The Rwenzori Trekking GIS Th e Rwenzori Trekking GIS Costante Bonacina2, Giorgio Vassena1, Giuseppa Cipriano2, Susanna Bulferetti2, Bob Nakilesa3 1 University of Brescia, Italian Alpine Club, Italy 2 University of Brescia, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Italy 3 University of Makerere, Mountain Research Center, Uganda Abstract Th e GIS using in help to the decision concerning the terri- tory, widely spread into the administrations and the territo- Th e paper deals with the program of surveying of all the trek- rial corporations, can properly be extended with appropriate king routes inside the Rwenzori Mountains National Park integrations, to the management of trekking system, giving (RMNP), of the main data related to the trekking route and to excellent data in the economic qualifi cation of intervention the main points of interest present into the Park. Th e structure of ordinary maintenance, hence constituting an excellent of the geodatabase starts from the ProtSIS protocol (the trek- decisions support system. king routes geodatabase structure defi ned by the Italian Alpine Club). 2. Th e Italian Alpine Club (CAI) Th is database comes from the same structure realized in 2000 and 2006 for the survey of trekking routes in the Himalaya In this context enters the CAI’s activity that is historically range (Nepal) and in particular in the Sagarmatha, Kangchen- involved in frequentation and respect of mountain. Th is is junga and Annapurna National Parks. his big engagement offi cially confi rmed by the Italian State with the 24 December 1985, n.776 art 2 comma/paragraph From the 27th of July until the 2nd of August 2007 two re- b) law that says: searchers moved along the routes of the RMNP with a mono frequency GPS receiver and are now working to the fi nal data “…Th e Italian Alpine Club provides, in processing. favour of both its members and other peo- ple, within the limits of the articles of the Th e objective of the survey consists in mapping the position of statute, and in the way established here: the trekking paths and mainly in the data collection of the in- […] formation related to the path that can be useful both for plan- b) to the contouring, to the realization ning the maintenance of the pathways and for touristic pur- and the maintaining of trekking routes, poses. Th e greenways inside the RMNP are often cover by mud alpine works and alpine facilities; and for reason require a frequent and constant maintenance, in c) to the spread/diff usion/distribution of particular for the some facilities as bridges, wood ladder, etc. mountain attending and to the organiza- tion of alpine, excursionist and speleologi- 1. Introduction cal enterprises…” Th e main goals of the trekking route survey, besides the touristic one, are linked to the management planning and Nowadays the network of Italian trekking routes is expand- to the fruition of trekking route. ing along dozen and thousand kilometres; many of these has To do that it is necessary to achieve a convergence of aims exclusively historical value, and is currently in disuse; the between institutional and territorial institutions in charge CAI estimates that approximately ninety thousand miles of of area management and then of the paths; besides is essen- paths are now used for purposes related to hiking tourism tial to unify the way of “approaching trekking route” and and about sixty thousand kilometres of these are somehow the way of spreading, consultation, management and data managed by CAI itself. updating. Despite the paths have often extended regional or even Th is unity of intentions and action is certainly favoured by inter-regional only in a few cases, the management has been the introduction of tools for common management, effi - scheduled on a non-closely local criteria but in an over- cient and sheared, hence operative. view. 6th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop Mountain Mapping and Visualisation • 11 The Rwenzori Trekking GIS In the absence of a national policy on paths, each fact is 2.1. Protocollo Sistema Informativo Sentieri CAI organized themselves and unfortunately often in dishar- (PROTSIS) mony with the neighbouring creating over time a palette of In 2006 SIT CAI has published a GIS standard protocol by colourful signs and trekking routes numbers. which CAI defi nes the procedures to build a GIS for trek- Th e Central Commission for Hiking of CAI has fi xed in king routes. Th is protocol is called PROTSIS, an acronym 1996 principles and criteria which must be followed about for Information System “PROTocol Trekking routes”. Th is pathway carried out by sections of CAI and with 27.11.1999 protocol is proposed to all the Italian community of users, resolution the Central Council of CAI has formalised the as a standard database for trekking routes data managing. previous decisions of technical branch. He then set the institutional basis for implementing this long process that 2.2. SIWGREI: the webGIS for trekking routes net- work