T h i s W e e k COVERING , TOWNSHIPS OF 2450 CO PIES IIOI.MDUX, MADISON ONE SBCTioN MARLBOItQ, MATAWAN ' AND, , 1 4 P A G E S JIATAWAN BOROUGH _ 89th YEA R -Sfe-r 13th W E EK U amtiei Nattonal JSOltortai Ajsoelt&OD ftUmbtr ' New Jersey Praaa , AuodaUoD . MATAWAN, N.J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1957 Uoiunoutb County Pr«u Aj i &c I i U o d Single Copy Ten Cent* Matawan Borough Council Awards School Additions Soon To Be For Use In Madison Township Keyport Voters Reject Scheme To Contract For Washington Ave. W ork Change Government By 2-1 Margin Resurfacing Job Goes To Jannarone Company Proposal Beaten In All Borough Election K On Bid'bf $2995; Manzo Offer Is Ruled Void Districts, 1238.578; Acclaim Local Decision - , The Jomuuone Engineering Co., Matawan. Tuesday night KcyfMTl .votu;s Tuesday, br was awarded a contract to re­ Psychiatry Seen Rev. Sm yth Named a maiffln 'of. more lhan M . Construct and resurface Wash- soundly rejected nn.attempt to lnjfton Ave. The award was or­ replace tho pVcsent Mayor dered by the Matawan B o r­ Special Glass Aid Superintendent and ho rough Counoll- with a ough Councllon the firm’s bid nuinloipal-mnimEfei' form of oT, $2995,38 which was submit­ McGrqw Scorns Tests Heads Bridgeton government. The...proposal,. ted at the regular council ses­ By Psychologist Alone ....Mbthodlst District .... whloh was defeated 1238 to sion. ---:—;——— .— —>_ THBnost- in all five of Iho bor- T li e Rev. Dr, Chnrlos B. A second bid, submitted to * Matawan Township Board of ough'j oleotlon'districts. ' Smyth, a former pnstor ot Cal­ Keen Interest was shown by council by NJanzo contracting Education 4held a- two-hour ex­ vary Methodist Church. K e y. Co., Inc., was ruled improper ecutive session last night, on locnl residents as 1817 votes port, was named Sunday to wore enst. considered he i v y and void by 'Mayor Spafford the setting up of a special, succood the ltov. Dr, Albort B. W. SchaifcK when the- council balloting ln a special election.. class for children who would Layton as dlstrlot suporlnten- Ono volo was ordered rejeotcd discovered the regular b I d dont at; Bridgeton as the 131st forms were submitted without not benefit from routine,class­ by tho election bonrd In th e annual Now Jersoy Conference first olccllo'n district. , any figures. • ■ room procedure. The b o a r d ot tile Methodist church closed ' T be worK on - Washington then 7 went Into' open session Contenting the ’charge wero ln boean City. - • tlio nopnblicnn llvo-man ma. Aye, Is being undertaKen by and voted to have n psycholo­ Methodist pastors In K o y- ’■ the council with stnte road for­ Jprlly of tho present - borough-' gist examine 11 children pre­ port, Koausbutg nnd Miiluwtm council', led by Councllmen ’ mula funds. Its share of state were oontinuod ln tlielr pres­ gasoline .taxes which . Is dis­ sumed to be “qandldates" for Henri Hnnsen and Angelo Lo* ent assignments, ''hey Inclutlo Presto nnd a "Cltliena of KeJ*. tributed to- communities fo r such a class. The findings of tho Hpv.- Dr, Illllman T. Wll- road worK. The contract the psychologist are Kept; os port" oi'BonlzftUon—edmiii'lscd llams, Calvary Mathodlat of a bl-partlsnii group of resi­ award was forwarded to th e classified information In th e Churoh, Itoypoi;t; the H <fv. files of the schools, it was ex­ dents - _State Highway Department for Norman II. Hlley, St, John's I'ettllon lli’imimlnl rtrntlon final approval. ' . • plained. : • , ; . ’ Motliodtst Churoh, nnrltnn T li c special election w a s . 1 Taxi Application Before the board went Into Township: tho Kov. Olto C F. colled on the demniul nf a pe- ' An application for a license closed session, William J. p*c- Jnnko, Kcansbui'g Methodist tttlon submitted earlier this to operate a .taxi," submitted Graw, board president, ques­ Church, and tho Rev, Albort month under a municipal man. .^_by Charles S.- Koban, Miller tioned if mere psychological D, Curry, Mntawnn Metliadlst- e Her net [idoptcd Ky tlio Htato tests for those considered for Churcli......... ....'