ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ON TOURISM AND ITS BENEFITS Firdaus, Desmadi Saharuddin, Ilda Hayati Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Tourism has enormous benefits in Islam and even has a positive impact on One's faith. Tourism is a part of "maqashid" shari'a, which consists of preserving religion, soul, reason, descent (honor), and property. Tourism can even be covering all of these aspects of this "maqashid" because it is supported by the texts of the Qur'an and the Hadith, which show the virtues and benefits of the tour. By conducting a literature study, verifying data, and interpreting the Author using a descriptive analysis approach, it was found that tourism is a part of being related to all aspects of sharia maqashid, which have been done by previous peoples. Islam recommends pilgrimages to three places, namely Haram Mosque, Nabawi Mosque, and Aqsa Mosque. Islam also has signs in travel for Muslims and also for non- Muslims who enter Muslim territory. Non-Muslims come to Muslim countries not to commit immoral acts like those done in their countries. Still, they want to enjoy the beauty of nature and know the culture that exists so that Muslims do not need to provide facilities that are prohibited in Islam to support tourism. Keywords: Al-Qur'an and Hadith, Halal Tourism, Benefits Abstrak. Wisata mempunyai manfaat yang sangat besar dalam Islam bahkan mempunyai dampak positif terhadap keimanan seseorang. Wisata merupakan bagian dari maqashid syari’ah yang terdiri dari menjaga agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan (kehormatan) dan harta benda. Wisata bahkan dapat mencakup seluruh aspek tersebut karena didukung oleh nash-al- Qur’an dan Hadits yang menunjukkan keutamaan dan faedah wisata tersebut. Dengan melakukan studi pustaka, verifikasi data dan interpretasi penulis menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif maka didapatkan bahwa parawisata merupakan bagian dari terkait dengan seluruh aspek maqashid syariah, yang telah dilakukan umat-umat terdahulu. Islam menganjurkan ziarah ke tiga tempat yaitu masjidil haram, masjid Nabawi dan masjid Aqsa. Islam juga mempunyai rambu-rambu dalam wisata bagi umat Islam dan juga bagi non muslim yang memasuki wilayah muslim. Non muslim datang ke negeri-negeri muslim bukan untuk melakukan perbuatan maksiat seperti yang dilakukan di negeri mereka akan tetapi mereka ingin menikmati keindahan alam dan mengetahui budaya yang ada dengan begitu, umat Islam tidak perlu menyediakan fasilitas yang dilarang dalam agama Islam demi mendukung pariwisata. Kata Kunci: Al-Qur’an dan Hadits, Wisata Halal, Manfaat 10 Firdaus, Islamic Perspective on Tourism.....11 He is the One who made the earth easy for INTRODUCTION Many people are mistaken about the you, so walk in all directions and eat some concept of halal tourism. Many define of His sustenance. And only to Him are halal tourism as a tour in which Islamic you (returned after) resurrected (al-Mulk: law is applied. Or a tour full of elements to 15). "imitate the Arabic style." Is it true? Prophet Muhammad S.A.W traveled in Of course, that's a big mistake. Do not be hijrah and jihad, hajj and umrah. Narrated trapped by this definition. The concept of from Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah S.A.W halal tourism is a tourism concept that said: aims to create a Muslim and family- friendly condition. Go on a journey you will be healthy and fight you will be rich! So the concept is not a tourist concept in which Islamic Sharia is applied as applied Since God created humans, humans have in Aceh but rather towards an idea in always moved around and traveled, Allah which creating hospitality for Muslims. made it easier for humans to travel: The simple form is the availability of َ ْ ْ ْ ْ َٔن َق ْذ َك هش ْيَُا َبًُِ آدَ َو َٔ َح ًَهَُا ُْ ْى فًِ انبَ ِّش َٔانبَ ْح ِش َٔ َس َصقَُا ُْ ْى places of worship for Muslims that are ه َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ْ ا ِي ٍَ انطٍِّبَا ِث َٔف هضهَُا ُْ ْى َعه ى َكثٍِ ٍش ِي هًٍ َخهقَُا تَف ِضٍل easily accessible, the provision of halal food, and the separation of illicit foods such as alcohol. (17:70) And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on The simple form is the availability of land and sea and provided for them of the places of worship for Muslims that are good things and preferred them over much easily accessible, the provision of halal of what We have created, with [definite] food, and the separation of illicit foods preferences (al-Isra: 70). such as alcohol (meirison, 2019). َ َ ْ ُ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ٌَا أٌُّ َٓا ان هُا ُط إِ هَا َخهقَُاك