MYANMAR READY TO RESOLVE RAKHINE ISSUE BASED UPON AGREEMENT WITH BANGLADESH PAGE-8 (OPINION) PARLIAMENT NATIONAL Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits session holds fifth-day meeting India Eastern Naval Command PAGE-2 PAGE-5 Vol. VI, No. 101, 11th Waning of Waso 1381 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Saturday, 27 July 2019 Ministry of State Counsellor’s Office holds its 3rd anniversary of establishment State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers the speech at the 3rd anniversary of the Ministry of State Counsellor’s Office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA HE 3rd anniversary of the for the Office of Union Gov- IIndependent Commission of it was felt the time was very since we took office. TMinistry of State Counsel- ernment U Min Thu and wife, Enquiry (ICOE), the directors long. It has been firmly rooted Therefore, I would like to lor’s Office was held at the Na- Union Minister for Planning general and officials, the staff to get a good foundation. This review the previous milestones tional Reconciliation and Peace and Finance U Soe Win, Union members and the invited guests. was due to the efforts of all the of the ministry. Center in Nay Pyi Taw at 6:30 Minister for Health and Sports In her speech, the State staff members at this ministry. After taking office in 2016, pm yesterday. Dr Myint Htwe and wife, Union Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu “The Ministry of State our government unexpectedly State Counsellor Daw Aung Minister for International Co- Kyi said: Counsellor’s Office is largely encountered Rakhine issue. San Suu Kyi made a speech at operation U Kyaw Tin, Union “When I studied the anni- concerned with the national rec- We formed the NRPC to focus the ceremony, and provided the Attorney-General U Tun Tun versary events, I have noticed onciliation and peace-making on peace-making efforts of the students and school children Oo, Deputy Ministers U Khin a trick of the time. It seemed to efforts. It is the most important country. of staff families with cash and Maung Tin, U Tin Myint, and U be some years ago the Ministry tasks of the ministry and the We have already under- stationaries. Maung Maung Win, the mem- of State Counsellor’s Office was country. stood we needed to address Also present at the event bers of the Union Enterprise founded. But it was just three We performed our duties Rakhine crisis since it broke were Union Minister for State for Humanitarian Assistance, year. It is not a long-time span. by taking priority on national out in 2012. Counsellor’s Office U Kyaw Tint Resettlement and Development I concluded that the ministry reconciliation as the most fun- Swe and wife, Union Minister in Rakhine (UEHRD), and the functioned very well, and that damental needs for our country SEE PAGE-3 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS NATIONAL NATIONAL Union Minister High demand Three pillars AA/ARSA combined U Min Thu meets drives up price of hold workshop group fires on Border with Ambassador palm trees in on Right to Police station in of Switzerland Ngathayauk Tsp Information Bill Buthidaung Township PAGE-6 PAGE-10 PAGE-4 PAGE-4 27 JULY 2019 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session holds fifth-day meeting By Mawsi, Hmwe Kyuzin States. Photo : Htan Phon LL PROT 1988 Next U Mya Sein of Dagon THE fifth-day meeting of the Myothit (Seikkan) constituency, Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s U Maung Maung Ohn of Ay- 13th regular session was held at eyawady Region constituency the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meet- and U Tin Maung Win of Seik- ing hall yesterday morning. kan constituency discussed in support of Myanmar acceding MoU on non-convention to The Protocol of 1988 relating ships within ASEAN to the International Conven- member states tion on Load Lines, 1966 (LL First U Mya Sein of Dagon PROT 1988). Union Minister for Myothit (Seikkan) constituency Transport and Communication and U Maung Maung Ohn of also explained further for the MP U Mya Sein. MP U Maung Maung Ohn. MP U Tin Maung Win. Ayeyawady Region constitu- Hluttaw to approve the matter. ency discussed in support of When the opinion of the comments made by the Hluttaw the two Hluttaws were in disa- constituency, Naw Chris Tun Myanmar acceding to Mem- Hluttaw on the matter was representatives on the MNHRC greement. After obtaining the @ Dr. Arr Kar Moe of Kayin orandum of Understanding obtained there was no objec- Annual Report for 2018. He then decision of the Hluttaw the State constituency 7, Naw Hla on the Improvement of Safety tion toward it and Pyidaungsu asked the Hluttaw to put the re- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker Hla Soe of Yangon Region con- Standards and Inspection for Hluttaw Speaker announced port on record and Pyidaungsu announced the Hluttaw’s ap- stituency 10, U Myo Naing of Non-Convention Ships within the Hluttaw’s approval on My- Hluttaw Speaker announced proval of the Myanma Com- Chanayethazan