1948 = , • GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Generally fair. and cooler-with this prediction, the weatherman offer~ practically a gilt.edged guar-­ antee that the Sabath will be pleasant. Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, August 18, 1946-Five Cent. \ leks In , • l Sundii . · St. Louis Area CI'O Publicizes' Weapon Seven Dead. th us! ' For Elections -- Votint:'t Scores Hurl Early ~ . AI Mankalo .. Dt'TROIT (A P) - Violence flaled a,ain on the Great Lake. Record of Congressmen ::,=,~.~~~'":, :::.•• ~_ ihippina strike front yesterday as Minnesota towns, located about 30 two otficlal.s of the Lake Carriera miles apart, killed at least seven usoeJallon were Injured and four WAS JU NGTON {AP)-The CIO next session of con,res. will vay tbe CIO thoueht th.y should persons last night and Injured "CIO 'seamen" petained by south published yesterday as "a weapon heed their pllJ'ht and act in on aU dozen issuel. Another .en­ their behalf." atorial pair-J ohnston (D., SC) about SO others. ClilClllo police after Ii melee at in the comine batUe of ballots" the votlna records of all members • • • and Stewart (D., Tenn.)-voted • • an. association hall there. • of congreJS "on 12 issues of ma­ On the dozen i&Sues selected in contrary to CIO', pOiltlon on every All of tbe Ilnown dead were At the same time, Joseph CU1'­ jor importance to the American the senate to measure members, issue named. In MAnllato, wbere a twister ran, president Of the CIO National people." only 3D of the 96 senators voted In the houle seven Democrat! dipped trom the ky to destroy Io-ply u.., .., Mirltlme' union, asserted at De~ Calling the compilation of how more often for than against the voted aealnat CIO's pQsltion on a U -cabln tourist camp. At w...... , trolt strike headquarters that two congres men voted a "guide" for aU the dozen Issues polled. They lease. 50 penonl were injured at . " • "J'fMU pickets were Injured ' yes ... citizens In determlnini how they were from four southern states, Manllato. The Becond twl.ster , perilCl. "'" * * * • I • ttrday" in an illcident at Aahtab ... - will cast their ballots, the CIO Gatbin,s ot Arkansas; Abernathy, stl'Wl k at Wells, where at least if, Ohio. and Its political action committee Rankin and Whltten of MissiSSippi; el'ht person were injured. Curran, in II statement issued said In their joint publlcaton that Iowans Voled Murray of Tennesste, and Lan ... , • • • before he boarded a train illr they were not set tina up a black... ham and Pickett of Texas. Mankato is situated In the scenic New York where he will discuss list or a list of endorsed candid ... How Marked Mi nnesota river valley about 85 ' -.trike settlement tennl , d~lared: ates. Senators were listed with plus miles south of Minneapolis. Wells "The seimen want to pleket ,Anli-CIO' The publication continued: and minus marks according to Is about 30 miles south of Man ... peacefully In their effort to win "This is the time to learn thf; the CIO view on their votes on kato. .. the fO ... hour work week. It goons iss ues- and even more important the Case strike-control bill, the First reports from Wells told of from the Lake Carriers aSllocia- WASHINGTON (AP) - Iowa 10 get your future coneressman Republi can Senators Hlckenlooper Truman striker-draft bill, on "hundreds" Injured but a Minne ... "trbn · want trouble, they'll eet it firmly committed to supportlna la ... FEPC, housing and. minimum sota state patrolman, aIter a visit all across the lakes. We ' propose ond Wilson voted against the CIO's Ibo r's demands. poSi tion on a majority 12 key Is­ wage legislation, on limiting de ... to the scene, discounted the early to. see that no pickets are hurt. bote on the unsuccessfu l poll tax , I'trat Outbreak SlJJ4le 1'Il1ll'11day T~ . J\J!:JU~L' Vltw'cif a residentJal street In East St. Louis. Ill .. shows how waler !lJl ed UP by nine "This is a record of the 79th su s before the senate while Iowa messilge. The west en"'d of the lnche. of rain In 48 'houri inundated home. anel a school build In,. (AP WIRE PHOTO) eongffSs that failed to act on members 0/ the house were al­ removal bill, and on four separ­ village was struck and Patrolman .' At Ashtabula, unofficial reports ate phases of the price control indicated several pickets were in- ;,' * * * . * * * * *. * man)' of the most important is ... most unanimously opposed 10 the Norman Sollie said property­ rE newal issue, plus 8 CIO-opposed damage was heavy. iured when an auto passed through By, T~e ASSOCIATED PRESS ther buildings were deslroyed or floOd level, was reported riSi ng sues