TEe Lethbri VOL. I. LtTHBniDOE, ALBERTA. PURER TEMPLEMAN MAY GET JOB. CmitMCO TO DEATH. Ottawa, Oct. 30.—The name of Hon. Man., Oct. ».-Walier Woman's C^w»cH Against th« Colw- Vm. 'Templemaa is mentioned as Cixxby, of Winnipeg, engaged repair- HON. THOMAS AN ENGLISH UCCPSSOI- to the late Thomas Greea- CLOSE OF THE tag a C.N.B. bridge, ascended a •d iupf U*rt«nt. vay as Railway Commissioner. driver, -when the euiire Iran* o|)pled over, and Crosby wa* terri- 'Ottawa, 0<^. »!r--At Ijie conven- C.P.R. ENGINEER HURT. bly crushed, and died trithin an hour GREENWAY tion yesterday. of. :"'tbe National Coun- BISHOP IS \imjf, B.C., Oct 29.—Passing Mac- AMERICAN without.regaining cooaciouuness. An cil of Wotteu Mrs. Waycott, Mont- dougiill's Spur about 25 miks an hour, other man on the derrick wa« thrown real, eonvener of the Objectionable ngtne 501 was derailed and turned into th« river, from wheuc* he emerg- Printed Matter" Cowimttee, prefaced over, Engineer Cavanaugh b'.-ing bad- ed unhurt. IS DEAD her remarks by- stating that more CHOSEN iy bruised. The switch-was open and BATTLE GASPE care should be * taken in selecting j covered by a light snowfall. A LOCAL BUDGET books for- hqifte«. The abolition of Saturday (supplements, which are ed- PRfcWCE ALBERT'S MAYOR DEAD -The miners are at work again to- Bishop Of Stepney Bryan and Taft Cam- Big Majority Or erHU One Of Western Can- ucating children in deceit, mischief, Prince Albert, Oct. 27.—All the day. snd disrespect to «f«<l and poor, was paign, In Same City ••MBW Most Prom- Succeeds Late Bish- Hags in the city arc half-masted out Conservative Rival Jaa. B, Bii-ie, of Magrath, wa* recommended.; Misleading p?rsonal of respect for Mayor K.S.Cook, crowi letters addressed to girls awl others At Same Time — The Aftermath married jn Utah to Miw» Julia E inent Men op Carmichael lands agent, who died at 3 a.m. Tuos Hawk**, ol W«st Weixr. often contain, iteias of information day. Mayor Cook was one-of tho Col. H. J. Jtnlckie ..has returuw that are fair fromvj*ing of a'; moral best known old timers in Prince Al from'Pembroke, Ojitf., and has gon Ottawa/ Oct. 30.—Hon. Thomas character, aiid wbgukl not ho allowed Montreal, Oct. 29.—The, disagree-bert county.; As a member of the -New York, Oct. 30.-—Taft and Bry- Quebec, 'Oct. iO.—The majority b to be circulate. aod will receive the ment between the clerical and lay ele an, candidates for the presidency, the Laurier Govrt :ment in the neat U> hij ranch at Milk Itiver. Green way died unexpectedly at 7 Royal North West Mounted Polic k There was a lively scrap at No. ^attention "of the council. Library monts of the Montreal diocese with after their almost hand to hand strug- Parliament of Canada was again in o'clock this morning- 'ie was in the, fight at Duck Lake, th last nijrht. An iron bar very effec ; books often require careful supervi- reference to the election of a new creased today when the Hon. Eu The late Mr. Greenway was one .irst engagtj'uent of the rebellion o gle last night for the support of Syr- tively put one of the principals ou 61 the best known public men in sion of parents, and guardians. bishop resulted today in the election 1885, and there received wound dolphe Lemieux, po«tnaa«t«r genera of a compromise choice in the persoi 'acuse and Onondaga county, Taft. was elected in the cooatituency o of the game. Western Canada. He was premier of -.vhich caused him to be slightly lame speaking at two meetings, Bryan at Manitoba from J888 to' 1900. Before of the Right Rev; C. Gordon Lang tor the rest. of. his life.' He .was ap- Gaspe, over Hon. E. J. Flynn, Con C. C. Wright who has been visitin Bishop of, Stepney, and suffragan toj four, parted company today and pro- 3ervttive candidate, by a majority hi* brother R. A. Wright has gone to going to Manitoba he sat in __the point c-d to the clerkship in the land bably will not come again within House of Commons as representative the Bishop of London. office shortly afterwards, and a few of over 1JOO> Fernie where he will open up "again. LABOR point blank range of each other ol West Huron. After his Govern- A despatch today says Bishop Lang years ago was made Dominion lands in Victoria in the jew^ry busineM. has-declined the position. Taft remains in the hotly contested, _0«t" ».—The judi- The funeral of the infant daughter ment was defeated in Manitoba he MEET ON NOV. 9 agt:nt at Prince Albeit, being thus ap- district of New York. Bryan goes on cud rccoggt oi ballots in the election of Mr. Mrs.' Jaa. 