N . ....... 1. Ii^. jWI(,,!, .lliHU ^W B N T I ilQNPAY, DECEMBER 19, •YirmidBi'-r '0 anriifPBtfr Upralb retMOkt af p. a- About ISO paraona attended “The cimsiy, MOW linlgkl fioE 1 m About Town Hanging of the Greana,” Chrlatmaa WriUteiaar.^Mat er, ma< ,fti8imi 'I program of the Mancheater TWCA ,Wilcox-Hickey lAte. EMM-iBgh WeOifeii# _____ of Soniet Itebekah yeaterdty afternoon a t the Com­ Manchstter^A City of ViUago Charm Win iDMt at the Holmas Fu- munity T. The program Included COME FOR CHRISTMAS a a n l K aan», 400 Main S t, tonight carol ainging, a choir of mixed Mias Barbara Mae Hickey of‘ voioea from Barnard Junior High Manchester becaims the bride of to pay raapacto to Mrs. Minnie School, Under the direction of Wal­ (TWENTY-POUR PA G E^lN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, DECEBIBER 20. 1960 (OtossUed AivesMsiag en Page SS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Waadar, a znetobar of the organza- ter Orzyb, a reading of the legend Chartss Mdward WOcox of Guil­ ttoa. of the creche, and a program by T ford at the Church of the Gdod play achool pupila. Shepherd, Episcopal Church, in tlia laAaa auxiliary to Manchea- Hartford, Saturday afternoon. tar Outotar, DAV, erill hold iU Laurel Leaf Lodge, ladiea aux­ Your Stor* of Villog* Charm .Chrlatmaa party Wadneaday at 8 iliary to the International Aaaoda- The bride la the daughter of Mra. State News M l. a t tha W W Poat Home. Mem- tion of Machinlata, will nominate Raymond pTIFredericksen, 178 Main b « a n to bHng grab bag glfta. and elect officera tomorrow at 8 St. The bridegroom Is the son of p.m. at the Machinlata Building, Dr. and Mrs. Kingston S. Wilcox Roundup Tha NeWoomera Club will hold 357 Main St.; Eaat Hartford. of Honolulu, Hawaii. Ita Ctariatmaa party tomor­ The Rev. Joseph A.. Johnson of row a t 8 pjn. at tha Community Miss Jean Breitenbach, daughter the Church of the Good Shepherd If. Aftarajcarol aing, refreahmenu of Mr. and Mra. Edward Breiten­ performed the double ring cere­ Double S & H Green Stamps win ba aarvad. AU newcomera to bach, 13 Ensign St., haa arrived mony, which was followed by celg-^ Auto Skids, Mannmator and aurroundlng arena home for Christmaa vacation from bration of Holy Communion.^ . •' a n invltod. AIbcrtus Magnua College, New Ha­ The bride was escorted^ by her Tomorrow On All Cosh Sales ven. stepfather, Raymond p. Prederick- By TH E ASSOfXATBD PRESS frailroad service was only Mightly K ills Child affected by the atom . 1716 board of directora of the sen. She wore a fuU-Iength gown A fast-moving storm fan­ Schools, Housing Program of chiffon taffeta, fashioned with ned by brisk winds spilled Roads In the S t Louis area were Prospect, Dec.' 20 {PP)— An Community Child Guidance Clinic a fitted b^Ce, Sabrina neckline, coated with show and Ice within a of Mancheater will meet tomorrow outlined, wlw handclipped lace and heavy snow from the Rockies few minutes after a wind-blown automobile skidded into two at 8 p.m. at the Chapman Houae on sequins, elbow-length sleeves and to the Midwest today and storm struck Just as the morning small girls crossing a street LECLERC HajTies St; bouffant skirt with front panels of pushed'eastward with skid­ rush hdur was getting under way. today, killing one and injuring FUNERAL HOME The Edith Cowles Strlcklapd face. She wore a pearl-studded cap ding temperatures. Two to 4 inchea of snow were ex­ the other. Auschwitz '.fV' Asks Speed Group of Second Congreg^UOhal over Alencon lace urith a silk illu­ The forecast for Connecticut: pected in 28 degrpe temperatures. The dead child was Carol Ehick- sion veil. Her boUquet was of white Road conditions in central Mis­ son, 5, Harmony Acres, Prospect. FUNERAL Church will meet tomorrow at 8 carnations and atephanotia with^a At Windsor Locks the U. B. souri and central Illinois were p.m. at the home of Mrs. Leslie Weather Bureau said today that She died at St. Mary's Hospital in it. SERVICE Brooks; 35 Bigelow St. white orchid In the ce: ter. Connecticut may get several inches hazardous. Waterbury soon after the accident Nazi Chief On ffigher Miss Katherine Valiante, Bel­ of snow overnight. ® Six inches of snow fell through­ on Cook Road here. WAUTER N. mont, Mass., was maid of honor. out the Mlssissipi Valley. The fall Doreen Bradbury, 6, also of Har­ LEXZERC, 'A Hush " ^ Elxpectatlon" will She wore a full-length gown of However, the bureau eniphasized in Wisconsin, southern Lower be presented tonight at 8 at a that "it.is still too early to make mony Acres, was treated at the Captured Director powder blue chiffon taffeta, de­ Michigan, most of northern hospital and discharged. Hourly