ENLIGHTENMENT TO PERFECTION SELF-STUDY REPORT for submission to the National Assessment & Accreditation Council VOLUME II Departmental Profile (Faculty Council for PG Studies in Arts, Commerce & Law) DECEMBER 2015 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL [www.nbu.ac.in] Raja Rammohunpur, Dist. Darjeeling TABLE OF CONTENTS Page number Departments 1. Bengali 1 2. Centre for Himalayan Studies 45 3. Commerce 59 4. Lifelong Learning & Extension 82 5. Economics 89 6. English 121 7. Hindi 132 8. History 137 9. Law 164 10. Library & Information Science 182 11. Management 192 12. Mass Communication 210 13. Nepali 218 14. Philosophy 226 15. Political Science 244 16. Sociology 256 Research & Study Centres 17. Himalayan Studies (Research Unit placed under CHS) 18. Women’s Studies 266 19. Studies in Local languages & Culture 275 20. Buddhist Studies (Placed under the Department of Philosophy) 21. Nehru Studies (Placed under the Department of Political Science) 22. Development Studies (Placed under the Department of Political Science) _____________________________________________________________________University of North Bengal 1. Name of the Department : Bengali 2. Year of establishment : 1965 3. Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the University? Department is the Faculty of the University 4. Name of the programmes offered (UG, PG, M. Phil, Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) : (i) PG, (ii) M. Phil., (iii) Ph. D., (iv) D. Litt. 5. Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved : NIL 6. Course in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institution, etc. : NIL 7. Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons 2 Years M.Phil.Course (including Methadology in Syllabus) started in 2007 (Session -2007-09), it continued upto 2008 (Session - 2008-10); But it is discontinued from 2009 for UGC Instruction, 2009 regarding Ph. D.& M.Phil. According to UGC Instruction We have again started 2 Year- 4 Semester System M.Phil Course from 2011 and it is continuing. 8. Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System : P.G. – (i) Annual System upto 2008 (ii) 4 Semester System from 2008 M. Phil. – (i) Annual System upto 2009 (ii) 4 Semester System from 2011 Ph. D. Course Work (6 month Course ) – After 6 month 9. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : NIL 10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (professors/ Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 1 Vacant from 2013 2 (Promotion By CAS) Associate Professor 1 1 (Promotion to Professor by 2 (By CAS) CAS) Asst. Professor 7 5 2 Others ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Self Study Report for NAAC (Cycle-3) 1 _____________________________________________________________________University of North Bengal 11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research guidance Name Qualifica Designation Specialization No. of No. of Ph.D./ M. tion Years of Phil Students Experien guided for the last ce 4 years Prof. Ph. D. Professor Medieval Literature 30 years Ph.D. Subodh & Awarded -3 Kumar Jash Linguistics Submitted – 2 Registered -- 6 M. Phil.-- 2 Prof.Manjul Ph. D. Professor Medieval Literature 26 years Ph.D. a Bera (including Baishnav Awarded -- 9 Literature) with Submitted – 3 Manuscriptology Registered-- 8 & M. Phil.-- 4 Women’s Studies Dr. Nikhil Ph. D. Associate Novel & Short 19 years Ph.D. Chandra Professor Stories Awarded -- 4 Ray Submitted -- NIL Registered -- 7 M. Phil.-- 2 Dr. Dupak Ph. D. Assistant Linguistics & 16 years Ph.D. Kumar Roy Professor Folklore Submitted -- 4 Registered-- 4 M. Phil.—8 Dr. Utpal Ph. D. Associate Drama 15 years Ph. D. Mandal Professor Submitted -- 1 Registered -- 7 M.Phil. -- 4 Dr. Tapan Ph. D. Assistant Drama 14 years Ph. D. Mandal Professor Registered. – 6 M.Phil. – 2 12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors : (i) Prof. Amalendu Chakraborty, Guwahati University 13. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty-programme –wise information : NIL ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Self Study Report for NAAC (Cycle-3) 2 _____________________________________________________________________University of North Bengal 14. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio : P.G. – Teacher : Student – 1 : 28 M. Phil. – Teacher : Student – 1 : 2 Ph. D. Course Work (Year-wise) : (2011 – 1: 8, 2012 – 1 : 4, 2013 – 1: 6, 2014 – 1 : 8) 15. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative, staff: sanctioned, filled and actual : Administrative Staff Sanctioned Filled Actual Clerk 1 1 1 Peon 1 1 1 16. Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Research Thrust Areas in general in the Department are Modern, mediaeval and Ancient Bengali Language, Literature and correlated themes including Folks etc. Department received one Major Project and two Minor Project from University Grants Commission (UGC) in the year 2006. Research Thrust Area of Major Project is Womens Studies and Trust Area of Minor Project is Bengali Local Languages 17. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) International funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. 1. UGC Major Research Project Title : Adhunikatar Abhimukhe Bangalee Nari (Unish – Bish Satak) Project for 3 Years (during 01-07-2006 to 30-06-2009) Sanctioned Amount : Rs. 5,53,800/- Principal Investigator : Prof. Manjula Bera UGC Memo No. – F. 5-178 / 2005 (HRP) Dated 31st March, 2006 (Completed) 2. UGC Minor Research Project (i) Prof. Subodh Kumar Jash for 1 year (01-07-2006 to 30-06-2007); ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Self Study Report for NAAC (Cycle-3) 3 _____________________________________________________________________University of North Bengal Sanctioned Amount : Rs.1,00,000/- Title : Tarasankarer Upanyase Rarh Banlar Lokabhasar Byabahar : Ekti Samaj Bhasatattwik Samiksha (ii) Dr. Mir Rejaul Karim for 1 year (01-07-2006 to 30-06-2007) Sanctioned Amount : Rs. 1,00,000/- Title : Maldaha Jelar Barinda Anchaler Kathyabhasa : Sangraha O Bishlesan (Completed) 18. International collaborative projects and associated grants received a) National collaboration b) International collaboration NIL 19. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS,DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc; total grants received. Proposal of UGC-SAP ( Proposed Thrust Area : “Uttarbanger Bhasa, Sahitya O Sanskriti ) has been submitted on December, 2012, We have also sent reminder letter through Registrar; but still now no information received. 20. Research facility/centre with State recognition --- NIL National recognition --- UGC / JRF International recognition --- NIL 21. Special research laboratories sponsored by/ created by industry or corporate bodies : N. A. 22. Publication: Please see volume IV of SSR. 23. Details of patents and income generated : N. A. 24. Areas of consultancy and income generated : N. A. 25. Faculty Selected nationally/ internationally to visit other laboratories/ institutions/ industries in India and abroad : N.A. 26. Faculty serving in ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Self Study Report for NAAC (Cycle-3) 4 _____________________________________________________________________University of North Bengal a) National committees : Prof. Manjula Bera (i) Life Member, Bangiya Sahitya Parishad, 243/1 APC Road, Kolkata- 700006. (ii) Life Member, Paschimbanga Vigyan Mancha, 162-B, A.J.C Bose Road, Kolkata – 700014 (iii) Life Member, Paschimbanga Itihas Sansad, 1,Woodburn Park, Kolkatta –700020. (iv) Member, Faculty Council of P. G. Studies, University of North Bengal. (v) Member, Board of Research Studies in Bengali, University of North Bengal. (vi) Chairperson, Expert Committee in Bengali in PG Level in Distance Education, University of North Bengal . (vii) Chairperson, P. G. Board of Studies in Bengali, University of Gour Banga,Malda from December 2009 to May 2012 (viii) Member, Board of Undergraduate Studies in Bengali, University of Gour Banga, Malda since December, 2009. (ix) Member, Board of Undergraduate Studies in Bengali, University of North Bengal for the period of 4 years from 7-5-2007 to 6-5-2012 (x) Member, Statutory Academic Board of the Centre for Women’s Studies, University of North Bengal for 2 years w. e. f. 9-4-2009. (xi) Member, a Committee which constituted to celebrate the year long programme on the 150th Birth Day Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore commencing from 9th May, 2010. (xii) Member, Convocation Committee for 42nd Convocation of University of North Bengal in 2010 for one year. (xiii) Member, Executive Council of University of North Bengal From February ,2012. (xiv) Member, Court of University of North Bengal from March , 2012. (xv) Member, General Council, Sahitya Akademi, Rabindra Bhavan, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi – 110001. (xvi) Member, Sports Board, University of North Bengal for the session 2012-14. (xvii) Co-ordinator, Basic Facilities for Women under UGC Merged scheme, University of North Bengal from 1.09.2012. (xviii) In-charge, Manuscripts section, Department of Bengali, University of North Bengal. --- (i) 16 years, (Since July 1999 ). (xix) Co-ordinator -- 3(Three) day UGC sponsored National
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