Featherstone Rover Service 125 Wakefield to Pontefract via Pinderfields Hospital, Altofts & Pontefract From Pontefract Bus Stn via Skinner La, Monkhill Ave, Monkhill La, Spittal Hardwick La, Gypsy La, Spittal Hardwick La, Holywell La, Fryston Rd, The Square, Fryston Rd, Queens Park Dr, Ferrybridge Rd, Bridge St, Aire St, Bank St, Carlton St, Church St, Albion St, Castleford Bus Stn, Church St, Albion St, High St, Lunley St, Wllowbridge La, Whittwood Common La,Express Way, Pope St, Church Rd, Birkwood Rd, Ferry La, Aberford Rd, Stanley Rd, Peterson Rd, Kirkgate, Westmorland St, Union St, Wakefield Bus Station.then reverse route to Pontefract bus Station Monday to Friday 125 A Wakefield Bus Station 0725 0830 0930 1030 1130 1330 1430 1530 1630 Pinderfields, Pinders Grove 0732 0837 0937 1037 1137 1337 1437 1537 1639 Ferry Lane Kingsway 0737 0842 0942 1042 1142 1342 1442 1542 1647 Altofts Church 0744 0849 0949 1049 1149 1349 1449 1549 1654 Castleford Bus Station 0755 0900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1500 1600 1705 Airedale Magnet 0808 0913 1013 1113 1213 1413 1513 1613 1718 Gypsy Lane 0813 0918 1018 1118 1218 1418 1518 1618 1723 Pontefract Bus Station 0820 0925 1025 1125 1225 1425 1525 1625 1730 125 A Pontefract Bus Station 0725 0830 0930 1030 1130 1330 1430 1530 1630 Gypsy Lane 0730 0835 0935 1035 1135 1335 1435 1535 1635 Airedale Magnet 0735 0840 0940 1040 1140 1340 1440 1540 1640 Castleford Bus Station 0750 0855 0955 1055 1155 1355 1455 1555 1655 Altofts Church 0800 0905 1005 1105 1205 1405 1505 1605 1705 Ferry Lane Ash Lea 0805 0910 1010 1110 1210 1410 1510 1610 1710 Wakefield Bus Station 0825 0925 1025 1125 1225 1425 1525 1625 1725 No Service on Sunday or Bank Holiday Mondays A - Starts from Featherstone 15 minutes earlier Operated by Ross Travel Group , Allison Street, Featherstone, WF7 5BL Tel: 01977 792106 | www.rosstravelgroup.co.uk Featherstone Rover Service 125 Pontefract to Wakefield via Castleford, Altofts & Pinderfields Hospital From Pontefract Bus Stn via Skinner La, Monkhill Ave, Monkhill La, Spittal Hardwick La, Gypsy La, Spittal Hardwick La, Holywell La, Fryston Rd, The Square, Fryston Rd, Queens Park Dr, Ferrybridge Rd, Bridge St, Aire St, Bank St, Carlton St, Church St, Albion St, Castleford Bus Stn, Church St, Albion St, High St, Lunley St, Wllowbridge La, Whittwood Common La,Express Way, Pope St, Church Rd, Birkwood Rd, Ferry La, Aberford Rd, Stanley Rd, Peterson Rd, Kirkgate, Westmorland St, Union St, Wakefield Bus Station. Saturday 125 A Wakefield Bus Station - 0830 0930 1030 1130 1330 1430 1530 1630 Pinderfields, Pinders Grove - 0837 0937 1037 1137 1337 1437 1537 1637 Ferry Lane Kingsway - 0842 0942 1042 1142 1342 1442 1542 1642 Altofts Church - 0849 0949 1049 1149 1349 1449 1549 1649 Castleford Bus Station - 0900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1500 1600 1700 Airedale Magnet - 0913 1013 1113 1213 1413 1513 1613 1713 Gypsy Lane - 0918 1018 1118 1218 1418 1518 1618 1718 Pontefract Bus Station - 0925 1025 1125 1225 1425 1525 1625 1725 125 A Pontefract Bus Station - 0830 0930 1030 1130 1330 1430 1530 1630 Gypsy Lane - 0835 0935 1035 1135 1335 1435 1535 1635 Airedale Magnet - 0840 0940 1040 1140 1340 1440 1540 1640 Castleford