UNDERGRADUATE ISSUE H O F P S I U P S I L O T H E O W L A N D F A S C E S SEE PAGE ONE II8TH NATIONAL CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ETA CHAPTER and The Eta wiU entertain the 118di Convention in Bethlehem, Pa., on September 7th, 8th, of the 9th, and also celebrate its own 75th Anniversary in the 127th year Fraternity. Convention Program 7th Wednesday September Moming�Registration at the Chapter House Luncheon on campus Afternoon�Organizational and Committee meetings Evening�Open House at the Chapter House Thursday September 8th Morning�Business session on campus Luncheon on campus tours of Aftemoon�Business session on campus (then escorted Lehigh) Evening�Informal Party at the Beethoven Waldheim Friday September 9tli Moming�Business session on campus Luncheon on campus Afternoon�Conclude Convention business ( then touns of Bethle hem Steel Co.) Evening�Formal Banquet at the Saucon Valley Country Club The Eta last hosted the Convention of 1929, a memorable year by any standards, but especiaUy since it was held in Washington, D.C. (the only Chapter to be host away from its own campus), and with signal distinction honored Brother William Howard Taft, Beta '78, former President of the United States, and then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at a formal luncheon. The honor of hosting a Convention comes to each Chapter once in thirty or more years, and your Eta Committee plans to make this one as memorable as the last. The Committee for Celebrating the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of tiie Eta Chapter and the 118th National Convention of Psi Upsilon Fratemity General Chairman, Hon. Robert C. Watson Convention Co-Chairmen '13 (Commissioner of Patents) Geo. Harry Kohl, '45 Assistant Chairman, Eugene C. Gott, 3rd, '45 Gilman B. Smith, '44 IN THIS ISSUE Page Page The Owl and Fasces 1 30 Chapters Speak 4 Mind Power and The Three L's 2 Advisory Committee to Graduates 32 Sharing Responsibility 3 Alumni Notes 33 The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Volume XLVI FALL Number 1 Editor Emeritus Editor EDWARD C. PEATTIE, Phi '06 PETER A. GaBAUER, Pi '25 Associate Editors LAURANCE G. WOLFE, Rho '38 HUBERT C. CROWLEY, Gamma '59 Publication Office: Cuttis Reed Plaza. Menasha. Wis. Executive and Editorial Offices- Room. 417 4 W 43rd New York N.Y. St., 36. Tclcplionc: Lacka-wanna 4-0036. Life subscription, $15; by subscription $100 per year; Single Copies. 50 cents. Published in and Fall, Winter, Spring Summer by the Psi Upsilon Fraternitx. Second class postage paid at Menaslia. Wisconsin. THE OWL AND FASCES I N THE ANNALS, opposite page 723, is "The HiU," and who of all generations, in i the frontispiece used in the Catalogues cluding the present, have been leaders in of 1870, 1879 and 1888, with the follow its alumni affairs, and whose members ing account: (see cover) achieved national acclaim in the Lincoln Era. Brother Curtis have had a hand "This frontispiece was probably copied may in the of the from a 'Transparency' at developing "Transparency" painted 1860's. Kenyon in the 1860's and still in the A of a Vinet Owl also has possession of the Iota. At the Conven presentation been made to the Phi in tion of 1869, the Catalogue Commit Chapter Memory of John Barnes Root, Phi 1865, one of its tee reported: 'The very common founders, who made a "tour the lithograph which is the frontispiece of among of Psi to secure the the '64 edition ought to be replaced chapters Upsilon requisite unanimous ratification of the a steel of tasteful design by engraving Convention action." On his in and best execution.' At the Convention way home, December 1864, Root visited the Iota, of 1870, Robert W. DeForest, Beta where he was initiated. "In the cold and '70, of the same Catalogue Committee, darkness of a December night this fore 'exhibited a copy' of the new Cata runner of hundreds of Psi which contained earliest use of Michigan Upsi- logue, lons was led from the stone walls of Ken the above the steel plate frontispiece, the forest to the little of which is still in the Room of yon through lodge in which the Iota used to meet"�The Dear Archives. At the Convention of 1869, Old DeForest, on behalf of the Beta, ex Spot! "The Iota was charged with the task of hibited the design of a 'Fraternity the new Clifford Seal," which also for the first installing Chapter. appeared Beakes Rossell, Iota '65, head of the Ken time in the Catalogue of 1870. Pos yon Chapter, was sent to Ann Arbor to these are the earliest appearances sibly initiate the On 26, of 'The Owl and Fasces' and the petitioners. January " the Phi was installed. motto 'Fit Via Vi.' 1865, Chapter Rossell was assisted by John Barnes Root, The Owl for the Kenyon "Transparency" '65." (E. D. B.) probably was suggested in the 1860's by the Indian name of the river that Hows On the fasces sits the Owl, around Kenyon Hill�The Kokosing�mean Tu-whit, tu-whew! ing. The Owl! Fasces, in Roman antiquities, Never hved so proud a fowl. is a bundle of elm or birch rods into which Tu-whit, tu-whew! the head of an axe is projected�an emblem Pal-las like in voice and scowl, of official power. The Coat-of-arms of Psi Utters he this gentle howl: Upsilon, adopted ofiicially in 1894, in Tu-whit, tu-whew! Psi U! Psi U! cluded The Owl, as the Greek of symbol -Willard Fiske, Psi 1851. vwsdom, and The Fasces, as the Roman emblem of and power authority. Tu-whit, tuwhoo! O ancient owl the Iota has been Recently Chapter pre of fair Psi U., sented with one of Vinet's, Epsilon Eugene Thy jewel bright Phi '11, handsome sculptured Owls, in The rampant lion wears tonight, of Lambton Curtis, Iota Memory Henry And true to thee of Mount Vernon, Ohio, one of the 1862, Will ever be, founders of the and of that distin Iota, Owl of old Psi U. guished Curtis family, who were an influ Rho 1895. ential factor in establishing Kenyon on -Charles Floyd McClure, MIND-POWER AND THE THREE L'S By Alfred H. Morton, Omicron '19 Vice President, Tlie Psi Upsilon F'oiindation \WHAT our coun ership. This continuity must not be allowed tiy and the en to languish. Many able and intelhgent tire free world stands young men are hungering for the oppor �� fr. in dire need of today tunity to learn more and to develop fur cent are because -,j is not a "good five ther. The\' being thwarted only cigar" but trained of economic conditions beyond their con a and se ^^m. "'*'�s�i. mind-power. Not just trol. It is to carefully checked �j^k X ^^B trained man-power but lected few of these that your Foundation well developed brain- would give aid. Alfred H. Morton minds povi'er. The sheer in As the windows of their young tellectual capacity to were first opened by the three R's so now think clearly, reason logically and ration they stand poised on the threshold of ma alize practically. We need a vast stock turity with mastery of the three great L's� pile of this vital commodit\' if we are to Learning, Leadership and Loyalty�heck- compete successfully in the inteiTiational oning them on. Qualities which will etch contest to preserve our way of life. If the permanent markings upon them and shape dignity of the human individual is not to the characteristics that will be their lasting be swallowed up in the faceless quagmire hallmarks for the years ahead. Character of regimentation. If the precious freedoms istics that may well contribute to shaping in which we believe and for which we the destiny of the future. They stand at a have fought so vigorously are to be kept critical crossroad. strong and vital. Nearly one hundred and twenty-seven this Recognizing problem your fraternity, years ago the seven earnest young men with over a century and a quarter of rich who founded our fraternity joined hands history, heritage and tradition, is deter and vowed leadership in achieving the mined to contribute to its solution. An edu highest of moral, spiritual and intellectual cational endowment fund of $1,000,000 is standards. In unswerving loyalty to their the goal but in no sense the outside limit. country, communit}', college and to each Invested at 4% and free of all tax imposts other. And to a determined pursuit of learn it no Einstein requires to compute how ing. That they succeeded is a matter of many promising \'oung minds it can help proud record. All seven graduated from to The income from the must develop. fund Union College, four of them were elected and will be distributed annually. The capi to Phi Beta Kappa and all seven became re tal will remain intact. What a splendid in spected leaders in their communities and heritance and insurance for our policy of their professions. They founded so firmly and their chUdren, grandchildren offspring. and built so solidly on precepts so sound much Our history parallels of the history that Psi Upsilon has stood fast through a of our and few of men can country groups century and a quarter of wars and depres look back down such a long unbroken cor sions and through countless periods ridor of time and find it lighted by the bril crowded with crises and climaxes when liant achievements of so man\- wearers of drastic decisions were required.
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