Lampiran 1a LAMA Health Certification For Goldfish Exported to Australia I, the undersigned, certify that: 1. I have within 7 days prior to export examined the goldfish (Carassius auratus) described on the attached invoice, and that they show no clinical signs of infectious disease or pests. 2. The export premises described below is approved as meeting standards under Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Conditions for the Importation of Live Freshwater Ornamental Finfish into Australia. 3. All fish being held at export premises exhibit no signs of significant infectious disease or pests and are sourced from populations not associated with any significant disease or pests within the 6 months prior to certification. Invoice number: .................. Exporter Name: ........................... Address: ................................................................................... Phone No: ................. Fax No: ..................... E-mail: ............... AQIS Import Permit number: .................................................... Number (tails of fish): ................................................................ 4. All fish in the consignment have been in approved premises in the exporting country for the 14 days prior to export. 5. The fish have not been kept in water in common with farmed foodfish (fish farmed for human consumption including recreational fishing) or koi carp. 6. The exporting country, zone or export premises is free from spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV) and Aeromonas salmonicida (other than goldfish ulcer disease strains) based on (a) the absence of clinical, laboratory or epidemiological evidence of these disease agents in the source fish population in the previous two years and (b) a system of monitoring and surveillance for the previous two years, as prescribed in Appendix 2a of the AQIA Conditions for the Importation of Live Freshwater Ornamental Finfish into Australia. 7. If any of the fish have been imported, the country/ies of origin is/are ...................................., and (an) endorsed copy/ies of the health certificate/s (issued by the country/ies from where the fish originate) is/are attached, attesting that the country, zone or export premises from which the fish originate is free from spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV) and Aeromonas salmonicida (other than goldfish ulcer disease strains). 8. All fish in the consignment have been effectively treated for gill flukes within 7 days prior to export by bathing in the parasiticide, being .............................................................................. 9. Adequate safeguards are in place to maintain this certified fish health status until export. Fish are effectively isolated in holding systems that prevent infection by direct contact with other fish or indirect contact via water, equipment or any other means. Signature: .................................. issued at: ............................... Name: ........................................ Date: ................................... Official position: ......................... Stamp: Address: .................................................................................. Phone No: ................. Fax No: ................. E-mail: .................. BARU Lampiran 1b Lampiran 2a LAMA Health Certificate for Freshwater Ornamental Finfish (other than Gold Fish) Exported to Australia I, the undersigned, certify that: 1. I have within 7 days prior to export examined the fish described on the attached invoice, and that they show no clinical signs of infectious disease or pests. 2. Only finfish listed in the Live Ornamental Fish: Permitted Species Import list are included in this consignment, and are document on the attached invoice. 3. The export premises described below is approved as meeting standards under Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Conditions for the Importation of Live Freshwater Ornamental Finfish into Australia. 4. All fish being held at the export premises exhibit no signs of significant infectious disease or pests and are sourced from populations not associated with any significant disease or pests within the 6 months prior to certification. Invoice number: ........... Exporter Name: ................................. Address: ................................................................................... Phone No: ...............Fax No: ................. E-mail: ...................... AQIS Import Permit Number: ................................................... Number (tails) fish: .................................................................... 5. All fish in the consignment have been in approved premises in the exporting country for the 14 days prior to export. 6. The fish have not been kept in water in common with farmed foodfish (fish farmed for human consumption including recreational fishing) or koi carp. 7. Adequate safeguards to prevent infection are in place to maintain this certified fish health status until export. Fish are effectively isolated in holding systems that prevent infection by direct contact with other fish or indirect contact via water, equipment or any other means. Signature: .................................. Issued at: .................. Name: ........................................ Date: ........................ Official position: ......................... Stamp: Address: .................................................................................. Phone No: ................. Fax No: .................... E-mail: .............. Scientific names Number (tails) of fish Lampiran 2b BARU Lampiran 3a LAMA Health Certificate For Marine Ornamental FinFish Exported To Australia I, the undersigned, certify that: 1. I have within 7 days prior to export examined the fish described on the attached invoice, and that they show no clinical signs of infectious disease or pests. 2. The fish were exported from a premises approved to export marine fish to Australia by an AQIS recognised Competent Authority of the exporting country. 3. The fish are not sourced from a population associated with any significant infectious disease or pests and there have not been collected during the 6 months prior to collection. Exporter: Invoice number: ................... Exporter Name: ........................ Address: .................................................................................. ................................................................................... Phone No: .............. Fax No: .................... Email: .................. AQIS Import Permit Number: .................................................. Number (tails) fish: .................................................................. 4. The fish were collected from an area at least 5 kilometers from any finfish aquaculture operation and the fish in the consignment have not come into contact with water, equipment or fish associated with farmed foodfish (fish farmed for human consumption including recreational fishing). 5. The fish are wild caught and have not been bred or hatched on a farm ot other premises. Signature: ..................................... Issued at: .................. Name: ........................................... Date: ......................... Official position: ........................... Stamp: Address: ....................................... ...................................................... Phone No: ................... Fax No: .................. Email: .................. Scientific Name Number (tails) of fish Lampiran 3b BARU Lampiran 4. Daftar Ikan Air Tawar Hidup yang Boleh Diimpor (List of Permitted Live Freshwater Fish Suitable for Import) All fish listings with size limits are to be measured using Standard Length (SL), which is the measurement from the snout to the end of the caudal peduncle Taxon Common name Abramites hypselonotus Marbled headstander Acanthophthalmus spp. Kuhlii loach Aequidens pulcher Blue acara Alestopetersius caudalis Yellowtail Congo tetra Anostomus spp. Headstander Aphyocharax spp. Bloodfin tetras Aphyosemion spp. Killie fish Apistogramma spp. Dwarf cichlid Aplocheilus spp. Panchax Apteronotus albifrons Black ghost knifefish Apteronotus leptorhynchus Long nose brown ghost knifefish Arnoldichthys spilopterus Niger tetra, Arnold’s characin, Red-eye characin Astronotus ocellatus Oscar Only albino form of Astyanax jordani Blind cave fish Aulonocara nyassae of minimum length 5cm SL African peacock cichlid, Emperor cichlid Aulonocara spp. African cichlids Only male Bagrichthys hypselopterus Black lancer catfish Balantiocheilos melanopterus Silver sharkminnow, Tricolor sharkminnow Bedotia geayi Madagascar rainbow, Red-tailed silverside Benthochromis tricoti Benthochromis tricoti Betta spp. Fighting fish Boehlkea fredcochui Chochu's blue tetra Boraras maculatus Dwarf spotted rasbora Botia lohachata of minimum length 1.5cm SL Reticulate loach, Yo-yo loach Brachygobius spp. Bumble bee fish Brochis spp. Blue catfish Brycinus longipinnis African tetra, Longfin tetra Campylomormyrus cassaicus Double-nose elephant nose Campylomormyrus rhynchophorus Double-nose elephant nose Carassius auratus auratus Goldfish Carnegiella spp. Hatchet fish Only bridles morph Chalinochromis brichardi of Lake Tanganyika cichlid minimum length 5cm SL Chalinochromis spp. Lake Tanganyika cichlids Chanda spp. Perchlets Chilodus punctatus Spotted headstander Chilotilapia rhoadesii of minimum length 5cm SL Rhoadesii cichlid, Bream Chromobotia macracanthus Clown loach Cleithracara maronii Keyhole cichlid
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