'V' 1 f . -•■r. 1HUB8DAT, MAT I. IM f A vera g e Dally Net Preea R om The Weather Faaacaat at D. fi. Waalhat Baraaa P*e th* MMth et March. 1949 parsons on ths local plants pay^ > ;0*aaMmhl* enewarmy aeat- itn r ef tbs Bast. RH.P., No. IS. atom, whara tha buainaa* was con- , ducted for aevoral yaars, roll, and th* company utshds. to torad fight ah*w*r* aad a**lae thU will mast nt 7 p. m. tomtMow nt LocalPhiit ^ rtfiiin all its help, providing th«y 9,740 About Town Orange hall. Dsgraa work will 80th Birthday MaanwhUa Hr. Grant marrlod aftotaiwa thaa.ywtorfiayi etoudy Ml— Gertrudo Rsbocea Fitch, wUl mov* to Versalllea with th* y , £xcftfiry» - .' w af the A e « t start at 7:30 aharp. AU Royal company. Rsvsral persons havs a f OIrealattoaa toulghti Batorday tt m OuMa n»«,.h Kaigbta ara rsqusatsd to he daughter of J. Patton and Ella C. Now Moving [ whM A Mftll* Is Celebrated Ingraham Fitch of Manchsaur. alrosdy traasfsrrsd to th* asw MaHchester--^A City of Village Chmm prompt. planL Attar ths death of hi* father. Mr 6 JiOPM CAFE COD ■ 1 ■' Z r ' M f ^ i i r (!*■■* TUMday Folding C r H o i i Corpora­ •MUiNr Dy ttttm «ft kla Mauds Tho Brotherhood of the Cove­ Grant with bis family moved bach to Wapping to assuiM the oamsr- , Cdiaiplrts|y>'Ralsli*d. m m INS. Msl if '.tdjiBisg 141 MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRU>AY, MAY 6, .1949 (81XTEE.N PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS tnm iodruns, BOlnttoo. Hsrt- nant Congregational church will Friends Surprise Walton tion to Take Up ^ a r * VOL. LXVUL, NO. IM hold lAdlee’ Night thla Saturday ablp and management of the 84- Rsona miltiia' air tantoSa,' aU, esntlito*'** ^ Nator' ay pm, 4Rs fiM& mti WtUtsnlteld. Hr. Osrd- W . Grant at His Cam­ hath. hMdattsn. apsa atalrwiw. f«R aaDar. atasm w h iiiii^ M r isssivsd auuy baadsoma glM pTartnig g o'dock. Harold Til- aers tobocco and dairy farm which ten in Venailiet PRESCRn>TIONS linghast will apeak on "United bs oonductsd until 1810. aetows sad storm dssts. Oceapaaey aa ar hstora Jaa* M. CMaa t - ^ bridge Street Home CALLED FOR . hsasa Tharaiay aad-Friday fs ^ . 8-F- MU to T F. M. VUal asam Fedemliats" and a aodal hour with B a tm Roal Batata FleM . ■' Th* Folding Carton Corporation, Sleeping Time, for Collins Quad* lefreahmenta will follow. It was then that he entered into first Bsrvsd. O* to 181 BrsoUMd stoMt aafi aaa a ta t % batoa An IhVltstlon hsu btsn racairad Walton W. Grant,. well known located in one of the buildinga at AND . • eltorafi tor.fifiAfe. i; - A M B b ly No. 10, Order of the real eatate bualneaa in Hart­ Cheney Brothers, ia now In the’ Republicans’ Policy Roberts Says Delay ,*»»»» « t . ■ ‘ 1 ftaiabov OIrls, and the John The Vacation school committee local realtor and appraiser, was ford, becoming a partner with the process of moving to new quarters DELIVERED of the South Methodist church will >>■**»» Chapter, Order e< DeHo- honored Tuesday- evening when U U Robert M. Reid, local aucUon- & VeraalUss, Conn„ a few miles meet tomorrow evening at 7:30. aer. He was also associated with lay, to attand an informal party about SO of his friends surprised northsast of Norwich, a spokes­ FRANK P. A N D L I this fMday aveninp at the Mr. Reid and the laU Chari— O. man for the company said this PINE i The Ladies’ Aid of the Zion him at his home at 22 Cambridge Treat of this town in th* Phoenix SS8 ADAMS ST. REAL ESTATE PHONE MM On Legislation Hit Haaonie Temple on South Main afternoon. Evangelical Lutheran church will street by coming there to pay re­ R eal^ Company which had been In Approving Pact It expected to be quits some PHARMACY atraot is Went Hartford, to be be the guest of the Bethany Ladies’ torm ^ priinarily for the purpose (iTan hy,Hartford Aaeembly No. spects on his eightieth birthday. time before the entire factory is Aid of West Hartford tonight at Slost of the evening was devoted of developing building lota. A few M4 Centnr StrMt ' 10,' Order of Rainbow Oirls, and 7:46. moved, depending on business, ma­ to bridge and''other card games, years later, Mr. Grant bought the chinery,, apd transportation. TcL 2 M l« Again in Assembly the Chartv Oak ct^ ta r of the Order of DaMolay. The inviUUon prizes for the high scores being intsrsat of hia partner, Ur. Riad. A t the present time thsr* ar* 43 Adyertiw in Tlie H e rald ^ It P bt* Mias Margaret Mary Faikowakl, won by Mrs. Emma L. Nettleton, th* latter devoting his full tlm* tncludad members of the Man- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W ill Hurt Prestige* George W. Btrant, and Gilbert B. to auctioneering, but both con­ chaster orpaniaations only. For ,Falkowskl of M Alton street is Willis. DemocraU. Charge Atti- further information contact Moth­ tinued their offlcea in ths old Uni­ co-star m tho operetta "Bell of , After the prises hsd been award- ted States Hotel at 36 SUte Changes Likely er Advisor Mrs. Reeave. Barcelona" by Rose Chaney at | took their partners street, Hartford, until tha building tikle Can-Be Summed performances given in the auditor- j„to the studio of Mr. Grant’s Former Supreme Court Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ was rased. Ur. Grant in 1983 mov­ • Up in Phnue ‘Pub­ Diplomatic Post? ium of Holy Trinity High school daughter, Mias UlUan Gertrude ed to hla present location In tha If Labor Law' Quit Germany ters, wlU hold a public setback In Hartford where she is a student. Justice Tells Sena* party next Tuesday evenlnp at Palace Theater Building, Hartford, lic Is Damned*; Two; i • i The first performance was held where bs eontlnuM his buainsas, tors Russia Will Be b i i Fellows haU starting at S:lb. last night and there will be anoth­ ‘ Floor Leaders Report | K c p c a l irainCCl A short business will precede the with Frank L Pinney as his as­ Issue Viewed er one tonight as well aa several sociate. specialising in farms, city Encouraged If Rati* party at 7:30 o’clock. more in the near future, all of and suburban propertlea. He ia a Stand Taken ia Caucus ------ which will be for the benefit of the fieation Action Iff *' The Woodland Park Associa­ member of the National Real Es­ Congressional Reaction Difficult One school fund. tate Board, the Connecticut Real tion will hold its final meeting for State Capitol, Hartford, Slow; No Real Assur* Estate Board, tha Hartford Real May 6.— (A»)^RepubIican pol­ Indicates Truman Will the current season Friday night The children’s dancing class hsld aiicc of Future Peace at 1 o'clock in the Fireplace room Eatate Board and the American Indications Now West-j Friday evening at St. James’ Institute of Real Estate Brokera icy. Connecticut Democrats Have to Accept Com­ at the Manchester T. There will school hall, sponsored by the Cath­ charged today; “can be sum­ ern Powers Yet to De-’ . View Is Emphasized be election of officers for the com­ olic Mothers' Circle* and under promises in Repealer ing year after the regular busi­ med up in the phrase, 'the the direction of Miss Flannigan, cide How to Deal With | Washington, .May 6.— (/P) ness meeting. will bs discontinued for the rest public is dapmed.’ ” A stat^ Washington, May S-^iF)—Con- M O M P r Expected Red Proposal i — Former Supreme Court of the season. ment the two Democratic greaalonal reaction indicated today Miss Julie Moiiarty's dramatic V I Justice Owen J. Roberts said I DAY and NIGHT floor leaders said a party cau­ President Truman will have to ac­ recital baa been postponed due to I There will be a meeting at 7 to­ Wasbingten. May Rus- | tiKlay that delay in approving, cus unanimously had author­ cept some compromise if he wants illness. morrow evening at the W4st Side ala's expected 'proposal to with- { ized (hem to mzke wza teased in­ the Taft-Hartley labor law re­ The CiolHn* qondniplet*——twe boys nnd twe girh->«lpep eomfortnMy In nn Incnhntor at New Torii's the .Atlantic pact will encour­ Rac for Cub Pack U3. Moviss, in­ to the daya-old fight which hz* draw all occupation troops from I Seraral. of the town’s main ar- pealed thla year. I rhnntn hoepital. one day after Itirir birth. till. Is the first ctosenp of the youngsters since their Mrth age Russia “ and damage our cluding comedlea and safety fUms, ripped the Generzl Azaembly Germany is regarded here as one I tatiaa m n bracketed today with will be shown. ParenU, mombera, TTie president made It plain nt to Mrs. Ethel Celllns, 37-yenr-olJ v.lfe of Charles Collins. 39. n hrokemge office clerk. prestige tliroughout the a p ^ . his news oonference yesterday he traffic surrey counters of the and friends are cordially invited. i of the most diffitult issues I2ie | world." Roberts gave his Blazt aepubUcaa **a*fniel" intend* to fight to put new labor' Rtata Highway department. It is Alfred F. Wechaler, majority ■ western powers will liave to meet view.s in a statement pre­ bellsrad that the surrey la an ef­ Mra. Isabella Duka of Vi*U, legijimtion on the book*. ’ at the Big Four painisters confer- leader of the Denaoo'htic-con* H* noted, in thia connection, that pared for the Senate Foreign Re- fort to determine the amount of Calif., left for home yesterday af­ Giant Ford i ence in Paris lal* tbis month.
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