THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LXK-No. 58 NAIROBI, 3rd November 1967 Price: Sh. 1/50 - CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE I Appointments . 1206 1 Liquor Licensing . The Interpretation and Genelal Provisions Act- Temporary Transfer of Powers . 1206 1 E.A. Curiurnr and Excise Deparcmenc-Auction Notice 1227 The Military Forces Pensions (European Personnel) Probate and Administration . 1232 Regulations-Appointment .. .. .. .. 1206 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . .. 1233 The Military Forces Pensions (Asian Personnel) Regulations-Appointment .. .. .. .. 1206 The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices, etc. 1234 The Agriculture Act-Notice to Show Cause, etc. 1206 The Societies Act-Registrations, etc. 1234 The Forests Act-Notice of Intention . 1207 Ministry of Works-Appointment of Auctioneers . 1235 The Local Government Regulations 1963-Appoint- Tenders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1235 ments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1207 Local Government Notices . 1235 The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act- Corrigendum . 1207 The Public Security (Control of Movement) Regula- tions 1967-Issue of Pass-books . 1236 The Kenya Military Forces (Military Council) Act- Resignation of Commission . 1207 Changes of Name . 1236 Kenya Stock . 1207 1 Dissolutions of Partnership . 1236 The Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employ- ment Act-Notice of Intention . 1207 SUPPLEMENT No. 83 The Dairy Industry Act-Appointment . 1207 Bills 1967 The Registration of Titles Act-Issue of Provisional (Published as a Special Issue on 31st October 1967) Certificates .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1208 Educational Bursaries . 1208 1 Vacancies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1208 SUPPLEMENT No. 84 Bills 1967 The Weights and Measures Act-Notice to Traders 1210 E.A. Railways and Harbours-Tariff Book No. 4 . 1210 The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . 1210 SUPPLEMENT No. 85 The Trade Unions Act-Registrations . 1210 Legislative Supplement ,\ The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act- LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE Licensed Ministers . 1210 220, 221, 222, 223, 224--The Constitution of The Animal Diseases Act 1965-Scheduled Areas . 1211 Kenya-Alteration of Forest Boundaries 377 Industrial Court Award . 1211 225-The Regulation of Wages (Baking, Flour Confectionery and Biscuit Making Trades) The Government Lands Act-Plots for Alienation . 1212 Order 1967 . 380 Trade Marks . 1216 1 226-The Forests Act-Alteration of Boundaries 386 1206 TH F, K EN YA G AZEW E 3rd N ovem ber 1967 CORRIGEN DU M GAZBTTB N OrICE N 0. 3864 . IN Gazette N otice N o. 3083 of 25th August 1967, the date w px . a/ j66 /():) of the m eeting should be 13th N ovem ber 1967. 'yu s M lj -j-j-x u.y souc ss PEN SIO N S (EUROPEAN PERSONNEL) REGULATION S W ap. 201, Sub. Lerj G AZETTB N ovrlcB N o. 3862 A PPOINTMENT OF M EMBER OF PENSIONS A SSESSMENT BOARD ' IN EXERCISE of the power conferred by regulation 4 of PUBLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION Ol? K EN YA the M ilitary Forces Pensicms (European Personnel) Regulations, the M inister fer Finance hereby, with esect from 19th APPOINTMBNTS Septem ber 1967- SHEIKH RASHID AzzAx, to be District Comm issioner, Kilif (J) aplicdnts- District, Coast Province, with eFect from 29th Oc'tober 1967. CoL. CORYNGHAM VBRNON THORNTON, M .C., M.B., CH.B. LIJKA DAIJOI GALGAI-O, to be Distriet Com m issioner, Lam u (ImIN.) Distrfct, Coast Provfnce, with eflkct from 1st Octeber 1967. to be the m edical practitioner of the Pcnsions H ASSAN ALI AwAI.E, to be District Com m issioner, Kwale D is- Assessm ent Board ; artd trid, Coast Provinoe, with efïect from 23rd Septem ber 1967. (bj revokes the appointment of- JoslAu K IPTONIJI ARAP K IRUI, to Ue District ColnlMissio'ner, DR. NORMAN DOUGLAS FRASER* # M.B., B.S. (DURH.) South N yanza D istrict, N yanza Province, w ith effect from as the m edical practitioner of the said Board. 20th Septem ber 1967. Dated this 20th day of October 1967. M lcuAzl- HENRY K IN HIRCHIR ARAP LANGAT, to be District Oë cer, K ilis District, Coast Province, with effect from 18th J. S. GICH URU , Septem ber 1967. M inister yt/r Finance. JAIRO AKIBAYA, to be D istrict Com missicmery M urang'a D is- *G.N . 