I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Environment Committee will be held on: Date: Wednesday, 29 June 2016 Time: 9.00am Venue: Tararua Room Horizons Regional Council 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA MEMBERSHIP Chair Cr CI Sheldon Deputy Chair Cr GM McKellar Councillors Cr JJ Barrow Cr EB Gordon (ex officio) Cr MC Guy Cr RJ Keedwell Cr PJ Kelly JP DR Pearce BE Rollinson Michael McCartney Chief Executive Contact Telephone: 0508 800 800 Email: [email protected] Postal Address: Private Bag 11025, Palmerston North 4442 Full Agendas are available on Horizons Regional Council website www.horizons.govt.nz Note: The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policy unless and until adopted. Items in the agenda may be subject to amendment or withdrawal at the meeting. for further information regarding this agenda, please contact: Julie Kennedy, 06 9522 800 CONTACTS 24 hr Freephone : [email protected] www.horizons.govt.nz 0508 800 800 SERVICE Kairanga Marton Taumarunui Woodville CENTRES Cnr Rongotea & Hammond Street 34 Maata Street Cnr Vogel (SH2) & Tay Kairanga-Bunnythorpe Rds, Sts Palmerston North REGIONAL Palmerston North Wanganui HOUSES 11-15 Victoria Avenue 181 Guyton Street DEPOTS Levin Taihape 11 Bruce Road Torere Road Ohotu POSTAL Horizons Regional Council, Private Bag 11025, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442 ADDRESS FAX 06 9522 929 Environment Committee 29 June 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Apologies and Leave of Absence 5 2 Public Speaking Rights 5 3 Supplementary Items 5 4 Members’ Conflict of Interest 5 5 Confirmation of Minutes Environment Committee meeting, 11 May 2016 7 6 Environmental Education Report No: 16-130 15 7 Regulatory Management and Rural Advice Activity Report - May to June 2016 Report No: 16-131 21 Annex A - Current Consent Status for WWTP's in the Region. 35 Annex B - Current Compliance Status for WWTP's in the Region. 38 8 Freshwater & Science Progress Report Report No: 16-132 41 Annex A - Freshwater & Science progress report 43 Annex B - Integrated Storm Water Management Plan for the Arawhata sub-catchment 114 9 Freshwater Operational Plan 2016-17 Report No: 16-133 125 Annex A - Freshwater Operational Plan 127 10 Biosecurity & Habitat Protection Progress Report Report No: 16-134 175 Annex A - Habitat Protection progress report 177 Annex B - Animals progress report 185 Annex C - Plants progress report 194 11 Biodiversity Operational Plan 2016-17 Report No: 16-135 215 Annex A - Biodiversity Operational Plan 217 12 Regional Pest Management Plan & Strategy Operational Plan 2016-17 Report No: 16-136 255 Annex A - Regional Pest Management Operational Plan 2016-17 257 13 One Plan Implementation Progress: Dashboard Report Report No: 16-137 301 Annex A - One Plan Implementation Dashboard Report, June 2016 305 Page 3 Environment Committee 29 June 2016 14 Members’ Questions Page 4 Environment Committee 29 June 2016 AGENDA 1 Apologies and Leave of Absence At the close of the Agenda no apologies had been received. 2 Public Speaking Rights Notification to speak is required by 4pm on the working day prior to the meeting. Further information is available on www.horizons.govt.nz\Council\ or by phoning 0508 800 800. Petitions/Deputations Deputations: Written notice (fewer than 150 words) concerning the nature of the deputation must be lodged with the Chief Executive at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting and subsequently approved by the Chairperson. Petitions: Written notice to the Chief Executive is required at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting. Further information is available on www.horizons.govt.nz\Council\ or by phoning 0508 800 800. 3 Supplementary Items To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the Committee/Council to consider any further items relating to items following below which do not appear on the Order Paper of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded. Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended), and the Chairperson must advise: (i) The reason why the item was not on the Order Paper, and (ii) The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting. 4 Members’ Conflict of Interest Members are reminded of their obligation to declare any conflicts of interest they might have in respect of the items on this Agenda. Page 5 Environment Committee 29 June 2016 Minutes of the fourteenth meeting of the ninth triennium of the Environment Committee held at 9.00am on Wednesday 11 May 2016, in the Tararua Room, Horizons Regional Council, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North. PRESENT Crs CI Sheldon (Chair), EB Gordon (ex officio), MC Guy, RJ Keedwell, PJ Kelly JP, GM McKellar, DR Pearce, BE Rollinson. IN ATTENDANCE Councillors LR Burnell (to 2.50pm), PW Rieger Chief Executive Mr MJ McCartney Committee Secretary Mrs M Boekman / Ms K Booth ALSO PRESENT At various times during the meeting: Mrs S Craig (Acting Group Manager Corporate & Governance), Dr N Peet (Group Manager Strategy & Regulation), Mr R Strong (Group Manager River Management), Mr G Shirley (Group Manager Regional Services & Information), Mr B Martyn (Manager Biosecurity & Habitat Protection), Mr Bevin (Regulatory Manager), Mr C Davey (Natural Resources & Partnerships Coordinator–Plants), Dr J Roygard (Freshwater & Science Manager), Mr L Brown (Senior Scientist-Water Quality), Mr A Madden (Environmental Coordinator Biodiversity), Mrs C Hesselin (Acting Media & Communications Manager), Mrs H Thomas (Environmental Educator), Mr S Rix (Coordinator Regional Response) Mr E Dodd (Environmental Programme Coordinator Animals), Ms A Irvine, Ms J Hessell, Mr R Kemper (Department of Conservation), Dr C Teo-Sherrell, Mr J Girling, (Chair Wildlife Foxton Trust), Mayor A Watson, Mr R McNeil, Mr H Waugh, Ms J Saywell, Mr A van Bussel (Rangitikei District Council), Mayor G Smith, Mr R Swadel, Mr R van Bentum, Mr P Walker (Palmerston North City Council), members of the public and a member of the press. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. APOLOGIES ENV 16-108 Moved Keedwell/Gordon That an apology be received from Cr Barrow. CARRIED The Chair advised that the Wildlife Foxton Trust presentation would follow Public Speaking Rights. PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS There was a request from Dr Chris Teo-Sherrell for public speaking rights. Dr Teo-Sherrell spoke to items 9 and 10 regarding the presentations by Rangitikei District Council and Palmerston North City Council on their Wastewater Treatment Plants updates. He requested that presentations or reports by the region’s councils, be incorporated in the Committee agenda in their entirety so they could be read before the meeting, instead of requiring physical attendance at the meeting to hear the presentations. Dr Teo-Sherrell answered questions of clarification. Page 7 Environment Committee 29 June 2016 SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS There were no supplementary items to be considered. MEMBERS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Cr McKellar noted that the hives involved in a polluted stream incident in Bunnythorpe were on his property. Further comment was made during the Regulatory item. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ENV 16-109 Moved Pearce/Kelly That the Committee: confirms the minutes of the Environment Committee meeting held on 9 March 2016 as a correct record, and notes that the recommendations were adopted by the Council on 30 March 2016. CARRIED MATTERS ARISING In response to a question regarding the Santoft groundwater levels mentioned in the Freshwater and Science Progress Report, Dr Peet commented that a public meeting date was still to be decided and that a newsletter was being prepared to keep people informed. PRESENTATION - WILDLIFE FOXTON TRUST Report No 16-79 Mr John Girling, Chair Wildlife Foxton Trust, spoke to his presentation introducing the Trust. He described the Trust’s key personnel, organisations, local trusts and volunteers they work with. He highlighted a pest control project run in conjunction with Horizons and Foxton Beach School and he also highlighted their role of providing environmental education to school students and to visitors to the area. Mr Girling described the draft design of the Wildlife Foxton Centre highlighting its role as a visitor attraction centre where native fish, lizards and birds were displayed. Mr Girling believed the Wildlife Foxton Trust fitted well within the Accelerate25, Regional Growth Strategy document. He outlined its educational and tourist potential, points of difference with other regional visitor centres, the publications it produced and the Trust’s funding requirements. Mr Girling answered Members’ questions of clarification. In answer to a Member’s question, Mr Girling commented that there were problems with feral cats killing birds on the estuary. Mr Girling requested involvement with EnviroSchools and support from Horizons with regional grants and funding opportunities particularly those associated with tourism and planting. Mr Girling provided handouts of the presentation and some examples of the Trust's publications. The Chairman requested that the Wildlife Foxton Trust provide some publications for the Council’s front desk and suggested that Councillors may wish to attend a trip to the Centre. The Chairman thanked Mr Girling and his supporters for the presentation and Cr Burnell thanked them for the Godwit Newsletters. Page 8 Environment Committee 29 June 2016 ENV 16-110 Moved Keedwell/Kelly That the Committee recommends that Council: : a. receives the presentation from Mr John Girling, Chair Wildlife Foxton Trust. CARRIED ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Report No 16-80 The purpose of this item was to provide Members of Council’s Environment Committee with an Environmental Education progress report for the period 27 February to 30 April 2016. Mrs Hesselin (Communications Advisor) introduced the item. Mrs Thomas (Environmental Educator) spoke to the report taking it as being read.
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