Town of Abington Annual Report 2019 www.abingtonma.gov 2019 ANNUAL REPORT TOWN OF Abington AT YOUR SERVICE Abington Public Library 781-982-2139 Animal Control Officer 781-878-3232 Assessors 781-982-21007 Board of Appeals 781-982-2100 Board of Health 781-982-2119 Board of Selectmen 781-982-2100 Collector/Treasurer 781-982-2131 Conservation Commission 781-982-2100 Council on Aging 781-982-2145 Department of Public Works 781-982-2122 Department of Public Works Water Division 781-982-2128 Fire Department 781-982-2114 Housing Authority 781-878-3469 Inspectional Services 781-982-2105 Network Support 781-982-2102 Planning & Community Development 781-982-0069 Police Department 781-878-3232 Recreation Department 781-982-2125 Town Accountant 781-982-2110 Town Administrator 781-982-2100 Town Clerk 781-982-2112 Veterans Services Department 781-618-9750 Superintendent of Schools 781-982-2150 ABINGTON EMERGENCY POLICE FIRE MUNICIPAL AMBULANCE DIAL 911 TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ....................................................................................................1 In Memoriam ...............................................................................................2 'LVWULFW2൶FLDOV ...........................................................................................3 Report of the Town Manager .......................................................................4 5HSRUWRIWKH7RZQ&OHUN .............................................................................6 (OHFWHG$SSRLQWHG2൶FLDOV%RDUGV &RPPLWWHHV ..................................8 6SHFLDO7RZQ0HHWLQJ .................................................................. $QQXDO7RZQ(OHFWLRQ .................................................................. $ELQJWRQ3XEOLF6FKRROV6FKRRO&DOHQGDU .............................................. $ELQJWRQ&RXQFLORQ$JLQJ ....................................................................... Board of Assessors .....................................................................................43 %XLOGLQJ&RPPLVVLRQHU=RQLQJ(QIRUFHPHQW ...........................................44 Report of the Conservation Commission ..................................................46 $ELQJWRQ&XOWXUDO&RXQFLO5HSRUW 'HSDUWPHQWRI3XEOLF:RUNV ......................................................................48 7RZQ:DJHV ............................................................................................... 6FKRRO:DJHV .............................................................................................61 6HQLRU&HQWHU&RRNRXW ............................................................................... 61Finance Committee ................................................................................84 Fire Department .........................................................................................86 6WUDZEHUU\9DOOH\*ROI&RXUVH&RPPLWWHH ............................................... +HDOWK%RDUGRI ......................................................................................... ,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\ ........................................................................... 3XEOLF/LEUDU\ .......................................................................................... 7UXVWHHVIRU3O\PRXWK&RXQW\&RRSHUDWLYH([WHQVLRQ ............................ 3ODQQLQJ%RDUG ......................................................................................... $ELQJWRQ3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW .................................................................... 3O\PRXWK&RXQW\0RVTXLWR&RQWURO3URMHFW ...........................................114 6XSHULQWHQGHQWRI6FKRROV ....................................................................... *UDGXDWLRQ3URJUDP ................................................................................. $ELQJWRQ3XEOLF6FKRROV3HUVRQQHO/LVW..................................................131 5HSRUWRIWKH%RDUGRI6HOHFWPHQ ............................................................138 6HDOHURI:HLJKWV 0HDVXUHV ................................................................. 6RXWK6KRUH5HJLRQDO6FKRRO'LVWULFW ....................................................141 6RXWK6KRUH5HF\FOLQJ&RRSHUDWLYH ........................................................143 6RXWKHDVWHUQ5HJLRQDO6HUYLFHV*URXS ....................................................148 Abington Summer Concerts Committee .................................................. 7D[&ROOHFWRU ............................................................................................ Town Accountant ..................................................................................... Town Treasurer ........................................................................................ %RDUGRI:DWHU&RPPLVVLRQHUV ............................................................... 