management. involves all the CAI and is increasingly method for Public Body. Th e CAI of the Lombardy Region, in collaboration with the Region Government within a EU founding programme In 1997 it was created a special working group for the trails, INTERREG IIIa has developed an application, called called SITCAI, which operates directly under the National SIWGREI (WebGIS Information System Italian pathway Presidence Commission of CAI, and that is playing an Network), by which it is possible to manage the pathways important fi ltering role nationally, of technical and train- data collected in Lombardy and in the future in all Italy. ing proposal, but also support and connection with sections and technical committees on the territory. Th e SIWGREI information system is a completely manage- able, at diff erent levels, via WEB and therefore has all the Th is group is working for building a single large WEBGIS characteristics to become the single platform management system, collecting all the data surveyed on the fi elf by all the paths of Italy (Fig. 1). peripheral groups of CAI by using of a stand-alone software provided to them. Th e CAI by implementation of this proj- SIWGREI is responds to diff erent kinds of needs: ect recognizes the importance and the help that the world managerial/operational: the identifi cation of the degrada- and the virtual digitalization and the GIS system particularly tion and maintenance problems; properties of a path and can provide in the planning, management, maintenance of the alternatives to routes no more proposable. Th e viewing the network pathway. of facilities, of equipment, but also of historical, cultural, Th e steps that have been made toward this digitalization environmental exigences, in order to check the usability. are: Th e design of new paths and evaluation of neglect for oth- ers over the extraction of data to track budgets and obtain - Creation and distribution of a standard GIS protocol fi nancing; named PROTSIS - Development and improvement of the SIWGREI web- - hiking: viewing the network of paths in a particular area GIS software; and of emergencies and equipment related to, planning - Development and spreading to all the CAI groups of the trips with description of the times run and of the gradi- SENTIERIGIS stand alone software ents; Fig. 1: SIWGREI, the CAI WEBGIS. 12 • Mountain Mapping and Visualisation 6th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop The Rwenzori Trekking GIS Fig. 2: A screenshot from SentieriGIS software. - outreach: creation of an ON LINE database that can pro- Th e SentieriGIS program is a tool used to monitor the status duce trekking maps, sharing and confl uence of data to of pathways network in order to schedule maintenance both and from other Web GIS. ordinary and extraordinary, on a local scale, but in accor- - institutional: it allows the exchange and the integration dance with the specifi cations defi ned at national level. In of data with other pathway network operators, regions, SIWGREI are stored cartographic information, use of the parks, mountain communities, provinces, municipali- land, informations on the state of conservation of the paths, ties, keeping/having the Italian Alpine Club as a reference and several data related to topics of tourist interest. In addi- point. tion, the software provides the ability to CAI member to use the system to create trekking routes, maps and reports with Th e SIWGREI application is the set of diff erent software all relevant information for excursions (Fig. 2). components: - a geodatabase resident on a centralized server; - a Web Server for the publishing WEBGIS client data via 3. Th e role of the University of Brescia intranet (Sentieri WEB) Th e surveying group of the University of Brescia started - a traditional kind of GIS application Client> Servers (Sen- the studies on the trekking routes surveying with GIS-GPS tieri WEB) installed on the local that receives and retrans- approach since 2000 inside the Sagarmatha National Park mits data to the database (Nepal) under the acronym of SATGIS (Sagarmatha Trek- - an application management (Sentieri DOC) that can talk king GIS, Fig. 3). In 2002 started a collaboration also with with the central database. Comitato Ev-K2-CNR Th e surveying have been made by 2.3. SentieriGIS using a home developed GPS and the GIS standard. Th e complete surveying of the trekking routes of the Sagarmatha Th e SentieriGIS software – owned by the CAI – operates in (Everest) National Park required three years of work, from stand-alone mode and has been designed and developed in 2000 until 2003. order to allow the upgrade and consulting pathways data in every section or groups of sections of the CAI. In the following years started the Nepal Trekking GIS (NET- GIS) project and the survey activities has been extended to Th e software is distributed free to all the organised group of the Annapurna (2003) and Kangchenjunga (2004) ranges.
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