. ... , ...,' ' 8t„ Highlands, was ordered re­ MUlsWlHVP 111 1023: ' t \\ b ‘ " "lerred to the police committee the class would'be sufficient. One addition to a *Madlaon Township school already te In; added to tho >Vhlted Brown bcliool lot lri Chct^cqiuaKc. Along The Ilcv, D6an. Jcanblotio, He asKed If a psychiatrist ex­ use. That is ihe two tooms .rfddpd to tbo rear of Browntown wltli tlieseXbulldingSi. tlio board Is currying to completion thn who wns taKon Into tho confor- change wns mipportejl by. May. for Investigation.: Applications as shown1 In'the picture in tbo lowor left comer. A 15*room: W........... illiam^tilllcr and Raymond Vooriiccs Schools In Old Hiidgo or Charles 1C. Apnlegute nnd . : lor taxi stands at Station Pla- amined the children. Russell addition to Memorial Sohool, Laurence Harbor, (top picture). now eight-ro^ipoo sohool'units................... When all“ the rooms nnd" new encu on trlnl Sundny w n s AvXi, -Stetler,-superintendent, some 'po.niocraJ.lo eltclea. ' ' 2a, submitted by Mr. Koban, Is getting ihe finishing touches, as oan be seen by a workman’^ school units ar<? opened for uso noxt-moiilh, the Bchool.Hystcm named by Bishop Fred P. Cor­ Tlio proiiosal wan rejected in ' ■' Mrs. Marie Newman and An­ said-no 'psychiatrist'was called figure ln the doorway. At tbo lower right Is a two-room unlt wlll bc able to go bacK on full sesHions son as pastor of Qrnco Metho­ tlie borotmh election dlstrlfts' : , thony Glwgllano -were ordered in but It was his opinion th 6 dist Church, Union Hunch,, nnd t h e- ‘ Cllffwood Communlly ns follnwsi Flrtit, 205:1U; seo- filed. ; test of the^psychologlst would owl. 20M22; thlvttr U11-1B0: • cover any psychiatry Involved. ; Takes Fifth Motiiodlst Churoh Jn Cllffwood. , i Mayor SchancK reported. no Cleanup Day 1200 Houses For Drought Killed fourth, aao'ud and fifth, SI310. taxi stand. vacancies exist at Mr. .McGraw strongly d I b- Tho Hcv. Joanblnna wns as­ agreed and ordered the execu­ - Councllwoman Mrs. Gone- Weil, It finally lias hap­ sistant nt IhorFlrsV Ktolliodlst Following Iho election, Coun>\ . the present time at 8 t a 11 o n vieve Donnell announced pened! /\ 15-ycar.old.Sayrc^ dlmnn Lol'rcsto, who wltli Plaza. When a vacancy exists. tive.session. But at the end. no Lloyd Rd. “Dead” New, Shade Trees Church, Asbiuy 1’urk, -before provision for testing by a psy­ Tuesday tbat > the semi-an* vUIo 'youth, nul|bcd in 5h al- ho cnine lo Union Ucnch enrl- Mr,-Hansen led Hic^IbIii lo lo. Mayor ScKancK Indicated It nual ' ‘Cleanup D a y” In legcU - theft "at the. Sayre tnin tho preoent form of rov* will be filled in the order ln chiatrist was made In the reso­ Development Planned OJd Manor Estates ler this year, ' ■ lution for tests of the children Matawan ^wlll be held Thurs* Wo o d s Shopping Center - Ordained At) Kldcta eminent,. eomnHintod that, which applications are receiv­ those wi\o lovcoil 'tttc oldollott ed by council by. qualified per­ by a psychologist. day, Oct.«3. All residcnts of For Area Aban^6_ned Monday nlglit startled IVladl- “"To Get Replacements The Rov. Robbln VunClcef, the borough are urged to obr son Township Pollco wh o n relied on n "wanton display at ' sons.' " ' c a 1 v i n Pearce, suppllies a former rosldent of c 11 ( f- alap-sllolt mlahiforjnatlon," chairman,,said five new.type­ operate, by making 'a j genor- Mayor John Marzl- jr., o(f(* /they toQK blm into head-. Holmdel Township Coinmlt- wood, who has been solving nt The sale of lots on Harding al Icieanup eampalgn in !thclt... clally ;.acKnowledsfed at th e £fl|iarjt<itvfor’ quosfionlng, ; tco. n t BpeoJat,...meeting lip added ho was R|nd th o -rBlvd.j Aug, 37 by council to writers were-. peGded. ’ liinmtodl- v_o I o r » of kpyport w , ately \ for,. .usein* cpmmcrclaj cellars and attics. 1 Mata^var. Township Plar.nlng ; ■ V^t.^use.to anstr.cr on- fclie< - Tbursdmy,. voted tc accept the - the-Browns Mills Co. was order; rr Cleanup , day presents ’ an Boaril'-m^eting'JIogday that grounds that H mlght tcnd to streets ln Scotlons 2 and 3 of through thin cninoHflngo' a,p d ed null and vo)d Tuesday night Classes and should be purchas­ did not overlooK tlio bapto. ed. He added that five! other N opportunity for .borough resi­ the' 120PloW5brnianiSeigel de. ;.|noirim(nato mo," ih6: youth Old Manor Estates, thereby re­ bv couhcll. Councllwoinun Mrs. dents to clear otH trasVv and.^ velopmetl fo& tbe- Uoyd- R.U. , told Patrolman William Bur­ leasing Jcvvy Kvtvrnvev a t» d IshIia; that vjo wove- n e w typewriters- coiTd be Angelo B.oefctfrte,. Uie oovblon.' to il)«, Genevieve ' Donnell reported" bought at a. lat^r.* date jon . refuge? which w ill'bp carted^ Line i UU.-Ctiui'Cli St. utcu' ol r THc ofdocr had Arrest- varbagia-w'fb'Q 'nf^ toetoWwWowfiS/’tteivd." . ,'■^4 '.ihei't’w thaad n tut-. | *rn,"fr>'«ir. Bond;,‘UiW' .who In my opifclpih virActo'ir'.-on; Thursday.i . ^lio inftyor.vhftd battled for old companion after M r s. 1 w l l I ,'post - a one-year *3800 and council ordered sT-'$2B rte- turn-in^vallowantjfi trig-* maintenance bond In Its Placr, Ml’, fioPi'CjllU lenmrked Hint chines ng^lotfgetf. suitable for The KationaloSn^rapf , .nmrndifitf the township subdl- Gclsomina Locon, 3Z4 Kirk­ nUlimm'h'OOV'I't'i'.ioiiM nl g neid posit forfeited.
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