FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WASNPITO. OC AM IIS ISTIE IMIu OF DIE FILME Y-X-CMEav to. /2 mmm li d urW Nart Cdb Msesre Tucson, Arboom S571 May 31, 1996 Office Of The General Counsel Federal Elections Commlsulo 99 a Street, NW W %C 263 To The General Counsel, I spoke today with Federal Election Commission Information Specal Eria McMahon regarding the sworn complaint (concerning a then apparen of Arizona State Election Law) that I filed with the office of the Pima Coumty Attorney dated May 21, 1996 (attached). Subsequently, I understand from the Election Director for that State of Arlnm that a "'gSeniie loophole in the law" exists under Arizona Law --= - defnition of "Cndidate": "'Candidate means an Individual who recedve r gstm consent for receipt of a contribution for his nomination for or election to my office In this state other than a federal offigm." Arizona state laws says: "A candidate's campaign committee shall nao Contribute or transfer monies to another candidate's campaign committee. This sublection and the contribution limitations of this section do not apply to a ranfer or contribution of monies made by a candidate's designated campaign committee to another campaign committee designated by that same candidate." As the Tucson Weekly correctly reported May 30, 1996: The cited trnsfer of funds from a local or state campaign "is legal. And we're sure MSie"n conributors will be happy to know he's happier giving away their meey thm ta own. In my opinion: 9 mIm e nder Asraa la&. bat it m m.A La Please assume this scenario: A contributor has already given the maximm contribution of S1,000 to a Congressona campaign. Is It not possible to exceed that $1,000 limitation by the contributor then glk funds to a local or state campaign for transfer to a Congressional campadg? As Ms. McMahon and I discUssed: In this case (Supervisor Boyd's traim r ofL funds to Congressman Kolbe), It "looks like contributions have been made In ia name of another which ispomibly a violation of Federal Law." I, as a past Republican District Chairman (Arizona L.D. 12) and prent Pt Committeeman In wbich both Congressman Jim Kolbe's and Supervisor Mbf Boyd's districts are located, would like a formal ruling from your ofc Thank you in advance to your immediate comideration of this matter. Sincerely yours, "- T' OF cor ,Sine Winchester Morey, 01mm 7h.s -. ,5241O29745, tax 520-27 ~ - - 68" North Calle Mecwe.- DIVISION ECTIONS Tucson, Arizoa 8 : l May 21, 1996 96 AY21 PH lo32 rChtver J Rads, Deputy County Attorney UCSUI, . 32 NaIlh Siam Avegm, #130 T8. A701 Dear Mr. oads As a qulIed dector of Pima County, The State of Arizona, I hereby ie a sworm complaint with te office of the Pima County Attorney (as Is my right nuder A.LS. 1G-O L) to wit: a violation (s) of Arizona Revised Statues 16-9W (Coutrbulem Hiitadowms; civil penalty; definition) has apparenty o In that Supervisor Mike Boyd's campaign committee is apparently In vloltlm of A.LS. "6.S G. "A candidate's campaign committee siNpil not -,.ari4but. or transer males to another candidate's campaign committee." Pleae reference: Political Committee CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT (Pima County) for Mike Boyd Campdp Committee, 5441 N. Swan 4602, Tucson, AZ 85718 with phaf. number 2994689. 1ID# is 022-1994. Page 2 lIsts: Comsittee Name: Mike Boyd Campaign and Report covering period: January 1, 1995 to December 31, 199S. Specifically, Schedule D-6, page 1 of I titled TRANSFERS TO OTht POLITICAL COMMITFES lUsts: NAM. Atrin Otv. Staft and ZIP Date of Tramferam=#nt Jim Kolbe, Cougssnm 6/1/9S $I##.". SKolbe 6 Tucson AZ Jim Kolbe, Con gr an 9/11/95 $200.00 % tlbe 96 Tucson AZ Thank you in advance for investigating this matter. WO CO AoMU( ) Sincerely, Samuel Winchester Morey, CItizm LL~L 297-8858, fax-297-8881 -jbbt - dA1NOMAY PUSUC 1 if 4. 1/96 VAi m. am UsO Tucson AZ 65716 Mikem~ BD el ram M 2OdN k 3. W.I "4 4, lam~T,4- INGG -EP=i--l-O- R~O P13W JANUARY 31 R f-rTwst N m 2LM. m 3 ............................. .m 2, 1 6 MU JamM 31. 1196 Si JJNE 30 ROR-,,,d St. M ............................... Jium 1, IMS JIM 30. 11$6 l--PRE-PiMARY e. I .. ........ AE 22. 1NO6 lim. 3d. 19s POSrP4lMAMY R r TI ION RT- I rk •Og ZL i ftiSOPOW n3L a ....................................... Cuwber I*.1U S bw 10. 1 sea 4&LIPRE-G2ERAL F. P8CTIONi. OR.... so 17, 00NOW~~~~~mwI ~ ~ .....~ 1. 0000000a 0......ONW 17. Me oft =w 24. 