Sports: Women's basketball team takes Long Beach State down to the wire Page 12 UNIVERSITY OI'DAHO Volume 109, No. 30 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ - - o- ' I ~ j' s':.jL gl. rLII f' I l f. „ f 'I '::,'„'' , I-',", Photo ittustiation'by Jake Barb'er/Aig'onaut talks seriously about department cuts 'ollege ; t., Alexlss lamer "What does that do to our repu- ria including how many students "IYs kind of like going to„the, hear the Argonaut tation?" he said. "With anyttung are involved in the program, how caucus before. hearing the; ca'ndi- you do, there may be a deficit" many graduate from it, external he said. 'ates," .;NEWS the extra time funding, it incurs and out- Once the final decisions h'ave To free up funds, the College Murphy said, any The names of Social Sciences would allow another reach expenditures. been made, Baker said the;list'f of Letters Arts and for possibil-'ty: programs that may be cut may be cutting many, if not all, its increasing the teaching load During the last Provos Ys Coun- programs. will be divided into graduate programs. to tlute courses both in the spring cil irtee'ting members were able thirds, the latter, being those'm dan- are tentatively scheduled Rodney Frey, ~S represen- and fall semester, With the current to look, at, the same. kind of data, gerofbeingcut., '-, ': to. be',released,to the UI load'at looke'd, tative for the University of Idaho teaching two fall and three but broken up into departments. Programs are then at'un-'er Faculty Council Jan. 20; Faculty Council, said the possibili- spring courses, Murphy said the Baker said no discussion occurred a list of detailed review criteria , Council meetings begin ties were hard to come by, even for raise would add extra work onto a before the initial selection process including the program'.s centrality, at 3:30p.m. in the Bririk faculty-member's 45-hour electron- the CLASS dean, Kathy Aiken. week. began. Using hand-held, is it essential to the mission of Ul, Hall Faculty Lounge, and "She out for sug- is one of the coun-'urphy ic selection devices members were cost effectiveness, internal and ex- was reachiny just anyone can attend. gestions," he said. 'She did not cil members who met with their able to make an initial decision as ternal demand, impact, productiv- want to affect faculty." dean to discuss possible cutbacks to whether or not they believed ity, quality, size and synergies. Aiken was unavailable for com- after being faced with a 4 percent a program was viable as all 215 During last week's faculty ment. reduction in state funding. Most flashed on the screen. council meeting, many expressed he said. Faculty Council member and are still in the process of looking Baker said programs were then difficulties in understanding how Questions were also raised as to if CLASS representative Jim Mur- for viable solutions that do not af- listed 'in descending order based the detailed criteria was going to and how faculty members can fight phy said, with faculty having less fect current 'faculty. on the council's seledion and dis- be used. for programs in the latter third. on their plates, more time could be Provost Doug Baker said he un- cussed. He said he is hesitant to Faculty'ember Don Crowley 'Those are kind of tricky ques- devoted to teaching CORE classes derstands the difficulty. release such'information, but the said he considered the criteria to be tions looking out there," Faculty which are currently bein'g "farmed "How do we go through this department data used to make the too abstract.', Council Vice Chair Jack Miller said. ou Y'o faculty on the tenure track. without having to look people in initial selections will be posted soon "Ican find all sorts of this in pro- Schmeckpeper also made an- Eliminating graduate pro- the face and tell them not good on the provost's Web site. grams, whether or not that means other'request to see a "parallel" grams also reduces the amount news?" he said. Council member Ed Schmeck- anything at all," he said., prioritization process for non-aca- of research a faculty member Baker said there are 215 aca- peper. said being unable to see Baker said how the criterion programs. 'emic can participate in, Murphy said, demic programs being analyzed the list of programs has made is used lies solely on the, univer- "All representatives have been, which may make it more difficult by the ProvosYs Council in terms departments reluctant to identify sity's judgment. given the same peKentage to re- for them to obtain tenure, of established initial review crite- possible cuts. "There's no secret formula," duce their portions by," Baker said. Tuesday, December 9,2008 THE INSIDE The Argonaut Peo leWeKnow K. Ray johnson/Argonaut 'avlov discovered that This Is true for dogs, and equally true '(nl can,reinforce.tIIat,hehantttor',I reinforcement Increases for humans. For example, nest :by ~ng jiVu'thnrtnln hmatf.;,"".