kientologists Kept Files on 'Enemies' Inventory of Seized Documents Shows Memos on Congressmen and Judges ey Ron Shaffer coded with phrases like "Operation' ment inventory filed in federal court ing an "all out attack" on the govern- sinpashinaton Post EtaLt Writer Cut Throat," "Espionage" and in Los Angeles. ment through infiltration, burglaries, The Church of Scientology, in. its ef- "Operation Big Mouth." Federal investigators studying the theft of government documents and to investigate and attack its The documents, which were seized thousands of ppages of seized Scientol- buggings. "enemies," kept files on five Washing- ogy papers also have found secret under subpoena by federal agents in CIA documents, "apparently original" The Church of Scientology has an- ton federal judges, Sen. Edward M. raids of Scientology offices here and Internal Revenue Service documents, swered that It has broken no laws and Kennedy, other congressmen, Jacque- in Los Angeles last summer, include and confidential letters between presi- has in fact been the victim of a gov- line Onassis, the Better Business Bu' orders from top Scientology officials dential Cabinet members, including ernment conspiracy to destroy it. Gov- reau and the American Medical Asso- to investigate and attack certain goy- one letter that apparently was drafted ernment documents in its possession, elation, according to Scientology docu- ernment agencies, private businesses but never sent. according to Scientology officials, ments in the possession of federal in- and individuals. Federal prosecutors are submitting . were. legally obtained through the vestigatdrs. Among .other Scientology property some of the seized documents to a fed- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Scientologists' files, summa- seized in the raids were memos on eral grand jury here that is investigat- Some of the documents seized by the rized in a 525-page inventory filed in how to obtain false identities and tap ing the Scientologists. A government government had been marked by the court by the federal government, were telephones, a lockpicking kit, elec- affidavit filed in connection with last Scientologists "FOIA," according to in many cases marked "Eyes Only," tronic eavesdropping equipment, two summer's searches quoted a former the inventory, while others were "Top Secret," "Enemy Names" and .22-caliber pistols and a jeather high - ranking Scientology official marked "non-FOIA." "Battle Plans." Their contents were blackjack, according to the govern- who said the Scientologists were wag- See SCIENTOLOGY, A6, Col. 1 SCIENTOLOGY, From Al The files also include, according to scores of people and dozens of Con- the inventory, a five-page "investiga- Last night a spokesman for the gressmen, according to the inventory. tion" of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D. Folders included files on such dispa- Scientologists accused the FBI of Mass.) and references to an acquaint- "leaking erroneous data in an effort rate institutions as the Glendale City ance of Kennedy's named Helga Wag- Council, Letterman's Army Medical to influence ongoing court proceed- ner. ings in which the Scientologists are Center, Folsom Prison, the Albany Kennedy's spokesman, Tom South- Chamber of Commerce, Carnegie fighting to have their documents re- wick, said yesterday that the Scientol- turned. Hall, the Pasadena Department of Fi- ogists might have been interested in nance and the King County, Wash., "They [FBI] are twisting facts to at- Kennedy because they oppose por- tribute to the church dirty tricks Department of Public Safety. tions of his criminal code revisions In the organization's files are me- which they [FBI] have specialized in that would allow judges to refer de- for years, which continues to this mos, letters, documents and teletypes, fendants to psychiatrists. many of them confidential, dealing day," the spokesman said. "The Wash- Southwick said the Scientologists ington Post is allowing Itself to be with intelligence matters involving might have been interested in Ken- the Justice Department, the Internal used as a mouthpiece for these lies nedy because they opposed portions and half truths." Revenue Service, the Treasury De- of his criminal code revisions that al- partment, and the Bureau of Alcohol, The Washington Post reported re- lowed judges to , refer defendents to Tobacco and Firearms, according to cently that, according to informed psychiatrists. the government inventory. One item sources, some of the seized Scientol- The same memo that mentions Ken- seized is a draft of a letter from a for- ogy documents indicate that church nedy and Helga Wagner, according to mer attorney general to a former sec- members staged a bogus hit-and-run the government, also says that retary of the Treasury marked "Not accident in Rock Creek Park here in "Wagner and Jackie Onassis (sic) have Sent." an attempt to compromise a visiting known each other for approximately Also there are references in seized mayor who had opposed the Scientolo- eight years," and says that telephone Scientology memos to "D.C. Police gists in Florida. The Post