DIRECTORY. J HAMPSHIRE. "MILFORD-ON-SEA. 285 oub snd built upon: it is supplied with excellent water EVERTON, a hamlet and tithing belonging to the by th~ West Hant~ Water Co. and lighted by electricity, parish of Milford, is situated between that place and and is sewered throughout. The church of All Saints Lymington and is 2! miles south-west from the latter. is 11. building of stone, in the Norman and Early Eng­ St. Ma.ry's iron: mission church here was dedicated April lish styles, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, aisles, 22nd, I 8g6 ; divine service is held every Sunday Jlfter­ !Outh porch, and a western tower with spire containing noon. Here is also a Wesleyan chapel. · Everton Grange a clock and 5 bells : there are 450 sittings. The is the residence of· Col. William Kemmis C.M.G. 1 register dates from the year I594· The living is a M.V.O., D.L., J.P. vicarage, net yearly value £ISO, with residence, in the Efford Park, situated between Everton and Penning­ gift of the Bishop of Winch~ster, and held since 1909 ton, standing in well-wooded grounds {)f about 100 by the Rev. Mark Cubbon Humphrys Collet M.A. of at:res, is the residence of Sir Beethom Whitehead Trinity Hall, Oambridge. The Baptist chapel, was K.C.M:.G. erected in 18r6, and has 300 sittings. In July, 19II, KEYHA VEN, with Vidley Van, is a tithing of Mil­ memorial stones were laid of a " Free " church, to cost ford, 4~ miles south-west from Lymington. Efford is a £sso. The Cottage Hospital was opened in 1goo and tithing 1~ miles south-west from Lymington. bas 7 beds and I cot ; the number of in-patients in Parish Clerk, Jack Newman. rgro was 43· The charities amount to aboul!t £s6 Post, M.O., T. & TelPphonic Express Delivery & Call Office. yearly, arising from land, and this sum is distributed -Alfred Cole, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from to such of the deserving poor as are not in receipt of Lymington at 5·I5 & n: a.m. & 6.15 p.m. & are dis­ parochial relief. To the west of the cliffs are public patched at 9·45 a.m. & 4.30 & 8.10 p.m. & sunday's pleasure grounds-, and the Hotel Victoria. The cliffs dispatch is 7·35 p.m abound with fossils and antediluvian remains. Among Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Everton.-Samuel Bran, sub­ the seats in thiq neighbourhood are Newlands Manor, postmaster. Letters arrive from Lymington at 6 & the residence of Col. William Cornwallis-West V.D. who 11.5 a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays 6 a.m.; dispatched at is lord of the manor and principal landowner; Rook­ 9·5.1 a.m. & 4·45 & 8 p.m. ; sundays 7·45 p.m cliff, the residence of Mrs. Charles J ames Robinson, has Post Office, Keyhaven.-William John Durnford, sub­ grounds of 54 acres. The soil is loam ; subsoil, graveL postmaster. Letters through Lymington;. deliveries The chief crops are wheat. The area is 4,647 acres of 6.50 a.m. & 12.30 & 7.20 p.m. ; sundays 6.50 a.m. ; land, 41 of water, 39 of tidal water and 934 of fore­ dispatched 9.20 a.m. & 7.20 p.m. ; sundays 5.40 p.m. shore; ra.teable vruue, £II,919; the population in 1901 Milford-on-S~ is the nearest money order & tele­ was 1,924, including 854 in Pennington, which see. graph office Under Local Government Acts of 1888 and 1894, part Letter Box, Lymore, cleared at 7 p.m of Downton, Hordle Cliff and Hurst Castle were taken Elementary School (mixed), built in 1855, with master's into the civil parish of Milford-on-Sea, and by Local house attached & er.larged in 1905 for 190 children; Government Board Order, dated 14 Nov. 1910, part of average attendance, 150; Wm. Robert Boosley, master the civil parish of Milford-on-Sea. was formed into the Coast Guard Station, Keyhaven, Charles Bacon, petty parish of Pennington. officer, & 3 men Conveyance.