1996 -, -o1POST-G24ERAL bw 17. Umii B. I.. IRT'- M MS am Osomaw L i ma - - .,_ MA C-,ow S - WT o O -, s. Sw tn Pwm vimi cash as NO a 98bu" of as 0ii0t Pwi id T 11P01cmm m mi mm SS. v s~ - U-- Sma-'wr fame Lim a a~,tso.oo 299025.00 -" Si fa Cm N .,"35.13 6.TOM Iz rFom -- ---- mOwti 8@7WI2 c-~Pa Lh leiU 3**".21 20960.21 _____II____IIII_______IIi____1_1___II___II______l____II L.t4L Sa=I. Lomo" m fm Pa~sZ 3 99m.No REC 11 COMMA C*Lt W0" " t 4 '24,625.00 m 04 %&Bo IM (o&MIS.0 129. 175.00 0425.00 7280.00 N low Aftm4in a" 4A, ,2.00 olrociPN ft SOWAft OSS. rn I.1 055.00 Co a am c 24,l50.00 29,02S.00 om tLam M mM ( M bwov Cm (4m " Tow Lam ONO- S&I 0 I L , , 0 24,10.00 29,025.00 DES! RSEMEtSA%" ' mwn (Tm t 0 ) 0 0 11.Ag ( - - 00s 0. %Mff toaWm - - 0 MOjM OW ofsa S mo vm ow mout o msm IL T ftf o O@ - ,o -m$NOAR plll :4.~~~l ofoo 4 00 am11 3so00 it isr Tirsat Pfwms of 0 iiw;mmm..=P~ L m-M L../2 i lbIN4... am" mesa so" Rol Jim folb, C=Czmai I America/IsraWI pdja Tucson AZ I s. lrAL rety V SL. OM OF M........ .... 4. at4 - -w 1m Salad Waodrw 60 NoedW ! DOW W~ sp Thi is ft Ja 4, 19 ely..b A-"I A--- Alb Fowed Yw maw n I yaw bM at pgpm qwm~OVqiILy coae~~ ~oWsu yew )V *amsoft $oftwm~ugip~ as pt Ofdo "*fsmm mw gdmb is"SNb1i t o be t e a MUhd. cow"MbImmji cont dm~j day pmiod km~ ~ ~ -L A~~u~is. ifthe -0uupNJ lfheOu.W 0 O L*A9L 4~. ~' eli "Itug .. Fedeiral Elections~io Attemon: Ms MmIm Callwa, Ant. to the Ant. Gour Co sed 9" E Street, NW WashIngt., DC 2043 Dear Ms. Caflaway, This Is to confirm our csmvrmtlon tody egrding dhoete I had umba tMy 31, 19% to The Feeral (ee- so-_- _de-db L huod an pag 3 withw my sworm .odtwth the Pums Con Asmaw doled May 21, 19% ftoud E1Wltd emvq 4). This is a re-submisim, af the sam leter (updated, 0x3J.ie IN the presence of a notary pulc, aued, nmd shown M 2phmm dt origlal did not meet the requirememts of the Federal Election Act at 191,9 amended ("the Act") sad Csmlsmion RuItlom- which redi tha the coesotm of a complaint meet certain spedifc requare-ent. I understand that o d wee Isithat cmlnt be I and signed In the peee of a nelary nid I underst dw the prrftned bom is "Sucribed nd sworn to bd m on this day of 19.s Please attach this to the ori subm om which sbows rmpt by Ow ou County Attormey. Slmrely yours, 520.2974S5, fax - 2974NI Subscribed and sworn to beftre m on this H-day Of -01 IMPi 6560 North Cane Mero Tuemom Arizona 857 June 13, 1996 Office Of The General Counsel Federal Elections Commission 999 E Street, NW Wasio DC 20463 To The General Counsel, I spoke May 31, 1996 with Federal Election Commission Information Specialist Erica McMahon regarding the sworn complaint (concerning a then apparmt violation of Arizona State Election Law) that I filed with the office of the Pima County Attorney dated May 21, 1996 (attached). Subsequently, I understand from the Elections Director for that State of Arizona that a "genuine loophole in the law" exists under Arizona Law baaLnnoha definition of "Candidate": "Candidate means an individual who receives or gives consent for receipt of a contribution for his nomination for or election to my office in this state other than a federal office." Arizona state laws says: 'A candidate's campaign committee shall not contribute or transfer monies to another candidate's campaign committee. This subsection and the contribution limitations of this section do not apply to a transfer or contribution of monies made by a candidate's designated campaign committee to another campaign committee designated by that same candidate." As the Tuson Weejl correctly reported May 30, 19%: The cited transfer of runds from a local or state campaign "is legal. And we're sure Mikey"s contributors will be happy to know he's happier giving away their money than kit own. " In my opinion: It MW be eg unde Aizogg law. bug it certainlI is not da! Please assume this scenario: A contributor has already given the maximum contribution of $1,000 to a Congressional campaign. Is It not possible to exceed that $1,000 limitation by the contributor then giving funds to a local or state campaign for transfer to a Congressional campaign? As Ms. McMahon and 1 discussed: In this case (Supervisor Boyd's transfer of funds to Congresman Kolbe), It "looks like contributions have been made in the name of another which is possibly a violation of Federal Law." 1, as a past Repubican District Chairman (Arizona L.D.
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