9HWHUDQV6HUYLFH2൶FH ............................................................................ -RLQW%RDUGRI:DWHU&RPPLVVLRQHUV ...................................................... =RQLQJ%RDUGRI$SSHDOV ......................................................................... $൵RUGDEOH+RXVLQJ&RPPLWWHH ...............................................................161 *UL൶Q¶V'DLU\$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH ........................................................163 6RXWK6KRUH+RPH+HDOWK5HVRXUFHV ......................................................164 DEDICATION We dedicate this year’s Town Report to Jean Bumpus. Jean was employed by the Town for 40 years. She worked for several departments and retired from the Treasurer/Collector’s office in January 2018. Jean was known for her hugs, smiles and laughter. Jean hugged everyone who came to the office. She knew just about everyone and their families. Jean always asked about your Mom, Dad, brother, sister, cousin; you knew she cared about you. Jean loved her family and was always spending time with her great grandchildren. Jean was also very generous and willing to lend a helping hand, whether helping a colleague, St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry or whipping up one of her famous recipe’s for kielbasa or dirt pie for a fundraiser. We miss her at Town Hall. 1 IN MEMORIAM E. Jeanne Bombardier Richard E. McCarthy William A. Kendall Lucy DeYoung Maude Ware Jane Valler Frank Graziano Keith Rosenow Jean Bumpus 2 Your elected officials are: Statewide office holders for the Commonwealth: Governor: CHARLES D. BAKER Lieutenant Governor: KARYN E. POLITO Secretary: WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN Auditor: SUZANNE M. BUMP Treasurer: DEBORAH B. GOLDBERG Attorney General: MAURA HEALEY U.S. Senator: ELIZABETH A. WARREN U.S. Senator: EDWARD J. MARKEY District Representatives: Congressional: STEPHEN F. LYNCH -- EIGHTH DISTRICT View map JOHN F. KEENAN -- NORFOLK & PLYMOUTH State Senate: View map DISTRICT ALYSON M. SULLIVAN -- SEVENTH PLYMOUTH State Representative: View map DISTRICT CHRISTOPHER A. IANNELLA, JR. -- FOURTH Governor's Council: DISTRICT District Attorney: TIMOTHY J. CRUZ -- PLYMOUTH DISTRICT 3 REPORT OF THE TOWN MANAGER To the inhabitants of the Town of Abington: As your Town Manager I am pleased to present my town report for the year 2019. As is the case annually in Abington the Fiscal Year 2020 budget process was very challenging due to the growth in fixed costs versus the limitations on revenue growth. The municipal revenue stream, that includes predominantly property tax, state aid and local receipts, simply does not meet the needs of most cities and towns in the Commonwealth. State laws regarding health insurance, pension assessment, collective bargaining and more, are not consistent with state laws limiting the ability to raise local revenue. This disconnect causes cities and towns, including Abington, to annually struggle to maintain level services and makes it virtually impossible to meet other the needs of the town. Two major, unforeseen factors during the budget process were the escalating costs for solid waste collection and the inability of ambulance receipts to meet the operating requirements of the Fire Department. The financial team had to cope with the exorbitantly escalating cost of tipping fees for recyclables. It was only a few short years ago when recyclables were an offset to solid waste tipping fees, however in FY 2020 it was necessary to increase the proposed budget by over $200,000.00 – and there’s no end in sight. The lack of “end-users” for the quantity of recycling material generated through the nation is causing this “budget buster” to grow uncontrollably. In addition to solid waste costs, it was also necessary to increase funding to the Fire Department budget by approximately $200,000.00 to supplement the inability of our Ambulance Enterprise Fund to meet the costs of Emergency Medical/Paramedic Service. In fact, the Enterprise Fund was eliminated at the direction of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Revenue. These and other, smaller factors compromised the town’s ability to deliver services. The town was fortunate to receive additional Chapter 70 School aid as a result of the additional school population due to the addition of the full-day kindergarten program, as well as the return of out-of-district students attracted by the new Middle/High School. Although the additional state funding was expected, the additional costs now borne by the student population offset that funding. But, the addition of full day kindergarten to the parents and students of Abington will ultimately positively impact the education of our children as well as property values throughout town. Even in light of these challenges, with the diligence
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