THE VOICE <10l BlKayn* Blvd., Miami M, ffa. Return Pottage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. II, NO. 20 Price *$5 a year ... 15 cents a copy AUGUST 5, 1960 Adrian Dominican Sisters Dade Tops CenSUS With 172,663; -•Establish Five Provinces; i South Headquarters Here Broward Is 'Most Catholic' County Dade has the most Catholics Catholics who represent 26 per A generalate and five pro- but Broward is the "most Cath- Catholic population of Diocese by parishes, cent of the total county figure. vinces have been inaugrated for olic" of all 16 counties in the deaneries on Page 8. Catholic growth in Broward is for the Domincan Sisters of the Diocese of Miami, according to evidenced by the fact that of Congregation of the Most Holy an analysis of the population all the new parishes erected by Rosary of Adrian, Michigan figures revealed last week in Bishop Coleman F. Carroll since with the provincial house of the the first diocese-wide census. total Catholic population of lics represents about 19 per the Diocese of Miami was cre- the Diocese. cent. southern area located at Rosa- Total Catholic population of ated on Aug. 13, 1958, nine of rian Academy, West Palm the Diocese has been an- According to the recent Fed- In Broward County the Fed- them have been in that county. Beach. nounced as 331,668. Of that eral census, the total popula- eral census showed a total pop- LARGEST PARISHES number, 172,663 live in Dade tion of Dade County js 917,865, ulation of 329,431, and the Dio- With the final approbation St. Mary Cathedral parish, in County, or 52 per cent of the of which the number of Catho- cese census a total of 86,376 of the Holy See, Reverend Miami, is the largest parish in Mother Mary Gerald, O.P., the Diocese with\ a total of mother general of the congre- 13,791 baptized Catholics. Other gation which has served in parishes with more than 8,000 South Florida for the past 37 Catholics are: years and now has 2,146 pro- Corpus Christi, Miami, 13, MOTHER MARY GERALD fessed Sisters, this week an- 623. Mother General nounced the districts of the new administrative organiza- St. Anthony, Ft. Lauder- tion. dale, 13,258. Little Flower, Coral Gables, Under the direction of Domin- 13,102. ican Sisters designated as Moth- er Provincials, provinces will be St. Michael, Miami, 11,539. located in the following areas: Little Flower, Hollywood, 10,447. St. Rose of Lima Province includes the states of Florida, St. Clement, Ft. Lander- Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, dale, 10,434. West Virginia, and South Caro- St. Stephen, West Holly- lina as well as the Bahama Is- wood, 9,944. : lands, Puerto Rico and the Do- minican Ttepublic. Holy Family, Nortk Ml- ami, 9,151. Mother M. Ann Catherine, O.P., will be the provincial at St. Brendan, Miami, 9,122. MOTHER M. ANN CATHERINE Rosarian Academy where she St. Mary Star of Sea, Key Heads Province formerly served as superior and West, 9,027. principal. Immaculate Conception, Hi- BOUNDARIES DESIGNATED aleah, 8,649. | Diocese To Aid Immaculate Conception Pro- Our Lady Queen of Mar- vince will be comprised of low- tyrs, Ft. Lauderdale, 8,342. er Michigan west of Woodward Voice Photo ;|n Completion Of Avenue in Detroit and in those Our Lady, Perpetual Help, places situated outside of De- CENSUS INFORMATION is kept up to date in street in the parish. Co-chairmen of the group Opa Locka, 8,338. troit west of Route M 53 be- Epiphany parish, South Miami, by a committee are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flynn, shown above jNational Shrine of men and women who regularly check every examining a map with Mrs. Frank Blaney. St. James, North Miami, tween Detroit and Port Austin 8,324. People of the Diocese of on Lake Huron. Miami, along with Catholics PARISH METHODS UNDER STUDY SS. Peter and Paul, Miami, throughout the United^, States, Mother Mary Edmund, 8,216. will be given an opportunity to O.P.-, who served as vice- St. John Apostle, Hialeafa, help complete to its final details president of Barry College 8,122. the National' Shrine of the Im- from 1952-58 will be the super- Census Data Kept Up To Date maculate Conception in Wash- ior at the provincial house at St. Francis Assisi, Riviera Beach, 8,091. ington, D.C. Rosary High School in De- Because keeping statistics up tion in Epiphany parish, South One copy of the map ought to To aid in that purpose, Bishop troit. - to date is just as important as Miami. be enlarged to wall size and Largest of the deaneries — gathering them originally, all Coleman F.