ْى ِي ٍْ ر َك ٍش َٔأ َْثى َٔ َجعَهَُاك ْى ُشعُٕباا Tourism is the benefit of mu'tabarah ُ َ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ َٔ َقبَائِ َم ِنتَعَا َسفٕا إِ هٌ أك َش َيك ْى ِع ُْذَ ا هَّللِ أت َقاك ْى إِ هٌ ا هَّللَ َع ِهٍ ٌى recognized by the Shari'a) in Islamic) َخبٍِ ٌش - انحجشاث shari'a, for the benefit of the present and 13 future servants of God (Syatibi, 2006). This paper aims to describe the benefits of (49:13) O humankind, indeed We have tourism in Islam that supports the benefit created you from male and female and of Muslims supported by al-Qur'an and al- made you peoples and tribes that you may Hadith. Travel and tourism are prescribed know one another. Indeed, the noblest of in Islam based on the words of Allah Al- you in the sight of Allah is the most Mighty: righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted (Hujurat:13). ( َٔآ َخ ُشٔ ٌَ ٌَ ْض ِشبُٕ ٌَ فًِ ا ْْلَ ْس ِض ٌَ ْبتَغُٕ ٌَ ِي ٍْ َف ْض ِم ا هَّللِ (سٕسة انًضيم: 02 Getting to know one another among And those who walk on the earth seek humans will not be accomplished except some of God's gifts. (Surah Al-Muzammil: by traveling and traveling. With tourism, a 20) Muslim has carried out his obligations in preaching. Scholars have explained the ugliness of alienation and the benefits of ُْ َٕ ا هن ِزي َجعَ َم َن ُك ُى ا ْْلَ ْس َض رَنُٕ اًل َفا ْي ُشٕا فًِ َيَُا ِك ِب َٓا cultural friction that results in the transfer َٔ ُكهُٕا ِي ٍْ ِس ْصقِ ِّ ۖ َٔإِ َن ٍْ ِّ ان ُُّ ُشٕ ُس Firdaus, Islamic Perspective on Tourism.....12 of knowledge and sharing of life S.W.T: And Lot believed him. experiences. The struggle in the path of [Abraham] said, "Indeed, I will Allah, patience in the face of trials, emigrate to [the service of] my training the soul in getting rewards from Lord. Indeed, He is the Exalted in God will be realized by travel (Ghazzali & Might, the Wise."(Shafat:99) Karim, 2016, p. 23/III). Method Sofyan at-Tsauri traveled due to soaring The Author has been conducting a prices and looked for other places to live preliminary study of literature books and a with lower prices for basic necessities comparison of several sources and (Gazali & Umar, 2010, p. 44). Tourism is documents. Through a descriptive analysis part of the ad-dharuriyah benefit that will approach based on documents that are a realize maqashid as-shari'ah in the reflection of the research arises the creation of man. Tourism is an essential question, does Islam support tourism that benefit if tourism is not understood, then Zahir brings with it many? What are the the benefit is lost, and damage arises. By benefits of tourism in Islam? Are there maintaining this ad-Dharuriyat, the tourist attractions recommended by Islam? maqashid shari'a is implemented in Does Islam have standard guidelines for creating the law(Ghazzali & Karim, tourism? The novelty of this paper is the 2016, p. 231). However, modern tourism treatment of non-Muslims who enter that exists today is mostly not included in Muslim countries and the attitude of a this ad-dharuriyat element. Part of Muslim in supporting halal tourism. Hajiyah, the Hajj, is here to clear and Discussion give respite after experiencing the Islamic Sharia has explained the law of narrowness of life. If al-Hajj is not travel, its importance, ease, and relief carried out, then we will live in given to travelers in detail. This is a form intolerance but not to mention the stage of affirmation about the legality of tourism of damage. Most tours are in the position ,Ghazzālī, ʻAydarūs ,انغضانً) in Islam. Everything that is charged to of al-Hajiyat .(p. 333 ,يصطفى، عهً دمحم, individual Muslims is a benefit that must ʻIrāqī, & 0202 be maintained which has three elements: 2. Tourism is part of at-Tahsiniyah, 1. Ad-Dharuriyah is something that meaning that it is entertainment for must be realized for the benefit of tired souls by playing and refreshing religion and the world if it cannot after doing various activities that be understood; the benefits of faith burden the soul. cannot be established and even will 3. Tourism is part of ad-dharuriah, al experience destruction. The loss of hajiyah, and at-tahsiniyah. In modern the interest of living in the world times, most tours are part of al-Hajjyah and the punishment of the and at-Tahsiniyah. Masalih mu'tabarah hereafter. Shari'ah aims to (recognized by the Shari'a) that is legal is a safeguard Dharuriyat al-Khamsa: benefit that does not mix with the slightest ad-Din, an-Nafs, an-Nasl, al-Mal damage (Syatibi, 2004, p. 344/2). Tourism (religion, soul, descent, wealth, and is a legal matter and is permitted because aqal).
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