- : behavior. Eurekal students tend to dread taking exams. ~ ~ ~ * llwl '. ~ I Ih "nn "='"!.:-'Z;Fr ~IA54t fft Garrett, a bachelor' you have to look at this through degree candidate, the lens of "student benefit," explains to UI's tenured faculty why they should face layoHst ' ~ ' I ~ I i I I ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ nmn Ogpu- IIVhat program should be @per dropped fo accommodate the university's 6 million budget cuts? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r $ 'yle'Gi.a,. ' ' a"'I gl e fl ~ ~ I "tt be,f]ecpusP lut 0 e'n e .'FSp b' 'est)Iyfa,,mSsi ', „., American dgh h.., p:.. Red Cross jb -. PC b Blood Drives r]pyttetrI Lt Today a sl'e- allCl Temorrow from 10:30am ~ ~ ~ ~ 'to 3pm ' Commons ~ I I Clearwater Rooms ~ I I e ~ ~ e ~ Come get wet! ~ ~ ~ Women's Swim Wednesday Dec. 10 7:30-9:30PEB Crossword Sudoku 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 e io sponsored by International I Rush /roar star 12 13 14 2 Jackie 15 16 17 Friendship Association 5 Choose 8 Go yachting 18 19 20 12 Ambience 13 Affirm 21 22 7 4 3 6 Colorless Ul Counseling and 14 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Universitygldaho 15 Penal facility 16 Brownish purple 30 31 32 33 5 9 1 Free, confidential counseling for Ul students. 17 Cowboy show 35 37 38 18 Broadway feature 6 9 in the Continuing Education Building, 20 Frosts, as a cake 39 40 41 42 Room 306, 885-6716 21 Comic DeGeneres 22 Inquire 43 44 45 46 23 Obstacle www.ctc.uldaho.edu 47 4e. Ie 26 Precise 8 4 Counseling for Personal, 30 Compass pt, 52 53 54 55 Academic and Career Concerns 31 Mideast republic 34 Hindu princess Sr 58 6 3 9 7~ 35 Stirs up se ao 61 37 hlouths(Lat.) '8 Englishraceplace 62 63 5f 39 Elevator man 40 Soaped-up auto Ccp7ntthf 620CI rnulalcncfmn cmn 42 Dutch city 63 Dash lengths 11 Pesin part m 33 College major le I 43 Propriety 64 Freeway exit Lcathal Ifbapan 36 Abstruse Correcfions 45 Ship's officer 2, ~ Getz 38 Grownup 47 Golfbag item 13 Turnover fillers 40 Shade ~ ~ ~ ~ 48 Nimble 14 Arm joint 41 Editorializes ~ ~ ~ ~ 50 Queens stadium, I Backs 19 NY island 44 Uses a book If catch. for now 2 Offended 22 Be indisposed 46 Grim you a ~ ~ ~ ~ 52 Banana-like 3 Solo 23 Kin'g of Judea 48 Scrapbook veggies 4 Hen-pecked 24 Join forces 49 winds ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Strong mistake, 56 Citation 5 Seed structure 25 Museum piece 50 Trade please ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 57 Competent 6 Pie choice 26 Kind ofjct 51 Mate 58 Connive 7 Deuce topper 27 Belmont 52 Prune 'Romeo's e-mail the rival movies editor 59 8 Some features 53 Hip bones '0 Regrets 9 Helper 28 Battery part 54 Standard Idaho Commons Hours: 61 Cork's country 10 Residents bottle 29 Wine size 55 Footfall of the ibionday-I'I) ursday: ~>-12am 62 Sweeping story (SuAix) ; 32 Motel onering 56 Gorilla section. Friday: 7am-Spm Saturday: 9am-Spm Sunday: 12pm-i2am Solutions dWVH SW3 0 I d3 8 8 L t 6 Student Union Hours: 3H13 S3nH S I HVd ilionday-Thursday: ~7-izam l01d31SV 0 H VMV 9 t 898 Friday: 7am-8pm SN I ViNV1d V 3 H S 31 I OV 3 3 l C.t 8 9 6 l 9 L Saturday: 1)am-gpm (ut!I stay open later Inr progrunmfng) HSSHndW nHo 030 Sunday: tzpmdsam 8 9 ,l L8 6 t'9 303 OOHlo H S I l 0 l00SV VHO S 3 1 I H 6L9 8 8 l 9 I NVH13VH S I 3N3 t'- 1VH3l I 1 310 HnH l 8 969 L ClC >ISV N3 1 1 3 9 lie 030 I AV1 d3$ V l S +9L 6 o30oH 3on d 0 I HS 8!9lL 8 t' 3 l f HM H3 A V V Hnv tr 1 I VS ldo N VH0 6 8 L~9 Z 8,l .4 Tuesday, December 9,2008 The Argonaut Page 3 ee so en ineerin ro'ec s Dare Barney posal was to develop a hybrid member of the team, said he Argonaut Formula 1 car to participate in has always been interested in . ger-„~,r;p.flan the Formula SAE competition, things that move, a passion that Five seniors in the engineer- ' a racing competition between brought him into engineering in department workePexcit-'therked colleges.ll and the Hyroller project. E».". y in the halls of the Gauss "Making a littler model of After the open house, sec- Johnson building a Hyxoller the big pictuxe helps us under- ond semester seniors present- Hybrid Driveline, sta'nd what works ed their finished projects.
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