Bus Station 0755 0855 0955 1055 1155 1355 1455 1555 1655 Altofts Church 0805 0905 1005 1105 1205 1405 1505 1605 1705 Ferry Lane Ash Lea 0810 0910 1010 1110 1210 1410 1510 1610 1710 Wakefield Bus Station 0825 0925 1025 1125 1225 1425 1525 1625 1725 No Service on Sunday or Bank Holiday Mondays A - Starts from Featherstone 15 minutes earlier Operated by Ross Travel Group , Allison Street, Featherstone, WF7 5BL Tel: 01977 792106 | www.rosstravelgroup.co.uk Featherstone Rover Service 144/146 Wakefield to Pontefract via Pinderfields Hospital, Altofts & Pontefract Service 144 route From Castleford Bus Station, Albion Street, Carlton Street, Station Road, Cambridge Street, University Street, Lower Oxford Street, Beancroft Road, Beancroft Street, John Street, Love Lane, Falcon Drive, Barnes Road, Leeds Road, Cutsyke Road, Willow Lane, Ackton Lane, Sewerbridge Lane, Ackton Hall Crescent, West End Avenue, Ackton Lane, Willow Lane, Featherstone Lane, Green Lane, Station Road, Pontefract Road, Wakefield Road, Beechwood Avenue, Love Lane, Minden Close, Halfpenny Lane, Front Street, Stuart Road, Finkle Street to Pontefract Bus Station Return from Pontefract as outward route reversed to, Willow Lane then Ackton Lane, Sewerbridge Lane, Ackton Hall Crescent, West End Avenue, Ackton Lane, Willow Lane then as outward route reversed to Beancroft Road then Cambridge Street, to Castleford Station Road Some journeys operate via Priory Road as per 146 route On Saturday journeys operate via Colorado Way, Tomahawk Trail and Colorado Way Service 146 route From Wakefield via Union Street, Westmorland Street, The Springs, Kirkgate, Peterson Road, Stanley Road, Aberford Road, Ferry Lane, Birkwood Road, Church Road, Pope Street, Express Way, California Drive, Whitwood Lane, Willowbridge Lane, Lumley Street, High Street, Albion Street, Castleford Bus Station, Albion Street, Carlton Street, Station Road, Cambridge Street, University Street, Lower Oxford Street, Beancroft Road, Smawthorne Lane, Lisheen Avenue, Leeds Road, Cutsyke Road, Willow Lane, Featherstone Lane, Green Lane, Station Road, Wakefield Road, Wentworth Road, Priory Road, Girnhill Lane, Pontefract Road, Hall Street, Wentbridge Road, Little Lane, Pontefract Road, Wakefield Road, Southgate, Broad Lane, Horsefair to Pontefract Bus Station. Return from Pontefract as outward route reversed to Hall Street, Pontefract Road, Wakefield Road, Wentworth Road, Priory Road, Girnhill Lane, then as outward route reversed to Beancroft Road then Cambridge Street, Station Road, Carlton Street, Albion Street, then as outward route returned. Some journeys operate via Aketon Road On Saturday journeys operate via Colorado Way, Tomahawk Trail and Colorado Way Operated by Ross Travel Group , Allison Street, Featherstone, WF7 5BL Tel: 01977 792106 | www.rosstravelgroup.co.uk Featherstone Rover Service 144/146 Wakefield - Castleford - Pontefract Monday to Friday 146 144 146 146 144 146 144 146 146 146 146 144 144 146 146 144 146 144 146 146 Wakefield Bus Station 0755 0900 00 1600 1700 1730 Pinderfields Pinders Grove 0802 0907 07 1607 1709 1739 Ferry Lane Kingsway 0807 0912 12 1612 1717 1747 Altofts Church 0814 0919 19 1619 1724 1754 Castleford Bus Station 0725 0745 0805 