constituency, ASEAN Member States. Un- anmar acceding to The Proto- the Hluttaw putting on record munication Corporation Bill U Tin Aung Tun of Magway Re- ion Minister for Transport and col of 1988 relating to the Inter- the discussion and comments paragraph by paragraph and gion constituency 5 and U Kan Communication also explained national Convention on Load made by the Hluttaw represent- announced further that the bill Oo of Salin constituency. further for the Hluttaw to ap- Lines, 1966 (LL PROT 1988). atives on the Annual Report will be handled according to After the discussion Py- prove the matter. and the explanations made by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw law and idaungsu Hluttaw Speaker an- Upon obtaining the opinion Myanmar National Hu- the relevant union level organ- rules. nounced that on sixth-day meet- of the Hluttaw on the matter man Rights Commission izations. ing of the Second Pyidaungsu there was no objection toward Annual Report for 2018 Union Legal Aid Board Hluttaw’s 13th regular session it and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Afterwards Myanmar Myanma Communication 6-month work report relevant organization will re- Speaker announced the Hlut- National Human Rights Com- Corporation Bill As a final agenda of the day spond to the discussion of the taw’s approval on Myanmar mission (MNHRC) Chair U Following this Joint Bill Union Legal Aid Board 6-month Hluttaw representatives and acceding to Memorandum of Win Mra explained about the Committee secretary Dr Myat work report was discussed by Hluttaw will put the matter on Understanding on the Improve- commission’s ongoing works, Nyana Soe tabled a motion to Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin constit- record. The meeting came to ment of Safety Standards and completed works and coordina- approve paragraph by para- uency, U Kyaw Gyi @ U Ohn an end after this. Inspection for Non-Convention tion with relevant departments graph the Myanma Commu- Khin of Minhla constituency, Ships within ASEAN Member regarding the discussions and nication Corporation Bill that U Min Thein of Taungdwingyi (Translated by Zaw Min) Pre-negotiations crucial for implementing border economic zone with China THE third coordination meet- State cabinet in Taunggyi yes- Myanmar and China has des- residents is not harmed. He willing to partake in. ing of the Central Committee terday. ignated Muse, Shwe Li and said the respective adminis- This was followed by Depu- for the Establishment and Im- Firstly, the committee’s Kyae Kaung in establishing trative body will need to ensure ty Commerce Minister U Aung plementation of Myanmar-Chi- chairman Dr Than Myint, the BCEZs. He said while Chi- residents in the project who Htoo’s report on surveying na Border Economic Coopera- who is also Union Minister for na has nearly completed their have to relocate are given the Laukkai’s BP.125 border post tion Zone (BECZ) was held at Commerce, delivered a speech. tasks in building infrastructure proper compensation for their and the border trade camps. the meeting hall of the Shan He said agreements between for the three locations, Myan- homes and farmlands and are The attendees then engaged in mar has to conduct preliminary also given corresponding land discussions on various topics, negotiations relevant use of in return. to which the Union Minister The Union Minister said demarca- land and transportation. The Union Minister said responded and coordinated on The Union Minister said further negotiations between with officials. tion of the border of both countries demarcation of the border of both countries and coordinat- Later at 2 p.m., the Union both countries is important in ing land use on demarcated Minister attended a meeting is important in choosing land area. choosing land area. He said it is borders will need to be com- with merchants at the office of He said it is equally important to equally important to ensure no pleted first before calling for the Southern Shan State Cham- damage is inflicted on villages, expression of interests. ber of Commerce and Indus- ensure no damage is inflicted on wards and townships when con- Next, Kachin State Chief try, where he listened to the villages, wards and townships when structing road infrastructure, Minister Dr Khet Aung and merchant’s reports and current nor to cultural integrity. Shan State Chief Minister Dr challenges and responded ac- constructing road infrastructure, The Union Minister said Lin Htut explained their re- cordingly. —MNA nor to cultural integrity. they must ensure the agri- spective state’s cooperation cultural production and soci- on border commerce and eco- (Translated by Zaw Htet oeconomic status of the local nomic zone projects they are Oo) 27 JULY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Ministry of State Counsellor’s Office holds its 3rd anniversary… FROM PAGE-1 who experienced previous ad- mirative systems could hardly However, the issue was ex- refresh in learning.
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