Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1969 Eastern Progress - 15 May 1969 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1968-69/30 I Pellegfinon, KEG Sweep Elections ION) 980, and Jerald Combs, solute majority, as he garnered nounced that "I am pleased that By JOE EDWARDS 50.4 «* fit the votes cast. so many persons turned out and News Editor independent. 381. took an interest This shows a The KEG (Keep Eastern More than 47.8 9fr of on-cam- Pellegrinon is a political sci- very healthy climate for the pus residents voted In the Stu- ence major from New Boston, campus." Growing) slate, headed by dent Association elections, while Ohio, ffe has been a Student "I feel that the students have sophomore Jim Pellegrinon, 5.1 % of those stu- Council member for two years, supported KEG," he continued, swept to reasonably easy dents living off campus parti- representing his class each "this Is a mandate for respon- student association victories cipated. year. sible student action. This could Referendum yesterday. All the candidates won by This year he has been chair- be the beginning of real student Elected with Pellegrinon were more than a 50 % margin of man of the student discount pro- involvement on campus." Rcbert Warfleld, vice-president; the votes cast. gram and the committee which "Dennis Day told T»§~Progress Karon Bryant, secretary, and Karan Bryan, newly elected revised the student association last night he plans to appeal James Culbertson, treasurer. secretary, was the leading vote- constitution. the election "on the basis of il- A referendum which proposed getter on the KEG ticket, as Pellftgrinon, as an out-of-state legal campaigning around the Approved 3-1 a S4 increase in student fees she polled 1691 votes or over student, will not be eligible to polls." was approved by a vote of 2,007 60 <■/, of the vote in a two-can- sit on Eastern's Board of Re- "KEG won because of quite a to 666. didate race. gents. bit of illegal muscle and quite mmmmsmm&k Thirty-nine per cent of the In the race for president, Pel- Neill Day, chairman of East- a bit of stupidity. If our ap- student body voted in the elec- legrinon finished with 54.2 % of ern's election committee, said peal is won, Eastern students tions. the total presidential vote while that an election will be held will have a chance to correct The vote totals: his closest rival Day mustered within two weeks to select a this fatal mistake," Day said. For president, Pellegrinon. 29 % of the vote. Other presi- student Regent. 1,549; Dennis Day, (ACTION) dential candidates, Robert Day said that petitions for Blythe and Insco could not be Turnout 829; Robert Blythe, indepen- Blythe and Jim Insco, netted the seat may be obtained Fri- reached for comment last night. 12.5 7, and 4.3 % respectively. day from the student associa- dent, 355, and James Insco, in- tion office in the Student Union Ballots cast in yesterday's dependent, 123. In the race for treasurer, election totaled 2,886. For vice-president, Warfleld, James Culbertson totaled 53.7 Building. The referendum, should it be 1433; Gerry House, (ACTION) y, of the vote while his two Day said the election might Is 39% competitora.Shannon .Logan and be Tuesday, May 27. forwarded to the Regents, calls 795, and Jack Whitney, inde- Students petitioning for the for the increase to be divided pendent, 623. Gerald Combs,finished with 33.5 % and 12.8 % of the vote in seat most be Kentucky residents thus: For secretary, Miss Bryant, and full-time students at East- $2 to a student entertainment 1,691, and Louisa Flook, (ACT- .their race. fund; ION) 1,126. Robert Warfield, vice-presi- ern. , ". $1 to the student association; dent elect, was the victor closest Pellegrinon said last night For treasurer, Culbertson, (Continued on Page Eight) 1,478; Shannon Logan, (ACT- to polling less than an ab- after the results had been an- Jim Pellegrinon Student First Unrest Bike Race Page 9 Pige 3 / Setting The Pace In A Progress'!** Era / Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. Ten Pages Thursday, May 15, 1969 46th Year, Number 30 Milestone 850 Seniors Toasted Distribution In Annual Ceremony Eastern formally recog- Stephen Waynd Dardo. Butler Cincinnati; Larry S. Fields, To Begin (Pendleton County). Grayson; Randall J. Honeycutt, nized some 850 of her stu- Nursing--Outstanding Nursing Plnetop (Knott County); James dents Sunday at the annual B. Insco, Evansville, lad.; Don- Honors Day in Hiram Brock Student Award Kitty Pevaler, ald G. Powers, CharlottesvUla, Milestone editor James Auditorium. Milford Ohio; Nursing Achieve- Va.; Thomas W. Sennits, Had- Culbertson revealed late to- ment Award, Dabble Watson, donfleld N.J.: Stephen D. Shinn, night that distribution of Awards for scholastic and Cynthiana. Ludlow; Howard R. Starnes, Elk- the yearbook would begin leadership abilities were pre- Music- Outstanding Music horn City; Reginald G. Wal- today at 9 a.m. in Alumni sented by about 20 departments Service Award, David Stivers, ters. Proapact ( Jefferson Coliseum and continue