Pay meeting of the WSCS of South signed with a basque bodice, puff any definite estimate of snowfall Indiana and Ohio was expected to Methodist Church in Cooper Hall expected." State -Police identified the driv­ Call Ml 9-5869 sleeves, and a pouf back accented range from 3 to 8 inches. The north­ er of the automobile as Mrs. Flor­ Frankfurt, Germany, Dec. By MARVIN L. ARROWSMETH at the church. A chorus of 72 by a velveteen bow and streamers. The bureau warned .hat weather n Main Street Mancheater voices will sing csirola from many ern Pan-handle -of West Virginia ence' A. Marks, 57, of 4 Ackley 20 (A*)—The Frankfurt State Her headdress was a aapphlre blue patterns indicate the likelihood of was warned to brace for 3 to 6 PI., Middletown. Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 20 lands. bow, and she carried a bouquet of show spreading into the state to­ prosecutor tonight announced (/P)—President-elect John F. night arid continuing into tomor­ inches of snow as the storm moved They said she saw the children pink carnations and roses. east and southward. A hazardous crossing the road and applied the the arrest of Richard Baer, Kennedy said today he will The Women's Home League of row. driving warning was in effect. the Salvation Army will meet to­ Michael G. Mackenzie of New “There are possibilities of sev­ brakes. The car skidded' about last Nazi commander of urge Congress to act speedily York City was best man, KNOT TYING SET eral Inches of snow from this In 24 hours 7% Inches of snow 100 -|«et on the icy pavement, Auschwitz concentration on medical care for the aged morrow at 2 p.m. in the Junior fell In western Maryland, to pile which had not been sanded. DONT Hall at the church. Members will a' reception for 85 guests was ■torm," the bureau statement said. camp. and aid to education, housing pleaty of wear left In I complete plans for a Christmas held in the parish house of the ■ 85c By midmoming, metropolitan Baer, now 49, and a former ma­ church following the ceremony. (Continaed on Page Three) ‘B ig T o y ’ and areas of chronic unem­ I when brought bare for | party to be held Dec. 30. Refresh­ Chicago's streets and highways— jor of the SS Elite Guard, had ployment. I axpart npairteg. ments will be served. For a motor trip to the Pocono nine rope set . each 48'’ and Bome toUways—^were clogged New Haven, Dec. 20 (A’) — At been presumed dead until two Opaa Mendaya All Day MounUins, Pa., the bride wore a . long and woven to retard with 5 Inches of drifting snow that this Christmas season David months ago Utoen investigating Kennedy also told a news con­ Cloned Wedneaday rose wool sheath dress with black fraying, illustrated Instrbc- was expected to pile up to 10 inches Strousse has himself a new un­ agencies were tipped that he actu­ ference that he'wants early action Afternoona accessories. ' tlMi book included. Stores Open usual toy—a bright red wooden on increasing the present minimum before tbe storm trailed off. ally was hiding out under an alias. wage of $1 an hour. Mrs. Wilcox la a 1958 naduate Street and highway crews work­ caboose. Auschwitz, where uncounted ATLANTIC of Manchester High Schom, and la It’s on the way to Strousse to­ The President-elect had at his SAM YULYES ed throughout the night to make Tonight Until thousands of Jews and others were side for the news conference 'Vice FURNACE OIL now a senior at the Hartford Hos' OFFICIAL roads paaeable, but high winds and day from the New Haven Railroad. murdered during World War II, "SHOE REPAIRINO Antomatle Delivery pital School of Nursing. Mr. Wil­ The New York advertising execu­ President-elect Lyndon B. John­ o r THE BETTER KIND” a continued ' fall atiuied buses, was the Nazi’s greatest "Death son; House Speaker Sam Rayburn cox is a 1955 graduate of Manches­ trucks and automobUes. Commuter tive, who lives in Stamford, Factory” in their extermination 88 OAK STREET L T. WOOD CO. ter High School, and Is studying 9 o’clock bought it recently for an undis­ of 'Texas, and Sen. Mike Mansfield BO Side aa Watktaia PhoM MI 8-im B-T. Photo program; electrical engineering at the Uni­ YUCCAPACK closed price. Inclosing the. arrest to news­ of Montana, slated to succeed versity of Connecticut MRS. CHARLES EDWARD WILCOX It will be a "big toy for little Johnson as Senate Democratic toys," he says. men, Chief Proeecutor Heinz Wolf leader. ty. About 50 members attended a SW EATSHIRT For several years he has been said he could not make public any Kennedy announced that he has Yule Party Held buftc>'supper at the Imperial Steak 4 .9 5 U.S.
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