-Omnibus to & from Lymington, frequently MILFORD-ON -SEA. Robinson Mrs. Chas. James, Rockcliff Hatchard Geo. King, miller (water), PRIVATE RESIDRNTS, IRyder Mrs. Brierfield Efford mill agar Edward L. Milford house Saville-Kent Mrs. Belsito Hayter Edwin William, printer A.itchison Miss, Verona Schultz William Albert, Uplands Hellier & Soffe, butchers A.rmstrong Miss, Dial house Shaw Frederick A. Carringtons Hellier Edwin, farmer, Manor farm Athorne Mrs. tSouthbroom Siemens Alexander, Westover house (letters through Hordle, Brocken~ Barlow Mrs. Greenbanks Simmons Wm. Richd. The Bungalow burst) Beasley Ernest Notley, Ivy dene Skrine Mrs.Sea Green(letters through Heppenstall & Clark, solicitors Beeton Sidney Perkes, Morwenstow Hordle, Brockcnhurst, Hants) Hotel Victoria (William Grisdale Bell, Bellis Mrs. Miramar Stacpole Col. John C.M.G., C.V.O., proprietor) Boys-Smith Miss, Ivanhoe • J.P. Sharvells Imeson Matthew, farmer, Efford farm Bruce Robert J.P. Hilly field Stedman Miss, Westover (letters through Lymington) ()arter Mrs. Charles, Sunnyside Stonhouse Mrs. Halnaker Jackm-an & Masters, auctioneers Cockburn George E. Rabere Tims Mrs. Ellaland Jury William George, news agent Collet Rev. Mark Cubbon Humphrys Walker Capt.Frdk. Murray,Glencairn Keeping Fred & Son, cycle makers M.A. (vicar), The Vicarage Walker-Munro Edward Lionel R.N. Knapp Mrs. Fanny, aparts. Rose cot Cooper Miss, Quainton The White house Knight Cecil Lewis, confectioner Cornwallis-West Col. William V.D., Wilkinson Mrs. Milford corner Knight Edwatrd, boot maker J.P. Newlands manor Williams Miss B. Lyon, Gorse clifie Knight Waiter Herbert, upholsterer Cove Rev. William Earle (Baptist), Williams Charles Francis Abdy M.A., Lawrence Laura (Mrs.),aparts.Ivydene Mount Clear Mus.Bac. Myrtle cottage London & Provincial Supply Co. Ltd. Crossley Mrs. Sturt cottage W oodd Arthur Bethune, Heckfield butchers Dance N athaniel, Beach Warren Young Francis, Marden house McAllum John Henry M.A.Cantab., Dillon Mrs. Fairhaven, Young Miss, Marden house M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy- Finder Miss, Bridge cottage . COMMERCIAL. sician & surgeon French Rev. Reginald B.A. (curate), Alexander Charles, Crown P.H Miles George, butcher The Vicarage Alien Fredk. Wm. aparts. Glenleigh Miles Thomas, grocer Gordon Colin M.B. Danestream house Andrews Emily(Mrs.),aprts.Branksme Milford Cottage Hospital (V. D. Backhurst & Sons, jobmasters Harris M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., Rarris • Vincent Dormer M.D • Wood- rouffe house Bamard William, photographer, see F.R.C.P.Lond. consulting physi- Heathcote Misses, Verona Elgar & Barnard cian; Robert Bruce M.R.C.S.Eng., Hinckley Richard Arthur, Kingsmede Beavis Henry, farmer D.P.H.Cantab. casualty surgeon; Joel Mrs. Montreux Berry George, painter & all surgeons in the Lymington Bishop George Henry, farmer, Buona- union; Misli Louise Wiskin, King Mrs. Beauchamp • King Mrs. Powell, Wainsford vista farm matron; Miss Amelia Magnay, hon. Mdllum John Henry M.A.Cantab Bolton James, farm bailiff to Col. sec) Magnay Miss, Milford lodge Cornwallis-West, Home farm Milford Electric Supply Co. Limited Mann Horace B.A. Kivernells Brown John Henry, farmer, Westover (William Robert Beesley, sec) Martin Jas. Richard, Milford cottage & Carringtons Milford-on-Sea. Club (Hy. Miles, sec) Masters Goorge Richard, Netherleigh Bruce Robert M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H. Milford-on-Sea Laundry Co. (Nichol- Matthews Mrs. Camdenhurst Camb.physician & surgn.Hilly field son Brothers, proprietors), laundry, Meh-ill Rev . .Arthur Hardcastle M.A. Burt Cecil Frederick, tobacconist household & family washes, all Chapman EdwinJas.aparts.Holmhurst linen insured against fire In• bank Moore Mrs. Bradfield Christie Fanny (Mrs.), china dealer Mogg Frank. fruiterer Newell Mrs. Penrose Elgar & Barnard, photographers Mogg Levi, boot maker "Pascall Frederick Henry, Tnve nna Fanlkner Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, Moxey Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper 1'hillips Frederick, Pinehurst Sprin~ cottage Newman Jack, pamter Gibbs Frank, apartments, Sea view Nicholson Lawrence, electrical contr 1'lunket Hon. Mrs. AI'th. iKnockderrv• Rsndell ·Mrs. South Pines Golden Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Os borne Lewis, farmer, Barns farm Ravenhill Mrs.Edgar,South Lawn cot Lvmore Owen Edwin, Red Lion hotel llaoenscroft William, Briant croft G{)o.dridge J efirey, shoe maker Parks George, !l'addler Rl'ad Miss, Gorse cliff · Hames Alhert, farmer, Lymore Pea.rce Henry, ~partments, Pinewoni Reid Cl~ment F.R.S. One Acre BlimPs Tom, refreshme:nt rooms Pearce Kate (M1ss), a-parts. Mentone • .
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