thru and 10 campus organizations. Dayton, Ohio County), and Michael A. next week. Those winning recognition in- Education— Gladys P. Tyng Welch, Lookout Heights (Kan- cluded 717 students on the Dean's Award, Patricia Blanche New- ton County). At the Milestone banquet last list for academic excellence 88 ell, Louisville and Anita Chris- Art--Painting, Daniel Willian night, Culbertson distributed In "Who's Who Among Students tine Suro, Kettering, Ohio; Out- Morgan, Ft. Thomas, and personalized copies of the book, in American Universities and standing Senior Major in Health, Art Education. Larry Yew* flown In from Texas, to his Collages," and those winning de- Charles Pevaler. Milford. Ohio; Wottart^. Danville. staff and to prominent mem- partmental awards, scholar- Outstanding Senior Woman Ma- biology— Freshman, Donna bers of the University commu- ships asslstantships and honor jor in Physical Education Mar- Smith, Crab Orchard, Gail nity. society awards. iha Friedhoff, Cincinnati; Out- Phillips, Richmond; Junior, Di- Culbertson also awarded the Brelsford Presides standing Senior Man Major la Hall of Fame Award, highest ane Wilson, Lancaster; Senior, Physical Education, James Fitch, Virginia Garner Jamestown, honor available to a graduating Presiding was Allan K. Brels- Ripley, Ohio; Outstanding Sen- senior, to Pat Newell. The Hall ford Clayton, Ohio, prssidant of Chemistry- -Undergraduate la ior Recreation Major, Dennis Analytical Chemistry JotanC. of Fame Award is selected by Omicron Alpha Kappa, senior McKenxie, Flint, Mich. a secret committee after re- man's honorary. Carolyn Hill, Reiber, Louisville; Freshman ceiving recommendations from Louisville, president of the Col- Military Awaids Achievement Award, Charles the Student Association and legiate Pentacle, women's MW(ary~Fclinca- Two- year W. Kalb, Covington. senior honoraries. honorary, delivered ths invo- Scholarships, Ronald D. Boyd, Drama and speech--Weaver Distribution will continue in cation. A reception for hon- Cincinnati; John Doggendorf, (Continued on Page Nine) the Coliseum tomorrow, Satur- oraas and guests followed the day and Monday, or until the ceremonies. supply there is depleted. Students who received depart- After next Monday, yearbooks mental awards included: may be picked up in the Mile- Agriculture--Ag-Tech Award, stone office, Room 415, Jones Joa C. Raisor, Sanders, Ky.(Car- Building. roll County). Jim Gano, Milestone business Home Economics—Mary King manager, said that all students Burriar Award, Mrs. Gay Stew- will be required to show their Too Fast? art Lexington; Senior Weaver ID card at the appropriate dls- Award. Halan Wlnburn, Crest- tirbution point and requested that Though speed was a factor in Delta Upsilon's marathon had trouble with their camera shutters. Delta Upsilon played wood (bidham County). party pooper, as they won their own race. __.!- . v Industrial education- -N.G. they enter the doors according to bike race Saturday, it is questionable whether Jerry Lyndes, v y *«~i~ J (staff photo by Bob Whitlock) alphabetical groupings. rider for Sigma Nu, was going that fast or the photographers Denniston Industrial Arts Award, Video-Taped 'Special' Scheduled. Council Accepts Newsman Jennings AcademicReport Tiw VAPITM QrWMTTYr failure for that specific course By KAKJLN bUlMJJJl . m ca8M o, infractions >^mens Affairs Editor — ^rrAnt more a„ . Speaks Tonight The Student Council pas- l0U8 tctlont ih9 instructor may sed a resolution at the refer the matter to his da - Peter Jennings, national elar In contrast to the recent maw. Progress Editor Cralg Tuesday meeting that a let- partmental committee on Aca- Ammerman, Student Associa- «nrrp«nrm<fantcoiiesponaanc lorfor nA BD VJC surveys carried on college Harvard, of ter be sent to the Faculty demic Practices for its con - Duk at tion President-elect Jim Pelle- Senate requesting the Pro- sideration and possible referral television, will deliver an Npw *,ork and Columbla _ali grinon and black student leader Address tonight at 8 p.m. in of ^^h have been rocked by Robert Warfleld. posed Statement of Aca- *° *• ^"L^S Hiram Brock Auditorium, violent protest. Jennings said the camera demic. Rights and Respon- ^^%R^g. crew accompanying him would sibihties be adopted, after ' PETER JENNINGS gUtute mor e 8erl0U8 actlon> Jennings, formerly anchor Jennings said he would char- also shoot classroom scenes and clarification of several ^M the u n involve ninn for ABC news, will also acterize Eastern as a University general campus shots. ftnd tc 0 Miss Newell 'Famer' film a 'special' to be shown on emerging "free of the outward The young newsman said he campus and civic groups, questions brought up during double Jeopardy?" the meeting. Point Questioned Pat NeweU, pictured above as a student teacher, was pre- the national network sometime protest and violence" common resigned as ABC's anchor man His address tonight in Hiram sented the Hall of Fame Award, highest honor available to within the next few days.
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