E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1999 No. 6 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 1999, at 2 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1999 The Senate met at 1:02 p.m., and was The CHIEF JUSTICE. The majority trol of the minority leader or his des- called to order by the Chief Justice of leader is recognized. ignee. the United States. Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, there I ask unanimous consent that on f have been a number of inquiries from Tuesday the Senate recess then from Senators and others about some clari- the hours of 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. for TRIAL OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON fication with regard to the approxi- the weekly policy conferences. And I CLINTON, PRESIDENT OF THE mate times or the times we would be further ask consent that at 1 p.m., on UNITED STATES meeting on Saturday and Tuesday, and Tuesday, the Senate resume consider- The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Senate also how the afternoon will proceed, so ation of the articles of impeachment. will convene as a Court of Impeach- I will make some unanimous consent The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- ment. The Chaplain will offer a prayer. requests to clarify that and give you a tion, it is so ordered. brief rundown on what I think the Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, I ask PRAYER schedule will be this afternoon. unanimous consent that on Tuesday, The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John ORDERS FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1999 AND following the conclusion of the presen- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1999 tation during the Court of Impeach- Holy God, with awe and wonder we Mr. Chief Justice, as in legislative ment, the Senate recess until the hour accept our responsibilities and our ac- session, I ask unanimous consent that of 8:35 p.m., on Tuesday evening. And I countability to You. You are Sovereign when the Senate completes its business ask consent that upon reconvening of this land. When we commit our com- today it stand in adjournment until 10 Tuesday evening the Senate proceed to plexities to You, really seek Your guid- a.m., on Saturday, January 16. I fur- the Hall of the House of Representa- ance, You direct us. Make us attentive ther ask that when the Senate recon- tives in order to hear an address by the listeners, dedicated to the search for venes on Saturday, immediately fol- President regarding the State of the absolute truth. In the cacophony of lowing the prayer, the Senate resume Union. voices, help us to hear Your voice. consideration of the articles of im- The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- Dear Father, Your faithfulness never peachment. tion, it is so ordered. fails. You are consistent, reliable, and The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- ORDER OF PROCEDURE true. You expect nothing less from us tion, it is so ordered. Mr. LOTT. For the information of all for Your glory and for the good of Mr. LOTT. I further ask unanimous my colleagues, then, I understand to- America. To that end, fill this Chamber consent that when the Senate com- day's presentation is expected to con- with Your presence and the minds of pletes its business on Saturday, it then tinue until approximately 6 p.m., and the Senators with Your gift of discern- adjourn over until Tuesday, January there will be periodic breaks during the ment. You are our Lord and Savior. 19, at 9:30 a.m. I ask unanimous con- day to allow all Members to stand and Amen. sent that on Tuesday, immediately fol- stretch. I want to remind Senators to The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Sergeant lowing the prayer, the Journal of pro- promptly return to their desks at the at Arms will make the proclamation. ceedings be approved to date, the expiration of those 15-minute breaks in The Sergeant at Arms, James W. morning hour be deemed to have ex- order that we can continue and com- Ziglar, made proclamation as follows: pired, and the time for the two leaders plete at the earliest possible hour. I Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All persons are be reserved for their use. I further ask thank all Members for their coopera- commanded to keep silent, on pain of impris- consent that there then be a period for onment, while the Senate of the United tion. States is sitting for the trial of the articles morning business until the hour of This afternoon we will hear from of impeachment exhibited by the House of 11:30 a.m., with 60 minutes under the Congressman MCCOLLUM, take a 15- Representatives against William Jefferson control of the majority leader or his minute break, then hear from Con- Clinton, President of the United States. designee, and 60 minutes under the con- gressmen GEKAS, CHABOT, and CANNON, · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S259 . S260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 15, 1999 and then take a break, and then Con- you that the President should be re- sion that ``like every other citizen''Ð gressman BARR would complete the moved from office unless you conclude and that is a quoteÐ``like every other afternoon's presentations. he committed the crimes that he is al- citizen, Paula Jones has a right to an Mr. Chief Justice, I yield the floor. leged to have committedÐnot every orderly disposition of her claims.'' THE JOURNAL one of them necessarily, but certainly Then on December 11 of 1997, Judge The CHIEF JUSTICE. If there is no a good quantity, and there are a whole Susan Webber Wright issued an order objection, the Journal of proceedings of bunch of them that have been charged. that said Paula Jones was entitled to the trial are approved to date. I would like to call your attention to information regarding any State or Pursuant to the provisions of Senate a couple of things. First of all, I don't Federal employee with whom the Resolution 16, the managers for the want to be a schoolteacher; I just want President had sexual relations, pro- House of Representatives have 18 hours to relate my own experience to you so posed sexual relations, or sought to 56 minutes remaining to make the you can understand it. I have been in- have sexual relations. presentation of their case. The Senate volved with this a lot longer than most The record shows that President will now hear you. of you have probably been dealing with Clinton was determined to hide his re- The Presiding Officer recognizes Mr. the details. I constantly have to refer lationship with Monica Lewinsky from Manager MCCOLLUM to resume the back to things. Every time I read the Jones court. His lawyers will argue presentation of the case for the House something, there is so much detail to you next week, I am sure, that he of Representatives. here, I learn something new. did everything to keep the relationship Mr. Manager MCCOLLUM. Thank While I go over the evidence with hidden and he did it in a legal way. you, Mr. Chief Justice. you, we will summarize the evidence They will say that he may have split a Mr. Chief Justice, and my colleagues one more time. As you are deliberat- few hairs and evaded answers and given in the Senate, I drove in this morning ing, as you are thinking about it, I misleading answers but that it was all to this Capitol. I drove up the George want to call a couple of places to your within the framework of responses and Washington Parkway, and I looked at attention that are the easiest places to actions that any good lawyer would ad- the magnificent display of ice that was refer back to, to find the facts and evi- vise his client to do. all over the trees, all over the grass, all dence. First of all, there is the official They will also say if he crossed the over the foliageÐa beautiful panorama. report that is in the record of the line technically somewhere, he didn't And just before I got to the 14th House's consideration of this, the Judi- do it knowingly or intentionally. Oh, Street Bridge, I saw this incredible ciary Committee report. In that report, how I wish that were true. We wouldn't number of geeseÐI guess in the hun- right in the first couple of pages, there be here today. But, alas, that is not so. dredsÐthat were lined up together be- is a table of contents. While a couple of If you believe the sworn testimony of tween the highway and the Potomac the articles did not come over to you Monica Lewinsky, if you believe her River. It looked like they were an in- that are listed in here, there are de- testimony that is in the recordÐand vading army. I thought of the awe of tailed discussions you can get from she is very credibleÐthe President this, the awe of the beauty of it, the this table of contents as to every single knowingly, intentionally, and willfully awe of Mother Nature, the awe of God. count and every single part of these ar- set out on a course of conduct in De- And I thought, also, of the awe of the ticles so you can figure out what we cember 1997 to lie to the Jones court, responsibility we have to our children are talking about today.
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