0825 0850 0910 0930 then 10 30 50 1550 1610 1630 1650 1710 1730 1735 1805 Lisheen Avenue 0732 0752 0832 0917 0937 17 37 1617 1637 1717 1742 C Half Acres Estate 0812 0857 57 1557 1657 1737 Cutsyke Cross Roads 0737 0757 0817 0837 0902 0922 0942 22 42 02 until 1602 1622 1642 1702 1722 1742 1747 1809 North Featherstone X Rds 0742 0802 0822 0842 0907 0927 0947 27 47 07 1607 1627 1647 1707 1727 1747 1752 1814 Ackton Estate 0825 0910 10 1610 1710 1750 Featherstone Station Ln 0710 0736 0750 0810 0836 0850 0921 0935 0955 35 55 21 1621 1635 1655 1721 1735 1801 1800 1822 Priory Road 0714 0754 0814 0854 0939 0959 at 39 59 1639 1659 Leatham Park Estate 0720 0800 0820 0900 0945 1005 45 05 1645 1705 Halfpenny Lane 0743 0843 0928 28 1628 Pontefract Bus Station 0730 0751 0810 0830 0851 0910 0936 0955 1015 55 15 36 1636 1655 1715 146 144 146 146 144 146 146 144 146 146 144 146 146 144 146 146 144 146 Pontefract Bus Station 0715 0735 0755 0815 0840 0900 0920 40 00 20 1540 1600 1620 1640 1700 172 0 Halfpenny Lane, Minden Cl 0803 0908 08 1608 1708 Leatham Park Estate 0725 0745 0825 0850 0930 50 30 1550 1630 1650 1730 Priory Road 0732 0752 0832 0857 0937 then 57 37 1557 1637 1657 1737 Featherstone Station Ln 0656 0713 0736 0756 0813 0836 0901 0918 0941 01 18 41 1601 1618 1641 1701 1718 1741 Ackton Estate 0721 0821 0926 26 1626 1726 North Featherstone X Rds 0702 0725 0742 0802 0825 0842 0907 0930 0947 07 30 47 until 1607 1630 1647 1707 Cutsyke Cross Roads 0707 0730 0747 0807 0830 0847 0912 0935 0952 12 35 52 1612 1635 1652 1712 Half Acres Estate 0734 0834 0939 39 1639 Lisheen Avenue 0712 0752 0812 0852 0917 0957 17 57 1617 1657 1717 Castleford Bus Station 0720 0740 0800 0820 0840 0900 0925 0945 1005 25 45 05 1625 1645 1705 1725 Altofts Church 0730 0830 0935 35 1635 Ferry Lane Ash Lea 0735 0835 0940 40 1640 Wakefield Bus Station 0750 0855 0955 55 1655 C - operates direct via Aketon Road Operated by Ross Travel Group , Allison Street, Featherstone, WF7 5BL Tel: 01977 792106 | www.rosstravelgroup.co.uk Featherstone Rover Service 144/146 Wakefield - Castleford - Pontefract Saturday 144 146 144 146 144 146 144 146 144 146 144 146 146 Wakefield Bus Station 0900 00 1600 1730 Pinderfields Pinders Grove 0907 07 1607 1737 Ferry Lane Kingsway 0912 12 1612 1742 Altofts Church 0919 19 1619 1749 Castleford Bus Station 0800 0830 0900 0930 then 00 30 1600 1630 1700 1730 1800 Lisheen Avenue 0837 0937 37 1637 1737 Half Acres Estate 0807 0907 07 1607 1707 C Junction 32 0812 0842 0912 0942 12 42 1612 1642 1712 1742 Cutsyke Cross Roads 0817 0847 0917 0947 17 47 until 1617 1647 1717 1747 1804 North Featherstone X Rds 0822 0852 0922 0952 22 52 1622 1652 1722 1752 1809 Ackton Estate 0825 0925 25 1625 1725 Featherstone Station Ln 0736 0805 0836 0900 0936 1000 36 00 1636 1700 1736 1800 1817 Priory Road 0740 0809 0840 0904 0940 1004 at 40 04 1640 1704 Leatham Park Estate 0815 0910 1010 10 1710 Halfpenny Lane 0746 0846 0946 46 1646 Pontefract Bus Station 0754 0825 0854 0920 0954 1020 54 20 1654 1720 144 146 144 146 144 146 144 146 146 144 146 144 146 144 146 Pontefract Bus Station 0801 0835 35 01 1435 1501 1535 1601 1635 1701 1735 Halfpenny Lane 0809 09 1509 1609 1709 Leatham Park
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