atcecting lhe welfare of the CIO pOSition in 12 like issues th~re. NMU picket line. The reported Southern Illinois a nd eastern damaged by floodwaters in the St. three inches Pill' hou r Saturday people. Congress mangled price the CTO reported yesl rday in an amendment to the British loan The damage in Mankato was an control . It looked the other way measure which would have given llmited to an area of about lour ~' incidents " . were the first since evaluation of the voting records Missouri, b~set by torrential Tains Louis area and that eight shelters night. Sl. Cl ai r County D put)' on housing. It buried health and of Ind ividual members of congress. the United States an option on blocks by two blocks, but the. Thursday- initial dalY of the 8 t r il~e and flash floods that took fo ur had been set up to hous and feed Sherif! Lee Warren said 20 fam- minimum wage legislation. It re­ l\IIb., ·eftiIN • . ' -when NMU pickets and some No consideration was given Bri tish bases. Green Gables tourist camp was An members clashed on a De­ lives and damaged more than victims. More than 7,000 persons ilies had been evacuated and vol- fu sed even to debate the ques ... where a member dd nol vote on In the house the do% n issues directly In its path. The records troit dock. 2,400 homes and bulldings at a were provided with food lind meals unt er crews Were removing stock tlon of an t;xtended tair employ­ the I sue. Included four separate roUcaUs of the camp were di spersed by the Meanwhile at Cleveland, the CIO loss of several mill ion dollars, and shelter was given to 400 mo- from stores. meni practices committee, to Hickenlooper wa s lined up 6-2 on OPA, an appropriation opposed storm, but it was believed that unionists-who began their suib braced Saturday night for new rooned on a train between Wood- Van Bur n street. the town's abollsh racial discrimination. It against the CIO position and Wil­ by the CIO for the house commit­ about 40 persons were registered. ..ain st Great Lakes ship opera­ rains. lawn and Mt. Vernon, Ill., the Red main thoroughfare, ond route 13 tailed to act on the anti ... poll tax son 9-2 against it, the evaluation tee on unAmerlcan activities. Four Bodies Strewn About tors 'at 12: 01 a. m. Thursday-re- The· weather bureau predicted Cross added. already were under water and of- bJU . It watered down the full reported. • roUcalls on legislation to Impose First arrival s at the storm scene • ceiyed B4{lport frO)D the .An.. tu.... thundershowers would strike parts As much as nine to 12 inches of ficlo ls lea red the town at 1,500 employmfnt bill .•• Iowa hOUSe members voted a ... price ceilings on exlstln, homes, said the cabin site looked like a ~ ~ . of 'the flooded 8t'ea Saturday night rain,.!ell.lo &OllJ lH'4!aa.and streams popul lion mi ght be l.olilted by • • • gain I Ih -CIO po Itlon thus: Cun ... recommittal of the atomic enerllY battl field, with bodies strewn Jteports from that city . aid the and Sunday followed by clear cool started to rise, tlooding the high... Sunday morning. "Labor, farmen, eOMumen, ningham 12 - 0; DoUlver 11 ... I; bill which the CIO wanted to see about. AU of the victims were tUllJlell of the ODT-operated Great weather; ways. A 1100d weak /led levee burst small bullnellmen, prote8llonal Gwynne 12-0; Hleven 12-0; Jen ... passed, and a move which would taken to two Mankato hospitals. Lakes Towing CQmpany failed to Home. Destroyed bln, Fast at Pearl, IIJ ., 75 miles northWest people-all mast tum to poUtl - sen 12-0; Lecompte 10 ... 1; Martin have returned the employment PossibilJty the death list might tow two ore frelihte~5 in aud out Th.e . American Red Cross re... The Kaskaskia river at New of St. Louis, sending thousands ot cal acUon to make sure that the 11... 1; TuJle 12... 0. service to states by last June. reach at least el even In Mankato of Cleveland harbor. p,orted at least 2,39S homes and Athens, already eight feet above (See FLOOD, Page 5) was expressed by Sherif! Frank Lawrence C. Turner, mana~r Cords of Blue Earth county, who for .the Government operated com- Says Board Planl- said it was reported to him that pany\ warned the AJ'L unioniats ......"s Plans fOr- Hindu-Moslem Riot three more dead, all of them chll­ that failure to furnilh normal sitr­ Austria to Get Say dren, had been brought in trom the storm area. flDllb.' ... vice 'would constitute a violation Toll Mounts to 250 ot federal reeulations. He then con­ In Italian Trealy Relurn of Price Ceilings St. Joseph's hospital reported it ferred with AFL official, ,reJard..
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