also re- conversation with Onassis to interest Plant Debriefs," and "FDA Platt De- ported that, according to those same her in the church. briefs, 1959," according to the inven- sources, the church had forged a A spokesman for the scientologists tory. The "debriefs" notations are ref- rough draft of an embarrassing news said the files on the judges "are noth- erences to reports filed by informers story under a Florida reporter's name ing more than the files which would for the FDA and D.C. police that sub- to undermine his credibility and had be maintained on judges in every law sequently were obtained by the Scientol- faked a bomb threat to frame the au- ofice in the United States!' . ogists, according to informed sources. thor of a book critical of Scientology. According to the government inven- The government has possession of According to both the government tory, the Scientologists kept extensive the organization's files dealing with affidavit and its inventory of the files on the American Medical Associ- several men who were D.C. policemen seized Scientology documents, top ation, the Better Business Bureau and and with rocal law firms, including Scientology officials were aware of the American Psychiatric Association, Williams and Connolly, and Feldman, and participated in the campaign to all of which had investigated Scientol- Ginsburg and Bress, according to the silence critics of Scientology. ogy or published articles about it. inventory. Both have had some con- These officials, according to the The Scientologists' investigation in- nection with Scientology court cases. court documents, include Henning cluded, according to documents, the The government inventory includes brief descriptions of a number of doc- He1dt, head of the Church of Scientol- infiltration of several Scientologists uments, with words , in quotation ogy's Guardian Office in this country, into the AMA as employes. One, a and Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of Scien- marks taken directly from the docu- secretary, had access to meetings of ments, according to the government. tology founder L. Ron Hubbard and the AMA's board of directors. the second-ranking person in the In most cases the descriptions are Scientology heirarchy. During 1975, confidential AMA doc- brief, with no elaboration. According to the government affi- uments were leaked to the press by The inventory also includes the davit, the Guardian's Office, one of then unknown sources, one of whom following: the two major divisions of the Church was nicknamed "Sore Throat" by the • A one-page confidential executive of Scientology, is responsible for car- press. The leaked information led to directive bearing the stamp "highest rying out covert operations to acquire investigations of the AMA by the In- priority" and dated April 13, 1976, list- government documents and "to dis- ternal Revenue Service, U.S. Postal ing agencies "toward which our attack credit and remove from positions of Service, several congressional commit- vecor should be aimed." The list in- power all persons whom the Church tees, Ralph Nader and the press. cludes the State Department, Inter- considers to be its enemies." An AMA spokesman characterized• pol, the FBI, Post Office, Justice De- the leaks as "like death by a thousand partment, IRS, CIA and Treasury De- According to the government inven- partment. tory of the seized documents, Scien- cuts." The organization frantically tologists gathered information on the searched for the sources and ulti- • A one-page document dated Nov. mately accused the Church of Scien- 6, 1975, entitled, "IRS: Zapping personal habits and courtroom con- Them." duct of U.S. District Court judges Oli- tology. Scientology spokesman dis- ver Gasch, Gerhard A. Gesell, Joseph missed the accusation at the time; • A four-page memo on obtaining false identification. McGarraghy and John J. Sirica, calling it "illustrative of an incredibly C. • A three-page memo and U.S. Court of Appeals judge Carl corrupt organization grasping in the on obtaining McGowan, all of whom have have han- dark to cofer their own crimes." false birth certificates. • A memo on the "Vetting Hat Ad- dled some aspect of cases brought by A team of 20 FBI agents has spent or against Scientologists here. dition" which deals with the penetra- weeks cataloging the thousands of tion of nongovermnent organizations Some of the information was ob- Scientology documents. According to and the tapping of phone conversa- tained from the judges' private files, the government inventory, they have tions. according to the inventory. Other bits found file folders and operations with A nine-page report dsignated pri- came from interviews in which Scien- the code names "Billys' Baby," "Vanguard," "Hunter," "Fleece," ority regarding. "Operations on ene- tologists masqueraded as students or mies Sableman, Orsini and Bob Sny- reporters, a tactic that Scientology "Starpoint," "Amber," "Pink In," and der." Reporters with these names documents refer to as "suitable guise" `Lantern.' wrote stories critical of Scientology.
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