3038 / 1967. #'* trict, Central Province, with efect from 3rd October 1967. J()HN KHABBKO ETBMESI, to be D istrict Comm issioner, N yandarua District, Central Province, with effect from 3rd G Azsrrs NOTICE N O. 3865 O ctober 1967. (DPN. 11 166/01) JAMES W AIBX I, to be District Com missioner, Turkana District, TH E M ILITAR Y FORCES PEN SIONS Rift Valley Province, with effect from 27th Septem ber 1967. (ASIAN PERSONNEL) REGULATIONS JAMSS AGGRBY ODHIAMBO OMIJODO, to be D istrict Oë cer, W ap. 201, Sub. Leg.j N andi D istrict, Rift Valley Province, with eflkct from 25th Septemàer 1967. AzœolxrMsx'r ov M SMBSR oF Psxslox.s A SSESSMENT Boglm IN EX ERCISE of the power conferred by regulation 5 of W ILI-IAM FRANCIS NJENGA KIARIE, to be Distrid Oflieer, Taita the M ilitary Forces Pensions (Asian Personnel) Regulations, Distrlct, Coast Province, with effect from 21st Septem ber the M inister for Finance hereby, with elïect from 19th 1967. Septem ber 1967- ' M UNYAMBIJ AI-VAN NDw IGA KARANGA, to be District Com mis- (J) appoints- sioner, K itui District, Eastern Province, with effect from 12th August 1967. COL. CORYNGHAM VERNON THORNTON >M .C., M.B., CH.B. (EoIN.) iIARRISON KINVAMASYO KILONZO, tfl act as Deptlty Commis- to be the m edical practitioner of the Pensions sioner of Prisons, with elfect from 12th July 1967. Assessm ent Board ; and ' M ARcus RICHARD EDwARD DTJRAND, to act as D eputy Dircctor (b) revokes the appointment ef- / Services, with effect from 1st August 1967. of V eterinar. QR. NORMAN DOUGLAS FRASBR* M.B. B.S. (DURH.) M OHAMED ABDIJL HAMID Btnq', to act as Senior Adm inistrative as the m edical practitioner of the said Board. Oëcer, M inistry of Lands and Settlem ent, with effect from 1st June 1967. D ated this 20th day of October 1967. OM PARKASH N AGPAL, to act as D eputy Public Prosecutor, J. S. G ICH U RU , Oflioe of the Attorney-General, with effect from 1st October M inister for Finance. 1967. *G.N. 3039/ 1967. V IDYA SAGGAR DHIR, to act as Senior State Counsel, Coast Province, w ith elect from 18th Septem ber 1967. GAZETTB N OTICB N o. 3866 PROM OTION (CAB. 16 / 11/272) PHILIP DUNCAN ABRAMS, to be D eputy Dired or Of Settlem ent, M inistl'y of Lands and Settlem ent, with effect from 1st July 'ITIE A GRICULTURE A CT 1967. (Cap. 318) No'rlcs To SHow CAusB R Evlm sloN (Section 187 (3) (aj and (bjj JAMES M w ANGI M tl-rlR I, ceased to act as Comm issioner Prisons, with effect from 25th Septem ber 1967. To : M essrs. M unyu Sisal Estate Ltd., cIo P.O. Box 339, Thika. W HEREAS a M anagem ent Order is in force in respect of- By Order of the Com mission. Farm L.R. 6780 (4,920 acres) and situated in the Thika area of the Tldka District, G . M U SEM BI, A cting Secretar),. (hereinafter referred to as the holding) : N ow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the M inister for Agri- culture and Anim al H usbandry hereby called upon the said GAA 'I-I'E N oTlcs N o. 3863 M essrs. M unyu Sisal Estate Ltd. to show cause, within one (CONST. 1/2/21) m onth after tbe date of service of this notice, to the s'atis- faction of the M inister, why an order should not be m ade . by TH E TNTERPRETATION AN D GEN ERAL PROW SION S the M inister 2 with the consent of the Central Agricultural ACT Board. orderm g : (CJp. 2) (i) Subpara. (cl- that the holding and all of the sxed and other equipm ent thereon be leased or 1et to such a TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF M INISTERIAL POW ERS tenant and on such term s and conditions as m ay, with the approval of the Central Agricultural Board, be IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of determ ined by the M inister for Agriculture and Anim al the lnterpretation and General Provisfons Act, and of a1l other Husbandry. powers thereto enabling m e, I hereby direct that, during the absence beginning on 29th October 1967, of the M inister for (ii) Subpara. (:/-tijat the holding or part' thereof, or the Agriculture and Anïmal Husbandl'y (M r. M cKenzie), all the interest therein of the owner, and a11 or any of thr powers conferred, and all the duties im posed upon that fixed and other equipm ent theTeon, be sold at the best M inister by or under any A ct shall be had and m ay be exer- price which in the opinion of the M inister m ay reason- cised, and shall be perform eds respeetively, by the M inister ably be obtafned for it in the circum stances then for Ffnance (M r. Gichuru). prevailing. D ated this 19th day of October 1967. D ated this 30th day of October 1967. BRU CB M CK EN ZIE, JOM O KENYATTA , M înister Apr Agrîculture and Presîdqlqtn A nîm al H usbandry. 3rd November 1967 THF, KENYA GAZETTE 1207 Gusrrs NoTlcs No. 3867 (CAB. 16/ 11/272) GAZBT'I'E NOTICE N(). 3871 (DEF. 116/10/08) THE AGRICULTURE ACT (Cap. 318) THE KENYA M ILITARY FORCES M ANAGBMBNT OROER (MILITARY COUNCIL) ACT (Section 187 (1)) çcap.
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