USOO9114138B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,114,138 B2 Cid-Nunez et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 25, 2015 (54) 1',3'-DISUBSTITUTED-4-PHENYL-3,4,5,6- (58) Field of Classification Search TETRAHYDRO-2H, 1'H-14' CPC .......................... A61K 31/4545; CO7D 401/04 BPYRIDINYL-2'-ONES USPC ........................................... 546/194; 514/318 (75) Inventors: Jose Maria Cid-Nunez, Toledo (ES); See application file for complete search history. Andres Avelino Trabanco-Suarez, (56) References Cited Toledo (ES); Gregor James MacDonald, Beerse (BE); Guillaume U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Albert Jacques Duvey, Geneva (CH): 4,051,244. A 9/1977 Mattioda et al. Robert Johannes Lutjens, Geneva 4,066,651 A 1/1978 Brittain et al. 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