April 28, 1949 TORRANCE HERALD * * SEWING MACHINE Wonl A trail<>d on I.. City Dump STORE OPENED I'nini l<'arlorif would be filled to capacity if Thomas S. W Iliam.H, a veteran Kinnl word on HIM awnrdinn of more than e Bht yelus in the of the eonlra-.'ls for the ran materials were dumped into tho sewing machine business, INIS re­ 30-foot excavation without being Piltsbiiif; Plate burned. al 1G!)7 (ii'iimci y Hvonue. HP said that some other Williams snk that the store means of disposal probably cut will feature be li sales and .re- pair service, while the handling and fill would have to be in of rebuilt machines will be a JOEL McCREA ALEXIS SMITH stignted immediately. A proposal specialty. for a community Incinerator He comes to Torrance from of St. Louis has- deceived some consldcra South lion, he said. This plan In Technicolor ——— whereby several communities ATOMIC TUBINO ———also make use of a community own­ A total of more than four and GEORGE BRENT VERA RALSTON ed burner has met with some one-half miles of special copper degree of success In communl tubing is being installed in Chi­ ties where the installation has cago University's atomic ru­ Angel on the Amazon been made, he claimed. However, se-arch synchrocylotron. Childhood Sunday will he rib rve-el by bo)h the' primary and SUN., MQN., TUES.—MAY 1-2-3 he pointed out. that the Installa­ of the First Initially and VOVIt IJUHTS junior departments tion Is costly both ft'lKCK Methodist Church Sunday School^ TWO OUTSTANDING HITS on an operating basis. Mold with a -program at .4 p.m. this ACADEMY.AWARD WINNERS H<- estimated it would take ihoilld :hei-k the Sunday .In the Church. considerable time before a sat the sun has gone down It is up JANE WYMAN - LEW AYRES to make sure The special musical program Isfactory incinerator could bo to the motorist will consist of numbers to be designed and built. that he can see ard be seen. FREE RIDE Lomita gambling suspects get fr ide from LennbX station to county jail. offered by both the junior antl Johnny Belinda (Photo, courtesy The Mirror) primary choirs, vocal and Instru­ mental solos, and a motion pic- ' ———Plus——— . : iwrr: Sieve' L. Lucoi'o. 14.15 No. lure. "Simon the Fisherman." HUMPHREY BOGART WALTER HUSTON Following the program the chil­ Gardening j Occidental. L.A.; Martin r,ar«n, dren will hold opi>n house by - NOW PLAYING — - NOW PLAYING — 23.11 W. 79th street, Inglewood; e-emelucting their parents on a Treasure of Sierra Madre Jeannette MacDonald Richard DiX - Joan Fontaini PsaP-W. Coition, 1559 Broad lour of the departmental rooms. Night Class nuc, Wilmington; Irving Whit­ The children then will serve tea MAN OF'CONQUEST in to the'ir guest's. BOX OFFICE OPENS (The Lil of Sai •Ho man, 340 'SO\ Harper, L.A.; HI- — AND — 'Doing Well1 • 348 W. IfiStri MON. - THURS. 6:30—FRI. 5:30—SAT. 1:30 SUN. 12:30 BIO CROSBY F. A. Apple-gate of WOODEN NICKKKS BARRY FITZGERALD Principal IN the Torrance Evening high "Don't take any wooden nick­ OUR AD APPEARS DAILY WELCOME STRANGER OUt-llt- els" means nothing to Roy Law school this week announced that L.A. EXAMINER - TIMES - MIRROR - DAILY NEWS SHOW STARTS (5:00 DAY he is well pleased with the pub­ tow. ili-ri Hilling rence of Anamosa, Iowa. He's 11 raid s Bryan Es been collecting them for years, SUN VION. TUE to the free in;:truc lic's response lit u Long lie-ae-l now has 350. Robert Ryar . Audrey Ti tion in irradoning and land­ y iiiiirnlni; George Tobl, Ford offered at ttv.' : Con st. highway scaping now n sH fen- Slay 21 THE SET-UP .school. - .liislirc Court. .. — AND lurphy Stanley Spaulding. well-UnoSvi' woman) PENNY SINGLETON Most Deem,Had Soldier nurseryman, conducts the classes 'I he- 12 men and one: Arthur Lake • Larry Simmi o( World War II guilty at the prelim- i - AND - which are held" at 7 p.m. each ple-aeicd not ROBERT TAYLOH inijry hearing' which tools place-! BLONDIE'S BIG DEAL AVA GARDNER Wednesday evening in loom'209 the> following inoi-ning. ' | SHOW STARTS 1.00 SUNDAY THE BRIBE of the high' .school. Applegat.e Seized at the- raid at the> local \ SH6W STARTS 6:00 SUNDAY wild that all interested persons according to Capt Next Week • Starts Wed. hall. - where HELP! arc welcome t" attend. HELP! of the STAGE COACH NE Carl H. Pearson, chief THE BOX WITH sheriff's vice detail, the gainer — AND — h;ul hern going on for "some LONG VOYAGE HOME GREEN HAIR Stare Grants P.V. Room and Look What We Found! . IN. TECHNICOLOR time," \vefc--thrce poker tables We Cleaned Out the Stock Water Rate Increase and stacks of chips: „-• Some really GOOD merchandise — Soiled — but nothing that ' THE LUCKY ~ST(FF The state public utilities com­ [' arson said his office' had in a good "sudsing" won't fix and we have priced it SO LOW you'll mission gianted water rate in­ formation that i ilayc creases to the Palos Verdes Gardcna poker clubs, pcrmittou want to take it home. NOW PLAYING Company, operators of a watc'r to operate' under cily ordinanev, CRISS CROSS had be>en going i-lstiwherp to NOW PLAYING system in Los Angeles county. — AND — affect in­ continue" their-games when the' PENNY SERENADE The clubs closed in the' FOR THE BABY SltEM OF ATLANTIS habitants of Palos Verdes es­ Gardcna IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT and Palos Verdes hills. SUN. • MON. • TUES. tates At 4 a.m. Friday Pearson, and The new rates will be based men. armed wit IV heavy EVERV GIRL SHOULD on a $2 minimum for 400 cubic his All Wool BE MARRIED sledges, crashed in the entrance feet or less. The conipany, ex of the Ijbmita hall and arrested BLANKETS SHAWLS — AND — $51,000 increased revenue: SLIGHTLY FRENCH | pccts Marvin T. Bryant, 34, a former (unboxed) ALL WOOL BODYGUARD 2 WESTERNS EVERV WED bo.xer. BABY SWEATERS 1'earson stuti, tlmt Bailies . Values to 3.50 PINK - BLUE - WHITE - MAIZE Take them away at were- |illl.yeel fo hfull stakes SPECIAL at the' liicntinn and that the Values to $3.95 Imll was ri|iil|ip I witli a pay­ $1.49 Stores . off cage. He aid that (he- El Prado Furniture $1.95 $195 Some are fresh and clean III their chips hi-fnri- lirlnK »nl».......... ..J1. • taken to -Li-nnux station -for Specially Priced Cellophane Package END OF THE MONTH hniikin Ave­ nge- |K! Off Slot), Pfiirsuii stilted. He' aelel- Not Many e-«l that it was the' second ruiel A Few Philippine and Madeira 0neioV ,^)ne Group 'that has lie-en stuKeel at the Ixiiuilii location. INFANTS' Besides Bryant, 30, Bryant's AHWool DIAPER d|js-Ends wife, Mrs. Deveda W. Bryant, IMEI:SSI:S 30, 812 W. Redondo Beach boule­ * vard. Gardena, was also arrested. SOAKEBS $1.00 BAGS Others hooked on gambling charges after, the raid included: SB. IPS Harry Chudacoff, 3107 So. Grand . Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Only ...... ave'., Los Angeles; Joseph N. - 59* 75c I Drisdale, 2574 No. Beachwood Beautifully Embroidered $1.00 25" Because of an extra special purchase just made we are able to offer dr., Holy-wood; Igor C. Rever ditto, 15516 So. Eucalyptus, TJe>ll- you these exceptional Hamp values . Come early as the sale is sub­ Some White 2 Only - Hand Crocheted 1 IT'1 TVl^C . OUTING FLANNEL SWEATER & BOOTIE SETS ject to stock on hand. Letters to TRAINERS WHAT FINER GIFT FOR GOWNS A Steal at $2*95 The Editor and Formerly sold for $5.95 MOTHER'S DAY than a While they last KIMONAS BABY SWEATERS ,v:;i):ipe-rs pri I t e el Real Bargains J $1.00 ;ihi)Ut Hie 59* >1.95 l>ieketin;r pruriani 1 put o Has- ler Sunday at liS»25 Ku. \V stern A\ . One" paper slated t laf 1 r lied" anaii:st the in Ol H (ill- A SPKVi'Ai, MN OtJR -YARN BKPARTMKNt I'hdniK tin- A.K.I.. K ti uler.s1 LAMP I U inn I an,; oftier.-; .slat d hat I Choose from, 3 prices of Table "U ised a tonvnl ol la rllie." MORON A YARN Sc IIM ri-a<lers may ha e inter- lamps from America's top Lamp in led these deseriptid s a.-i lie- l»ri«M- 55c — in In the' nature nf pi patianila manufacturer ... ' and not. fully in ai-e id with facts and truth, thmiuh iliciinn- Learn to Knit All Lamps are 22 Karat Gold Trimmed and Hand Painted 39 • No. I Choice No. 2 4 lioirc No. >t Reg. $12.95 THE CHILDREN Reg. $6.50 Reg. $8,95 : FOR Choice of rayon Choice of rayon Choice of shade Children's shade trimmed . shade with1 blue One Group with green or in green - gold and white or qrey Cosmetics blue ruching. blue or maroon. and whire ruching. 1 I'a'iiM- TOYS On In Of,/,/ All Sizes (Not all sizes) Not More Than 59c Values Values to 69c H PAIR FOR Hand Lotions - Colognes 4 PAIR FOR Shampoos -Boned Sets, Etc. $1.00 Nice for Gifts 1.00 TINY TYRE SHOP 1333 EL PRADO PH. TORRANCE 1404.
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