Final Translation Anglo-Saxon Chronicle English 1302 Spring 2018 Regular Term 9 March 2018 Years 793-794, 832-878 Student 1 (lines 1-40) Student 2 (41-81) Student 3 (82-122) Student 4 (123-end) Key: Black: Original Anglo-Saxon Blue: Glossing Red: English Translation Black Bold # : Anglo-Saxon Year Pink # : Line Number Student 1 793 1 Her wæron reðe forebecna cumene ofer Norðanhymbra land 7 þet folc earmlice - her: Adverb; here, in this place, in this world, at - wæron: Verb; indicative plural; to be, am, are, is, was, were - reðe: 1. Adjective; masculine/neuter nominative; righteous, right, just; 2. Adjective; masculine/neuter nominative; fierce, cruel, savage 1. applied to persons (a) in a bad sense (b): of justifiable severity, sever,e stern, austere, zealous 2. applied to animals: wild, savage, fierce 3. applied to things (punishment calamity etc.): severe, cruel, fierce, dire - forebecna: Noun; neuter plural; warnings, fore-warnings, sign(s) of caution - cumene: Verb; indicative plural; to come, to arrive, to have been brought - ofer: Preposition; over, above - Norðanhymbra: Noun; proper, place name; Norðanhymbra - land: Noun; singular or plural nominative/accusative; earth, land, soil, territory, realm, province, district, landed, property, country (not town), ridge in a ploughed field - þet: Pronoun; they, these - folc: Noun; singular or plural nominative/accusative; folk, people, nation, tribe - earmlice: Adjective; masculine nominative/accusative plural, feminine singular accusative; 1. miserable (1) attended with misery (2) expressing misery piteous (3) piteous deplorable 2. poor mean wretched sorry 3. adv ~líce (1) miserably wretchedly (2) piteously (3) pitiably meanly Here severe warnings came over the land of Northumbria, instilling fear (next line) into the people: 2 bregdon: þet wæron ormete ligræscas, 7 wæron geseowene fyrene dracan on 3. þam - bregdon: Verb; past participle; to instill fear, to bring fear, to frighten - þet: Pronoun; they, these - wæron: Verb; indicative plural; to be, am, are, is, was, were - ormete: Adjective; masculine nominative singular/plural; immense, great, great in magnitude or scale, ornate - ligræscas: Noun; nominative plural; Lightning, a flash of lightning, bright light - geseowene: Verb; indicative singular 1/3; flashing, rushing through - fyrene: Noun; masculine nominative/accusative plural, feminine accusative singular; of fire, fiery, on fire, burning, flaming - dracan: Noun; accusative/genitive/dative singular, nominative/accusative plural; a dragon, sea-monster, serpent, the serpent, the devil, standard representing a dragon or serpent - þam: Pronoun; demonstrative dative plural; those they were great flashes of light, and fiery, winged (next line) dragons were flying through the 3 lyfte fleogende. Þam tacnum sona fyligde mycel hunger, 7 litel æfter þam 4. þæs ilcan - lyfte: Noun; feminine accusative/genitive/dative, masculine/neuter dative singular; air, sky, clouds, atmosphere, ~e on high, aloft - fleogende: Adjective; masculine/neuter nominative singular; flying, winged - Þam: Pronoun; demonstrative dative plural; those - tacnum: Noun; neuter dative plural; token, symbol, sign, signal, mark, indication, suggestion, portent, marvel, wonder, miracle, evidence, proof, standard, banner - sona: Noun; genitive plural; sound, a musical sound, music, vocal or instrumental be ~e aloud loudly; Abverb; soon, directly, forthwith, immediately, at once, within - fyligde: Verb; past participle; followed, came after - mycel: Adjective; neuter singular/plural; great, immense, of considerable magnitude - hunger: Noun; masculine/neuter singular; hunger, great hunger, famine - litel: Adverb; little, not long, not much - æfter: Adverb; after - þæs: Pronoun; demonstrative masculine/neuter genitive singular; the, that - ilcan: Adverb; in the same time, in the same time period, at the same time air. Those signs were followed by a great hunger (famine), and not long after, 4 geares on .vi. idus Ianuarii earmlice heðenra manna hergung adiligode Godes cyrican - geares: Noun; neuter genitive singular; year, tó ~e in this year, yearly tribute - on: Preposition; on, in - idus: Noun; neuter plural; ides (thirteenth day of the month except for March, May, July, or October) - Ianuarii: Noun; January - earmlice: Adjective; masculine nominative/accusative plural, feminine singular accusative; 1. miserable (1) attended with misery (2) expressing misery piteous (3) piteous deplorable 2. poor mean wretched sorry 3. adv ~líce (1) miserably wretchedly (2) piteously (3) pitiably meanly - heðenra: Noun; masculine accusative/genitive/dative singular, nominative/accusative plural; heathen - manna: Noun; masculine athematic genitive plural; man, men - hergung: Noun; feminine nominative plural; harrying, ravaging, raid, invasion, attack, plunder, booty, harrowing - adiligode: Noun; feminine nominative/accusative/genitive/dative singular; island - Godes: Noun; masculine genitive singular; a god, image of a god, God (the Christian deity), godlike person - cyrican: Noun; feminine genitive/dative singular; church, religious community, temple, congregation on the sixth before the ides (thirteenth day) of January in the same year, the wretched heathen men raided God’s church on the island of 5 in Lindisfarenaee þurh reaflac 7 mansleht. 