. ville, became the bride of James of honor. They carried lace fans similar to that of the honor Magnolia News and Socials tives. hand bou- After the bridal couple had cut Bufus Creech, UL son of Mrs. Mat-ti- e trimmed with blue net and white ant. They also carried the first slice from a lovely New officers of Magnolia neth Taylor, Secretary, N. Horne B., Sutton, on Friday, July S at carnations. quets of red carnations. four the J. FRIENDLY HOME Sanderson was his broth- tiered wedding cake, topped with Lions club were installed Wednes- Treasurer; L. E. Pope, Leon Tan- 8 o'clock in the Beulaville Presby-teria- n Honorary bridesmaids were Sue Robert DEMONSTRATION CLUB MEETS were Mor- the traditional miniture bride and day nigh tat the Ladies night ban-m- et ner, Jack Joyner, Tail Twister; H. Church. The Rev. Walter H. Nethercutt of Kinston, Delores Dix- er's best man and ushers of and Hor groom, Mrs. Velmon Benson, moth- served In the Woman's Club L. PiDDin and H. M. Pope, direc- The Friendly Club held regu- 'Goodman, Jr., officiated, using the on of Wallace, Farrior Brinson of ris Benson Knansville its of of Meth- e Ray, of Chapel Hill and er the bride served cake and at Building by the ladles the tors. The installation ceremony was lar meeting in the home of Mrs. Lott impressive double ring cerwrtony. Raleigh and Jean Batts. They woi-- ace Jr., the opposite end of the table, Mrs. odist Church, as follows: Dr. Cor-be- tt conducted by Lion Ben Parrott of Kornegay on Friday July 5th. The Robert Craft Jr., presented a oro-gra- dresses of pastel colors and wrists Faison. daughter of Mrs. L. M. Sanderson, another of the L. Quinn. President; R. T. Kinston, Zone Chairman to- meeting was opened by singing DANCA of nuptial music and Miss cdrsages of pink carnations.
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