'Benton^Tord was elected member for Lisgar and pointc-d to public service by one gov- to take a hand iji the final fight of' held that seat until the close of the ernment and promoted by another. the Democrats for the electoral vote which cootimwd a'u day* war»djoun>- •treet, who died, on Wednesday night, NO TRUTH IN RUMOR. ed.ionight until Saturday with eight took place at 3 o'clock 'to therpublic last Parliament when IIP. was ap- .Mayor Cook was elected to the civic of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Mr. boiM :»till to be-gooe.ovtt Thiriy- cemetery. , Hey.. J. M. Harrison oi- pointed member of tKe Railway Gom- Arraigc Fw Cafivefltioi To Newmarket, Eng., Oct. 30.—There chair in 1900 by a majority of five Bryan travelled .today through Ohio . two; ballot* .have been^id wide "for nciaied. Arooag the flora! offering* <riissJcm"o(, Canada". He was a native is.no truth in the rumor that King votes over J. E. Bradsbsiw; now M. delivering a number of speeches in radjadicatioci: \The~ question of who were a biautifui pillow • from the. of Corn wall, England and was severi- Edward has been injured." He is P.P. for Prince Albert City, and last various places in the home state of . will--Anally ba elected is an" open4 one Ladies' Aid Society of Westey church, ty yeamof age. His remains will be Select* delate Ffr dining tonight with Sir Ernest Cassel. year was re-eleetfd by acclamation Ina Republican opponent. and Mr. TempleroanV supporters are and a large number from friends. interred at CrvstaL City, John W. Kern,, the Democratic vice hopeful. The majority now Elands at ' presidential candidate, continues his four, one of Barnard's vote** having tour of Indiana which state Mr. Bry- been thrown out.- SEVORD GOT A an'expects to reach tomorrow. Indi- McCool EUcUd ' TERMS OF GIFT ana was also the centre of activity The special 'committee appointed a of E. W. Chafin and E. S. Watlins, North Bay, Ont.; Oct. ».-C. A. the last meeting of the Trades an McCool, the Liberal candidate is MONTH AT BARRACKS presidential and vice presidential, TO THE HOSPITAL Labor Council to anangc details fo candidates of the prohibition party., elected for Nipissing withji majority a. convention call,-.in connection with of 87 The result was in-doubt until -Announcement was made this morn- tho placing of an Independent Labor ing that the Independence party cam- the last'poll wa*j heard fronrf today. Pnrtjr candidate in the provincial Vancouver," B. C.; "Got. 29.—Hon. Supreme Court Is Now Hearing An At- paign 'would* be closed with a big. E.T. Gait's Offer Made Public At a contest, presented 'the following re- meeting in Brooklyn tonight and an- Wm.Memplenian" and Ralph Smith port to the Council last night: went up country today" to " assist tempted Murder Case other tonight in Carnegie Hall,. Man- . Smith-Curtis/and Duncan Boss in Council Meeting The committee" appointed at the hattan. Hisgen and Graves the can- Kootenay and_ Yale-Cariboo respec- last meeting ot the Trades and Labor didates of that party for president tively. ^ -. ~' Council z. of JLethbridge to arrange "\yheu; the Supreine Court .met yes-| and vice president will be at both details for a conventfon call of the Four Running-in Yukon matter of the selling of the city's terday afternoon/ die Court made a The Sevord ease "vvas started on. af- assisted by .W. R. Hearst, chairman'- City Council held-an a'djoarned workers of - Le'lhbridgc Hiding nt : : Dawson, Yukon, Oct. 29.—Two Lib- ebentures. He. was certain that fresh start - on the charge against Wil- ter the'court had settled on. the Hin- of the party's national executive meeting last night for the purpose of which the principal matter to Ixi dts- ley case. Sergt. Humbyr told of the erals' and two ConseiJ/ativei hfive putting through a number of bylaws Vood-^Gundy figured on a basis of five liain Hihley; the Magrath lad, charg- cummitUr. ; > coflsed „should lie. tfc?, adoption";of.-a prisoner's being missing for, Oct. 15 to b;en /nominated for the federal ele<> His Worship the Mayor and Aid. Cun- >er cent, all through, having talked ed" with theft' of a letter. The agent . TFi^ campaign for the governorship platform and thc> select ion oC a. can- r ; 21. The cook; Paul :Seivers, created tion'to "Be held on* January 19th. E. ningham, Ives and Hutton-wcre pre- with their representative for an hour tor the "attorney general, C-F P.Cony- of New York state continued today didate whose candidature would be considerable amuspme'nt by getting with unabated' vigor, both candidates, T.
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