7 Sicga forðferde on .viii. kalendas Martii . - in: Preposition, with, in - Lindisfarenaee: Proper Noun; Lindisfarne - þurh: Adverb; neuter; through - reaflac: Noun; neuter nominative/accusative singular/plural; 1. rapine, robbery, spoliation, plundering 2. what is taken, spoil, booty, plunder, - mansleht: Noun; masculine nominative/accusative singular; slaughter, man- slaughter, murder - Sicga: Noun; proper; Sicga (name) - forðferde: Verb; neuter; went forth, to go forth, pass on - on: Preposition; on, in - kalendas: Noun; feminine plural; calends (the first day of the month in the ancient Roman calendar) - Martii: Noun; proper, neuter; March (the month) Lindisfarne through plundering and slaughter. Sicga passed on the calends (first day) of March. 794 6 Her Adrianus papa 7 Offa cining forðferden, 7 Æðelred Norðanhymbra cining wæs - Her: Adverb; here, in this place, in this world, at - Adrianus: Noun; proper; Adrianus (name) - papa: Noun; masculine nominative singular; pope - Offa: Noun; proper; Offa (name) - cining: Noun; masculine singular; king - forðferden: Verb; neuter; to go forth, went forth, followed - Æðelred: Noun; proper; Æðelred (name) - Norðanhymbra: Noun; proper, place name; Norðanhymbra - wæs: Verb; irregular preterite singular 1 (I)/2 (he/she/it); to be, am, are, is, was, were Here pope Adrianus and King Offa passed, Æðelred, king of Northumbria, was 7 ofslagan fram his agenre þeode on .xiii. kalendas Mai, 7 Ceolwulf biscop 7 Eadbald - ofslagan: Adjective; masculine singular/plural; slain, killed, befelled - fram: Abverb; from - his: Pronoun; personal third-person masculine/neuter genitive singular; his - agenre: Adjective; feminine genitive/dative singular; own, proper, peculiar, proper - þeode: Noun; feminine accusative/genitive/dative singular; 1. a nation, people, tribe 1a. where the general term is used but only a part of the people is actually concerned 1b. in pl the Gentiles 1c. a race 1d. in a general sense particularly in pl people, men, war-troop retainers 2. in a local sense the district occupied by a people, a country, region, province 3. a language 4. fellowship - on: Preposition; on, in - kalendas: Noun; feminine plural; calends (the first day of the month in the ancient Roman calendar) - Mai: Noun; proper; May (the month) - Ceolwulf: Noun; proper; Ceolwulf (name) - biscop: Noun; masculine singular/plural; bishop - Eadbald: Noun; proper; Eadbald (name) slain by his own people on the calends of May, bishops Ceolwulf and Eadbald 8 biscop of þan lande aforon, 7 Ecgferð feng to Myrcene rice 7 þy ilcan geare forðferde. - biscop: Noun; masculine singular/plural; bishop - of: Preposition; of, out of, with - þan: Noun; neuter nominative/accusative singular/plural; irrigated land; Adjective; masculine/neuter nominative singular; moist, irrigated; Adverb; then, from, the time after that - lande: Noun; dative singular; earth, land, soil, territory, realm, province, district, landed, property, country (not town), ridge in a ploughed field - aforon: Verb; preterite plural (we/they); to go out, depart, march, travel, to go out of or from a place, to remove, lead out - Ecgferð: Noun; proper; Ecgferð (name) - feng: Verb; preterite singular 1/3; to receive, take in, take, lay hold of, seize, hold up, support - to: Adverb; to - Myrcene: Noun; proper; Myrcene (place) - rice: Noun; neuter nominative/accusative/dative singular; realm 1. power, authority, reign, referring to sovereigns or to others in authority 2. the district in which power is exercised, a kingdom, realm, diocese 3. the people inhabiting a district, a nation - þy: Pronoun; demonstrative masculine/neuter singular; the, that - ilcan: Adverb; in the same time, in the same time period, at the same time - geare: Noun; neuter genitive singular; year, tó ~e in this year, yearly tribute - forðferde: Verb; neuter; went forth, to go forth, pass on departed from the land, and Ecgferð took Myrcene (Mercia?) and passed that same year. 9 7 Eadbriht onfeng rice on Cent, þam wæs oðer nama nemned Præn. 7 Æðelheard - Eadbriht: Noun; proper; Eadbriht (name) - onfeng: Verb; preterite singular 1/3; to take, receive, perceive, comprehend, accept, take to one’s self, stand, sponsor, harbor, favor, unrighteously take hold of, undertake
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