- Carroll has directed St. Dominic- Province will in- VISITS TO HOMES hung in the rectory. Smaller groupings of parishes according parishes of the Diocese of Mi- to geographical areas — is the *hat a special collection be clude the upper peninsula of sections of the map are distrib- ami are expected to adopt a sys- In explaining how the pro- North Dade beanery, with a to- :en up. in all churches of the gram functions, Father John uted to the committee members. iocese on Monday, Aug. 15, (Continued on Page 14) tematic method of conducting a tal Catholic population of 116,- Q'Dowd, pastor, said tha.t like the Feast'of the Assumption of continuing census. The parish is then divided geo- 466. the diocesan census itself, the the Blessed Mother. graphically into sections accord- Information that is to be program requires clerical work ing to the distribution of fami- Others are Broward Deanery, Work on the shrine was begun gathered by volunteer workers in the rectory and in the homes lies as was indicated by the dio- 86,376; South Dade Deanery, 38 years ago and it was solemn- Masses Increased At will preserve the accuracy of of volunteer members of the cesan census. The size of the 67,093; East Coast Deanery, 50- ly dedicated on Nov. 20, 1959. tfie extensive fact-finding proj- parish census commfttee. It also section can also be determined 949, and West Coast Deanery, 10,784. However, only the super-struc- ; Northside Chapel ect recently completed by the requires periodic visits to homes by the number of apariments, ture is finished and much work diocese. within the parish to learn of motels, city lots and acre es- remains to be done in the in- | An increase in the Mass births and deaths and of fami- tates. On the wall map, the sec- terior. (> schedule at St. Mary's Chapel At the parish level, pastors lies moving in and out. The tions should be bordered in red LEA LA in the Northside Center has will know precisely the size and and numbered from one through American Catholics, under the composition of their parishes de- work is rather detailed, he cau- direction of the Bishops of the •, been announced by Msgr. tioned, and it isn't easy. 50 or higher. Anyone looking at SECCION Patrick J. O'Donoghue. spite the ceaseless changes the wall map should be able to' United States, have made the ; which occur within the popula- present structure possible by Maps are a necessity. They tell at a glance the section 1 Due to overflowing crowds . tion. their generosity . through the may be obtained at a reason- number of any address in the ESPANOLA last Sunday at .the Chapel, j years. The shrine already has able-price from the County parish. DE an 8:30 Mass will be added i. Methods of conducting the become a great center of devo- census follow-up are currently Engineering Department, or to the present schedule of ^ The next Step is to take all of THE VOICE tion by' pilgrims from every under study by the Diocesan from the City Engineering De- 9:30 and 11:30 Masses. | : the Family Cards that were , en las state and many foreign coun- Census Committee and include a partment if the parish is lo- PAGINAS 20 y 21 : tries. .- -'.. :. •• : • mmmmmmml method that is already in opera- cated within a municpality. (Continued on Page 8) Pilgrims In Munich Applaud *,*¥ 'V'A World Cathofics Must Aid Papal Legate, Attend Masses | Needy Nations, Vatican Says By FATHER PLACID JORDAN Another highlight was the or- By MANFRED WENZEL adopted by this meeting of the dination of 90 priests of various genera! assembly — "The hu- MUNICH, Germany (NO — MUNICH, Germany (NC) — man and Christian advancement The personal representative of religious orders. This was sche- The Holy See has urged the of nations in the process of de- Pope John XXIII opened the duled for 11 churches of the Conference of International velopment" — implies a serious 37th International Eucharistic city to allow Catholics to be as Catholic Organizations "to stir obligation for Catholics. Congress before half a million close as possible to the rites of the Catholics of the whole world people gathered in one of Mu- to a great fraternal effort on The Conference of Interna- Bich's great parks. ordination. behalf of the "less-developed na- tional Catholic Organizations Gustavo Cardinal Testa, Pa- That same day offered "aga- tions." was founded in 1927 and now pal Legate to the congress, pes" or brotherly meals after includes such organizations as In a letter sent on behalf of the International Catholic Com- meusted the tfaree-story-high the early Christian manner in Pope John XXIII, Domenico mission for Migration, the In- "altar island" at the center of in four halls of the city.
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